		// Check the parsed arguments and do/undo/redo the command as appropriate
		void checkArgs(ref MArgDatabase argsDb)
			MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();


			for (uint i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(dagPath.node);
                MObject obj = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    fMesh = new MFnMesh(obj);
                    fObj = obj;
                    fObjTransform = dagPath.node;

			if( fMesh == null || fObj == null || fObjTransform == null )
				string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
				throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
        // Check the parsed arguments and do/undo/redo the command as appropriate
        void checkArgs(ref MArgDatabase argsDb)
            MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();


            for (uint i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(dagPath.node);
                MObject    obj     = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    fMesh         = new MFnMesh(obj);
                    fObj          = obj;
                    fObjTransform = dagPath.node;

            if (fMesh == null || fObj == null || fObjTransform == null)
                string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
                throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
        // Look through the arg database and verify that the arguments are
        // valid. Only checks the common flags so derived classes should call
        // this parent method first before checking their own flags.
        public virtual void checkArgs(MArgDatabase argsDb)
            String formatType = "raw";

            fSerialize = AssociationsSerializer.formatByName(formatType);
            if (fSerialize == null)
                String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kMetadataFormatNotFound);
                String msg = String.Format(fmt, formatType);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(msg);

            // (selection list)
            // Commands need at least one mesh object on which to operate so gather up
            // the list of meshes specified and/or selected.

            // Empty out the list of meshes on which to operate so that it can be
            // populated from the selection or specified lists.

            MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();

            for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);

                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(dagPath.node);
                MObject    obj     = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    MFnMesh mesh = new MFnMesh(obj);
                    if (mesh != null)
                    String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectTypeError);
                    String msg = String.Format(fmt, dagPath.fullPathName + "[" + obj.apiTypeStr + "]");
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);

            if (fMeshes.length == 0)
                String msg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);
        override public void redoIt()

            var dagFn = new MFnDagNode(_transform);

            _shape = dagFn.child(0);
            _dagModifier.renameNode(_shape, "motionCameraShape");
        // Look through the arg database and verify that the arguments are
        // valid. Only checks the common flags so derived classes should call
        // this parent method first before checking their own flags.
        public virtual void checkArgs(MArgDatabase argsDb)
            String formatType = "raw";
            fSerialize = AssociationsSerializer.formatByName( formatType );
            if( fSerialize == null)
                String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kMetadataFormatNotFound);
                String msg = String.Format(fmt, formatType);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(msg);

            // (selection list)
            // Commands need at least one mesh object on which to operate so gather up
            // the list of meshes specified and/or selected.

            // Empty out the list of meshes on which to operate so that it can be
            // populated from the selection or specified lists.

            MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();
            for (int i = 0; i<objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);

                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode( dagPath.node );
                MObject obj = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    MFnMesh mesh = new MFnMesh(obj);
                    if(mesh != null)
                    String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectTypeError);
                    String msg = String.Format(fmt, dagPath.fullPathName + "[" + obj.apiTypeStr + "]");
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);

            if( fMeshes.length == 0 )
                String msg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);
        private void renameNodes(MObject transform, string baseName)
            //  Rename the transform to something we know no node will be using.
            dagMod.renameNode(transform, "polyPrimitiveCmdTemp");

            //  Rename the mesh to the same thing but with 'Shape' on the end.
            MFnDagNode dagFn = new MFnDagNode(transform);

            dagMod.renameNode(dagFn.child(0), "polyPrimitiveCmdTempShape");

            //  Now that they are in the 'something/somethingShape' format, any
            //  changes we make to the name of the transform will automatically be
            //  propagated to the shape as well.
            //  Maya will replace the '#' in the string below with a number which
            //  ensures uniqueness.
            string transformName = baseName + "Shape";

            dagMod.renameNode(transform, baseName);
            dagMod.renameNode(dagFn.child(0), transformName);
        // Check the parsed arguments and do/undo/redo the command as appropriate
        void checkArgs(ref MArgDatabase argsDb)
            // (selection list)
            // Commands need at least one node on which to operate so gather up
            // the list of nodes specified and/or selected.

