/** * Generate Shipments * @param pstmt order query * @return info */ private String Generate(IDataReader idr) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { dt.Load(idr); idr.Close(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)// while (dr.next ()) { MOrder order = new MOrder(GetCtx(), dr, Get_TrxName()); // New Invoice Location if (!_ConsolidateDocument || (_invoice != null && (_invoice.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID() != order.GetBill_Location_ID() || _invoice.GetC_PaymentTerm_ID() != order.GetC_PaymentTerm_ID()))) { CompleteInvoice(); } bool completeOrder = MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterOrderDelivered.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule()); // Schedule After Delivery bool doInvoice = false; if (MOrder.INVOICERULE_CustomerScheduleAfterDelivery.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { _bp = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), order.GetBill_BPartner_ID(), null); if (_bp.GetC_InvoiceSchedule_ID() == 0) { log.Warning("BPartner has no Schedule - set to After Delivery"); order.SetInvoiceRule(MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery); order.Save(); } else { MInvoiceSchedule ins = MInvoiceSchedule.Get(GetCtx(), _bp.GetC_InvoiceSchedule_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (ins.CanInvoice(order.GetDateOrdered(), order.GetGrandTotal())) { doInvoice = true; } else { continue; } } } // Schedule // After Delivery if (doInvoice || MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { MInOut shipment = null; MInOutLine[] shipmentLines = order.GetShipmentLines(); for (int i = 0; i < shipmentLines.Length; i++) { MInOutLine shipLine = shipmentLines[i]; if (shipLine.IsInvoiced()) { continue; } if (shipment == null || shipment.GetM_InOut_ID() != shipLine.GetM_InOut_ID()) { shipment = new MInOut(GetCtx(), shipLine.GetM_InOut_ID(), Get_TrxName()); } if (!shipment.IsComplete() || // ignore incomplete or reversals shipment.GetDocStatus().Equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed)) { continue; } // CreateLine(order, shipment, shipLine); } // shipment lines _line += 1000; } // After Order Delivered, Immediate else { MOrderLine[] oLines = order.GetLines(true, null); for (int i = 0; i < oLines.Length; i++) { MOrderLine oLine = oLines[i]; Decimal toInvoice = Decimal.Subtract(oLine.GetQtyOrdered(), oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); if (toInvoice.CompareTo(Env.ZERO) == 0 && oLine.GetM_Product_ID() != 0) { continue; } // bool fullyDelivered = oLine.GetQtyOrdered().CompareTo(oLine.GetQtyDelivered()) == 0; // Complete Order if (completeOrder && !fullyDelivered) { log.Fine("Failed CompleteOrder - " + oLine); completeOrder = false; break; } // Immediate else if (MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { log.Fine("Immediate - ToInvoice=" + toInvoice + " - " + oLine); Decimal qtyEntered = toInvoice; // Correct UOM for QtyEntered if (oLine.GetQtyEntered().CompareTo(oLine.GetQtyOrdered()) != 0) { qtyEntered = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(Decimal.Multiply( toInvoice, oLine.GetQtyEntered()), oLine.GetQtyOrdered()), 12, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } // if (oLine.IsContract() == false) { CreateLine(order, oLine, toInvoice, qtyEntered); log.Info("ID " + oLine.Get_ID() + "Qty Ordered " + oLine.GetQtyOrdered() + " Qty Invoiced " + oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); } } else { log.Fine("Failed: " + order.GetInvoiceRule() + " - ToInvoice=" + toInvoice + " - " + oLine); } } // for all order lines if (MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { _line += 1000; } } // Complete Order successful if (completeOrder && MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterOrderDelivered.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { MInOut[] shipments = order.GetShipments(true); for (int i = 0; i < shipments.Length; i++) { MInOut ship = shipments[i]; if (!ship.IsComplete() || // ignore incomplete or reversals ship.GetDocStatus().Equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed)) { continue; } MInOutLine[] shipLines = ship.GetLines(false); for (int j = 0; j < shipLines.Length; j++) { MInOutLine shipLine = shipLines[j]; if (!order.IsOrderLine(shipLine.GetC_OrderLine_ID())) { continue; } if (!shipLine.IsInvoiced()) { CreateLine(order, ship, shipLine); } } // lines _line += 1000; } // all shipments } // complete Order } // for all orders } catch (Exception e) { if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); } finally { if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } dt = null; } CompleteInvoice(); return("@Created@ = " + _created); }
