public List <MColumn> GetColumnList(IDbConnection conn, string tableName) { string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT NAME,TBNAME,TBCREATOR,REMARKS,COLTYPE,LENGTH, NULLS,DEFAULT,KEYSEQ FROM sysibm.syscolumns where tbname ='{0}'", tableName); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command(sql, (DB2Connection)conn); List <MColumn> ret = new List <MColumn>(); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { MColumn model = new MColumn(); model.ColumnName = DbUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "NAME"); model.Creator = DbUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "TBCREATOR"); model.Remarks = DbUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "REMARKS"); model.ColType = DbUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "COLTYPE"); model.Length = DbUtil.GetDBValueInt(reader, "LENGTH"); model.IsNullable = DbUtil.GetDBValueBool(reader, "NULLS"); model.DefaultValue = DbUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "DEFAULT"); model.KeySeq = DbUtil.GetDBValueInt(reader, "KEYSEQ"); ret.Add(model); } } return(ret); }
public List<MColumn> GetColumnList(IDbConnection conn, string tableName) { string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT NAME,TBNAME,TBCREATOR,REMARKS,COLTYPE,LENGTH, NULLS,DEFAULT,KEYSEQ FROM sysibm.syscolumns where tbname ='{0}'", tableName); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command(sql, (DB2Connection)conn); List<MColumn> ret = new List<MColumn>(); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { MColumn model = new MColumn(); model.ColumnName = DBUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "NAME"); model.Creator = DBUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "TBCREATOR"); model.Remarks = DBUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "REMARKS"); model.ColType = DBUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "COLTYPE"); model.Length = DBUtil.GetDBValueInt(reader, "LENGTH"); model.IsNullable = DBUtil.GetDBValueBool(reader, "NULLS"); model.DefaultValue = DBUtil.GetDBValueStr(reader, "DEFAULT"); model.KeySeq = DBUtil.GetDBValueInt(reader, "KEYSEQ"); ret.Add(model); } } return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Sync Version table in database /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="AD_Column_ID"></param> /// <returns>Message (String)</returns> private string SyncVersionTable(MTable table, int AD_Column_ID, out bool Success) { // create object of Column passed in parameter Success = true; MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), AD_Column_ID, _trx); int noColumns = 0; // sync table in database string sql = CommonFunctions.SyncColumn(table, column, out noColumns); string exception = ""; int no = 0; if (sql.IndexOf(";") == -1) { try { no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, _trx); AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(no.ToString()), sql); } catch (Exception ex) { Success = false; exception = ex.Message; return(exception); } //addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal(no), sql); } else { //string ss = "; "; string[] statements = sql.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < statements.Length; i++) { int count = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(statements[i].ToString(), null, _trx); AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(count.ToString()), statements[i]); no += count; } } if (no == -1) { Success = false; string msg = "@Error@ "; ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { msg += exception + " - "; } msg += sql; return(msg); } // Apply constraints on columns for Version table ColumnSync colSync = new ColumnSync(); colSync.SetAD_Column_ID(AD_Column_ID); string r = colSync.createFK(noColumns); return(r); }
/// <summary> ///Get Column /// </summary> /// <returns>column if valid</returns> public MColumn GetColumn() { if (GetAD_Column_ID() == 0) { return(null); } if (_column == null) { _column = MColumn.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_Column_ID()); } return(_column); }
/// <summary> /// Create default columns for Master Data Version Table /// e.g. Processed, Processing, IsApproved etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="Ver_AD_Table_ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string CreateDefaultVerCols(int Ver_AD_Table_ID) { for (int i = 0; i < listDefVerCols.Count; i++) { MColumn colVer = new MColumn(GetCtx(), 0, _trx); colVer.SetExport_ID(null); colVer.SetAD_Table_ID(Ver_AD_Table_ID); colVer.SetColumnName(listDefVerCols[i]); colVer.SetAD_Element_ID(_listDefVerElements[i]); colVer.SetAD_Reference_ID(listDefVerRef[i]); //if (listDefVerCols[i] == "VersionValidFrom") // colVer.SetIsParent(true); if (listDefVerRef[i] == 10) { colVer.SetFieldLength(10); } if (listDefVerRef[i] == 14) { colVer.SetFieldLength(2000); } if (listDefVerRef[i] == 13) { colVer.SetIsKey(true); colVer.SetIsMandatory(true); colVer.SetIsMandatoryUI(true); } if (!colVer.Save()) { ValueNamePair vnp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); string error = ""; if (vnp != null) { error = vnp.GetName(); if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null) { error = vnp.GetValue(); } } if (error == "") { error = "Error in creating Version Column " + listDefVerCols[i]; } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Column not created :: " + listDefVerCols[i] + " :: " + error); _trx.Rollback(); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionColNotCreated")); } } return(""); }
} // getIndex /// <summary> /// Get Index of Node in Structure (not recursing) row /// </summary> /// <param name="AD_Column_ID">AD_Column_ID</param> /// <returns>index or -1</returns> public int GetIndex(int AD_Column_ID) { if (_columnInfo == null) { return(-1); } for (int i = 0; i < _columnInfo.Length; i++) { if (_columnInfo[i].GetAD_Column_ID() == AD_Column_ID) { return(GetIndex(_columnInfo[i].GetColumnName())); } } // OK for virtual Columns with TableDirect, Search MColumn col = MColumn.Get(GetCtx(), AD_Column_ID); if (col != null && col.IsVirtualColumn()) { return(-1); // not found, but OK } return(-1); } // getIndex
} // doIt /// <summary> /// Process Translation Table /// </summary> /// <param name="table">table</param> /// <param name="AD_Client_ID">AD_Client_ID</param> private void ProcessTable(MTable table, int AD_Client_ID) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); MColumn[] columns = table.GetColumns(false); for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { MColumn column = columns[i]; if (column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.String || column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.Text) { String columnName = column.GetColumnName(); if (sql.Length != 0) { sql.Append(","); } sql.Append(columnName); } } String baseTable = table.GetTableName(); baseTable = baseTable.Substring(0, baseTable.Length - 4); log.Config(baseTable + ": " + sql); String columnNames = sql.ToString(); sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append("UPDATE ").Append(table.GetTableName()).Append(" t SET (") .Append(columnNames).Append(") = (SELECT ").Append(columnNames) .Append(" FROM ").Append(baseTable).Append(" b WHERE t.") .Append(baseTable).Append("_ID=b.").Append(baseTable).Append("_ID) WHERE AD_Client_ID=") .Append(AD_Client_ID); int no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); AddLog(0, null, new Decimal(no), baseTable); } // processTable
protected override string DoIt() { if (p_AD_User_ID == -1) { p_AD_User_ID = GetAD_User_ID(); } MUser user = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), p_AD_User_ID); MUser current = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_User_ID()); if (!current.IsAdministrator() && p_AD_User_ID != GetAD_User_ID() && user.HasRole()) { throw new ArgumentException("@UserCannotUpdate@"); } // SuperUser and System passwords can only be updated by themselves if (user.IsSystemAdministrator() && p_AD_User_ID != GetAD_User_ID()) { throw new ArgumentException("@UserCannotUpdate@"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_CurrentPassword)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_OldPassword)) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordMandatory@"); } else if (!p_OldPassword.Equals(user.GetPassword())) { if (!SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_OldPassword).Equals(user.GetPassword())) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordNoMatch@"); } } } else if (!p_CurrentPassword.Equals(current.GetPassword())) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordNoMatch@"); } String originalPwd = p_NewPassword; String sql = "UPDATE AD_User SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword)) { MColumn column = MColumn.Get(GetCtx(), 417); // Password Column if (column.IsEncrypted()) { p_NewPassword = SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_NewPassword); } sql += ", Password="******", Email=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewEMail); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewEMailUser)) { sql += ", EmailUser="******", EmailUserPW=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewEMailUserPW); } sql += " WHERE AD_User_ID=" + p_AD_User_ID; int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx()); if (iRes > 0) { //user.SetPassword(p_NewPassword); user.SetPassword(originalPwd); return("OK"); } else { return("@Error@"); } }
/// <summary> /// Create version table and window based on the parent table \ /// where Maintain Version field is marked as true /// </summary> /// <returns> Message (String) </returns> public string CreateVersionInfo(int AD_Column_ID, int AD_Table_ID, Trx trx) { _trx = trx; _AD_Table_ID = AD_Table_ID; _AD_Column_ID = AD_Column_ID; bool hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + _AD_Table_ID + " AND IsActive ='Y' AND IsMaintainVersions = 'Y'", null, _trx)) > 0; if (!hasMainVerCol) { hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsMaintainVersions FROM AD_Table WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + _AD_Table_ID, null, _trx)) == "Y"; } // check whether there are any columns in the table // marked as "Maintain Versions", then proceed else return if (hasMainVerCol) { MTable tbl = new MTable(GetCtx(), _AD_Table_ID, _trx); string VerTblName = tbl.GetTableName() + "_Ver"; // Create/Get System Elements for Version Table Columns string retMsg = GetSystemElements(VerTblName); if (retMsg != "") { return(retMsg); } int Ver_AD_Table_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Table_ID FROM AD_Table WHERE TableName = '" + VerTblName + "'", null, _trx)); // check whether version table is already present in system // if not present then create table MTable tblVer = null; if (Ver_AD_Table_ID <= 0) { string tableName = tbl.GetTableName(); // create new Version table for parent table tblVer = new MTable(GetCtx(), 0, _trx); tbl.CopyTo(tblVer); tblVer.SetTableName(tableName + "_Ver"); tblVer.SetName(tableName + " Ver"); tblVer.Set_Value("Export_ID", null); tblVer.Set_Value("AD_Window_ID", null); tblVer.SetIsDeleteable(true); tblVer.SetDescription("Table for maintaining versions of " + tableName); tblVer.SetHelp("Table for maintaining versions of " + tableName); tblVer.SetIsMaintainVersions(false); //tblVer.SetAD_Window_ID(Ver_AD_Window_ID); if (!tblVer.Save()) { ValueNamePair vnp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); string error = ""; if (vnp != null) { error = vnp.GetName(); if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null) { error = vnp.GetValue(); } } if (error == "") { error = "Error in creating Version Table"; } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version table not created :: " + error); _trx.Rollback(); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionTblNotCreated")); } else { Ver_AD_Table_ID = tblVer.GetAD_Table_ID(); // Create Default Version Columns retMsg = CreateDefaultVerCols(Ver_AD_Table_ID); if (retMsg != "") { return(retMsg); } } } else { tblVer = new MTable(GetCtx(), Ver_AD_Table_ID, _trx); // Create Default Version Columns retMsg = CreateDefaultVerCols(Ver_AD_Table_ID); if (retMsg != "") { return(retMsg); } } int VerTableColID = 0; // if Version table successfully created, then check columns, if not found then create new if (Ver_AD_Table_ID > 0) { // Get all columns from Version Table int[] ColIDs = MColumn.GetAllIDs("AD_Column", "AD_Table_ID = " + _AD_Table_ID, _trx); bool hasCols = false; DataSet dsDestCols = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT ColumnName, AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, _trx); if (dsDestCols != null && dsDestCols.