            // Empty out the list of nodes on which to operate so that it can be
            // populated from the selection or specified lists.
            MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();


            for (uint i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(dagPath.node);
                MObject    obj     = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    if (obj == MObject.kNullObj)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Error: objects.getDependNode() ");
                    String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectTypeError);
                    String msg = String.Format(fmt, dagPath.fullPathName + "[" + obj.apiTypeStr + "]");
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);

            if (fNodes.length == 0)
                string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
                throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
        private void setMeshData(MObject transform, MObject dataWrapper)
            // Get the mesh node.
            MFnDagNode dagFn = new MFnDagNode(transform);
            MObject    mesh  = dagFn.child(0);

            // The mesh node has two geometry inputs: 'inMesh' and 'cachedInMesh'.
            // 'inMesh' is only used when it has an incoming connection, otherwise
            // 'cachedInMesh' is used. Unfortunately, the docs say that 'cachedInMesh'
            // is for internal use only and that changing it may render Maya
            // unstable.
            // To get around that, we do the little dance below...

            // Use a temporary MDagModifier to create a temporary mesh attribute on
            // the node.
            MFnTypedAttribute tAttr    = new MFnTypedAttribute();
            MObject           tempAttr = tAttr.create("tempMesh", "tmpm", MFnData.Type.kMesh);
            MDagModifier      tempMod  = new MDagModifier();

            tempMod.addAttribute(mesh, tempAttr);


            // Set the geometry data onto the temp attribute.

            MPlug tempPlug = dagFn.findPlug(tempAttr);


            // Use the temporary MDagModifier to connect the temp attribute to the
            // node's 'inMesh'.
            MPlug inMeshPlug = dagFn.findPlug("inMesh");

            tempMod.connect(tempPlug, inMeshPlug);


            // Force the mesh to update by grabbing its output geometry.

            // Undo the temporary modifier.
 private void linkXformsMeshes()
     foreach (MayaXform xform in allXforms)
         // Convert to a DAG node to traverse children.
         MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(xform.mayaObjectPath);
         for (uint childIdx = 0; childIdx < dagNode.childCount; ++childIdx)
             MObject childObj = dagNode.child(childIdx);
             // If the child has a mesh, link it.
             if (childObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                 xform.mesh = pathMeshMap[(new MFnMesh(childObj)).fullPathName];
		// Check the parsed arguments and do/undo/redo the command as appropriate
		void checkArgs(ref MArgDatabase argsDb)
			// (selection list)
			// Commands need at least one node on which to operate so gather up
			// the list of nodes specified and/or selected.

			// Empty out the list of nodes on which to operate so that it can be
			// populated from the selection or specified lists.
			MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();

			for (uint i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(dagPath.node);
                MObject obj = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    if (obj == MObject.kNullObj)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Error: objects.getDependNode() ");
                    String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectTypeError);
                    String msg = String.Format(fmt, dagPath.fullPathName + "[" + obj.apiTypeStr + "]");
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);

			if (fNodes.length == 0)
				string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
				throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
        private void processXform(MayaXform xform)
            // Add the current Xform to the list of all xforms.

            // Set the Xform's id.
            xform.id = allXforms.Count - 1;

            // Add the current Xform to the map based on its path.
            pathXformMap[xform.name] = xform;

            // Build data for this xform.
            if (!xform.isRoot)

            MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(xform.mayaObjectPath);

            for (uint childIdx = 0; childIdx < dagNode.childCount; ++childIdx)
                // If the child isn't a transform node, or it is a kManipulator3D (maya api bug), skip it.
                MObject childObj = dagNode.child(childIdx);
                if (!childObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kTransform) || childObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kManipulator3D))

                // Create a node for the child transform, parent it to this xform, and process the child's children.
                MFnDagNode childNode = new MFnDagNode(childObj);
                // Strip out nodes we don't care about.
                if (xformsToIgnore.Contains(childNode.fullPathName))
                MayaXform childXform = new MayaXform();
                childXform.name = childNode.fullPathName;
                childXform.parent = xform;
        private void assignShadingGroup(MObject transform, string groupName)
            // Get the name of the mesh node.
            // We need to use an MFnDagNode rather than an MFnMesh because the mesh
            // is not fully realized at this point and would be rejected by MFnMesh.
            MFnDagNode dagFn = new MFnDagNode(transform);


            string meshName = dagFn.name;