/// <summary> /// Generate Invoices /// </summary> /// <param name="idr">pstmt order query</param> /// <returns>info</returns> //private String Generate(IDataReader idr) private String Generate(DataTable dt) { //JID_1139 Avoided the duplicate charge line created Invoice(customer) bool isAllownonItem = Util.GetValueOfString(GetCtx().GetContext("$AllowNonItem")).Equals("Y"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { MOrder order = new MOrder(GetCtx(), dr, Get_TrxName()); // Credit Limit check MBPartner bp = MBPartner.Get(GetCtx(), order.GetC_BPartner_ID()); if (bp.GetCreditStatusSettingOn() == "CH") { decimal creditLimit = bp.GetSO_CreditLimit(); string creditVal = bp.GetCreditValidation(); if (creditLimit != 0) { decimal creditAvlb = creditLimit - bp.GetSO_CreditUsed(); if (creditAvlb <= 0) { if (creditVal == "C" || creditVal == "D" || creditVal == "F") { AddLog(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "StopInvoice") + bp.GetName()); continue; } else if (creditVal == "I" || creditVal == "J" || creditVal == "L") { if (_msg != null) { _msg.Clear(); } _msg.Append(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "WarningInvoice") + bp.GetName()); //AddLog(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "WarningInvoice") + bp.GetName()); } } } } // JID_0161 // change here now will check credit settings on field only on Business Partner Header // Lokesh Chauhan 15 July 2019 else if (bp.GetCreditStatusSettingOn() == X_C_BPartner.CREDITSTATUSSETTINGON_CustomerLocation) { MBPartnerLocation bpl = new MBPartnerLocation(GetCtx(), order.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID(), null); //MBPartner bpartner = MBPartner.Get(GetCtx(), order.GetC_BPartner_ID()); //if (bpl.GetCreditStatusSettingOn() == "CL") //{ decimal creditLimit = bpl.GetSO_CreditLimit(); string creditVal = bpl.GetCreditValidation(); if (creditLimit != 0) { decimal creditAvlb = creditLimit - bpl.GetSO_CreditUsed(); if (creditAvlb <= 0) { if (creditVal == "C" || creditVal == "D" || creditVal == "F") { AddLog(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "StopInvoice") + bp.GetName() + " " + bpl.GetName()); continue; } else if (creditVal == "I" || creditVal == "J" || creditVal == "L") { if (_msg != null) { _msg.Clear(); } _msg.Append(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "WarningInvoice") + bp.GetName() + " " + bpl.GetName()); //AddLog(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "WarningInvoice") + bp.GetName() + " " + bpl.GetName()); } } } //} } // Credit Limit End // New Invoice Location // JID_1237 : While creating invoice need to consolidate order on the basis of Org, Payment Term, BP Location (Bill to Location) and Pricelist. if (!_ConsolidateDocument || (_invoice != null && (_invoice.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID() != order.GetBill_Location_ID() || _invoice.GetC_PaymentTerm_ID() != order.GetC_PaymentTerm_ID() || _invoice.GetM_PriceList_ID() != order.GetM_PriceList_ID() || _invoice.GetAD_Org_ID() != order.GetAD_Org_ID() || ((_invoice.GetC_ConversionType_ID() != 0 ? _invoice.GetC_ConversionType_ID() : defaultConversionType) != (order.GetC_ConversionType_ID() != 0 ? order.GetC_ConversionType_ID() : defaultConversionType)) ))) { CompleteInvoice(); } bool completeOrder = MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterOrderDelivered.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule()); // Schedule After Delivery bool doInvoice = false; if (MOrder.INVOICERULE_CustomerScheduleAfterDelivery.