        //public void SetupBMD(BMDObjectAttrib* attrib)
        //    byte* pCom;
        //    ElementDef* pDef;

        //    WiiVertexComponentType format;
        //    fixed (int* pDefData = Defs)
        //    fixed (byte* pComData = Commands)
        //    {
        //        pCom = pComData;
        //        pDef = (ElementDef*)pDefData;

        //        while (attrib->ArrayType != GXAttribute.Null)
        //        {
        //            format = attrib->DataFormat;
        //            switch (attrib->ArrayType)
        //            {
        //                case GXAttribute.PosNrmMtxId:
        //                    Weighted = true;
        //                    *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.PosWeight;
        //                    Stride++;
        //                    break;
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex0MtxId:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex1MtxId:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex2MtxId:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex3MtxId:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex4MtxId:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex5MtxId:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex6MtxId:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex7MtxId:
        //                    *pCom++ = (byte)(DecodeOp.TexMtx0 + (int)(attrib->ArrayType - GXAttribute.Tex0MtxId));
        //                    Stride++;
        //                    break;
        //                case GXAttribute.Position:
        //                    HasData[0] = true;
        //                    pDef->Type = 0;
        //                    Stride += (pDef->Format = (byte)((int)format < 2 ? 1 : 2));
        //                    pDef->Output = 12;
        //                    *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;
        //                    pDef++;
        //                    break;
        //                case GXAttribute.Normal:
        //                    HasData[1] = true;
        //                    pDef->Type = 1;
        //                    Stride += (pDef->Format = (byte)((int)format < 2 ? 1 : 2));
        //                    pDef->Output = 12;
        //                    *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;
        //                    pDef++;
        //                    break;
        //                case GXAttribute.Color0:
        //                case GXAttribute.Color1:
        //                    int cIndex = (int)(attrib->ArrayType - GXAttribute.Color0);
        //                    HasData[cIndex + 2] = true;
        //                    pDef->Type = (byte)(cIndex + 2);
        //                    Stride += (pDef->Format = (byte)((int)format < 2 ? 1 : 2));
        //                    pDef->Output = 4;
        //                    *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;
        //                    pDef++;
        //                    break;
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex0:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex1:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex2:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex3:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex4:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex5:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex6:
        //                case GXAttribute.Tex7:
        //                    int uIndex = (int)(attrib->ArrayType - GXAttribute.Tex0);
        //                    HasData[uIndex + 4] = true;
        //                    pDef->Type = (byte)(uIndex + 4);
        //                    Stride += (pDef->Format = (byte)((int)format < 2 ? 1 : 2));
        //                    pDef->Output = 8;
        //                    *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;
        //                    pDef++;
        //                    break;
        //            }
        //            attrib++;
        //        }
        //        *pCom = 0;
        //    }

        public void SetupMDL0(MDL0Object *polygon)
            byte *      pCom;
            ElementDef *pDef;

            CPElementSpec UVATGroups;
            int           format; //0 for direct, 1 for byte, 2 for short

            //Read element descriptor from polygon display list
            MDL0PolygonDefs *Definitons = polygon->DefList;

            int fmtLo = (int)Definitons->VtxFmtLo;
            int fmtHi = (int)Definitons->VtxFmtHi;

            UVATGroups = new CPElementSpec(

            //Build extract script.
            //What we're doing is assigning extract commands for elements in the polygon, in true order.
            //This allows us to process the polygon blindly, assuming that the definition is accurate.
            //Theoretically, this should offer a significant speed bonus.
            fixed(int *pDefData = Defs)
                fixed(byte *pComData = Commands)
                    pCom = pComData;
                    pDef = (ElementDef *)pDefData;

                    //Pos/Norm weight
                    if (Weighted = (fmtLo & 1) != 0)
                        //Set the first command as the weight
                        *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.PosWeight;
                        Stride++; //Increment stride by a byte (the length of the facepoints)

                    //Tex matrix
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        if (((fmtLo >> (i + 1)) & 1) != 0)
                            //Set the command for each texture matrix
                            *pCom++ = (byte)(DecodeOp.TexMtx0 + i);
                            Stride++; //Increment stride by a byte (the length of the facepoints)

                    format = ((fmtLo >> 9) & 3) - 1;
                    if (format >= 0)
                        HasData[0] = true;

                        //Set the definitions input
                        pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                        //Set the type to Positions
                        pDef->Type = 0;
                        if (format == 0)
                            int f = (int)UVATGroups.PositionDef.DataFormat;

                            //Clamp format to even value and add length to stride
                            Stride += f.RoundDownToEven().Clamp(1, 4) * (!UVATGroups.PositionDef.IsSpecial ? 2 : 3);

                            pDef->Scale  = (byte)UVATGroups.PositionDef.Scale;
                            pDef->Output =
                                            ? (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.XY
                                            : (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.XYZ) +
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                            Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                            pDef->Output = 12;     //Set the output
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;


                    format = ((fmtLo >> 11) & 3) - 1;
                    if (format >= 0)
                        HasData[1] = true;