            // Use the DAG modifier to put the mesh into a shading group
            string cmd = "sets -e -fe ";

            cmd += groupName + " " + meshName;

            // Use the DAG modifier to select the new mesh.
            cmd = "select " + meshName;
		// Do the metadata creation. The metadata will be randomly initialized
		// based on the channel type and the structure specified. For recognized
		// components the number of metadata elements will correspond to the count
		// of components in the selected mesh, otherwise a random number of metadata
		// elements between 1 and 100 will be created (at consecutive indices).
		// The previously existing metadata is preserved for later undo.
		override public void doIt(MArgList args)
			MArgDatabase argsDb = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args);

			checkArgs(ref argsDb);

			uint numNodes = fNodes.length;
			for ( int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                // fNodes[i] is the transform not the shape itself
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(fNodes[i]);
                MObject obj = dagNode.child(0);
                // obj is the shape, which is where we can add the meta data
				MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(obj);

                Console.WriteLine( "METADATA for node " + dagNode.fullPathName );
                Console.WriteLine( "=====================================================================" );

                foreach( Channel chn in node.metadata)
                    Console.WriteLine("Channel: type = {0}, nbStreams = {1}", chn.nameProperty, chn.dataStreamCount);
                    foreach (Stream strm in chn)
                        Console.WriteLine("Stream: name = {0}, nbElements = {1}", strm.name, strm.elementCount() );

                        Structure strct = strm.structure;

                        Console.WriteLine("Structure: name = {0}, nbMembers = {1}", strct.name, strct.memberCount );

                        string[] memberNames = new string[strct.memberCount];
                        int memberID = -1;
                        foreach( Member member in strct )
                            Console.WriteLine("Structure member: name = {0}, type = {1}, array size = {2}", member.nameProperty, member.typeProperty.ToString(), member.lengthProperty );
                            memberNames[memberID] = member.nameProperty;
                        int k = -1;

                        foreach (Handle handle in strm)
                            for (uint n = 0; n < strct.memberCount; ++n)

                                Array data = handle.asType;

                                if( data.Length < 1 )
                                    throw new ApplicationException( "Handle data seems corrupted" );

                                string line = string.Format( "Handle #{0}, member = {1}, data = {2}", k, memberNames[n], data.GetValue(0).ToString() );

                                if( data.Length > 1 )
                                    for( int d = 1; d < data.Length; ++d )
                                        line = line + "," + data.GetValue(d).ToString();

                                Console.WriteLine( line );
        // Check the parsed arguments and do/undo/redo the command as appropriate
        void checkArgs(ref MArgDatabase argsDb)
            // -structure flag
            fStructureFlag.parse(ref argsDb, flagStructure);
            if (fStructureFlag.isSet())
                if (!fStructureFlag.isArgValid())
                    string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kInvalidString);
                    throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");

                string structureName = fStructureFlag.arg();
                    fStructure = Structure.structureByName(structureName);
                catch (System.Exception)
                    string msgFmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataStructureNotFound);
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(msgFmt, structureName), "argsDb");
                string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataNoStructureName);
                throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");

            // -streamName flag
            fStreamNameFlag.parse(ref argsDb, flagStreamName);
            if (fStreamNameFlag.isSet())
                if (!fStreamNameFlag.isArgValid())
                    string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kInvalidString);
                    throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
                fStreamName = fStreamNameFlag.arg();
                string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataNoStructureName);
                throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");

            // -channelType flag
            fChannelTypeFlag.parse(ref argsDb, flagChannelType);
            if (fChannelTypeFlag.isSet())
                if (!fChannelTypeFlag.isArgValid())
                    string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kInvalidString);
                    throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
                fChannelType = fChannelTypeFlag.arg();
                string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataNoStructureName);
                throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");

            // (selection list)
            // Commands need at least one node on which to operate so gather up
            // the list of nodes specified and/or selected.

