public override async Task ProcessItem(dynamic eventData) { // Ensure this is a correctly-formatted event for ML; ignore it otherwise if (eventData == null || eventData.deviceid == null || eventData.cycle == null || eventData.sensor9 == null || eventData.sensor11 == null || eventData.sensor14 == null || eventData.sensor15 == null) { return; } // The experiment theoretically supports multiple inputs at once, // even though we only get one value at a time, so the request // requires an array of inputs MLRequest mlRequest = new MLRequest(ML_REQUEST_COLUMNS, new string[, ] { { // The id is required to be numeric, so we hash the actual device id eventData.deviceid.ToString().GetHashCode().ToString(), // The remaining entries are string representations of the numeric values eventData.cycle.ToString(), eventData.sensor9.ToString(), eventData.sensor11.ToString(), eventData.sensor14.ToString(), eventData.sensor15.ToString() } } ); HttpClient http = new HttpClient(); http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLApiKey")); http.BaseAddress = new Uri(_configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLApiUrl") + ML_ENDPOINT); HttpResponseMessage response = await http.PostAsJsonAsync("", mlRequest); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { MLResponse result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MLResponse>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); RulTableEntity entry = new RulTableEntity { PartitionKey = eventData.deviceid.ToString(), RowKey = eventData.cycle.ToString(), // Extract the single relevant RUL value from the JSON output Rul = result.Results["data"].value.Values[0, RUL_COLUMN], // Since the simulator might replay data, ensure we can overwrite table values ETag = "*" }; // We don't need a data model to represent the result of this operation, // so we use a stub table/model convertor await AzureTableStorageHelper.DoTableInsertOrReplaceAsync <object, RulTableEntity>(entry, (RulTableEntity e) => null, _configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("eventHub.StorageConnectionString"), _configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLResultTableName")); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("The ML request failed with status code: {0}", response.StatusCode)); } }
public override async Task ProcessItem(dynamic eventData) { // Ensure this is a correctly-formatted event for ML; ignore it otherwise if (eventData == null || eventData.deviceid == null || eventData.cycle == null || eventData.sensor9 == null || eventData.sensor11 == null || eventData.sensor14 == null || eventData.sensor15 == null) { return; } // The experiment theoretically supports multiple inputs at once, // even though we only get one value at a time, so the request // requires an array of inputs MLRequest mlRequest = new MLRequest(ML_REQUEST_COLUMNS, new string[,] { { // The id is required to be numeric, so we hash the actual device id eventData.deviceid.ToString().GetHashCode().ToString(), // The remaining entries are string representations of the numeric values eventData.cycle.ToString(), eventData.sensor9.ToString(), eventData.sensor11.ToString(), eventData.sensor14.ToString(), eventData.sensor15.ToString() } } ); HttpClient http = new HttpClient(); http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLApiKey")); http.BaseAddress = new Uri(_configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLApiUrl") + ML_ENDPOINT); HttpResponseMessage response = await http.PostAsJsonAsync("", mlRequest); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { MLResponse result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MLResponse>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); RulTableEntity entry = new RulTableEntity { PartitionKey = eventData.deviceid.ToString(), RowKey = eventData.cycle.ToString(), // Extract the single relevant RUL value from the JSON output Rul = result.Results["data"].value.Values[0, RUL_COLUMN], // Since the simulator might replay data, ensure we can overwrite table values ETag = "*" }; // We don't need a data model to represent the result of this operation, // so we use a stub table/model convertor await AzureTableStorageHelper.DoTableInsertOrReplaceAsync<object, RulTableEntity>(entry, (RulTableEntity e) => null, _configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("eventHub.StorageConnectionString"), _configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLResultTableName")); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("The ML request failed with status code: {0}", response.StatusCode)); } }
public async Task <string> GetRULAsync(string deviceId, string cycle, string sensor9, string sensor11, string sensor14, string sensor15) { // The experiment theoretically supports multiple inputs at once, // even though we only get one value at a time, so the request // requires an array of inputs MLRequest mlRequest = new MLRequest(ML_REQUEST_COLUMNS, new string[, ] { { // The id is required to be numeric, so we hash the actual device id deviceId, // The remaining entries are string representations of the numeric values cycle, sensor9, sensor11, sensor14, sensor15 } } ); HttpClient http = new HttpClient(); http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLApiKey")); http.BaseAddress = new Uri(_configurationProvider.GetConfigurationSettingValue("MLApiUrl") + ML_ENDPOINT); HttpResponseMessage response = await http.PostAsJsonAsync("", mlRequest); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { MLResponse result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MLResponse>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); return(result.Results["data"].value.Values[0, RUL_COLUMN]); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("The AML request failed with status code: {0}", response.StatusCode)); } }
[HttpGet] public async Task <MLResponse> GetData() { var balanceController = new BalanceController(); balanceController.SetToken(base.GetToken()); var balanceHistory = await balanceController.GetHistory(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-6).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); if (balanceHistory == null) { return(null); } foreach (var item in balanceHistory) { { item.TransacionAmountDecimal = decimal.Parse(item.transaction_amount); item.DateDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } } var firstDate = balanceHistory.OrderBy(x => x.DateDateTime).First().DateDateTime; var lastMonthTransactions = balanceHistory.Where(x => x.DateDateTime > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3)).Count() / 3; var lastMonthBalance = balanceHistory.Where(x => x.DateDateTime > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30)).Sum(x => x.TransacionAmountDecimal); var lastLastMonthBalance = balanceHistory.Where(x => x.DateDateTime > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-60) && x.DateDateTime <= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30)).Sum(x => x.TransacionAmountDecimal); var balanceTrend = 0; if (lastMonthBalance > lastLastMonthBalance) { balanceTrend = 1; } else if (lastMonthBalance < lastLastMonthBalance) { balanceTrend = -1; } var investmentController = new InvestimentoController(); investmentController.SetToken(base.GetToken()); var investment_trend = await investmentController.EvolucaoInvestimento(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-6).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); var has_investment = await investmentController.TemInvestimento(); var random = new Random(); var r = new MLRequest(); r.Inputs.input1.ColumnNames.Add("qtd_trans_mes"); r.Inputs.input1.ColumnNames.Add("tempo_casa"); r.Inputs.input1.ColumnNames.Add("tendencia_saldo"); r.Inputs.input1.ColumnNames.Add("investidor"); r.Inputs.input1.ColumnNames.Add("tendencia_investimento"); r.Inputs.input1.ColumnNames.Add("idade"); r.Inputs.input1.ColumnNames.Add("encerrou_conta"); var goHorseList = new List <string>(); goHorseList.Add(lastMonthTransactions.ToString()); goHorseList.Add(((int)DateTime.Now.Subtract(firstDate.Date).Days / 30).ToString()); goHorseList.Add(balanceTrend.ToString()); goHorseList.Add(has_investment? "1" : "0"); goHorseList.Add(investment_trend.ToString()); goHorseList.Add(random.Next(18, 41).ToString()); goHorseList.Add("0"); r.Inputs.input1.Values.Add(goHorseList); var client = new HttpClient(); var requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer Rt/+xjyxpGNaIC70ICZblBsmp1afPTnWLO+yxH4Kv1DVfmSVm6PXGMOP0NEARk1jKBMskFchoGk5fQvn5wPimw=="); var mlResponse = await client.PostAsync("", new StringContent(requestBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MLResponse>(await mlResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync())); }