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { hasCols = true; } // loop through all columns foreach (int columnID in ColIDs) { bool createNew = true; // object of Column from source table (Master Table) MColumn sCol = new MColumn(GetCtx(), columnID, _trx); // check if source column is not Virtual Column, proceed in that case only if (!sCol.IsVirtualColumn()) { DataRow[] dr = null; if (hasCols) { dr = dsDestCols.Tables[0].Select("ColumnName = '" + sCol.GetColumnName() + "'"); if (dr.Length > 0) { createNew = false; } } // Version Column object MColumn colVer = null; int AD_Col_ID = 0; // if column not present in Version table then create new if (createNew) { colVer = new MColumn(GetCtx(), AD_Col_ID, _trx); } // if column already present and user pressed sync button on same column of Master table // then create object of existing column (in case of change in any column fields) else if (!createNew && (_AD_Column_ID == columnID)) { AD_Col_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0]["AD_Column_ID"]); colVer = new MColumn(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0]["AD_Column_ID"]), _trx); } if (colVer != null) { sCol.CopyTo(colVer); if (AD_Col_ID > 0) { colVer.SetAD_Column_ID(AD_Col_ID); } colVer.SetExport_ID(null); colVer.SetAD_Table_ID(Ver_AD_Table_ID); // set key column to false colVer.SetIsKey(false); // check if source column is key column // then set Restrict Constraint and set Reference as Table Direct if (sCol.IsKey()) { colVer.SetConstraintType("R"); colVer.SetAD_Reference_ID(19); } //if (sCol.IsKey()) // colVer.SetIsParent(true); //else colVer.SetIsParent(false); colVer.SetIsMaintainVersions(false); colVer.SetIsMandatory(false); colVer.SetIsMandatoryUI(false); if (!colVer.Save()) { ValueNamePair vnp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); string error = ""; if (vnp != null) { error = vnp.GetName(); if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null) { error = vnp.GetValue(); } } if (error == "") { error = "Version Column not created"; } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Column not created :: " + sCol.GetColumnName() + " :: " + error); _trx.Rollback(); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionColNotCreated")); } else { VerTableColID = colVer.GetAD_Column_ID(); } } } } // Get one column to sync table in database from Version Table if (VerTableColID <= 0) { VerTableColID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, _trx)); } // Get newly Created Column if (oldVerCol > 0) { VerTableColID = oldVerCol; } // Sync Version table in database bool success = true; retMsg = SyncVersionTable(tblVer, VerTableColID, out success); // if any error and there is message in return then return and rollback transaction if (!success && retMsg != "") { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Column not sync :: " + retMsg); _trx.Rollback(); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "ColumnNotSync")); } else { // if table has single key if (tbl.IsSingleKey()) { // get column names from parent table string colNameStrings = GetColumnNameString(tbl.GetAD_Table_ID()); // get default columns string from Version Table columns list string defColString = GetDefaultColString(colNameStrings); // Insert data in version table from Master table InsertVersionData(colNameStrings, defColString, tblVer.GetTableName()); } // Cases where single key is not present in Master table else { // Insert data in version table against Master Table retMsg = InsertMKVersionData(tbl, tbl.GetKeyColumns(), tblVer); if (retMsg != "") { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Data not Inserted :: " + retMsg); _trx.Rollback(); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DataInsertionErrorMultikey")); } } } } } return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "ProcessCompletedSuccessfully")); }
} // prepare /** * Process * @return info * @throws Exception */ protected override String DoIt()// throws Exception { log.Info("AD_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID + ", IsEncrypted=" + p_IsEncrypted + ", ChangeSetting=" + p_ChangeSetting + ", MaxLength=" + p_MaxLength); MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, null); if (column.Get_ID() == 0 || column.Get_ID() != p_AD_Column_ID) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@ - " + p_AD_Column_ID); } // String columnName = column.GetColumnName(); int dt = column.GetAD_Reference_ID(); // Can it be enabled? if (column.IsKey() || column.IsParent() || column.IsStandardColumn() || column.IsVirtualColumn() || column.IsIdentifier() || column.IsTranslated() || DisplayType.IsLookup(dt) || DisplayType.IsLOB(dt) || "DocumentNo".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || "Value".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || "Name".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (column.IsEncrypted()) { column.SetIsEncrypted(false); column.Save(); } return(columnName + ": cannot be encrypted"); } // Start AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption Class = " + SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.GetClassName()); bool error = false; // Test Value if (p_TestValue != null && p_TestValue.Length > 0) { String encString = SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_TestValue); AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Test Value=" + encString); String clearString = SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Decrypt(encString); if (p_TestValue.Equals(clearString)) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString + " (same as test value)"); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString + " (NOT the same as test value - check algorithm)"); error = true; } int encLength = encString.Length; AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Length=" + p_TestValue.Length + " -> " + encLength); if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength()) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")"); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field"); error = true; } } // Length Test if (p_MaxLength != 0) { String testClear = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; while (testClear.Length < p_MaxLength) { testClear += testClear; } testClear = testClear.Substring(0, p_MaxLength); log.Config("Test=" + testClear + " (" + p_MaxLength + ")"); // String encString = SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Encrypt(testClear); int encLength = encString.Length; AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Max Length=" + testClear.Length + " -> " + encLength); if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength()) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")"); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field"); error = true; } } if (p_IsEncrypted != column.IsEncrypted()) { if (error || !p_ChangeSetting) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption NOT changed - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted()); } else { column.SetIsEncrypted(p_IsEncrypted); if (column.Save()) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption CHANGED - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted()); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Save Error"); } } } return("Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted()); }
/// <summary> /// Parse Variable /// </summary> /// <param name="variable">variable</param> /// <param name="po">po object</param> /// <returns>translated variable or if not found the original tag</returns> private static string ParseVariable(String variable, PO po) { int index = po.Get_ColumnIndex(variable); if (index == -1) { return("@" + variable + "@"); // keep for next } // Object value = po.Get_Value(index); if (value == null) { return(""); } POInfo _poInfo = POInfo.GetPOInfo(po.GetCtx(), po.Get_Table_ID()); MColumn column = (new MTable(po.GetCtx(), po.Get_Table_ID(), null)).GetColumn(variable); if (column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.Location) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(@"SELECT l.address1, l.address2, l.address3, l.address4,, CASE WHEN l.C_City_ID IS NOT NULL THEN ( SELECT NAME FROM C_City ct WHERE ct.C_City_ID=l.C_City_ID ) ELSE NULL END CityName, (SELECT NAME FROM C_Country c WHERE c.C_Country_ID=l.C_Country_ID ) AS CountryName FROM C_Location l WHERE l.C_Location_ID=" + value); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address1"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address1"] != DBNull.Value) { sb.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address1"]).Append(","); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address2"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address2"] != DBNull.Value) { sb.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address2"]).Append(","); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address3"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address3"] != DBNull.Value) { sb.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address3"]).Append(","); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address4"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address4"] != DBNull.Value) { sb.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["address4"]).Append(","); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["city"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["city"] != DBNull.Value) { sb.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["city"]).Append(","); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CityName"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CityName"] != DBNull.Value) { sb.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CityName"]).Append(","); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CountryName"] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CountryName"] != DBNull.Value) { sb.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CountryName"]).Append(","); } return(sb.ToString().TrimEnd(',')); } else { return(""); } } //Get lookup display column name for ID if (_poInfo != null && _poInfo.getAD_Table_ID() == po.Get_Table_ID() && _poInfo.IsColumnLookup(index) && value != null) { VLookUpInfo lookup = _poInfo.GetColumnLookupInfo(index); //create lookup info for column DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(lookup.queryDirect.Replace("@key", DB.TO_STRING(value.ToString())), null); //Get Name from data if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][2]; //Name Value } } if (column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.Date) { return(Util.GetValueOfDateTime(value).Value.Date.ToShortDateString()); } return(value.ToString()); }
