        public PortfolioItemSummary summarize()
            // 3x6 USD 1mm Rec GBP-LIBOR / Pay 2.5% : 21Jan18-21Apr18
            StringBuilder        buf       = new StringBuilder(64);
            Optional <LocalDate> tradeDate = info.TradeDate;

            if (tradeDate.Present)
                // use a three day fudge to avoid most holiday and end of month issues when calculating months
                buf.Append(MONTHS.between(tradeDate.get(), product.StartDate.plusDays(3)));
                buf.Append(MONTHS.between(tradeDate.get(), product.EndDate.plusDays(3)));
            buf.Append(' ');
            string floatingRate = product.Index.FloatingRateName.normalized().ToString();
            string fixedRate    = SummarizerUtils.percent(product.FixedRate);

            buf.Append(SummarizerUtils.amount(product.Currency, product.Notional));
            buf.Append(" Rec ");
            buf.Append(product.BuySell.Buy ? floatingRate : fixedRate);
            buf.Append(" / Pay ");
            buf.Append(product.BuySell.Buy ? fixedRate : floatingRate);
            buf.Append(" : ");
            buf.Append(SummarizerUtils.dateRange(product.StartDate, product.EndDate));
            return(SummarizerUtils.summary(this, ProductType.FRA, buf.ToString(), product.Currency));
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a date range to a period string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">  the start date </param>
        /// <param name="end">  the end date </param>
        /// <returns> the string form </returns>
        public static string datePeriod(LocalDate start, LocalDate end)
            int months = Math.toIntExact(MONTHS.between(start, end.plusDays(3)));

            if (months > 0)
                return(Tenor.of(Period.ofDays((int)start.until(end, ChronoUnit.DAYS))).ToString());