            // Empty out the list of nodes on which to operate so that it can be
            // populated from the selection or specified lists.
            MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();


            for (uint i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(dagPath.node);
                MObject    obj     = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    if (obj == MObject.kNullObj)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Error: objects.getDependNode() ");
                    String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectTypeError);
                    String msg = String.Format(fmt, dagPath.fullPathName + "[" + obj.apiTypeStr + "]");
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);

            if (fNodes.length == 0)
                string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
                throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
        // Do the metadata creation. The metadata will be randomly initialized
        // based on the channel type and the structure specified. For recognized
        // components the number of metadata elements will correspond to the count
        // of components in the selected mesh, otherwise a random number of metadata
        // elements between 1 and 100 will be created (at consecutive indices).
        // The previously existing metadata is preserved for later undo.
        override public void doIt(MArgList args)
            MArgDatabase argsDb = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args);

            checkArgs(ref argsDb);


            uint numNodes = fNodes.length;
            int  i;

            for (i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                // fNodes[i] is the transform not the shape itself
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(fNodes[i]);
                MObject    obj     = dagNode.child(0);
                // obj is the shape, which is where we can add the meta data
                MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(obj);
                // Get the current metadata (empty if none yet)
                Associations newMetadata = new Associations(node.metadata);
                Channel      newChannel  = newMetadata.channel(fChannelType);

                // Check to see if the requested stream name already exists
                Stream oldStream = newChannel.dataStream(fStreamName);
                if (oldStream != null)
                    string fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataHasStream);
                    string msg = String.Format(fmt, fStreamName);

                Stream newStream = new Stream(fStructure, fStreamName);

                string strmName = newStream.name;

                int     indexCount    = 0;
                MFnMesh mesh          = null;
                Random  rndIndexCount = new Random();
                // Treat the channel type initializations different for meshes
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                    mesh = new MFnMesh(obj);
                    // Get mesh-specific channel type parameters
                    if (fChannelType == "face")
                        indexCount = mesh.numPolygons;
                    else if (fChannelType == "edge")
                        indexCount = mesh.numEdges;
                    else if (fChannelType == "vertex")
                        indexCount = mesh.numVertices;
                    else if (fChannelType == "vertexFace")
                        indexCount = mesh.numFaceVertices;
                        // Set a random number between 1 to 100
                        indexCount = rndIndexCount.Next(1, 100);
                    // Create generic channel type information
                    indexCount = rndIndexCount.Next(1, 100);

                // Fill specified stream ranges with random data
                int    structureMemberCount = fStructure.memberCount;
                uint   m, n, d;
                Random rnd = new Random();
                for (m = 0; m < indexCount; ++m)
                    // Walk each structure member and fill with random data
                    // tailored to the member data type.
                    Handle handle = new Handle(fStructure);
                    for (n = 0; n < structureMemberCount; ++n)

                        switch (handle.dataType)
                        case Member.eDataType.kBoolean:
                            bool[] data = new bool[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                int  randomInt  = rnd.Next(0, 2);
                                bool randomBool = randomInt == 1 ? true : false;
                                data[d] = randomBool;
                            handle.asBooleanArray = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kDouble:
                            double[] data = new double[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // Set a random number between -2000000000.0.0 and 2000000000.0.0
                                data[d] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                            handle.asDoubleArray = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kDoubleMatrix4x4:
                            double[] data = new double[handle.dataLength * 16];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d * 16 + 0]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 1]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 2]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 3]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 4]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 5]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 6]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 7]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 8]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 9]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 10] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 11] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 12] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 13] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 14] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 15] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                            handle.asDoubleMatrix4x4 = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kFloat:
                            float[] data = new float[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // Set a random number between -2000000.0 and 2000000.0
                                data[d] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                            handle.asFloatArray = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kFloatMatrix4x4:
                            float[] data = new float[handle.dataLength * 16];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // Set a random number between -2000000.0 and 2000000.0
                                data[d * 16 + 0]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 1]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 2]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 3]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 4]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 5]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 6]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 7]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 8]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 9]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 10] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 11] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 12] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 13] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 14] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 15] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                            handle.asFloatMatrix4x4 = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt8:
                            sbyte[] data = new sbyte[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (sbyte)rnd.Next(SByte.MinValue, SByte.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asInt8Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt16:
                            short[] data = new short[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (short)rnd.Next(Int16.MinValue, Int16.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asInt16Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt32:
                            int[] data = new int[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // rnd.Next returns a number between [arg1,arg2[
                                // but unfortunately I can't pass Int32.MaxValue+1 here....
                                data[d] = rnd.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                            handle.asInt32Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt64:
                            long[] data = new long[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // rnd.Next() gives a number between [0,Int32
                                data[d] = (long)rnd.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                                if (data[d] >= 0)
                                    data[d] *= Int64.MaxValue / Int32.MaxValue;
                                    data[d] *= Int64.MinValue / Int32.MinValue;
                            handle.asInt64Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt8:
                            byte[] data = new byte[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (byte)rnd.Next(0, Byte.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asUInt8Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt16:
                            ushort[] data = new ushort[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (ushort)rnd.Next(0, UInt16.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asUInt16Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt32:
                            uint[] data = new uint[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (uint)rnd.Next();
                            handle.asUInt32Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt64:
                            ulong[] data = new ulong[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = ((ulong)rnd.Next()) * UInt64.MaxValue / UInt32.MaxValue;
                            handle.asUInt64Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kString:
                            string[] randomStrings = new string[] { "banana", "tomatoe", "apple", "pineapple", "apricot", "pepper", "olive", "grapefruit" };
                            string[] data          = new string[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                int index = rnd.Next(randomStrings.Length);
                                data[d] = randomStrings[index];
                            handle.asStringArray = data;