protected override string DoIt() { VLogger log = VLogger.GetVLogger(this.GetType().FullName); log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log=>" + Convert.ToString(p_AD_User_ID)); if (p_AD_User_ID == -1) { p_AD_User_ID = GetAD_User_ID(); } MUser user = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), p_AD_User_ID); MUser current = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_User_ID()); if (!current.IsAdministrator() && p_AD_User_ID != GetAD_User_ID() && user.HasRole()) { throw new ArgumentException("@UserCannotUpdate@"); } // SuperUser and System passwords can only be updated by themselves if (user.IsSystemAdministrator() && p_AD_User_ID != GetAD_User_ID()) { throw new ArgumentException("@UserCannotUpdate@"); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log Step Check for valid user=>" + Convert.ToString(p_AD_User_ID)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_CurrentPassword)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_OldPassword)) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordMandatory@"); } else if (!p_OldPassword.Equals(user.GetPassword())) { if (!SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_OldPassword).Equals(user.GetPassword())) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordNoMatch@"); } } } else if (!p_CurrentPassword.Equals(current.GetPassword())) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordNoMatch@"); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log Step Password Change=>" + Convert.ToString(p_AD_User_ID)); String originalPwd = p_NewPassword; String sql = "UPDATE AD_User SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword)) { MColumn column = MColumn.Get(GetCtx(), 417); // Password Column if (column.IsEncrypted()) { p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_NewPassword); } sql += ", Password="******", Email=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewEMail); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewEMailUser)) { sql += ", EmailUser="******", EmailUserPW=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewEMailUserPW); } sql += " WHERE AD_User_ID=" + p_AD_User_ID; log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log=>" + sql); int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx()); if (iRes > 0) { bool error = false; //Check for yellowFin user password change if BI user is true.................. object ModuleId = DB.ExecuteScalar("select ad_moduleinfo_id from ad_moduleinfo where prefix='VA037_' and IsActive = 'Y'"); // is active check by vinay bhatt on 18 oct 2018 if (ModuleId != null && ModuleId != DBNull.Value) { if (user.IsVA037_BIUser()) { var Dll = Assembly.Load("VA037"); var BIUser = Dll.GetType("VA037.BIProcess.BIUsers"); var objBIUser = Activator.CreateInstance(BIUser); var ChangeBIPassword = BIUser.GetMethod("ChangeBIPassword"); bool value = (bool)ChangeBIPassword.Invoke(objBIUser, new object[] { GetCtx(), GetAD_Client_ID(), Convert.ToString(user.GetVA037_BIUserName()), originalPwd }); if (value) { //user.SetPassword(p_NewPassword); error = false; user.SetPassword(originalPwd); //return "OK"; } else { error = true; // return "@Error@"; } } else { error = false; user.SetPassword(originalPwd); // return "OK"; } } ModuleId = DB.ExecuteScalar("select ad_moduleinfo_id from ad_moduleinfo where prefix='VA039_' and IsActive = 'Y'"); // is active check by vinay bhatt if (ModuleId != null && ModuleId != DBNull.Value) { MUser obj = new MUser(GetCtx(), p_AD_User_ID, null); if (obj.IsVA039_IsJasperUser() == true) { var Dll = Assembly.Load("VA039"); var JasperUser = Dll.GetType("VA039.Classes.Users"); var objJasperUser = Activator.CreateInstance(JasperUser); var BICreateUser = JasperUser.GetMethod("ModifyUserPassword"); object[] args = new object[] { GetCtx(), originalPwd }; bool value = (bool)BICreateUser.Invoke(objJasperUser, args); if (value) { error = false; user.SetPassword(originalPwd); //return "@Error@"; } else { error = true; goto PasswordError; // return "OK"; } } } else { error = false; user.SetPassword(originalPwd); // return "OK"; } PasswordError: if (error) { return("@Error@"); } else { return("OK"); } } else { return("@Error@"); } }
public string ApproveIt(int nodeID, int activityID, string textMsg, object forward, object answer, Ctx ctx) { MWFActivity activity = new MWFActivity(ctx, activityID, null); MWFNode node = activity.GetNode(); int approvalLevel = node.GetApprovalLeval(); int AD_User_ID = ctx.GetAD_User_ID(); MColumn column = node.GetColumn(); if (forward != null) // Prefer Forward { int fw = int.Parse(forward.ToString()); if (fw == AD_User_ID || fw == 0) { return(""); } if (!activity.ForwardTo(fw, textMsg, true)) { return("CannotForward"); } } // User Choice - Answer else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserChoice.Equals(node.GetAction())) { if (column == null) { column = node.GetColumn(); } // Do we have an answer? int dt = column.GetAD_Reference_ID(); String value = null; value = answer != null?answer.ToString() : null; //if (dt == DisplayType.YesNo || dt == DisplayType.List || dt == DisplayType.TableDir) if (!node.IsMultiApproval() && (dt == DisplayType.YesNo || dt == DisplayType.List || dt == DisplayType.TableDir)) { if (value == null || value.Length == 0) { return("FillMandatory"); } // string res = SetUserChoice(AD_User_ID, value, dt, textMsg, activity, node); if (res != "OK") { return(res); } } //Genral Attribute Instance //else if (column.GetColumnName().ToUpper().Equals("C_GENATTRIBUTESETINSTANCE_ID")) //{ // if (attrib == null) // { // Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate // { // SetBusy(false); // ShowMessage.Error("FillMandatory", true, Msg.GetMsg(Envs.GetContext(), "Answer", true)); // //log.Config("Answer=" + value + " - " + textMsg); // return; // }); // return; // } // SetUserChoice(AD_User_ID, attrib.GetAttributeSetInstance().ToString(), 0, textMsg, activity, node); //} else if (forward == null && node.IsMultiApproval() && approvalLevel > 0 && answer.ToString().Equals("Y")) { int eventCount = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT COUNT(WFE.AD_WF_EventAudit_ID) FROM AD_WF_EventAudit WFE INNER JOIN AD_WF_Process WFP ON (WFP.AD_WF_Process_ID=WFE.AD_WF_Process_ID) INNER JOIN AD_WF_Activity WFA ON (WFA.AD_WF_Process_ID=WFP.AD_WF_Process_ID) WHERE WFE.AD_WF_Node_ID=" + node.GetAD_WF_Node_ID() + " AND WFA.AD_WF_Activity_ID=" + activity.GetAD_WF_Activity_ID())); if (eventCount < approvalLevel) //Forward Activity { int superVisiorID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT Supervisor_ID FROM AD_User WHERE IsActive='Y' AND AD_User_ID=" + activity.GetAD_User_ID())); if (superVisiorID == 0)//Approve { //SetUserConfirmation(AD_User_ID, textMsg, activity, node); string res = SetUserChoice(AD_User_ID, value, dt, textMsg, activity, node); if (res != "OK") { return(res); } } else //forward { if (!activity.ForwardTo(superVisiorID, textMsg, true)) { //Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate //{ // SetBusy(false); // ShowMessage.Error("CannotForward", true); // return; //}); return("CannotForward"); } } } else //Approve { //SetUserConfirmation(AD_User_ID, textMsg, activity, node); string res = SetUserChoice(AD_User_ID, value, dt, textMsg, activity, node); if (res != "OK") { return(res); } } } else { string res = SetUserChoice(AD_User_ID, value, dt, textMsg, activity, node); if (res != "OK") { return(res); } } } // User Action else { // log.Config("Action=" + node.GetAction() + " - " + textMsg); //try //{ // activity.SetUserConfirmation(AD_User_ID, textMsg); //} //catch (Exception exx) //{ // Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate // { // SetBusy(false); // log.Log(Level.SEVERE, node.GetName(), exx); // ShowMessage.Error("Error", true, exx.ToString()); // return; // }); // return; //} activity.SetUserConfirmation(AD_User_ID, textMsg); } return(""); }
protected override string DoIt() { VLogger log = VLogger.GetVLogger(this.GetType().FullName); log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log=>" + Convert.ToString(p_AD_User_ID)); if (p_AD_User_ID == -1) { p_AD_User_ID = GetAD_User_ID(); } MUser user = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), p_AD_User_ID); MUser current = MUser.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_User_ID()); if (!current.IsAdministrator() && p_AD_User_ID != GetAD_User_ID() && user.HasRole()) { throw new ArgumentException("@UserCannotUpdate@"); } // SuperUser and System passwords can only be updated by themselves if (user.IsSystemAdministrator() && p_AD_User_ID != GetAD_User_ID() && GetAD_User_ID() != 100) { throw new ArgumentException("@UserCannotUpdate@"); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log Step Check for valid user=>" + Convert.ToString(p_AD_User_ID)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_CurrentPassword)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_OldPassword)) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordMandatory@"); } else if (!p_OldPassword.Equals(user.GetPassword())) { if (!SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_OldPassword).Equals(user.GetPassword())) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordNoMatch@"); } } } else if (!p_CurrentPassword.Equals(current.GetPassword())) { throw new ArgumentException("@OldPasswordNoMatch@"); } string validatePwd = Common.Common.ValidatePassword(null, p_NewPassword, p_NewPassword); if (validatePwd.Length > 0) { throw new ArgumentException(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), validatePwd)); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log Step Password Change=>" + Convert.ToString(p_AD_User_ID)); String originalPwd = p_NewPassword; String sql = "UPDATE AD_User SET Updated=SYSDATE,FailedloginCount=0, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID(); if (user.GetAD_User_ID() == current.GetAD_User_ID()) { Common.Common.UpdatePasswordAndValidity(p_NewPassword, p_AD_User_ID, GetAD_User_ID(), -1, GetCtx()); } else { sql += ", PasswordExpireOn = null"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword)) { MColumn column = MColumn.Get(GetCtx(), 417); // Password Column if (column.IsEncrypted()) { p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_NewPassword); } sql += ", Password="******", Email=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewEMail); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewEMailUser)) { sql += ", EmailUser="******", EmailUserPW=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewEMailUserPW); } sql += " WHERE AD_User_ID=" + p_AD_User_ID; log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "UserPassword Change Log=>" + sql); int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx()); if (iRes > 0) { return("@OK@"); } else { return("@Error@"); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the parent record for every row (if exists) /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTable">Current table to be parsed</param> /// <param name="exportdata">Exportdata info</param> private string GetForeignData(MTable currentTable, ExportDataRecords exportdata) { try { //check if the record is already exported. var res = _ExecutedRecordList.Where((a) => a.AD_Table_ID == exportdata.AD_Table_ID) .Where((a) => a.Record_ID == exportdata.Record_ID) .Where((a) => a.AD_ColOne_ID == exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID); //if (res.Count() <= 0) { _ExecutedRecordList.Add(exportdata); String tableName = currentTable.GetTableName(); if (!