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { _bp = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), order.GetBill_BPartner_ID(), null); if (_bp.GetC_InvoiceSchedule_ID() == 0) { log.Warning("BPartner has no Schedule - set to After Delivery"); order.SetInvoiceRule(MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery); order.Save(); } else { MInvoiceSchedule ins = MInvoiceSchedule.Get(GetCtx(), _bp.GetC_InvoiceSchedule_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (ins.CanInvoice(order.GetDateOrdered(), order.GetGrandTotal())) { doInvoice = true; } else { continue; } } } // Schedule // After Delivery if (doInvoice || MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { MInOut shipment = null; MInOutLine[] shipmentLines = order.GetShipmentLines(); MOrderLine[] oLines = order.GetLines(true, null); for (int i = 0; i < shipmentLines.Length; i++) { MInOutLine shipLine = shipmentLines[i]; if (shipLine.IsInvoiced()) { continue; } if (shipment == null || shipment.GetM_InOut_ID() != shipLine.GetM_InOut_ID()) { shipment = new MInOut(GetCtx(), shipLine.GetM_InOut_ID(), Get_TrxName()); } if (!shipment.IsComplete() || // ignore incomplete or reversals shipment.GetDocStatus().Equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed)) { continue; } //JID_1139 Avoided the duplicate charge records if (shipLine.GetM_Product_ID() > 0 || isAllownonItem) { CreateLine(order, shipment, shipLine); } }// shipment lines //JID_1139 Avoided the duplicate charge records if (!isAllownonItem) { for (int i = 0; i < oLines.Length; i++) { MOrderLine oLine = oLines[i]; if (oLine.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { Decimal toInvoice = Decimal.Subtract(oLine.GetQtyOrdered(), oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); log.Fine("Immediate - ToInvoice=" + toInvoice + " - " + oLine); Decimal qtyEntered = toInvoice; // Correct UOM for QtyEntered if (oLine.GetQtyEntered().CompareTo(oLine.GetQtyOrdered()) != 0) { qtyEntered = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(Decimal.Multiply( toInvoice, oLine.GetQtyEntered()), oLine.GetQtyOrdered()), 12, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } //JID_1139_1 avoided the charge line with 0 qty inserted if (oLine.IsContract() == false && oLine.GetQtyOrdered() > oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()) { CreateLine(order, oLine, toInvoice, qtyEntered); log.Info("ID " + oLine.Get_ID() + "Qty Ordered " + oLine.GetQtyOrdered() + " Qty Invoiced " + oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); } } } } } // After Order Delivered, Immediate else { MOrderLine[] oLines = order.GetLines(true, null); for (int i = 0; i < oLines.Length; i++) { MOrderLine oLine = oLines[i]; Decimal toInvoice = Decimal.Subtract(oLine.GetQtyOrdered(), oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); if (toInvoice.CompareTo(Env.ZERO) == 0 && oLine.GetM_Product_ID() != 0) { continue; } // bool fullyDelivered = oLine.GetQtyOrdered().CompareTo(oLine.GetQtyDelivered()) == 0; //JID_1136: While creating the Invoices against the charge system should not check the Ordered qty= Delivered qty. need to check this only in case of products if (completeOrder && oLine.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { fullyDelivered = true; if (oLine.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { log.Fine("After Order Delivery - ToInvoice=" + toInvoice + " - " + oLine); Decimal qtyEntered = toInvoice; // Correct UOM for QtyEntered if (oLine.GetQtyEntered().CompareTo(oLine.GetQtyOrdered()) != 0) { qtyEntered = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(Decimal.Multiply( toInvoice, oLine.GetQtyEntered()), oLine.GetQtyOrdered()), 12, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } // if (oLine.IsContract() == false && !isAllownonItem) { CreateLine(order, oLine, toInvoice, qtyEntered); log.Info("ID " + oLine.Get_ID() + "Qty Ordered " + oLine.GetQtyOrdered() + " Qty Invoiced " + oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); } } } // Complete Order if (completeOrder && !fullyDelivered) { log.Fine("Failed CompleteOrder - " + oLine); completeOrder = false; break; } // Immediate else if (MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { log.Fine("Immediate - ToInvoice=" + toInvoice + " - " + oLine); Decimal qtyEntered = toInvoice; // Correct UOM for QtyEntered if (oLine.GetQtyEntered().CompareTo(oLine.GetQtyOrdered()) != 0) { qtyEntered = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(Decimal.Multiply( toInvoice, oLine.GetQtyEntered()), oLine.GetQtyOrdered()), 12, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } // if (oLine.IsContract() == false) { CreateLine(order, oLine, toInvoice, qtyEntered); log.Info("ID " + oLine.Get_ID() + "Qty Ordered " + oLine.GetQtyOrdered() + " Qty Invoiced " + oLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); } } else { log.Fine("Failed: " + order.GetInvoiceRule() + " - ToInvoice=" + toInvoice + " - " + oLine); } } // for all order lines if (MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { _line += 1000; } } // Complete Order successful if (completeOrder && MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterOrderDelivered.Equals(order.GetInvoiceRule())) { MInOut[] shipments = order.GetShipments(true); for (int i = 0; i < shipments.Length; i++) { MInOut ship = shipments[i]; if (!ship.IsComplete() || // ignore incomplete or reversals ship.GetDocStatus().Equals(MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Reversed)) { continue; } MInOutLine[] shipLines = ship.GetLines(false); for (int j = 0; j < shipLines.Length; j++) { MInOutLine shipLine = shipLines[j]; if (!order.IsOrderLine(shipLine.GetC_OrderLine_ID())) { continue; } if (!shipLine.IsInvoiced()) { CreateLine(order, ship, shipLine); } } // lines _line += 1000; } // all shipments } // complete Order } // for all orders CompleteInvoice(); return("@Created@ = " + _created); }
/// <summary> /// Create Facts (the accounting logic) for /// MXI. /// (single line) /// <pre> /// NotInvoicedReceipts DR (Receipt Org) /// InventoryClearing CR /// InvoicePV DR CR (difference) /// Commitment /// Expense CR /// Offset DR /// </pre> /// </summary> /// <param name="as1"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override List <Fact> CreateFacts(MAcctSchema as1) { List <Fact> facts = new List <Fact>(); // Nothing to do if (GetM_Product_ID() == 0 || // no Product Env.Signum(GetQty().Value) == 0 || Env.Signum(_receiptLine.GetMovementQty()) == 0) // Qty = 0 { log.Fine("No Product/Qty - M_Product_ID=" + GetM_Product_ID() + ",Qty=" + GetQty() + ",InOutQty=" + _receiptLine.GetMovementQty()); return(facts); } MMatchInv matchInv = (MMatchInv)GetPO(); // create Fact Header Fact fact = new Fact(this, as1, Fact.POST_Actual); SetC_Currency_ID(as1.GetC_Currency_ID()); /** Needs to be handeled in PO Matching as1 no Receipt info * if (_pc.isService()) * { * log.Fine("Service - skipped"); * return fact; * } **/ // NotInvoicedReceipt DR // From Receipt Decimal multiplier = Math.Abs(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(GetQty().Value, _receiptLine.GetMovementQty()), 12, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); FactLine dr = fact.CreateLine(null, GetAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_NotInvoicedReceipts, as1), as1.GetC_Currency_ID(), Env.ONE, null); // updated below if (dr == null) { _error = "No Product Costs"; return(null); } dr.SetQty(GetQty()); // dr.setM_Locator_ID(_receiptLine.getM_Locator_ID()); // MInOut receipt = _receiptLine.getParent(); // dr.setLocationFromBPartner(receipt.getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), true); // from Loc // dr.setLocationFromLocator(_receiptLine.getM_Locator_ID(), false); // to Loc Decimal temp = dr.GetAcctBalance(); // Set AmtAcctCr/Dr from Receipt (sets also Project) if (!dr.UpdateReverseLine(MInOut.Table_ID, // Amt updated _receiptLine.GetM_InOut_ID(), _receiptLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID(), multiplier)) { _error = "Mat.Receipt not posted yet"; return(null); } log.Fine("CR - Amt(" + temp + "->" + dr.GetAcctBalance() + ") - " + dr.ToString()); // InventoryClearing