                            Debug.Assert(false, "This should never happen");
                    newStream.setElement(new Index(m), handle);

                // Note: the following will not work if "obj" is a shape constructed by a source object
                // You need to delete the history of the shape before calling this...
                fDGModifier.setMetadata(obj, newMetadata);

                // Set the result to the number of actual metadata values set as a
                // triple value:
                //	    (# nodes, # metadata elements, # members per element)
                MIntArray theResult = new MIntArray();
		private void setMeshData(MObject transform, MObject dataWrapper)
			// Get the mesh node.
			MFnDagNode  dagFn = new MFnDagNode(transform);
			MObject     mesh = dagFn.child(0);

			// The mesh node has two geometry inputs: 'inMesh' and 'cachedInMesh'.
			// 'inMesh' is only used when it has an incoming connection, otherwise
			// 'cachedInMesh' is used. Unfortunately, the docs say that 'cachedInMesh'
			// is for internal use only and that changing it may render Maya
			// unstable.
			// To get around that, we do the little dance below...

			// Use a temporary MDagModifier to create a temporary mesh attribute on
			// the node.
			MFnTypedAttribute  tAttr = new MFnTypedAttribute();
			MObject tempAttr = tAttr.create("tempMesh", "tmpm", MFnData.Type.kMesh);
			MDagModifier tempMod = new MDagModifier();

			tempMod.addAttribute(mesh, tempAttr);


			// Set the geometry data onto the temp attribute.

			MPlug  tempPlug = dagFn.findPlug(tempAttr);


			// Use the temporary MDagModifier to connect the temp attribute to the
			// node's 'inMesh'.
			MPlug  inMeshPlug = dagFn.findPlug("inMesh");
			tempMod.connect(tempPlug, inMeshPlug);


			// Force the mesh to update by grabbing its output geometry.

			// Undo the temporary modifier.
        private void processXform( MayaXform xform )
            // Add the current Xform to the list of all xforms.

            // Set the Xform's id.
            xform.id = allXforms.Count - 1;

            // Add the current Xform to the map based on its path.
            pathXformMap[xform.name] = xform;

            // Build data for this xform.
            if( !xform.isRoot )

            MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(xform.mayaObjectPath);
            for( uint childIdx = 0; childIdx < dagNode.childCount; ++childIdx )
                // If the child isn't a transform node, or it is a kManipulator3D (maya api bug), skip it.
                MObject childObj = dagNode.child(childIdx);
                if( !childObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kTransform) || childObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kManipulator3D) )

