public void StartImport(String mPath) { source = (AudioSource)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(AudioSource)); if (source == null) { source = (AudioSource)gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); } MPGImport.mpg123_init(); handle_mpg = MPGImport.mpg123_new(null, errPtr); x = MPGImport.mpg123_open(handle_mpg, mPath); MPGImport.mpg123_getformat(handle_mpg, out rate, out channels, out encoding); intRate = rate.ToInt32(); intChannels = channels.ToInt32(); intEncoding = encoding.ToInt32(); MPGImport.mpg123_id3(handle_mpg, out id3v1, out id3v2); MPGImport.mpg123_format_none(handle_mpg); MPGImport.mpg123_format(handle_mpg, intRate, intChannels, 208); FrameSize = MPGImport.mpg123_outblock(handle_mpg); byte[] Buffer = new byte[FrameSize]; lengthSamples = MPGImport.mpg123_length(handle_mpg); myClip = AudioClip.Create("myClip", lengthSamples, intChannels, intRate, false, false); int importIndex = 0; while (0 == MPGImport.mpg123_read(handle_mpg, Buffer, FrameSize, out done)) { float[] fArray; fArray = ByteToFloat(Buffer); myClip.SetData(fArray, (importIndex * fArray.Length) / 2); importIndex++; } MPGImport.mpg123_close(handle_mpg); print("done loading"); = Path.GetFileName(mPath); clips.Add(myClip); }
public void MP3(string mPath) { if (mPath.Length != 0) { MPGImport.mpg123_init(); handle_mpg = MPGImport.mpg123_new(null, errPtr); x = MPGImport.mpg123_open(handle_mpg, mPath); MPGImport.mpg123_getformat(handle_mpg, out rate, out channels, out encoding); intRate = rate.ToInt32(); intChannels = channels.ToInt32(); intEncoding = encoding.ToInt32(); MPGImport.mpg123_id3(handle_mpg, out id3v1, out id3v2); MPGImport.mpg123_format_none(handle_mpg); MPGImport.mpg123_format(handle_mpg, intRate, intChannels, 208); FrameSize = MPGImport.mpg123_outblock(handle_mpg); byte[] Buffer = new byte[FrameSize]; lengthSamples = MPGImport.mpg123_length(handle_mpg); myClip = AudioClip.Create(mPath, lengthSamples, intChannels, intRate, false, false); int importIndex = 0; while (0 == MPGImport.mpg123_read(handle_mpg, Buffer, FrameSize, out done)) { float[] fArray; fArray = ByteToFloat(Buffer); myClip.SetData(fArray, (importIndex * fArray.Length) / 2); importIndex++; } MPGImport.mpg123_close(handle_mpg); audioSource.clip = myClip; audioSource.loop = true; audioSource.Play(); } }
private const double const_1_div_2147483648_ = 1.0 / 2147483648.0; // 32 bit #endregion public static AudioClip StartImport(string path) { MPGImport.mpg123_init(); handle_mpg = MPGImport.mpg123_new(null, errPtr); int x = MPGImport.mpg123_open(handle_mpg, path); MPGImport.mpg123_getformat(handle_mpg, out rate, out channels, out encoding); int intRate = rate.ToInt32(); int intChannels = channels.ToInt32(); int intEncoding = encoding.ToInt32(); MPGImport.mpg123_id3(handle_mpg, out id3v1, out id3v2); MPGImport.mpg123_format_none(handle_mpg); MPGImport.mpg123_format(handle_mpg, intRate, intChannels, 208); int FrameSize = MPGImport.mpg123_outblock(handle_mpg); byte[] Buffer = new byte[FrameSize]; int lengthSamples = MPGImport.mpg123_length(handle_mpg); AudioClip myClip = AudioClip.Create(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), lengthSamples, intChannels, intRate, false, false); int importIndex = 0; while (0 == MPGImport.mpg123_read(handle_mpg, Buffer, FrameSize, out done)) { float[] fArray; fArray = ByteToFloat(Buffer); myClip.SetData(fArray, (importIndex * fArray.Length) / 2); importIndex++; } MPGImport.mpg123_close(handle_mpg); return(myClip); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please pass in a mp3 file"); } if (SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) < 0) { Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); Environment.Exit(1); } if (SDL_mixer.Mix_Init(SDL_mixer.MIX_InitFlags.MIX_INIT_MP3) < 0) { Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); Environment.Exit(1); } IntPtr window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("Yay", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 1024, 600, SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (window == IntPtr.Zero) { Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); Console.WriteLine("Sad: