 public override void BeginPlaying(MHEngine engine)
     m_fStreamPlaying = true;
     if (m_fRunning && m_streamContentRef.IsSet())
         string        stream = "";
         MHOctetString str    = m_streamContentRef.ContentRef;
         if (str.Size != 0)
             stream = str.ToString();
         engine.GetContext().BeginVideo(stream, m_nComponentTag);
 public override void Activation(MHEngine engine)
     if (m_fRunning)
     if (m_fStreamPlaying && m_streamContentRef.IsSet())
         string        stream = "";
         MHOctetString str    = m_streamContentRef.ContentRef;
         if (str.Size != 0)
             stream = str.ToString();
         engine.GetContext().BeginVideo(stream, m_nComponentTag);
 public virtual void SI_GetServiceIndex(MHObjectRef success, MHSequence <MHParameter> args, MHEngine engine)
     // Returns an index indicating the service
     if (args.Size == 2)
         MHOctetString str = new MHOctetString();
         GetString(args.GetAt(0), str, engine);
         MHParameter pResInt = args.GetAt(1);
         // The format of the service is dvb://netID.[transPortID].serviceID
         // where the IDs are in hex.
         // or rec://svc/lcn/N where N is the "logical channel number" i.e. the Freeview channel.
         int nResult = engine.GetContext().GetChannelIndex(str.ToString());
         engine.FindObject(pResInt.GetReference()).SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(nResult));
         Logging.Log(Logging.MHLogDetail, "Get service index for " + str.Printable() + " - result " + nResult);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, true, engine);
         SetSuccessFlag(success, false, engine);
        // Activation for Audio is defined in the corrigendum
        public override void Activation(MHEngine engine)
            if (m_fRunning)
            // Beginning presentation is started by the Stream object.
            m_fRunning = true;
            engine.EventTriggered(this, EventIsRunning);

            if (m_fStreamPlaying && m_streamContentRef.IsSet())
                string        stream = "";
                MHOctetString str    = m_streamContentRef.ContentRef;
                if (str.Size != 0)
                    stream = str.ToString();
                engine.GetContext().BeginAudio(stream, m_nComponentTag);
        // UK MHEG. Interpret the font attributes.
        protected void InterpretAttributes(MHOctetString attrs, out int style, out int size, out int lineSpace, out int letterSpace)
            // Set the defaults.
            style = 0; size = 0x18; lineSpace = 0x18; letterSpace = 0;
            if (attrs.Size == 5)            // Short form.
                style     = attrs.GetAt(0); // Only the bottom nibble is significant.
                size      = attrs.GetAt(1);
                lineSpace = attrs.GetAt(2);
                // Is this big-endian or little-endian?  Assume big.
                letterSpace = attrs.GetAt(3) * 256 + attrs.GetAt(4);
                if (letterSpace > 32767)
                    letterSpace -= 65536;                      // Signed.
            else   // Textual form.
                String str = attrs.ToString() + ".";
                Logging.Assert(str != null);
                int q = str.IndexOf('.'); // Find the terminating dot
                if (q != -1)              // plain, italic etc.
                    string type = str.Substring(0, q);
                    str = str.Substring(q + 1);
                    if (type.Equals("italic"))
                        style = 1;
                    else if (type.Equals("bold"))
                        style = 2;
                    else if (type.Equals("bold-italic"))
                        style = 3;
                    // else it's plain.
                    q = str.IndexOf('.');
                if (q != -1)   // Size
                    string s = str.Substring(0, q);
                    str  = str.Substring(q + 1);
                    size = Convert.ToInt32(s);
                    if (size == 0)
                        size = 0x18;

                    q = str.IndexOf('.'); // Find the next dot.
                if (q != -1)              // lineSpacing
                    string ls = str.Substring(0, q);
                    str       = str.Substring(q + 1);
                    lineSpace = Convert.ToInt32(ls);
                    if (lineSpace == 0)
                        size = 0x18;

                    q = str.IndexOf('.'); // Find the next dot.
                if (q != -1)              // letter spacing.  May be zero or negative
                    string ls = str.Substring(0, q);
                    letterSpace = Convert.ToInt32(ls);