_ExceptionTables.Contains(tableName)) { if (exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID == 0) { File.AppendAllText(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath + "\\log\\XMLLog.txt", tableName + " : " + exportdata.Record_ID); int found = 0; if (ds.Tables[tableName] != null) { found = ds.Tables[tableName].Select(tableName + "_ID = " + exportdata.Record_ID).Count(); } MColumn[] columns = currentTable.GetColumns(true); //Fetch column details if (columns.Length > 0) { string sql = GetSql(currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), currentTable.GetTableName(), exportdata); DataSet tmpDS = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null); if (tmpDS == null || tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { //sql = sql.Substring(sql.IndexOf("WHERE")); if (tmpDS != null) { deleteSqlExp.Add("delete from AD_ExportData Where record_ID = " + exportdata.Record_ID + " and ad_table_id = " + exportdata.AD_Table_ID + " and ad_Moduleinfo_id = " + _AD_ModuleInfo_ID); } return(""); } if (tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"] = ManageExportID(exportdata.Record_ID, tableName); } ds.AddOrCopy(tmpDS, tableName, exportdata.Record_ID, 0, null, rowNum++); //add or copy for (int cols = 0; cols <= columns.Length - 1; cols++) { string colName = columns[cols].GetColumnName(); int refVID = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_Value_ID(); int refID = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_ID(); // Special case applied for workflow table to bypass the start node on workflow- asked by mukesh sir- done by mohit- 1 February 2019. if (tableName == "AD_Workflow" && colName == "AD_WF_Node_ID") { continue; } if (!columns[cols].IsStandardColumn() && !columns[cols].IsKey()) { if (colName.EndsWith("_ID")) //only columns ending with _ID to be processed (indicated Foreign Key ) { if (!columns[cols].GetColumnName().Equals("Export_ID")) { Object colValue = tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][colName]; if (colValue != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(colValue.ToString())) { MTable fkTable = columns[cols].GetFKTable(); //Get the Parent table of the FK Column if (fkTable != null) { GetForeignData(fkTable, new ExportDataRecords() { AD_Table_ID = fkTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), Record_ID = Convert.ToInt32(colValue) }); } } } } } else if (refID == DisplayType.List || refID == DisplayType.Table) { Object colValue = tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][colName]; MRefTable refTable = CheckReference(new ExportDataRecords() { Record_ID = refVID, AD_Table_ID = MTable.Get_Table_ID("AD_Reference") }, "AD_Reference"); if (refTable != null && colValue != null && colValue.ToString() != "") { try { MTable tbl = MTable.Get(GetCtx(), refTable.GetAD_Table_ID()); //string tName = MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), refTable.GetAD_Table_ID()); string cName = MColumn.GetColumnName(GetCtx(), refTable.GetColumn_Key_ID()); int recordId; if (int.TryParse(colValue.ToString(), out recordId)) //If Value is type of int { ; } else { recordId = Convert.ToInt32(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT " + tbl.GetTableName() + "_ID FROM " + tbl.GetTableName() + " WHERE " + cName + " = '" + colValue.ToString() + "'")); cName = tbl.GetTableName() + "_ID"; } DataSet temp = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT * FROM " + tbl.GetTableName() + " WHERE " + cName + " = " + recordId); ds.AddOrCopy(temp, tbl.GetTableName(), recordId, 0, null, rowNum++); GetForeignData(tbl, new ExportDataRecords() { AD_Table_ID = tbl.GetAD_Table_ID(), Record_ID = recordId }); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Severe("Table Reference =>" + ex.Message); } } } else { ; } } } } //column length #if } else { MColumn[] columns = currentTable.GetColumns(true); //Fetch column details if (columns.Length > 0) { string sql = GetSql(currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), currentTable.GetTableName(), exportdata); DataSet tmpDS = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null); if (tmpDS == null || tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { //sql = sql.Substring(sql.IndexOf("WHERE")); if (tmpDS != null) { deleteSqlExp.Add("delete from AD_ExportData Where record_ID = " + exportdata.Record_ID + " and ad_table_id = " + exportdata.AD_Table_ID + " and ad_Moduleinfo_id = " + _AD_ModuleInfo_ID); } return(""); } if (tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) { tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"] = ManageExportID(exportdata.Record_ID, exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID, tableName, currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID()); } ds.AddOrCopy(tmpDS, tableName, exportdata.Record_ID, exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID, GetParentColumns(currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID()), rowNum++); //add or copy for (int cols = 0; cols <= columns.Length - 1; cols++) { string colName = columns[cols].GetColumnName(); int refVID = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_Value_ID(); int refID = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_ID(); if (!columns[cols].IsStandardColumn() && !columns[cols].IsKey()) { if (colName.EndsWith("_ID")) //only columns ending with _ID to be processed (indicated Foreign Key ) { if (!columns[cols].GetColumnName().Equals("Export_ID")) { Object colValue = tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][colName]; if (colValue != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(colValue.ToString())) { MTable fkTable = columns[cols].GetFKTable(); //Get the Parent table of the FK Column if (fkTable != null) { GetForeignData(fkTable, new ExportDataRecords() { AD_Table_ID = fkTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), Record_ID = Convert.ToInt32(colValue) }); } } } } } else if (refID == DisplayType.List || refID == DisplayType.Table) { CheckReference(new ExportDataRecords() { Record_ID = refVID, AD_Table_ID = MTable.Get_Table_ID("AD_Reference") }, "AD_Reference"); } else { ; } } } } //c } } //exception table #if } //else //{ //} } catch (Exception ex) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, ex.Message); return(ex.Message.ToString()); } return(""); }
public ActivityInfo GetActivityInfo(int activityID, int nodeID, int wfProcessID, Ctx ctx) { ActivityInfo info = new ActivityInfo(); try { MWFNode node = new MWFNode(ctx, nodeID, null); info.NodeAction = node.GetAction(); info.NodeName = node.GetName(); if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserChoice.Equals(node.GetAction())) { MColumn col = node.GetColumn(); info.ColID = col.GetAD_Column_ID(); info.ColReference = col.GetAD_Reference_ID(); info.ColReferenceValue = col.GetAD_Reference_Value_ID(); info.ColName = col.GetColumnName(); } else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserWindow.Equals(node.GetAction())) { info.AD_Window_ID = node.GetAD_Window_ID(); MWFActivity activity = new MWFActivity(ctx, activityID, null); info.KeyCol = activity.GetPO().Get_TableName() + "_ID"; } else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserForm.Equals(node.GetAction())) { info.AD_Form_ID = node.GetAD_Form_ID(); } string sql = @"SELECT node.ad_wf_node_ID, node.Name AS NodeName, usr.Name AS UserName, wfea.wfstate, wfea.TextMsg FROM ad_wf_eventaudit wfea INNER JOIN Ad_WF_Node node ON (node.Ad_Wf_node_ID=wfea.AD_Wf_Node_id) INNER JOIN AD_User usr ON (usr.Ad_User_ID =wfea.ad_User_ID) WHERE wfea.AD_WF_Process_ID=" + wfProcessID + @" Order By wfea.ad_wf_eventaudit_id desc"; DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { List <NodeInfo> nodeInfo = new List <NodeInfo>(); List <int> nodes = new List <int>(); NodeInfo ni = null; NodeHistory nh = null; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (!nodes.Contains(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_WF_Node_ID"]))) { ni = new NodeInfo(); ni.Name = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["NodeName"]); nh = new NodeHistory(); nh.State = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WFState"]); nh.ApprovedBy = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"]); ni.History = new List <NodeHistory>(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == DBNull.Value) { nh.TextMsg = string.Empty; } else { nh.TextMsg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"].ToString(); } ni.History.Add(nh); nodes.Add(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_WF_Node_ID"])); nodeInfo.Add(ni); } else { int index = nodes.IndexOf(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_WF_Node_ID"])); nh = new NodeHistory(); nh.State = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WFState"]); nh.ApprovedBy = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"]); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == DBNull.Value) { nh.TextMsg = string.Empty; } else { nh.TextMsg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"].ToString(); } nodeInfo[index].History.Add(nh); } } info.Node = nodeInfo; } return(info); } catch { return(info); } }
