    public static void TestRender(Texture2D input, Texture2D output)
        int numAtlases = 1;

        ShaderTextureProperty[] texPropertyNames = new ShaderTextureProperty[] {
            new ShaderTextureProperty("_BumpMap", false)
        int atlasSizeX = input.width;
        int atlasSizeY = input.height;
        int _padding   = 0;

        Rect[] uvRects = new Rect[] { new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f) };
        List <MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet> distinctMaterialTextures = new List <MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet>();

        MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] dmts = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] {
            new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture(input)
        MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet texSet = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet(dmts, Vector2.zero, Vector2.one);

        GameObject renderAtlasesGO = null;

        renderAtlasesGO = new GameObject("MBrenderAtlasesGO");
        MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture atlasRenderTexture = renderAtlasesGO.AddComponent <MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture>();

        renderAtlasesGO.AddComponent <Camera>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numAtlases; i++)
            Texture2D atlas = null;
            Debug.Log("About to render " + texPropertyNames[i].name + " isNormal=" + texPropertyNames[i].isNormalMap);
            atlasRenderTexture.LOG_LEVEL             = MB2_LogLevel.trace;
            atlasRenderTexture.width                 = atlasSizeX;
            atlasRenderTexture.height                = atlasSizeY;
            atlasRenderTexture.padding               = _padding;
            atlasRenderTexture.rects                 = uvRects;
            atlasRenderTexture.textureSets           = distinctMaterialTextures;
            atlasRenderTexture.indexOfTexSetToRender = i;
            atlasRenderTexture.isNormalMap           = texPropertyNames[i].isNormalMap;
            // call render on it
            atlas = atlasRenderTexture.OnRenderAtlas(null);

            Debug.Log("Created atlas " + texPropertyNames[i].name + " w=" + atlas.width + " h=" + atlas.height + " id=" + atlas.GetInstanceID());
            Debug.Log("Color " + atlas.GetPixel(5, 5) + " " + Color.red);
            byte[] bytes = atlas.EncodeToPNG();
            File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/_Experiment/red.png", bytes);
    private void CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas(MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet texSet, MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture source, Vector2 obUVoffset, Vector2 obUVscale, Rect rec, ShaderTextureProperty texturePropertyName, TextureBlender resultMatTexBlender)
        Rect r = rec;

        if (resultMatTexBlender != null)
            myCamera.backgroundColor = resultMatTexBlender.GetColorIfNoTexture(texSet.mats[0].mat, texturePropertyName);
            myCamera.backgroundColor = MB3_TextureCombiner.GetColorIfNoTexture(texturePropertyName);

        if (source.t == null)
            source.t = combiner._createTemporaryTexture(16, 16, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        r.y       = 1f - (r.y + r.height);   // DrawTexture uses topLeft 0,0, Texture2D uses bottomLeft 0,0
        r.x      *= _destinationTexture.width;
        r.y      *= _destinationTexture.height;
        r.width  *= _destinationTexture.width;
        r.height *= _destinationTexture.height;

        Rect rPadded = r;

        rPadded.x      -= _padding;
        rPadded.y      -= _padding;
        rPadded.width  += _padding * 2;
        rPadded.height += _padding * 2;

        Rect srcPrTex = source.matTilingRect.GetRect();
        Rect targPr   = new Rect();

        if (_fixOutOfBoundsUVs)
            Rect ruv = new Rect(obUVoffset.x, obUVoffset.y, obUVscale.x, obUVscale.y);
            srcPrTex = MB3_UVTransformUtility.CombineTransforms(ref srcPrTex, ref ruv);
            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
                Debug.Log("Fixing out of bounds UVs for tex " + source.t);

        Texture2D tex = source.t;

         * if (_considerNonTextureProperties && resultMatTexBlender != null)
         * {
         *      if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) Debug.Log(string.Format("Blending texture {0} mat {1} with non-texture properties using TextureBlender {2}", tex.name, texSet.mats[0].mat, resultMatTexBlender));
         *      resultMatTexBlender.OnBeforeTintTexture(texSet.mats[0].mat, texturePropertyName.name);
         *      //combine the tintColor with the texture
         *      tex = combiner._createTextureCopy(tex);
         *      for (int i = 0; i < tex.height; i++)
         *      {
         *              Color[] cs = tex.GetPixels(0, i, tex.width, 1);
         *              for (int j = 0; j < cs.Length; j++)
         *              {
         *                      cs[j] = resultMatTexBlender.OnBlendTexturePixel(texturePropertyName.name, cs[j]);
         *              }
         *              tex.SetPixels(0, i, tex.width, 1, cs);
         *      }
         *      tex.Apply();
         * }