                // Create a node for the child transform, parent it to this xform, and process the child's children.
                MFnDagNode childNode = new MFnDagNode(childObj);
                // Strip out nodes we don't care about.
                if( xformsToIgnore.Contains(childNode.fullPathName) )
                MayaXform childXform = new MayaXform();
                childXform.name = childNode.fullPathName;
                childXform.parent = xform;
		private void assignShadingGroup(MObject transform, string groupName)
			// Get the name of the mesh node.
			// We need to use an MFnDagNode rather than an MFnMesh because the mesh
			// is not fully realized at this point and would be rejected by MFnMesh.
			MFnDagNode dagFn = new MFnDagNode(transform);

			string meshName = dagFn.name;

			// Use the DAG modifier to put the mesh into a shading group
			string cmd = "sets -e -fe ";
			cmd += groupName + " " + meshName;

			// Use the DAG modifier to select the new mesh.
			cmd = "select " + meshName;
        // Do the metadata creation. The metadata will be randomly initialized
        // based on the channel type and the structure specified. For recognized
        // components the number of metadata elements will correspond to the count
        // of components in the selected mesh, otherwise a random number of metadata
        // elements between 1 and 100 will be created (at consecutive indices).
        // The previously existing metadata is preserved for later undo.
        override public void doIt(MArgList args)
            MArgDatabase argsDb = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args);

            checkArgs(ref argsDb);


            uint numNodes = fNodes.length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                // fNodes[i] is the transform not the shape itself
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(fNodes[i]);
                MObject    obj     = dagNode.child(0);
                // obj is the shape, which is where we can add the meta data
                MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(obj);

                Console.WriteLine("METADATA for node " + dagNode.fullPathName);

                foreach (Channel chn in node.metadata)
                    Console.WriteLine("Channel: type = {0}, nbStreams = {1}", chn.nameProperty, chn.dataStreamCount);
                    foreach (Stream strm in chn)
                        Console.WriteLine("Stream: name = {0}, nbElements = {1}", strm.name, strm.elementCount());

                        Structure strct = strm.structure;

                        Console.WriteLine("Structure: name = {0}, nbMembers = {1}", strct.name, strct.memberCount);

                        string[] memberNames = new string[strct.memberCount];
                        int      memberID    = -1;
                        foreach (Member member in strct)
                            Console.WriteLine("Structure member: name = {0}, type = {1}, array size = {2}", member.nameProperty, member.typeProperty.ToString(), member.lengthProperty);
                            memberNames[memberID] = member.nameProperty;

                        int k = -1;

                        foreach (Handle handle in strm)
                            for (uint n = 0; n < strct.memberCount; ++n)

                                Array data = handle.asType;

                                if (data.Length < 1)
                                    throw new ApplicationException("Handle data seems corrupted");

                                string line = string.Format("Handle #{0}, member = {1}, data = {2}", k, memberNames[n], data.GetValue(0).ToString());

                                if (data.Length > 1)
                                    for (int d = 1; d < data.Length; ++d)
                                        line = line + "," + data.GetValue(d).ToString();

		// Do the metadata creation. The metadata will be randomly initialized
		// based on the channel type and the structure specified. For recognized
		// components the number of metadata elements will correspond to the count
		// of components in the selected mesh, otherwise a random number of metadata
		// elements between 1 and 100 will be created (at consecutive indices).
		// The previously existing metadata is preserved for later undo.
		override public void doIt(MArgList args)
			MArgDatabase argsDb = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args);

			checkArgs(ref argsDb);


			uint numNodes = fNodes.length;
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                // fNodes[i] is the transform not the shape itself
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(fNodes[i]);
                MObject obj = dagNode.child(0);
                // obj is the shape, which is where we can add the meta data
				MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(obj);
				// Get the current metadata (empty if none yet)
				Associations newMetadata = new Associations(node.metadata);
				Channel newChannel = newMetadata.channel(fChannelType);

				// Check to see if the requested stream name already exists
				Stream oldStream = newChannel.dataStream(fStreamName);
				if (oldStream != null)

					string fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataHasStream);
					string msg = String.Format(fmt, fStreamName);
					MGlobal.displayError( msg );

