//public static string RemoveUnsupportedFilePathCharacters(string input)
        //    //"[^"]*" - replace qualified email addresses in the form "Cieslewicz, Pawel, Vodafone Ireland"
        //    string pattern1 = @"""[^""]*""";
        //    Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern1, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        //    input = rgx.Replace(input, "").Trim();
        //    return input.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("?", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("*", "").Replace("|", "").Replace(@"\", "").Replace(@"/", "");

        private static void SubjectParser()
            MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc Misc = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc();
            MFM.Lbg.Helper.SimpleWorkflowRequest SimpleWorkflowRequest = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.SimpleWorkflowRequest();

            SimpleWorkflowRequest = Misc.ParseSimpleWorkflowSubject("Action:TrackCase Case:3365-3687187 Request:Accept ID:3687187 GUID:a50f6ae1-650e-4277-8292-47de72f5bba2");
        //private string ReplaceTag(string TagPattern, string HtmlText, string Replacement)
        //    Regex.Replace(HtmlText,String.Format(@"<{0}[^>*]>",TagPattern, delegate(Match TagMatch)
        //    {
        //        string c = TagMatch.
        //    }
        //    );

        static void DpRrFilename()
            string myPath = @"\\uncserver\here\sub\myfile.xml";

            MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc doIt = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc();
            string result            = doIt.RrFileName(myPath);
        private static string EmailParser(string input)
            //"Cieslewicz, Pawel, Vodafone Ireland" <*****@*****.**>
            MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc Misc = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc();
            string tmp = Misc.RemoveUnsupportedFilePathCharacters(input);

        static void ParseWorlogs()
            //Read Xml

            XmlDocument msg = new XmlDocument();

            msg.Load(@"C:\Users\mcss-tarrighi-p\TFS2012\MFM Integration Apps Group\BizTalk2013\Beacon\MFM.Lbg.Interface\HelperTester\Test\TEST_MX4456660_INPRG.xml");

            XmlDocument result = new XmlDocument();

            MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc doIt = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc();
            result = doIt.GetCombinedWorkLogMsg(msg);
        private static void TestBulkLoader()
            //Test helper bulk load
            XmlDocument data = new XmlDocument();

            data.Load(@"C:\Users\mcss-tarrighi-p\TFS2012\MFM Integration Apps Group\BizTalk2013\Beacon\MFM.Lbg.Interface\HelperTester\Test\out.xml");

            MFM.Lbg.Helper.HelpdeskSqlClient Loader = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.HelpdeskSqlClient();

            MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc Misc = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc();

            XmlDocument msg = new XmlDocument();

            msg = Misc.NotifyConstructMsg(data);
        private static void testBst()
            MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc Misc = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc();

            DateTime input, output;

            // DT evaluated as BST 2014-10-02T13:39:00+01:00 - skips and passes back as +01 as no year 2014 specified - Ok
            // DT evaluated as BST 2015-10-02T13:39:00+01:00 - catches and forces +01:00 as is within 2015 bst dates - OK
            // DT evaluated as BST 2015-11-01T13:39:00+01:00 - incorrectly marked as bst as logged in bst window, corrects to +00:00 - ok
            // DT evaluated as BST 2015-04-01T13:39:00+01:00 - incorrectly marked as GMT as logged before bst window

            input = System.Convert.ToDateTime("2015-03-31T09:01:00Z");

            string u = Misc.AdjustForBst(input);

            //string extString = u.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz");
        private static void TestBodyParser()
            string test = @"&lt;![CDATA[

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
/* Font Definitions */
	panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}
	panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;}
/* Style Definitions */
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal

@page WordSection1
	{size:612.0pt 792.0pt;
	margin:72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt;}

This is a html email
Tony Arrighi
Interface Solutions Architect
35 Duchess Road, Rutherglen, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G73 1AU, UK
T: +44 (0)141 278 5861 | M: +44 (0)7979 702388


MITIE Group plc is registered in Scotland under company number SC19230 at 35 Duchess Road, Rutherglen, Glasgow, G73 1AU, UK


            MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc Misc = new MFM.Lbg.Helper.Misc();