}// prepare /// <summary> /// Alert table /// </summary> /// <returns>int</returns> /// override protected string DoIt() { string exception = ""; log.Info("C_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID); if (p_AD_Column_ID == 0) { // return ""; throw new Exception("@No@ @AD_Column_ID@"); } //IDbTransaction trx = ExecuteQuery.GerServerTransaction(); MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, Get_Trx()); if (column.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@" + p_AD_Column_ID); } MTable table = MTable.Get(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID()); if (table.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Table_ID@" + column.GetAD_Table_ID()); } // Find Column in Database if (column.IsVirtualColumn()) { return("@IsVirtualColumn@"); } int noColumns = 0; string sql = CommonFunctions.SyncColumn(table, column, out noColumns); //DatabaseMetaData md = new DatabaseMetaData(); //String catalog = ""; //String schema = DataBase.DB.GetSchema(); ////get table name //string tableName = table.GetTableName(); //int noColumns; //string sql = null; ////get columns of a table //DataSet dt = md.GetColumns(catalog, schema, tableName); //md.Dispose(); ////for each column //for (noColumns = 0; noColumns < dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; noColumns++) //{ // string columnName = dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns]["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString().ToLower(); // if (!columnName.Equals(column.GetColumnName().ToLower())) // continue; // //check if column is null or not // string dtColumnName = "is_nullable"; // string value = "YES"; // //if database is oracle // if (DatabaseType.IsOracle) // { // dtColumnName = "NULLABLE"; // value = "Y"; // } // bool notNull = false; // //check if column is null // if (dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns][dtColumnName].ToString() == value) // notNull = false; // else // notNull = true; // //............................ // //if column is virtual column then alter table and drop this column // if (column.IsVirtualColumn()) // { // sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.GetTableName() // + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName; // } // else // { // sql = column.GetSQLModify(table, column.IsMandatory() != notNull); // noColumns++; // break; // } //} //dt = null; ////while ( ////{ //// noColumns++; //// String columnName = rs.getString ("COLUMN_NAME"); //// if (!columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(column.getColumnName())) //// continue; //// // update existing column //// boolean notNull = DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls == rs.getInt("NULLABLE"); //// if (column.isVirtualColumn()) //// sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.getTableName() //// + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName; //// else //// sql = column.getSQLModify(table, column.isMandatory() != notNull); //// break; ////} ////rs.close(); ////rs = null; //// No Table //if (noColumns == 0) //{ // sql = table.GetSQLCreate(); //} //// No existing column //else if (sql == null) //{ // if (column.IsVirtualColumn()) // { // return "@IsVirtualColumn@"; // } // sql = column.GetSQLAdd(table); //} int no = 0; if (sql.IndexOf(";") == -1) { //no = //ExecuteQuery.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, false, Get_Trx()); try { no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx()); AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(no.ToString()), sql); } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex.Message; } //addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal(no), sql); } else { //string ss = "; "; string[] statements = sql.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < statements.Length; i++) { int count = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(statements[i].ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(count.ToString()), statements[i]); no += count; //ExecuteQuery.ExecuteNonQuery(statements[i].ToString()); } } if (no == -1) { string msg = "@Error@ "; ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { msg += exception + " - "; } msg += sql; throw new Exception(msg); } string r = createFK(noColumns); // Change here for Master Data Versioning bool hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + column.GetAD_Table_ID() + " AND IsActive ='Y' AND IsMaintainVersions = 'Y'", null, Get_Trx())) > 0; // check whether there are any columns in the table // marked as "Maintain Versions", then proceed else return if (!hasMainVerCol) { hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsMaintainVersions FROM AD_Table WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + column.GetAD_Table_ID(), null, Get_Trx())) == "Y"; } string versionMsg = ""; if (hasMainVerCol) { // call CreateVersionInfo function of MasterVersions class // to create version table and all columns MasterVersions mv = new MasterVersions(); versionMsg = mv.CreateVersionInfo(column.GetAD_Column_ID(), column.GetAD_Table_ID(), Get_Trx()); } return(sql + "; " + r + "; " + versionMsg); } // doIt
} // prepare /** * Process * @return info * @throws Exception */ protected override String DoIt()// throws Exception { log.Info("AD_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID + ", IsEncrypted=" + p_IsEncrypted + ", ChangeSetting=" + p_ChangeSetting + ", MaxLength=" + p_MaxLength); MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, Get_Trx()); if (column.Get_ID() == 0 || column.Get_ID() != p_AD_Column_ID) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@ - " + p_AD_Column_ID); } // String columnName = column.GetColumnName(); int dt = column.GetAD_Reference_ID(); // Can it be enabled? if (column.IsKey() || column.IsParent() || column.IsStandardColumn() || column.IsVirtualColumn() || column.IsIdentifier() || column.IsTranslated() || DisplayType.IsLookup(dt) || DisplayType.IsLOB(dt) || "DocumentNo".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || "Value".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || "Name".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (column.IsEncrypted()) { column.SetIsEncrypted(false); column.Save(Get_Trx()); } return(columnName + ": cannot be encrypted"); } // Start AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption Class = " + SecureEngine.GetClassName()); bool error = false; // Test Value if (p_TestValue != null && p_TestValue.Length > 0) { String encString = SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_TestValue); AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Test Value=" + encString); String clearString = SecureEngine.Decrypt(encString); if (p_TestValue.Equals(clearString)) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString + " (same as test value)"); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString + " (NOT the same as test value - check algorithm)"); error = true; } int encLength = encString.Length; AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Length=" + p_TestValue.Length + " -> " + encLength); if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength()) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")"); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field"); error = true; } } // Length Test if (p_MaxLength != 0) { String testClear = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; while (testClear.Length < p_MaxLength) { testClear += testClear; } testClear = testClear.Substring(0, p_MaxLength); log.Config("Test=" + testClear + " (" + p_MaxLength + ")"); // String encString = SecureEngine.Encrypt(testClear); int encLength = encString.Length; AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Max Length=" + testClear.Length + " -> " + encLength); if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength()) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")"); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field"); error = true; } } if (p_IsEncrypted != column.IsEncrypted()) { if (error || !p_ChangeSetting) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption NOT changed - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted()); } else { column.SetIsEncrypted(p_IsEncrypted); if (column.Save(Get_Trx())) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption CHANGED - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted()); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Save Error"); } } } if (p_IsEncrypted == column.IsEncrypted() && !error) // Done By Karan on 10-nov-2016, to encrypt/decrypt passwords according to settings. { //object colID = DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID =(SELECT AD_Table_ID From AD_Table WHERE TableName='AD_User') AND ColumnName='Password'", null, Get_Trx()); // if (colID != null && colID != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToInt32(colID) == column.GetAD_Column_ID()) //{ string tableName = MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID()); DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT " + column.GetColumnName() + "," + tableName + "_ID FROM " + tableName, null, Get_Trx()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (p_IsEncrypted) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != DBNull.Value && !SecureEngine.IsEncrypted(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString())) { //MUser user = new MUser(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID()) + "_ID"]), Get_Trx()); //user.SetPassword(SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString())); int encLength = SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString()).Length; if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength()) { //PO tab = MTable.GetPO(GetCtx(), tableName, // Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]), Get_Trx()); //tab.Set_Value(column.GetColumnName(), (SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString()))); //if (!tab.Save(Get_Trx())) //{ // Rollback(); // return "Encryption=" + false; //} string p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString()); String sql = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword)) { sql += ", " + column.GetColumnName() + "=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewPassword); } sql += " WHERE " + tableName + "_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]); int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx()); if (iRes <= 0) { Rollback(); return("Encryption=" + false); } } else { Rollback(); return("After Encryption some values may exceed the value of column length. Please exceed column Length."); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != DBNull.Value && SecureEngine.IsEncrypted(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString())) { // MUser user = new MUser(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID())+"_ID"]), Get_Trx()); //PO tab = MTable.GetPO(GetCtx(), tableName, // Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]), Get_Trx()); //tab.Set_Value(column.GetColumnName(), (SecureEngine.Decrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString()))); //if (!tab.Save(Get_Trx())) //{ // Rollback(); // return "Encryption=" + false; //} string p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Decrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString()); String sql = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword)) { sql += ", " + column.GetColumnName() + "=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewPassword); } sql += " WHERE " + tableName + "_ID =" + Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]); int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx()); if (iRes <= 0) { Rollback(); return("Encryption=" + false); } } } } } //} } return("Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted()); }