Window"); Environment.Exit(1); } IntPtr renderer = SDL.SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL.SDL_RendererFlags.SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL.SDL_RendererFlags.SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); if (renderer == IntPtr.Zero) { Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); Console.WriteLine("Sad: Renderer"); Environment.Exit(1); } if (SDL_mixer.Mix_OpenAudio(44100, SDL_mixer.MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048) < 0) { Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); Console.WriteLine("Sad: Mixer"); Environment.Exit(1); } bool mp3Done = false; IntPtr joy = SDL_mixer.Mix_LoadMUS(args[0]); if (joy == IntPtr.Zero) { Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); Console.WriteLine("Sad: Mix_LoadMUS"); Environment.Exit(1); } MPGImport.mpg123_init(); Int32 err = 0; GCHandle handleErr = GCHandle.Alloc(err, GCHandleType.Pinned); IntPtr ptrErr = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handleErr); IntPtr handle_mpg = MPGImport.mpg123_new(null, ptrErr); int x = MPGImport.mpg123_open(handle_mpg, args[0]); handleErr.Free(); MPGImport.mpg123_format_none(handle_mpg); MPGImport.mpg123_format(handle_mpg, 44100, 2, (int)MPGImport.mpg123_enc_enum.MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16); int FrameSize = MPGImport.mpg123_outblock(handle_mpg); byte[] Buffer = new byte[FrameSize]; int lengthSamples = MPGImport.mpg123_length(handle_mpg); if (SDL_mixer.Mix_PlayMusic(joy, 0) < 0) { Console.WriteLine(SDL.SDL_GetError()); Console.WriteLine("Sad: Mix_PlayMusic"); Environment.Exit(1); } object fun = new object(); List <Int16> LeftChannels = new List <Int16>(); List <Int16> RightChannels = new List <Int16>(); SDL_mixer.Mix_HookMusic((uData, stream, len) => { byte[] mixData = new byte[len]; byte[] managedStream = new byte[len]; Marshal.Copy(stream, managedStream, 0, len); IntPtr done = IntPtr.Zero; if (MPGImport.mpg123_read(handle_mpg, managedStream, len, out done) is int hello) { if (hello == -12) { mp3Done = true; } else if (hello == 0) { // foreach (var b in managedStream.Select((value, idx) => (value, idx)).Where((value, idx) => idx % 4 == 0)) { Int16 leftChannel; Int16 rightChannel; byte[] datum = new byte[2]; datum[0] = managedStream[0]; datum[1] = managedStream[1]; leftChannel = BitConverter.ToInt16(datum, 0); datum[0] = managedStream[2]; datum[1] = managedStream[3]; rightChannel = BitConverter.ToInt16(datum, 0); leftChannel = (Int16)Math.Sqrt(leftChannel); rightChannel = (Int16)Math.Sqrt(rightChannel); lock (fun) { LeftChannels.Add(leftChannel); RightChannels.Add(rightChannel); } // } } } Marshal.Copy(managedStream, 0, stream, len); }, IntPtr.Zero); SDL.SDL_Event e; bool quit = false; while (!quit) { while (SDL.SDL_WaitEventTimeout(out e, 10) != 0) { switch (e.type) { case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (e.key.keysym.sym) { case SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = true; break; } break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT: quit = true; break; } } if (mp3Done) { quit = true; } else { SDL.SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 218, 112, 214, 255); // 40 is perfect.. ;) lock (fun) { foreach (var channel in LeftChannels.Select((value, idx) => (value, idx))) { if (channel.idx > 40) { continue; } SDL.SDL_Rect rect = new SDL.SDL_Rect() { x = channel.idx * 20, y = 300, w = 15, h = -channel.value }; SDL.SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, ref rect); } if (LeftChannels.Count > 40) { LeftChannels.RemoveAt(0); } foreach (var channel in RightChannels.Select((value, idx) => (value, idx))) { if (channel.idx > 40) { continue; } SDL.SDL_Rect rect = new SDL.SDL_Rect() { x = channel.idx * 20, y = 315, w = 15, h = channel.value }; SDL.SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, ref rect); } if (RightChannels.Count > 40) { RightChannels.RemoveAt(0); } } SDL.SDL_Rect r = new SDL.SDL_Rect() { x = 0, y = 300, w = 1024, h = 10 }; // SDL.SDL_RenderClear(renderer); // SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 218, 112, 214, 255); SDL.SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, ref r); SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL.SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } } SDL_mixer.Mix_FreeMusic(joy); SDL.SDL_Quit(); }