        //main texture
        TextureWrapMode oldTexWrapMode = tex.wrapMode;

        if (srcPrTex.width == 1f && srcPrTex.height == 1f && srcPrTex.x == 0f && srcPrTex.y == 0f)
            //fixes bug where there is a dark line at the edge of the texture
            tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;

        if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
            Debug.Log("DrawTexture tex=" + tex.name + " destRect=" + r + " srcRect=" + srcPrTex + " Mat=" + mat);

        //fill the padding first
        Rect srcPr = new Rect();

        //top margin
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height;
        srcPr.width   = srcPrTex.width;
        srcPr.height  = 1f / tex.height;
        targPr.x      = r.x;
        targPr.y      = rPadded.y;
        targPr.width  = r.width;
        targPr.height = _padding;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //bot margin
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y;
        srcPr.width   = srcPrTex.width;
        srcPr.height  = 1f / tex.height;
        targPr.x      = r.x;
        targPr.y      = r.y + r.height;
        targPr.width  = r.width;
        targPr.height = _padding;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //left margin
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y;
        srcPr.width   = 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.height  = srcPrTex.height;
        targPr.x      = rPadded.x;
        targPr.y      = r.y;
        targPr.width  = _padding;
        targPr.height = r.height;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //right margin
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y;
        srcPr.width   = 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.height  = srcPrTex.height;
        targPr.x      = r.x + r.width;
        targPr.y      = r.y;
        targPr.width  = _padding;
        targPr.height = r.height;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //top left corner
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height;
        srcPr.width   = 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.height  = 1f / tex.height;
        targPr.x      = rPadded.x;
        targPr.y      = rPadded.y;
        targPr.width  = _padding;
        targPr.height = _padding;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //top right corner
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height;
        srcPr.width   = 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.height  = 1f / tex.height;
        targPr.x      = r.x + r.width;
        targPr.y      = rPadded.y;
        targPr.width  = _padding;
        targPr.height = _padding;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //bot left corner
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y;
        srcPr.width   = 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.height  = 1f / tex.height;
        targPr.x      = rPadded.x;
        targPr.y      = r.y + r.height;
        targPr.width  = _padding;
        targPr.height = _padding;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //bot right corner
        srcPr.x       = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.y       = srcPrTex.y;
        srcPr.width   = 1f / tex.width;
        srcPr.height  = 1f / tex.height;
        targPr.x      = r.x + r.width;
        targPr.y      = r.y + r.height;
        targPr.width  = _padding;
        targPr.height = _padding;
        Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        //now the texture
        Graphics.DrawTexture(r, tex, srcPrTex, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);

        tex.wrapMode = oldTexWrapMode;
    public static void TestRender(Texture2D input, Texture2D output)
        int num = 1;

        ShaderTextureProperty[] array = new ShaderTextureProperty[]
            new ShaderTextureProperty("_BumpMap", false)
        int width   = input.width;
        int height  = input.height;
        int padding = 0;

        Rect[] rects = new Rect[]
            new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
        List <MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet> list = new List <MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet>();

        MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] tss = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[]
            new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture(input)
        MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet item = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet(tss);
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("MBrenderAtlasesGO");
        MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture = gameObject.AddComponent <MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture>();

        gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>();
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[]
                "About to render ",
                " isNormal=",
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.LOG_LEVEL             = MB2_LogLevel.trace;
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.width                 = width;
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.height                = height;
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.padding               = padding;
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.rects                 = rects;
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.textureSets           = list;
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.indexOfTexSetToRender = i;
            mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.isNormalMap           = array[i].isNormalMap;
            Texture2D texture2D = mb3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.OnRenderAtlas(null);
            Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[]
                "Created atlas ",
                " w=",
                " h=",
                " id=",
            Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[]
                "Color ",
                texture2D.GetPixel(5, 5),
                " ",
            byte[] bytes = texture2D.EncodeToPNG();
            File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/_Experiment/red.png", bytes);