} // addTable /// <summary> /// Add Table columns in DB /// </summary> /// <param name="ctx">Ctx</param> /// <param name="rs">Dataset</param> /// <param name="table">Table Object</param> /// <param name="entityType">Entity type</param> /// <returns></returns> protected List <String> AddTableColumn(Ctx ctx, DataSet rs, MTable table, String entityType) { //MClientShare List <String> colName = new List <String>(); String tableName = table.GetTableName(); if (DatabaseType.IsOracle) { tableName = tableName.ToUpper(); // for (int i = 0; i <= rs.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { String tn = rs.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); if (!tableName.Equals(tn, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } String columnName = rs.Tables[0].Rows[i]["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); colName.Add(columnName); MColumn column = table.GetColumn(columnName); if (column != null) { continue; } //int dataType = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(rs.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DATATYPE"].ToString()); String typeName = rs.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DATATYPE"].ToString(); String nullable = rs.Tables[0].Rows[i]["NULLABLE"].ToString(); int size = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(rs.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LENGTH"]); int digits = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(rs.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PRECISION"]); // log.Config(columnName + " - DataType=" + " " + typeName + ", Nullable=" + nullable + ", Size=" + size + ", Digits=" + digits); // column = new MColumn(table); column.SetEntityType(entityType); // Element M_Element element = M_Element.Get(ctx, columnName, Get_Trx()); if (element == null) { element = new M_Element(ctx, columnName, entityType, Get_Trx()); element.Save(); } // Column Sync column.SetColumnName(element.GetColumnName()); column.SetName(element.GetName()); column.SetDescription(element.GetDescription()); column.SetHelp(element.GetHelp()); column.SetAD_Element_ID(element.GetAD_Element_ID()); // Other column.SetIsMandatory("NO".Equals(nullable)); column.SetIsMandatoryUI(column.IsMandatory()); // Key if (columnName.Equals(tableName + "_ID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { column.SetIsKey(true); column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.ID); column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } // Account else if ((columnName.ToUpper().IndexOf("ACCT") != -1) && (size == 10)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Account); } // Location else if (columnName.Equals("C_Location_ID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Location); } // Product Attribute else if (columnName.Equals("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID")) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.PAttribute); } // SalesRep_ID (=User) else if (columnName.Equals("SalesRep_ID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Table); column.SetAD_Reference_Value_ID(190); } // ID else if (columnName.EndsWith("_ID")) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.TableDir); } // Date else if ((typeName == Types.DATE) || (typeName == Types.TIME) || (typeName == Types.TIMESTAMP) // || columnName.toUpperCase().indexOf("DATE") != -1 || columnName.Equals("Created", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || columnName.Equals("Updated", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.DateTime); column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } // CreatedBy/UpdatedBy (=User) else if (columnName.Equals("CreatedBy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || columnName.Equals("UpdatedBy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Table); column.SetAD_Reference_Value_ID(110); column.SetConstraintType(X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_DoNOTCreate); column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } // Entity Type else if (columnName.Equals("EntityType", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Table); column.SetAD_Reference_Value_ID(389); column.SetDefaultValue("U"); column.SetConstraintType(X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Restrict); column.SetReadOnlyLogic("@EntityType@=D"); } // CLOB else if (typeName == Types.CLOB) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.TextLong); } // BLOB else if (typeName == Types.BLOB) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Binary); } // Amount else if (columnName.ToUpper().IndexOf("AMT") != -1) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Amount); } // Qty else if (columnName.ToUpper().IndexOf("QTY") != -1) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Quantity); } // Boolean else if ((size == 1) && (columnName.ToUpper().StartsWith("IS") || (typeName == Types.CHAR))) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.YesNo); } // List else if ((size < 4) && (typeName == Types.CHAR)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.List); } // Name, DocumentNo else if (columnName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || columnName.Equals("DocumentNo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.String); column.SetIsIdentifier(true); column.SetSeqNo(1); } // String, Text else if ((typeName == Types.CHAR) || (typeName == Types.VARCHAR) || typeName.StartsWith("NVAR") || typeName.StartsWith("NCHAR")) { if (typeName.StartsWith("N")) // MultiByte { size /= 2; } if (size > 255) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Text); } else { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.String); } } // Number else if ((typeName == Types.INTEGER) || (typeName == Types.SMALLINT) || (typeName == Types.DECIMAL) || (typeName == Types.NUMERIC)) { if (size == 10) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Integer); } else { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Number); } } // ?? else { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.String); } // General Defaults if (columnName.EndsWith("_ID")) { column.SetConstraintType(X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Restrict); } if (columnName.Equals("AD_Client_ID")) { column.SetAD_Val_Rule_ID(116); // Client Login column.SetDefaultValue("@#AD_Client_ID@"); column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } else if (columnName.Equals("AD_Org_ID")) { column.SetAD_Val_Rule_ID(104); // Org Security column.SetDefaultValue("@#AD_Org_ID@"); column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } else if (columnName.Equals("Processed")) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.YesNo); column.SetDefaultValue("N"); column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } else if (columnName.Equals("Posted")) { column.SetAD_Reference_ID(DisplayType.Button); column.SetAD_Reference_Value_ID(234); // _PostedStatus column.SetDefaultValue("N"); column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } // General column.SetFieldLength(size); if (column.IsUpdateable() && table.IsView()) { column.SetIsUpdateable(false); } // Done if (column.Save()) { AddLog(0, DateTime.Now, null, table.GetTableName() + "." + column.GetColumnName()); m_count++; } } // while columns } return(colName); } // addTableColumn
/// <summary> /// Create default columns for Master Data Version Table /// e.g. Processed, Processing, IsApproved etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="Ver_AD_Table_ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string CreateDefaultVerCols(int Ver_AD_Table_ID) { DataSet dstblCols = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT ColumnName FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < listDefVerCols.Count; i++) { bool hasCol = false; if (dstblCols != null && dstblCols.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow[] dr = dstblCols.Tables[0].Select("ColumnName = '" + listDefVerCols[i] + "'"); if (dr != null && dr.Length > 0) { hasCol = true; } } if (hasCol) { continue; } MColumn colVer = new MColumn(GetCtx(), 0, _trx); colVer.SetExport_ID(null); colVer.SetAD_Table_ID(Ver_AD_Table_ID); colVer.SetColumnName(listDefVerCols[i]); colVer.SetAD_Element_ID(_listDefVerElements[i]); colVer.SetAD_Reference_ID(listDefVerRef[i]); //if (listDefVerCols[i] == "VersionValidFrom") // colVer.SetIsParent(true); if (listDefVerRef[i] == 10) { colVer.SetFieldLength(10); } if (listDefVerRef[i] == 14) { colVer.SetFieldLength(2000); } if (listDefVerRef[i] == 13) { colVer.SetIsKey(true); colVer.SetIsMandatory(true); colVer.SetIsMandatoryUI(true); } if (!colVer.Save()) { ValueNamePair vnp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); string error = ""; if (vnp != null) { error = vnp.GetName(); if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null) { error = vnp.GetValue(); } } if (error == "") { error = "Error in creating Version Column " + listDefVerCols[i]; } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Column not created :: " + listDefVerCols[i] + " :: " + error); _trx.Rollback(); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionColNotCreated")); } else { oldVerCol = colVer.GetAD_Column_ID(); } } return(""); }
}// prepare /// <summary> /// Alert table /// </summary> /// <returns>int</returns> /// override protected string DoIt() { string exception = ""; log.Info("C_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID); if (p_AD_Column_ID == 0) { // return ""; throw new Exception("@No@ @AD_Column_ID@"); } //IDbTransaction trx = ExecuteQuery.GerServerTransaction(); MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, Get_Trx()); if (column.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@" + p_AD_Column_ID); } MTable table = MTable.Get(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID()); if (table.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Table_ID@" + column.GetAD_Table_ID()); } // Find Column in Database DatabaseMetaData md = new DatabaseMetaData(); String catalog = ""; String schema = DataBase.DB.GetSchema(); //get table name string tableName = table.GetTableName(); int noColumns; string sql = null; //get columns of a table DataSet dt = md.GetColumns(catalog, schema, tableName); md.Dispose(); //for each column for (noColumns = 0; noColumns < dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; noColumns++) { string columnName = dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns]["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString().ToLower(); if (!columnName.Equals(column.GetColumnName().ToLower())) { continue; } //check if column is null or not string dtColumnName = "is_nullable"; string value = "YES"; //if database is oracle if (DatabaseType.IsOracle) { dtColumnName = "NULLABLE"; value = "Y"; } bool notNull = false; //check if column is null if (dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns][dtColumnName].ToString() == value) { notNull = false; } else { notNull = true; } //............................ //if column is virtual column then alter table and drop this column if (column.IsVirtualColumn()) { sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.GetTableName() + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName; } else { sql = column.GetSQLModify(table, column.IsMandatory() != notNull); noColumns++; break; } } dt = null; //while ( //{ // noColumns++; // String columnName = rs.getString ("COLUMN_NAME"); // if (!columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(column.getColumnName())) // continue; // // update existing column // boolean notNull = DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls == rs.getInt("NULLABLE"); // if (column.isVirtualColumn()) // sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.getTableName() // + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName; // else // sql = column.getSQLModify(table, column.isMandatory() != notNull); // break; //} //rs.close(); //rs = null; // No Table if (noColumns == 0) { sql = table.GetSQLCreate(); } // No existing column else if (sql == null) { if (column.IsVirtualColumn()) { return("@IsVirtualColumn@"); } sql = column.GetSQLAdd(table); } int no = 0; if (sql.IndexOf("; ") == -1) { //no = //ExecuteQuery.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, false, Get_Trx()); try { no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx()); AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(no.ToString()), sql); } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex.Message; } //addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal(no), sql); } else { //string ss = "; "; string[] statements = sql.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < statements.Length; i++) { int count = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(statements[i].ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(count.ToString()), statements[i]); no += count; //ExecuteQuery.ExecuteNonQuery(statements[i].ToString()); } } if (no == -1) { string msg = "@Error@ "; ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { msg += exception + " - "; } msg += sql; throw new Exception(msg); } string r = createFK(); return(sql + "; " + r); } // doIt