public AudioClip StartImport(string mPath) { MPGImport.mpg123_init(); handle_mpg = MPGImport.mpg123_new(null, errPtr); try { x = MPGImport.mpg123_open(handle_mpg, mPath); MPGImport.mpg123_getformat(handle_mpg, out rate, out channels, out encoding); intRate = rate.ToInt32(); intChannels = channels.ToInt32(); intEncoding = encoding.ToInt32(); MPGImport.mpg123_id3(handle_mpg, out id3v1, out id3v2); MPGImport.mpg123_format_none(handle_mpg); MPGImport.mpg123_format(handle_mpg, intRate, intChannels, 208); string title; if (id3v1 != IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Log("Getting ID3 info"); MPGImport.mpg123_id3v1 v1 = (MPGImport.mpg123_id3v1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(id3v1, typeof(MPGImport.mpg123_id3v1)); title = new String(v1.title); } else { title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mPath); } FrameSize = MPGImport.mpg123_outblock(handle_mpg); byte[] Buffer = new byte[FrameSize]; lengthSamples = MPGImport.mpg123_length(handle_mpg); Debug.Log("Creating audio clip"); myClip = AudioClip.Create(title, lengthSamples, intChannels, intRate, false); int importIndex = 0; while (0 == MPGImport.mpg123_read(handle_mpg, Buffer, FrameSize, out done)) { float[] fArray; fArray = ByteToFloat(Buffer); float offset = (importIndex * fArray.Length) / 2; if (offset > lengthSamples) { Debug.LogWarning("[STED] MP3 file " + mPath + " is of an unexpected length and was truncated."); break; // File was reported as shorter than it is. Salvage what we have and return. } myClip.SetData(fArray, (int)offset); importIndex++; } } catch (Exception ex) { // Attempt to dump any used memory before continuing. // TODO: Still holds onto memory when repeatedy failing. myClip.UnloadAudioData(); myClip = null; throw ex; } finally { MPGImport.mpg123_close(handle_mpg); } return(myClip); }
IEnumerator ShowLoadDialogCoroutine() { // Show a load file dialog and wait for a response from user // Load file/folder: file, Initial path: default (Documents), Title: "Load File", submit button text: "Load" yield return(FileBrowser.WaitForLoadDialog(false, null, "Load File", "Load")); // Dialog is closed // Print whether a file is chosen (FileBrowser.Success) // and the path to the selected file (FileBrowser.Result) (null, if FileBrowser.Success is false) Debug.Log(FileBrowser.Success + " " + FileBrowser.Result); if (FileBrowser.Success) { // If a file was chosen, read its bytes via FileBrowserHelpers // Contrary to File.ReadAllBytes, this function works on Android 10+, as well mPath = FileBrowser.Result; Debug.Log(mPath); if (mPath.Length != 0) { Image o = Instantiate(prefab, transform); Debug.Log(mPath); //audioSource = (AudioSource)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(AudioSource)); //if (audioSource == null) audioSource = (AudioSource)gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); MPGImport.mpg123_init(); handle_mpg = MPGImport.mpg123_new(null, errPtr); x = MPGImport.mpg123_open(handle_mpg, mPath); MPGImport.mpg123_getformat(handle_mpg, out rate, out channels, out encoding); intRate = rate.ToInt32(); intChannels = channels.ToInt32(); intEncoding = encoding.ToInt32(); MPGImport.mpg123_id3(handle_mpg, out id3v1, out id3v2); MPGImport.mpg123_format_none(handle_mpg); MPGImport.mpg123_format(handle_mpg, intRate, intChannels, 208); FrameSize = MPGImport.mpg123_outblock(handle_mpg); byte[] Buffer = new byte[FrameSize]; lengthSamples = MPGImport.mpg123_length(handle_mpg); myClip = AudioClip.Create(mPath, lengthSamples, intChannels, intRate, false, false); int importIndex = 0; while (0 == MPGImport.mpg123_read(handle_mpg, Buffer, FrameSize, out done)) { float[] fArray; fArray = ByteToFloat(Buffer); myClip.SetData(fArray, (importIndex * fArray.Length) / 2); importIndex++; } MPGImport.mpg123_close(handle_mpg); audioSource.clip = myClip; audioSource.loop = true; //audioSource.Play(); } } }