				Stream newStream = new Stream(fStructure, fStreamName);

                string strmName = newStream.name;

				int indexCount = 0;
                MFnMesh mesh = null;
                Random rndIndexCount = new Random();
                // Treat the channel type initializations different for meshes
				if (obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                    mesh = new MFnMesh(obj);
					// Get mesh-specific channel type parameters
					if (fChannelType == "face")
						indexCount = mesh.numPolygons;
					else if (fChannelType == "edge")
						indexCount = mesh.numEdges;
					else if (fChannelType == "vertex")
						indexCount = mesh.numVertices;
					else if (fChannelType == "vertexFace")
						indexCount = mesh.numFaceVertices;
						// Set a random number between 1 to 100
                        indexCount = rndIndexCount.Next(1, 100);
					// Create generic channel type information
                    indexCount = rndIndexCount.Next(1, 100);

				// Fill specified stream ranges with random data
				int structureMemberCount = fStructure.memberCount;
				uint m,n,d;
                Random rnd = new Random();
                for (m = 0; m < indexCount; ++m)
					// Walk each structure member and fill with random data
					// tailored to the member data type.
					Handle handle = new Handle(fStructure);
					for (n = 0; n < structureMemberCount; ++n)

						switch (handle.dataType)
						case Member.eDataType.kBoolean:
                                bool[] data = new bool[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
									int randomInt = rnd.Next(0, 2);
									bool randomBool = randomInt == 1 ? true : false;
                                    data[d] = randomBool;
                                handle.asBooleanArray = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kDouble:
                                double[] data = new double[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
									// Set a random number between -2000000000.0.0 and 2000000000.0.0
									data[d] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
                                handle.asDoubleArray = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kDoubleMatrix4x4:
                                double[] data = new double[handle.dataLength * 16];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
									data[d*16+0] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+1] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+2] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+3] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+4] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+5] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+6] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+7] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+8] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+9] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+10] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+11] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+12] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+13] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+14] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
									data[d*16+15] = rnd.NextDouble()*4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0 ;
                                handle.asDoubleMatrix4x4 = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kFloat:
                                float[] data = new float[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
    								// Set a random number between -2000000.0 and 2000000.0
	    							data[d] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
                                handle.asFloatArray = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kFloatMatrix4x4:
                                float[] data = new float[handle.dataLength * 16];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
									// Set a random number between -2000000.0 and 2000000.0
									data[d*16+0] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+1] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+2] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+3] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+4] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+5] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+6] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+7] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+8] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+9] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+10] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+11] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+12] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+13] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+14] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
									data[d*16+15] = (float)rnd.NextDouble()*4000000.0f - 2000000.0f ;
                                handle.asFloatMatrix4x4 = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kInt8:
                                sbyte[] data = new sbyte[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    data[d] = (sbyte)rnd.Next(SByte.MinValue, SByte.MaxValue+1);
                                handle.asInt8Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kInt16:
								short[] data = new short[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    data[d] = (short)rnd.Next(Int16.MinValue, Int16.MaxValue+1);
                                handle.asInt16Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kInt32:
								int[] data = new int[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    // rnd.Next returns a number between [arg1,arg2[
                                    // but unfortunately I can't pass Int32.MaxValue+1 here....
                                    data[d] = rnd.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                                handle.asInt32Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kInt64:
								long[] data = new long[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    // rnd.Next() gives a number between [0,Int32
                                    data[d] = (long)rnd.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                                    if( data[d] >= 0 )
                                        data[d] *= Int64.MaxValue / Int32.MaxValue;
                                        data[d] *= Int64.MinValue / Int32.MinValue;
                                handle.asInt64Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kUInt8:
								byte[] data = new byte[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    data[d] = (byte)rnd.Next(0, Byte.MaxValue + 1);
                                handle.asUInt8Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kUInt16:
								ushort[] data = new ushort[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    data[d] = (ushort)rnd.Next(0, UInt16.MaxValue + 1);
                                handle.asUInt16Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kUInt32:
								uint[] data = new uint[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    data[d] = (uint)rnd.Next();
                                handle.asUInt32Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kUInt64:
								ulong[] data = new ulong[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
    								data[d] = ((ulong)rnd.Next()) * UInt64.MaxValue / UInt32.MaxValue;
                                handle.asUInt64Array = data;
						case Member.eDataType.kString:
                                string[] randomStrings = new string[] { "banana", "tomatoe", "apple", "pineapple", "apricot", "pepper", "olive", "grapefruit" };
                                string[] data = new string[handle.dataLength];
						        for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                    int index = rnd.Next( randomStrings.Length );
    								data[d] = randomStrings[index];
                                handle.asStringArray = data;
								Debug.Assert(false, "This should never happen");
					newStream.setElement(new Index(m), handle);