/// <summary> /// Sync column or table passed in the parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="column"></param> /// <param name="noColumns">OUT parameter, returns 0 if table is being synched for the first time</param> /// <returns>string message</returns> public static string SyncColumn(MTable table, MColumn column, out int noColumns) { DatabaseMetaData md = new DatabaseMetaData(); String catalog = ""; String schema = DataBase.DB.GetSchema(); //get table name string tableName = table.GetTableName(); noColumns = 0; string sql = null; //get columns of a table DataSet dt = md.GetColumns(catalog, schema, tableName); md.Dispose(); //for each column for (noColumns = 0; noColumns < dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; noColumns++) { string columnName = dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns]["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString().ToLower(); if (!columnName.Equals(column.GetColumnName().ToLower())) { continue; } //check if column is null or not string dtColumnName = "is_nullable"; string value = "YES"; //if database is oracle if (DatabaseType.IsOracle) { dtColumnName = "NULLABLE"; value = "Y"; } bool notNull = false; //check if column is null if (dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns][dtColumnName].ToString() == value) { notNull = false; } else { notNull = true; } //............................ //if column is virtual column then alter table and drop this column if (column.IsVirtualColumn()) { sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.GetTableName() + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName; } else { sql = column.GetSQLModify(table, column.IsMandatory() != notNull); noColumns++; break; } } dt = null; //while ( //{ // noColumns++; // String columnName = rs.getString ("COLUMN_NAME"); // if (!columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(column.getColumnName())) // continue; // // update existing column // boolean notNull = DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls == rs.getInt("NULLABLE"); // if (column.isVirtualColumn()) // sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.getTableName() // + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName; // else // sql = column.getSQLModify(table, column.isMandatory() != notNull); // break; //} //rs.close(); //rs = null; // No Table if (noColumns == 0) { sql = table.GetSQLCreate(); } // No existing column else if (sql == null) { if (column.IsVirtualColumn()) { return("@IsVirtualColumn@"); } sql = column.GetSQLAdd(table); } return(sql); }
/// <summary> /// Evaluate Condition /// </summary> /// <param name="activity">activity</param> /// <returns>true if true</returns> public bool Evaluate(MWFActivity activity) { AD_WF_Activity_ID = activity.GetAD_WF_Activity_ID(); if (GetAD_Column_ID() == 0) { //throw new IllegalStateException("No Column defined - " + this); throw new Exception("No Column defined - " + this); } PO po = activity.GetPO(); if (po == null || po.Get_ID() == 0) { //throw new IllegalStateException("Could not evaluate " + po + " - " + this); throw new Exception("Could not evaluate " + po + " - " + this); } // Object valueObj = po.Get_ValueOfColumn(GetAD_Column_ID()); if (valueObj == null) { valueObj = ""; } String value1 = GetValue(); if (value1 == null) { value1 = ""; } String value2 = GetValue2(); if (value2 == null) { value2 = ""; } // If column is of bool type and user insert y or n in condition, then convert them to true or false to match with value got from PO. if (MColumn.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_Column_ID()).GetAD_Reference_ID().Equals(DisplayType.YesNo)) { if (value1.ToLower().Equals("y")) { value1 = "true"; } else if (value1.ToLower().Equals("n")) { value1 = "false"; } if (value2.ToLower().Equals("y")) { value2 = "true"; } else if (value2.ToLower().Equals("n")) { value2 = "false"; } } String resultStr = "PO:{" + valueObj + "} " + GetOperation() + " Condition:{" + value1 + "}"; if (GetOperation().Equals(OPERATION_Sql)) { throw new ArgumentException("SQL Operator not implemented yet: " + resultStr); } if (GetOperation().Equals(OPERATION_X)) { resultStr += "{" + value2 + "}"; } bool result = false; //Lakhwinder if (MColumn.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_Column_ID()).GetColumnName().ToUpper().Equals("C_GENATTRIBUTESETINSTANCE_ID")) { return(EvaluateAttributeCondition(po)); } //if (valueObj instanceof Number) if (valueObj != null && CommonFunctions.IsNumeric(valueObj.ToString())) { result = CompareNumber(valueObj, value1, value2); } else { result = CompareString(valueObj, value1, value2); } // log.Fine(resultStr + " -> " + result + (_numeric ? " (#)" : " ($)")); return(result); }
} // doIt /// <summary> /// Create + execute Statement /// </summary> /// <param name="cLog">log</param> /// <param name="trxName">trx</param> private void CreateStatement(MChangeLog cLog, Trx trxName) { // New Table if (_table != null) { if (cLog.GetAD_Table_ID() != _table.GetAD_Table_ID()) { ExecuteStatement(); _table = null; } } if (_table == null) { _table = new MTable(GetCtx(), cLog.GetAD_Table_ID(), trxName); } // New Record if (_sqlUpdate != null && (cLog.GetRecord_ID() != _oldRecord_ID || !cLog.GetRecord2_ID().Equals(_oldRecord2_ID))) { ExecuteStatement(); } // Column Info _column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), cLog.GetAD_Column_ID(), Get_Trx()); // Same Column twice if (_columns.Contains(_column.GetColumnName())) { ExecuteStatement(); } _columns.Add(_column.GetColumnName()); // Create new Statement if (_sqlUpdate == null) { String tableName = _table.GetTableName(); _keyColumn = _table.GetTableName() + "_ID"; if (tableName.Equals("AD_Ref_Table")) { _keyColumn = "AD_Reference_ID"; } // _sqlUpdate = new StringBuilder("UPDATE ") .Append(tableName) .Append(" SET "); // Key _sqlUpdateWhere = new StringBuilder(" WHERE "); if (cLog.GetRecord_ID() != 0) { _sqlUpdateWhere.Append(_keyColumn).Append("=").Append(cLog.GetRecord_ID()); } else { _sqlUpdateWhere.Append(cLog.GetRecord2_ID()); } _oldRecord_ID = cLog.GetRecord_ID(); _oldRecord2_ID = cLog.GetRecord2_ID(); // Insert - new value is null and UnDo only _isInsert = cLog.IsNewNull() && _CheckNewValue != null; if (_isInsert) { _sqlInsert = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO ") .Append(tableName).Append("("); _sqlInsertValue = new StringBuilder(") VALUES ("); if (cLog.GetRecord_ID() != 0) { _sqlInsert.Append(_keyColumn); _sqlInsertValue.Append(cLog.GetRecord_ID()); if (!_keyColumn.Equals(_column.GetColumnName())) { _sqlInsert.Append(",").Append(_column.GetColumnName()); _sqlInsertValue.Append(",").Append(GetSQLValue(cLog.GetOldValue())); } } } _numberColumns = 1; } // Just new Column else { _sqlUpdate.Append(", "); // Insert if (_isInsert) { _isInsert = cLog.IsNewNull(); } if (_isInsert && !_keyColumn.Equals(_column.GetColumnName())) { _sqlInsert.Append(",").Append(_column.GetColumnName()); _sqlInsertValue.Append(",").Append(GetSQLValue(cLog.GetOldValue())); } _numberColumns++; } // Update Set clause -- columnName=value _sqlUpdate.Append(_column.GetColumnName()) .Append("="); // UnDo a <- (b) if (_CheckNewValue != null) { _sqlUpdate.Append(GetSQLValue(cLog.GetOldValue())); //if (_CheckNewValue.booleanValue()) if (Utility.Util.GetValueOfBool(_CheckNewValue)) { _sqlUpdateWhere.Append(" AND ").Append(_column.GetColumnName()); String newValue = GetSQLValue(cLog.GetNewValue()); if (newValue == null || "NULL".Equals(newValue)) { _sqlUpdateWhere.Append(" IS NULL"); } else { _sqlUpdateWhere.Append("=").Append(newValue); } } } // ReDo (a) -> b else if (_CheckOldValue != null) { _sqlUpdate.Append(GetSQLValue(cLog.GetNewValue())); //if (_CheckOldValue.booleanValue()) if (Utility.Util.GetValueOfBool(_CheckOldValue)) { String newValue = GetSQLValue(cLog.GetOldValue()); _sqlUpdateWhere.Append(" AND ").Append(_column.GetColumnName()); if (newValue == null || "NULL".Equals(newValue)) { _sqlUpdateWhere.Append(" IS NULL"); } else { _sqlUpdateWhere.Append("=").Append(newValue); } } } } // createStatement
/// <summary> /// Process /// throws Exception /// </summary> /// <returns>info</returns> override protected string DoIt() { //IDbTransaction trx = ExecuteQuery.GerServerTransaction(); MTab tab = new MTab(GetCtx(), p_AD_Tab_ID, Get_Trx()); //MTab tab = new MTab(GetCtx(), p_AD_Tab_ID, trx.ToString()); if (p_AD_Tab_ID == 0 || tab == null || tab.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@: @AD_Tab_ID@ " + p_AD_Tab_ID); } //; int count = 0; string sql = "SELECT * FROM AD_Column c " + "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field f " + "WHERE c.AD_Column_ID=f.AD_Column_ID" + " AND c.AD_Table_ID=@AD_Table_Id" // #1 + " AND f.AD_Tab_ID=@AD_Tab_Id)" // #2 + " AND AD_Table_ID=@AD_Table_Id1" // #3 + " AND NOT (Name LIKE 'Created%' OR Name LIKE 'Updated%')" + " AND IsActive='Y' " + "ORDER BY Name desc"; try { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[3]; param[0] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Table_Id", tab.GetAD_Table_ID()); param[1] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Tab_Id", tab.GetAD_Tab_ID()); param[2] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Table_Id1", tab.GetAD_Table_ID()); DataSet ds = DataBase.DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, param, Get_Trx()); //DataSet ds1 = ExecuteQuery.ExecuteDataset(sql); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; //MColumn column = new MColumn (getCtx(),dr, Get_Trx()); //MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), dr, null); MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), dr, Get_Trx()); // MField field = new MField(tab); field.SetColumn(column); if (column.IsKey()) { field.SetIsDisplayed(false); } if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "AD_Client_ID") { field.SetSeqNo(10); } if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "AD_Org_ID") { field.SetIsSameLine(true); field.SetSeqNo(20); } //Export_ID Check [Hide Export Field] if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "Export_ID") { field.SetIsDisplayed(false); } if (field.Save()) { AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(count.ToString()), column.GetName()); //AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, null, ); count++; } } ds = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } return("@Created@ #" + count); }
