} // prepare /// <summary> /// Perrform Process. /// </summary> /// <returns>Message (clear text)</returns> protected override String DoIt() { int To_C_Order_ID = GetRecord_ID(); log.Info("From C_Order_ID=" + _C_Order_ID + " to " + To_C_Order_ID); if (To_C_Order_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Target C_Order_ID == 0"); } if (_C_Order_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Source C_Order_ID == 0"); } MOrder from = new MOrder(GetCtx(), _C_Order_ID, Get_Trx()); MOrder to = new MOrder(GetCtx(), To_C_Order_ID, Get_Trx()); // int no = to.CopyLinesFrom(from, false, false); // no Attributes // return("@Copied@=" + no); } // doIt