public static int SaveClickURL(string URL, string Title, string Description, string KnowledgeID) { MF_URL clickURL = new MF_URL(); clickURL.URLID = -1; clickURL.FillSelf(MF_URL.M_URL + "='" + URL + "'"); if (clickURL.URLID > 0) { clickURL.Count = clickURL.Count + 1; clickURL.OPTag = EDBOperationTag.Update; clickURL.DB_SaveEntity(); } else { clickURL.URL = URL; clickURL.Title = Title; clickURL.Description = Description; clickURL.KnowledgeID = int.Parse(KnowledgeID); clickURL.Count = 1; clickURL.TotalViewTime = 0; clickURL.OPTag = EDBOperationTag.AddNew; clickURL.DB_InsertEntity(); clickURL.FillSelf(MF_URL.M_URL + "='" + URL + "'"); } return(clickURL.URLID); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest Request = context.Request; context.Response.Clear(); string url = string.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["url"] != null) { url = Request.QueryString["url"]; } else { url = "#"; } int knowledgeid = 0; if (Request.QueryString["KnowledgeID"] != null) { knowledgeid = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["KnowledgeID"]); } int URLID = 0; if (Request.QueryString["URLID"] != null) { URLID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["URLID"]); } int UserID = 0; if (Request.QueryString["UserID"] != null) { UserID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["UserID"]); } switch (Request.QueryString["action"]) { case "Enter": MF_ViewLog VLEnter = new MF_ViewLog(); VLEnter.ViewLogID = -1; VLEnter.FillSelf(MF_ViewLog.M_SessionID + "='" + context.Session.SessionID + "' and " + MF_ViewLog.M_URL + "='" + url + "'"); if (VLEnter.ViewLogID > 0) { VLEnter.ViewTime = DateTime.Now; VLEnter.OPTag = MyFramework.EDBOperationTag.Update; VLEnter.DB_SaveEntity(); } else { VLEnter.SessionID = context.Session.SessionID; VLEnter.KnowledgeID = knowledgeid; VLEnter.URL = url; VLEnter.URLID = URLID; VLEnter.UserID = UserID; VLEnter.ViewDate = DateTime.Now; VLEnter.ViewTime = DateTime.Now; VLEnter.TotalTime = 0; VLEnter.OPTag = MyFramework.EDBOperationTag.AddNew; VLEnter.DB_InsertEntity(); } break; case "Exit": MF_ViewLog VLExit = new MF_ViewLog(); VLExit.FillSelf(MF_ViewLog.M_SessionID + "='" + context.Session.SessionID + "' and " + MF_ViewLog.M_URL + "='" + url + "'"); if (VLExit.ViewLogID > 0) { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - VLExit.ViewTime; VLExit.TotalTime = VLExit.TotalTime + ts.Hours * 60 * 60 + ts.Minutes * 60 + ts.Seconds; if (VLExit.TotalTime > 60) { MF_URL usefullurl = new MF_URL(); usefullurl.URLID = -1; usefullurl.FillSelf(MF_URL.M_URLID + "='" + URLID + "'"); if (usefullurl.URLID > 0) { usefullurl.TotalViewTime = usefullurl.TotalViewTime + VLExit.TotalTime; usefullurl.OPTag = MyFramework.EDBOperationTag.Update; usefullurl.DB_SaveEntity(); } } VLExit.OPTag = MyFramework.EDBOperationTag.Update; VLExit.DB_SaveEntity(); } break; } context.Response.End(); }