        public override int Add(MISMO.Entities.AssetBase assetBase)
            Asset a = assetBase as Asset;

            if (a != null)
                a._borrower = _borrower;
        public override void Remove(MISMO.Entities.AssetBase assetBase)
            Asset a = assetBase as Asset;

            if (a != null)
                a._borrower = null;
        internal override void SetMembers(ref MISMO.Entities.BorrowerBase data)
            // first call up to the base
            base.SetMembers(ref data);

            // load up the aliases
            _aliases = this.GetAliases();

            // load up the mailto
            MISMO.BusinessObjects.MailToCollection mailtocol = this.GetMailToCollection();
            if (mailtocol != null && mailtocol.Count > 0)
                _mailto = mailtocol[0];

            // load up the residences
            _residences = this.GetResidences();

            // load up the current incomes
            _currentIncomes = this.GetCurrentIncomeCollection();

            // load up the assets
            MISMO.BusinessObjects.Assets assets = this.GetAssets();
            if (assets != null && assets.Count > 0)
                MISMO.Entities.AssetBase assetbase = null;
                AUS.Asset asset = null;

                for (int i = 0, j = assets.Count; i < j; i++)
                    asset           = new AUS.Asset();
                    asset._borrower = this;
                    assetbase       = assets[i];
                    asset.SetMembers(ref assetbase);

            // load up the contact points
            _contactpoints = this.GetContactPointCollection();

            // load up the credit scores
            MISMO.BusinessObjects.CreditScores cscores = this.GetCreditScores();
            if (cscores != null && cscores.Count > 0)
                MISMO.Entities.CreditScoreBase csbase = null;
                AUS.CreditScore cscore = null;
                for (int i = 0, j = cscores.Count; i < j; i++)
                    csbase = cscores[i];
                    cscore = new AUS.CreditScore(this);
                    cscore.SetMembers(ref csbase);

            // load up declaration
            MISMO.BusinessObjects.Declarations decls = this.GetDeclarations();
            if (decls != null && decls.Count > 0)
                MISMO.Entities.DeclarationBase declbase = decls[0];
                _declaration = new MISMO.BusinessObjects.AUS.Declaration();
                _declaration.SetMembers(ref declbase);

            // load up the employers
            _employers = this.GetEmployers();

            // load up the government monitoring
            MISMO.BusinessObjects.GovernmentMonitoringCollection govmons = this.GetGovernmentMonitoringCollection();
            if (govmons != null && govmons.Count > 0)
                MISMO.Entities.GovernmentMonitoringBase govbase = govmons[0];
                _govmon = new AUS.GovernmentMonitoring();
                _govmon.SetMembers(ref govbase);

            // load up the liabilities
            MISMO.BusinessObjects.Liabilities liabs = this.GetLiabilities();
            if (liabs != null && liabs.Count > 0)
                MISMO.Entities.LiabilityBase liabase = null;
                AUS.Liability liab = null;
                for (int i = 0, j = liabs.Count; i < j; i++)
                    liabase        = liabs[i];
                    liab           = new AUS.Liability();
                    liab._borrower = this;
                    liab.SetMembers(ref liabase);

            // load up the present housing expenses
            _presentHousingExpenses = this.GetPresentHousingExpenses();

            // load up the summaries
            _summaries = this.GetSummaries();

            // recalc the checksum