CR // From Invoice MAccount expense = _pc.GetAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_InventoryClearing, as1); if (_pc.IsService()) { expense = _pc.GetAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_Expense, as1); } Decimal LineNetAmt = _invoiceLine.GetLineNetAmt(); multiplier = Math.Abs(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(GetQty().Value, _invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced()), 12, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); if (multiplier.CompareTo(Env.ONE) != 0) { LineNetAmt = Decimal.Multiply(LineNetAmt, multiplier); } if (_pc.IsService()) { LineNetAmt = dr.GetAcctBalance(); // book out exact receipt amt } FactLine cr = null; if (as1.IsAccrual()) { cr = fact.CreateLine(null, expense, as1.GetC_Currency_ID(), null, LineNetAmt); // updated below if (cr == null) { log.Fine("Line Net Amt=0 - M_Product_ID=" + GetM_Product_ID() + ",Qty=" + GetQty() + ",InOutQty=" + _receiptLine.GetMovementQty()); facts.Add(fact); return(facts); } cr.SetQty(Decimal.Negate(GetQty().Value)); temp = cr.GetAcctBalance(); // Set AmtAcctCr/Dr from Invoice (sets also Project) if (as1.IsAccrual() && !cr.UpdateReverseLine(MInvoice.Table_ID, // Amt updated _invoiceLine.GetC_Invoice_ID(), _invoiceLine.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID(), multiplier)) { _error = "Invoice not posted yet"; return(null); } log.Fine("DR - Amt(" + temp + "->" + cr.GetAcctBalance() + ") - " + cr.ToString()); } else // Cash Acct { MInvoice invoice = _invoiceLine.GetParent(); if (as1.GetC_Currency_ID() == invoice.GetC_Currency_ID()) { LineNetAmt = MConversionRate.Convert(GetCtx(), LineNetAmt, invoice.GetC_Currency_ID(), as1.GetC_Currency_ID(), invoice.GetDateAcct(), invoice.GetC_ConversionType_ID(), invoice.GetAD_Client_ID(), invoice.GetAD_Org_ID()); } cr = fact.CreateLine(null, expense, as1.GetC_Currency_ID(), null, LineNetAmt); cr.SetQty(Decimal.Negate(Decimal.Multiply(GetQty().Value, multiplier))); } cr.SetC_Activity_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_Activity_ID()); cr.SetC_Campaign_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_Campaign_ID()); cr.SetC_Project_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_Project_ID()); cr.SetC_UOM_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_UOM_ID()); cr.SetUser1_ID(_invoiceLine.GetUser1_ID()); cr.SetUser2_ID(_invoiceLine.GetUser2_ID()); // Invoice Price Variance difference Decimal ipv = Decimal.Negate(Decimal.Add(cr.GetAcctBalance(), dr.GetAcctBalance())); if (Env.Signum(ipv) != 0) { FactLine pv = fact.CreateLine(null, _pc.GetAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_IPV, as1), as1.GetC_Currency_ID(), ipv); pv.SetC_Activity_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_Activity_ID()); pv.SetC_Campaign_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_Campaign_ID()); pv.SetC_Project_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_Project_ID()); pv.SetC_UOM_ID(_invoiceLine.GetC_UOM_ID()); pv.SetUser1_ID(_invoiceLine.GetUser1_ID()); pv.SetUser2_ID(_invoiceLine.GetUser2_ID()); } log.Fine("IPV=" + ipv + "; Balance=" + fact.GetSourceBalance()); MInOut inOut = _receiptLine.GetParent(); bool isReturnTrx = inOut.IsReturnTrx(); if (!IsPosted()) { // Cost Detail Record - data from Expense/IncClearing (CR) record MCostDetail.CreateInvoice(as1, GetAD_Org_ID(), GetM_Product_ID(), matchInv.GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), _invoiceLine.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID(), 0, // No cost element Decimal.Negate(cr.GetAcctBalance()), isReturnTrx ? Decimal.Negate(Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(GetQty())) : Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(GetQty()), // correcting GetDescription(), GetTrx(), GetRectifyingProcess()); // Update Costing UpdateProductInfo(as1.GetC_AcctSchema_ID(), MAcctSchema.COSTINGMETHOD_StandardCosting.Equals(as1.GetCostingMethod())); } // facts.Add(fact); /** Commitment release ****/ if (as1.IsAccrual() && as1.IsCreateCommitment()) { fact = Doc_Order.GetCommitmentRelease(as1, this, Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(GetQty()), _invoiceLine.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID(), Env.ONE); if (fact == null) { return(null); } facts.Add(fact); } // Commitment return(facts); }