                // Note: the following will not work if "obj" is a shape constructed by a source object
                // You need to delete the history of the shape before calling this...
                fDGModifier.setMetadata(obj, newMetadata);

				// Set the result to the number of actual metadata values set as a
				// triple value:
				//	 	(# nodes, # metadata elements, # members per element)
				MIntArray theResult = new MIntArray();
				theResult.append( (int) fNodes.length );
				theResult.append( (int) indexCount );
				theResult.append( (int) structureMemberCount );
				setResult( theResult );

		private void renameNodes(MObject transform, string baseName)
			//  Rename the transform to something we know no node will be using.
			dagMod.renameNode(transform, "polyPrimitiveCmdTemp");
			//  Rename the mesh to the same thing but with 'Shape' on the end.
			MFnDagNode dagFn = new MFnDagNode(transform);

			dagMod.renameNode(dagFn.child(0), "polyPrimitiveCmdTempShape");

			//  Now that they are in the 'something/somethingShape' format, any
			//  changes we make to the name of the transform will automatically be
			//  propagated to the shape as well.
			//  Maya will replace the '#' in the string below with a number which
			//  ensures uniqueness.
			string transformName = baseName + "#";
			dagMod.renameNode(transform, transformName);
		// Check the parsed arguments and do/undo/redo the command as appropriate
		void checkArgs(ref MArgDatabase argsDb)
			// -structure flag
			fStructureFlag.parse(ref argsDb, flagStructure);
			if (fStructureFlag.isSet())
				if (!fStructureFlag.isArgValid())
					string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kInvalidString);
					throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");

				string structureName = fStructureFlag.arg();
					fStructure = Structure.structureByName(structureName);
				catch (System.Exception)
					string msgFmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataStructureNotFound);
					throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(msgFmt, structureName), "argsDb");

				string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataNoStructureName);
				throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");

			// -streamName flag
			fStreamNameFlag.parse(ref argsDb, flagStreamName);
			if (fStreamNameFlag.isSet())
				if (!fStreamNameFlag.isArgValid())
					string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kInvalidString);
					throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
				fStreamName = fStreamNameFlag.arg();
				string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataNoStructureName);
				throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");


			// -channelType flag
			fChannelTypeFlag.parse(ref argsDb, flagChannelType);
			if (fChannelTypeFlag.isSet())
				if (!fChannelTypeFlag.isArgValid())
					string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kInvalidString);
					throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
				fChannelType = fChannelTypeFlag.arg();
				string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataNoStructureName);
				throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");

			// (selection list)
			// Commands need at least one node on which to operate so gather up
			// the list of nodes specified and/or selected.

			// Empty out the list of nodes on which to operate so that it can be
			// populated from the selection or specified lists.
			MSelectionList objects = new MSelectionList();

			for (uint i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i)
                MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
                objects.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath);
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(dagPath.node);
                MObject obj = dagNode.child(0);
                if (obj.apiTypeStr == "kMesh")
                    if (obj == MObject.kNullObj)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Error: objects.getDependNode() ");
                    String fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectTypeError);
                    String msg = String.Format(fmt, dagPath.fullPathName + "[" + obj.apiTypeStr + "]");
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(msg);

			if (fNodes.length == 0)
				string errMsg = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kObjectNotFoundError);
				throw new ArgumentException(errMsg, "argsDb");
 private void linkXformsMeshes()
     foreach( MayaXform xform in allXforms )
         // Convert to a DAG node to traverse children.
         MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(xform.mayaObjectPath);
         for( uint childIdx = 0; childIdx < dagNode.childCount; ++childIdx )
             MObject childObj = dagNode.child(childIdx);
             // If the child has a mesh, link it.
             if( childObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh) )
                 xform.mesh = pathMeshMap[(new MFnMesh(childObj)).fullPathName];