private void FillInAssets(TreeNode node)
            // Store assets under this classifcation
            ArrayList assets = MOG_ControllerAsset.GetAssetsByClassification(node.FullPath);


            bool assetsValid = (assets != null && assets.Count > 0);

            // If we actually have assets to list, and our archivedAssets do not differ from our branch-related assets...
            if (assetsValid)
                // Foreach asset in this classification...
                foreach (MOG_Filename asset in assets)
                    TreeNode assetNode = CreateAssetNode(asset, node.ForeColor);

            // Also, get our archived assets, if we are in archive view
            ArrayList archivedAssets = MOG_ControllerAsset.GetArchivedAssetsByClassification(node.FullPath);


            // If we have valid archivedAssets, AND
            //  (we EITHER have more archivedAssets than assets
            //  OR we have no valid assets)
            if (archivedAssets != null && archivedAssets.Count > 0 &&
                ((assetsValid && assets.Count < archivedAssets.Count) || !assetsValid))
                //TODO:  Possibly add a "Removed Assets" node here...
                // If we do have branch-related assets, check for them by name...
                List <string> branchAssetsList = new List <string>();
                if (assets != null && assets.Count > 0)
                    // Create a list of our Current assets
                    foreach (MOG_Filename asset in assets)

                // Fill in any Assets that are not current
                foreach (MOG_Filename archiveAsset in archivedAssets)
                    TreeNode assetNode = null;
                    // If there is nothing in our branchAssetsList OR
                    //  branchAssetsList does not contain the current asset we're looking at...
                    if (branchAssetsList.Count == 0 || !branchAssetsList.Contains(archiveAsset.GetAssetFullName().ToLower()))
                        assetNode = CreateAssetNode(archiveAsset, Archive_Color);

                        //Add this bad boy to the list so we don't add it more than once