protected override string DoIt() { try { _log.Info("Foreign Cost Calculation start at : " + DateTime.Now); // Calculate Foreign Cost for Average Invoice sql = @"SELECT i.c_invoice_id , il.c_invoiceline_id FROM c_invoice i INNER JOIN c_invoiceline il ON i.c_invoice_id = il.c_invoice_id WHERE il.isactive = 'Y' AND il.isfuturecostcalculated = 'N' AND i.isfuturecostcalculated = 'N' AND docstatus IN ('CO' , 'CL') AND i.issotrx = 'N' AND i.isreturntrx = 'N' AND NVL(il.m_inoutline_ID , 0) <> 0 ORDER BY i.c_invoice_id ASC"; ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null, null); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { _log.Info("Foreign Cost Calculation : Average Invoice Record : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { try { invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["c_invoice_id"]), Get_Trx()); invoiceLine = new MInvoiceLine(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["c_invoiceline_id"]), Get_Trx()); if (!MCostForeignCurrency.InsertForeignCostAverageInvoice(GetCtx(), invoice, invoiceLine, Get_Trx())) { Get_Trx().Rollback(); ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); _log.Info("Error found for calcualting Av. Invoice Foreign Cost for this record ID = " + invoice.GetDocumentNo() + " Error Name is " + pp.GetName() + " And Error Value is " + pp.GetValue()); continue; } else { if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM C_InvoiceLine WHERE IsFutureCostCalculated = 'N' AND C_Invoice_ID = " + invoice.GetC_Invoice_ID(), null, Get_Trx())) <= 0) { int no = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE C_Invoice Set IsFutureCostCalculated = 'Y' WHERE C_Invoice_ID = " + invoice.GetC_Invoice_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); } Get_Trx().Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex1) { } } } // Calculate Foriegn Cost for Average PO sql = @"SELECT i.m_inout_id , il.m_inoutline_id , il.c_orderline_id FROM m_inout i INNER JOIN m_inoutline il ON i.m_inout_id = il.m_inout_id WHERE il.isactive = 'Y' AND il.isfuturecostcalculated = 'N' AND i.isfuturecostcalculated = 'N' AND docstatus IN ('CO' , 'CL') AND i.issotrx = 'N' AND i.isreturntrx = 'N' AND NVL(il.c_orderline_ID , 0) <> 0 ORDER BY i.m_inout_id ASC"; ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null, null); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { _log.Info("Foreign Cost Calculation : Average PO Record : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { try { orderLine = new MOrderLine(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["c_orderline_id"]), Get_Trx()); order = new MOrder(GetCtx(), orderLine.GetC_Order_ID(), Get_Trx()); inoutLine = new MInOutLine(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["m_inoutline_id"]), Get_Trx()); if (!MCostForeignCurrency.InsertForeignCostAveragePO(GetCtx(), order, orderLine, inoutLine, Get_Trx())) { Get_Trx().Rollback(); ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); _log.Info("Error found for calcualting Av. PO Foreign Cost for this record ID = " + inoutLine.GetM_InOut_ID() + " Error Name is " + pp.GetName() + " And Error Value is " + pp.GetValue()); continue; } else { if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM M_InoutLine WHERE IsFutureCostCalculated = 'N' AND M_InOut_ID = " + inoutLine.GetM_InOut_ID(), null, Get_Trx())) <= 0) { int no = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE M_Inout Set IsFutureCostCalculated = 'Y' WHERE M_Inout_ID = " + inoutLine.GetM_InOut_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); } Get_Trx().Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex2) { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } _log.Info("Foreign Cost Calculation End : " + DateTime.Now); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "SuccessFullyCompleted")); }