                        //Set the definitions input
                        pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                        //Set the type to Normals
                        pDef->Type = 1;
                        if (format == 0)
                            int f = (int)UVATGroups.NormalDef.DataFormat;
                            Stride += f.RoundDownToEven().Clamp(1, 4) * 3;

                            pDef->Scale  = (byte)UVATGroups.NormalDef.Scale;
                            pDef->Output =
                                (byte)((int)ElementCodec.CodecType.XYZ + (byte)UVATGroups.NormalDef.DataFormat);
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                            Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                            pDef->Output = 12;     //Set the output
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;


                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        format = ((fmtLo >> (i * 2 + 13)) & 3) - 1;
                        if (format >= 0)
                            HasData[i + 2] = true;

                            //Set the definitions input
                            pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                            //Set the type to Colors
                            pDef->Type = (byte)(i + 2);
                            if (format == 0)
                                //pDef->Output =
                                pDef->Scale = 0;
                                *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                                Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                                pDef->Output = 4;      //Set the output
                                *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;


                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        format = ((fmtHi >> (i * 2)) & 3) - 1;
                        if (format >= 0)
                            HasData[i + 4] = true;

                            //Set the definitions input
                            pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                            //Set the type to UVs
                            pDef->Type = (byte)(i + 4);
                            if (format == 0)
                                int f = (int)UVATGroups.GetUVDef(i).DataFormat;
                                Stride += f.RoundDownToEven().Clamp(1, 4);

                                pDef->Output =
                                                ? (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.S
                                                : (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.ST) +
                                pDef->Scale = (byte)UVATGroups.GetUVDef(i).Scale;
                                *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                                Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                                pDef->Output = 8;      //Set the output
                                *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;


                    *pCom = 0;
        public ElementDescriptor(MDL0Polygon *polygon)
            byte *      pData = (byte *)polygon->DefList;
            byte *      pCom;
            ElementDef *pDef;

            CPElementSpec UVATGroups;
            int           format; //1 for direct, 2 for byte, 3 for short

            //Create remap table for vertex weights
            RemapTable = new UnsafeBuffer(polygon->_numVertices * 4);
            RemapSize  = 0;
            Stride     = 0;

            NodeIds   = new List <ushort>();
            Addresses = new List <uint>();

            //Read element descriptor from polygon display list
            MDL0PolygonDefs *Definitons = (MDL0PolygonDefs *)polygon->DefList;

            int fmtLo = (int)Definitons->VtxFmtLo;
            int fmtHi = (int)Definitons->VtxFmtHi;

            UVATGroups = new CPElementSpec(

            //Build extract script.
            //What we're doing is assigning extract commands for elements in the polygon, in true order.
            //This allows us to process the polygon blindly, assuming that the definition is accurate.
            //Theoretically, this should offer a significant speed bonus.
            fixed(int *pDefData = Defs)
            fixed(byte *pComData = Commands)
                pCom = pComData;
                pDef = (ElementDef *)pDefData;

                //Pos/Norm weight
                if (Weighted = (fmtLo & 1) != 0)
                    //Set the first command as the weight
                    *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.PosWeight;
                    Stride++; //Increment stride by a byte (the length of the facepoints)

                //Tex matrix
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (((fmtLo >> (i + 1)) & 1) != 0)
                        //Set the command for each texture matrix
                        *pCom++ = (byte)(DecodeOp.TexMtx0 + i);
                        Stride++; //Increment stride by a byte (the length of the facepoints)

                format = ((fmtLo >> 9) & 3) - 1;
                if (format >= 0)
                    //Set the definitions input
                    pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                    //Set the type to Positions
                    pDef->Type = 0;
                    if (format == 0)
                        pDef->Scale = (byte)UVATGroups.PositionDef.Scale;
                        //pDef->Output =
                        *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                        Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                        pDef->Output = 12;     //Set the output
                        *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;

                format = ((fmtLo >> 11) & 3) - 1;
                if (format >= 0)
                    //Set the definitions input
                    pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                    //Set the type to Normals
                    pDef->Type = 1;
                    if (format == 0)
                        pDef->Scale = (byte)UVATGroups.NormalDef.Scale;
                        //pDef->Output =
                        *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                        Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                        pDef->Output = 12;     //Set the output
                        *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    format = ((fmtLo >> (i * 2 + 13)) & 3) - 1;
                    if (format >= 0)
                        //Set the definitions input
                        pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                        //Set the type to Colors
                        pDef->Type = (byte)(i + 2);
                        if (format == 0)
                            //pDef->Output =
                            pDef->Scale = 0;
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                            Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                            pDef->Output = 4;      //Set the output
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    format = ((fmtHi >> (i * 2)) & 3) - 1;
                    if (format >= 0)
                        //Set the definitions input
                        pDef->Format = (byte)format;
                        //Set the type to UVs
                        pDef->Type = (byte)(i + 4);
                        if (format == 0)
                            //pDef->Output =
                            pDef->Scale = (byte)UVATGroups.GetUVDef(i).Scale;
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementDirect;
                            Stride      += format; //Add to stride (the length of the facepoints)
                            pDef->Output = 8;      //Set the output
                            *pCom++ = (byte)DecodeOp.ElementIndexed;
                *pCom = 0;