} // doIt private String createFK() { String returnMessage = ""; if (p_AD_Column_ID == 0) { throw new Exception("@No@ @AD_Column_ID@"); } MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, Get_Trx()); if (column.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@ " + p_AD_Column_ID); } MTable table = MTable.Get(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID()); if (table.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Table_ID@ " + column.GetAD_Table_ID()); } String fk; if ((column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.Account) && !(column.GetColumnName().Equals("C_ValidCombination_ID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { fk = "SELECT t.TableName, c.ColumnName, c.AD_Column_ID," + " cPK.AD_Column_ID, tPK.TableName, cPK.ColumnName, c.ConstraintType," + " 'FK' || t.AD_Table_ID || '_' || c.AD_Column_ID AS ConstraintName " + "FROM AD_Table t" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column c ON (t.AD_Table_ID=c.AD_Table_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column cPK ON (cPK.AD_Column_ID=1014)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Table tPK ON (cPK.AD_Table_ID=tPK.AD_Table_ID) " + "WHERE c.IsKey='N' AND c.AD_Reference_ID=25 AND C.AD_Column_ID= @param" // Acct + " AND c.ColumnName<>'C_ValidCombination_ID'" + " AND t.IsView='N' " + " ORDER BY t.TableName, c.ColumnName"; } else if ((column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.PAttribute) && !(column.GetColumnName().Equals("C_ValidCombination_ID", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { fk = "SELECT t.TableName, c.ColumnName, c.AD_Column_ID," + " cPK.AD_Column_ID, tPK.TableName, cPK.ColumnName, c.ConstraintType," + " 'FK' || t.AD_Table_ID || '_' || c.AD_Column_ID AS ConstraintName " + "FROM AD_Table t" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column c ON (t.AD_Table_ID=c.AD_Table_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column cPK ON (cPK.AD_Column_ID=8472)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Table tPK ON (cPK.AD_Table_ID=tPK.AD_Table_ID) " + "WHERE c.IsKey='N' AND c.AD_Reference_ID=35 AND C.AD_Column_ID=@param" // Product Attribute + " AND c.ColumnName<>'C_ValidCombination_ID'" + " AND t.IsView='N' " + " ORDER BY t.TableName, c.ColumnName"; } else if (((column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.TableDir) || (column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.Search)) && (column.GetAD_Reference_Value_ID() == 0)) { fk = "SELECT t.TableName, c.ColumnName, c.AD_Column_ID," + " cPK.AD_Column_ID, tPK.TableName, cPK.ColumnName, c.ConstraintType," + " 'FK' || t.AD_Table_ID || '_' || c.AD_Column_ID AS ConstraintName " + "FROM AD_Table t" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column c ON (t.AD_Table_ID=c.AD_Table_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column cPK ON (c.AD_Element_ID=cPK.AD_Element_ID AND cPK.IsKey='Y')" + " INNER JOIN AD_Table tPK ON (cPK.AD_Table_ID=tPK.AD_Table_ID AND tPK.IsView='N') " + "WHERE c.IsKey='N' AND c.AD_Reference_Value_ID IS NULL AND C.AD_Column_ID=@param" + " AND t.IsView='N' AND c.ColumnSQL IS NULL " + " ORDER BY t.TableName, c.ColumnName"; } else // Table { fk = "SELECT t.TableName, c.ColumnName, c.AD_Column_ID," + " cPK.AD_Column_ID, tPK.TableName, cPK.ColumnName, c.ConstraintType," + " 'FK' || t.AD_Table_ID || '_' || c.AD_Column_ID AS ConstraintName " + "FROM AD_Table t" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column c ON (t.AD_Table_ID=c.AD_Table_ID AND c.AD_Reference_Value_ID IS NOT NULL)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Ref_Table rt ON (c.AD_Reference_Value_ID=rt.AD_Reference_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Column cPK ON (rt.Column_Key_ID=cPK.AD_Column_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Table tPK ON (cPK.AD_Table_ID=tPK.AD_Table_ID) " + "WHERE c.IsKey='N'" + " AND t.IsView='N' AND c.ColumnSQL IS NULL AND C.AD_Column_ID=@param" + " ORDER BY t.TableName, c.ColumnName"; } SqlParameter[] pstmt = null; DataSet ds = null; try { /*Find foreign key relation in Database * */ //Trx trx = Trx.Get("getDatabaseMetaData"); DatabaseMetaData md = new DatabaseMetaData(); String catalog = "";// DB.getCatalog(); String schema = DB.GetSchema(); String tableName = table.GetTableName(); String dropsql = null; int no = 0; String constraintNameDB = null; String PKTableNameDB = null; String PKColumnNameDB = null; int constraintTypeDB = 0; /* Get foreign key information from DatabaseMetadata * */ ds = md.GetForeignKeys(catalog, schema, tableName); md.Dispose(); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Dictionary <String, String> fkcolumnDetail = md.GetForeignColumnDetail(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]); // string sql = "SELECT column_name FROM user_cons_columns WHERE constraint_name='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString() + "'"; //string fkcolumnName = Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql)); if (fkcolumnDetail["FK_Column_Name"].Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { constraintNameDB = fkcolumnDetail["ConstraintNameDB"]; PKTableNameDB = fkcolumnDetail["PK_Table_Name"]; //rs.GetString("PKTABLE_NAME"); PKColumnNameDB = fkcolumnDetail["PK_Column_Name"]; //rs.GetString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); constraintTypeDB = md.GetConstraintTypeDB(fkcolumnDetail["Delete_Rule"]); //rs.getShort("DELETE_RULE"); break; } } } pstmt = new SqlParameter[1]; pstmt[0] = new SqlParameter("@param", column.Get_ID()); ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(fk, pstmt, Get_Trx()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { String TableName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TableName"].ToString(); String ColumnName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ColumnName"].ToString(); // int AD_Column_ID = rs.getInt (3); // int PK_Column_ID = rs.getInt (4); String PKTableName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TableName1"].ToString(); String PKColumnName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ColumnName1"].ToString(); String ConstraintType = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ConstraintType"].ToString(); String ConstraintName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ConstraintName"].ToString(); /* verify if the constraint in DB is different than the one to be created */ Boolean modified = true; if (constraintNameDB != null) { if (((constraintNameDB.Equals(ConstraintName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && (PKTableNameDB != null) && (PKTableNameDB.Equals(PKTableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && (PKColumnNameDB != null) && (PKColumnNameDB.Equals(PKColumnName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && ((constraintTypeDB == DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict) && (X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Restrict.Equals(ConstraintType) || X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_RistrictTrigger.Equals(ConstraintType)))) || ((constraintTypeDB == DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade) && (X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Cascade.Equals(ConstraintType) || X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_CascadeTrigger.Equals(ConstraintType))) || ((constraintTypeDB == DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull) && (X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Null.Equals(ConstraintType))) ) { modified = false; } else { dropsql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.GetTableName() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + constraintNameDB; } } if (modified) { StringBuilder sql = null; try { if (dropsql != null) { /* Drop the existing constraint */ //no = DB.executeUpdate(Get_Trx(), dropsql); no = DB.ExecuteQuery(dropsql, null, Get_Trx()); AddLog(0, null, Decimal.Parse(no.ToString()), dropsql); } /* Now create the sql foreign key constraint */ sql = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE ") .Append(TableName) .Append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ").Append(ConstraintName) .Append(" FOREIGN KEY (").Append(ColumnName) .Append(") REFERENCES ").Append(PKTableName) .Append(" (").Append(PKColumnName).Append(")"); Boolean createfk = true; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConstraintType)) { if (X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_DoNOTCreate.Equals(ConstraintType)) { createfk = false; } else if (X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Restrict.Equals(ConstraintType) || X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_RistrictTrigger.Equals(ConstraintType)) { ; } else if (X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Cascade.Equals(ConstraintType) || X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_CascadeTrigger.Equals(ConstraintType)) { sql.Append(" ON DELETE CASCADE"); } else if (X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_Null.Equals(ConstraintType) || X_AD_Column.CONSTRAINTTYPE_NullTrigger.Equals(ConstraintType)) { sql.Append(" ON DELETE SET NULL"); } } else { createfk = false; } /* Create the constraint */ if (createfk) { // no = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); no = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx(), false, true); AddLog(0, null, Decimal.Parse(no.ToString()), sql.ToString()); if (no != -1) { log.Finer(ConstraintName + " - " + TableName + "." + ColumnName); returnMessage = sql.ToString(); } else { log.Info(ConstraintName + " - " + TableName + "." + ColumnName + " - ReturnCode=" + no); returnMessage = "FAILED:" + sql.ToString(); } } //if createfk } catch (Exception e) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql.ToString() + " - " + e.ToString()); } } // modified } // else { if (constraintNameDB != null && constraintNameDB.Equals("FK" + column.GetAD_Table_ID() + "_" + p_AD_Column_ID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { dropsql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.GetTableName() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + constraintNameDB; /* Drop the existing constraint */ no = DB.ExecuteQuery(dropsql, null, Get_Trx()); AddLog(0, null, Decimal.Parse(no.ToString()), dropsql); returnMessage = dropsql.ToString(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, fk, e); } return(returnMessage); }
public RefVector4f this[MColumn col] => ColumnVectorRef((int)col);