static void Prefix(GameObject LoadedObject, SavedCustomObject save) { var handler = LoadedObject.GetComponent <UpdateHandler>(); var handlerType = handler.GetType(); Action <object> setValue = null; foreach (var item in save.CustomData.Skip(2)) { if (item is string str && str.StartsWith("::")) { string name = str.Substring(2); var field = handlerType.GetField(name); if (field == null) { var prop = handlerType.GetProperty(name); if (prop == null) { MDebug.WriteLine("ERROR: INVALID DATA FIELD!"); } else { setValue = o => prop.SetValue(handler, Convert.ChangeType(o, prop.PropertyType), null); } } else { setValue = o => field.SetValue(handler, o); } }
/// <summary> /// Log a message to the console (can be multi-line) /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Type of log <see cref="LogType"/></param> /// <param name="msg">Message to log</param> public static void Log(LogType type, object msg) { if (msg == null) { return; } if (!Initialized) { EntryQueue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair <LogType, object>(type, msg)); return; } string m = WordWrap(msg.ToString(), (int)(Screen.width / Style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("A")).x)); foreach (string line in m.Split('\n')) { var logEntry = new LogEntry(type, line); CmdLog.Push(logEntry); } #if DEBUG var stack = new StackTrace(); var calling = stack.GetFrame(1).GetMethod(); if (calling.DeclaringType == typeof(IGConsole)) { calling = stack.GetFrame(2).GetMethod(); } MDebug.WriteLine($"[IGCONSOLE] {calling}: {msg}"); #endif }
public static void Prefix(SavedCustomObject save, ObjectInfo CreateFromThis) { /* * CustomData structure: * - CustomComponent.UniqueName * - Outputs.On[] * - Fields[] */ List <object> saveData = new List <object>(); var customComponent = CreateFromThis.GetComponent <UpdateHandler>(); CircuitOutput[] outputs = CreateFromThis.GetComponentsInChildren <CircuitOutput>(); if (customComponent.Component == null) { MDebug.WriteLine("!!customComponent.Component IS NULL!! NAME: " + customComponent.ComponentName); if (customComponent.ComponentName != null) { if (ComponentRegistry.Registry.TryGetValue(customComponent.ComponentName, out var comp)) { customComponent.Component = comp; } else { MDebug.WriteLine("!!MISING COMPONENT: " + customComponent.ComponentName); } } else { MDebug.WriteLine("!!customComponent.ComponentName IS ALSO NULL!! ALLOW ME TO JUMP OFF A CLIFF"); return; } } saveData.Add(customComponent.ComponentName); saveData.Add(outputs.Select(o => o.On).ToArray()); saveData.AddRange(GetSaveThisFields(customComponent)); save.CustomData = saveData.ToArray(); }
public static ConfigurationFile Load(Mod mod) { string fileName = mod == null ? "pitung" : mod.PackageName; string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, Path.Combine("config", fileName + ".json")); string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } ConfigurationFile configFile; if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { configFile = new ConfigurationFile { FilePath = filePath }; configFile.Save(); } else { string file = File.ReadAllText(filePath); try { configFile = JSON.ToObject <ConfigurationFile>(file, Parameters); } catch (Exception ex) { MDebug.WriteLine($"ERROR: COULDN'T LOAD CONFIGURATION FILE AT '{filePath}'. DETAILS:"); MDebug.WriteLine(ex); configFile = new ConfigurationFile(); } } configFile.FilePath = filePath; return(configFile); }
static void Postfix(ref GameObject __result, SavedCustomObject save) { if (save.CustomData.Length == 0) { MDebug.WriteLine("ERROR: INVALID CUSTOM COMPONENT LOADED!"); __result = GetDefaultObject(""); return; } string name = save.CustomData[0] as string; if (ComponentRegistry.Registry.TryGetValue(name, out var item)) { __result = item.Instantiate(); __result.transform.parent = NextParent; } else { MDebug.WriteLine("ERROR: CUSTOM COMPONENT NOT FOUND!"); __result = GetDefaultObject(name); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user presses enter /// </summary> /// <param name="cmd">The full command line</param> internal static void ExecuteCommand(string cmd) { if (cmd.Length == 0) { return; } string verb, error; string[] args; if (!CmdParser.TryParseCmdLine(cmd, out verb, out args, out error)) { Log(LogType.ERROR, "Invalid command: " + error); return; } args = ReplaceVariables(args).ToArray(); Command command = Registry.Values.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Aliases != null && o.Aliases.Contains(verb)); if (command != null || Registry.TryGetValue(verb, out command)) { try { command.Execute(args); } catch (Exception e) { Log(LogType.ERROR, "An internal error occurred while executing the command."); MDebug.WriteLine("Command exception: '" + cmd + "'"); MDebug.WriteLine(e); } } else if (!TryParseVariables(cmd.Trim())) { Log(LogType.ERROR, $"Unrecognized command: {verb}"); } }
public override bool Execute(IEnumerable <string> arguments) { var scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); foreach (var obj in scene.GetRootGameObjects()) { Recurse(obj); } return(true); void Recurse(GameObject parent, int level = 0) { string compStr = string.Join(", ", parent.GetComponents <Component>().Select(o => o.GetType().Name).ToArray()); MDebug.WriteLine(new string(' ', level * 4) + $"{} [{parent.tag}] ({compStr})"); foreach (Transform item in parent.transform) { Recurse(item.gameObject, level + 1); } } }
public void Save() { MDebug.WriteLine("SAVE CONFIG TO " + FilePath); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, JSON.ToNiceJSON(this, Parameters)); }