/// <summary> /// 获取回路的名称 /// </summary> /// <param name="sGUID"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetLoopNameByGUID(string sGUID) { string LoopName = null; LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tRelayInfoes lbti = new LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tRelayInfoes(); LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes lmti = lbti.GetModel(sGUID); if (lmti != null) { LoopName = lmti.sName; } return(LoopName); }
private void AddLoop(LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tRelayInfoes lbt, string sHsotGUID) { LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes lmt; for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { lmt = new LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes(); lmt.sGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); lmt.iID = i; if (i == 0) { lmt.sName = "所有回路"; } else { lmt.sName = "回路" + i; } lmt.sHostInfoGUID = sHsotGUID; lmt.dCreateDate = DateTime.Now; lbt.Add(lmt); } }
public JsonResult GetLoopControl(string sGUID, string ttype) { List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes> lmtlist = new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes>(); LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tRelayInfoes lbt = new LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tRelayInfoes(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sGUID) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ttype)) { if (!lbt.ExistLoop(sGUID)) { AddLoop(lbt, sGUID); } if (Convert.ToInt32(ttype) == Convert.ToInt32(EnumClass.SYType.eSixLoop)) { lmtlist = lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + sGUID + "' and iID between 0 and 6 order by iID") == null ? (new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes>()) : lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + sGUID + "' and iID between 0 and 6 order by iID"); } else { lmtlist = lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + sGUID + "' and iID between 0 and 3 order by iID") == null ? (new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes>()) : lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + sGUID + "' and iID between 0 and 3 order by iID"); } } return(Json(lmtlist)); }
// // GET: /Lamp/TimeControl/ public ActionResult Index() { #region 加载左侧所有主机信息 ViewBag.PrjectGUID = PrjGUID; LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tHostInfo bllhost = new LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tHostInfo(); List <HostInfoVM> list = new List <HostInfoVM>(); List <TimeInterval> TableOTList = new List <TimeInterval>(); List <TimeInterval> TableTTList = new List <TimeInterval>(); LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tLightGroupInfoes blllightgroup = new LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tLightGroupInfoes(); LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tRelayInfoes lbt = new LumluxSSYDB.BLL.tRelayInfoes(); //mainVM.MapCenterLat = GetLat("Prject_CenterPoint_Lat"); //mainVM.MapCenterLng = GetLng("Prject_CenterPoint_Lng"); DataTable allhostdt = bllhost.GetHostInfo("dbo.tHostInfo.sProjectInfoGUID='" + PrjGUID + "'"); if (allhostdt != null) { allhostdt.Columns.Add("hostByLightCount"); allhostdt.Columns.Add("hostByAlarmLightCount"); HostInfoVM hvm; foreach (DataRow dr in allhostdt.Rows) { hvm = addInfo(dr); list.Add(hvm); } } #endregion if (list.Count > 0) { ViewBag.hostlist = list; // 初始化主机下的24个时段 InitTimeControl(list[0].GUID); if (!lbt.ExistLoop(list[0].GUID)) { AddLoop(lbt, list[0].GUID); } ViewBag.LightGroup = blllightgroup.GetModelListByHostGUID(list[0].GUID) == null ? (new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tLightGroupInfoes>()) : (blllightgroup.GetModelListByHostGUID(list[0].GUID)); if (Convert.ToInt32(list[0].iHardware_Type) == Convert.ToInt32(EnumClass.SYType.eSixLoop)) { ViewBag.LoopInfo = lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + list[0].GUID + "' and iID between 0 and 6 order by iID") == null ? (new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes>()) : lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + list[0].GUID + "' and iID between 0 and 6 order by iID"); } else { ViewBag.LoopInfo = lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + list[0].GUID + "' and iID between 0 and 3 order by iID") == null ? (new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes>()) : lbt.GetModelList(" sHostInfoGUID='" + list[0].GUID + "' and iID between 0 and 3 order by iID"); } //查询单灯分组 //List<LumluxSSYDB.Model.tLightGroupInfoes> dt2 = } else { ViewBag.hostlist = new List <HostInfoVM>(); ViewBag.TableOT = new List <TimeInterval>(); ViewBag.TableTT = new List <TimeInterval>(); ViewBag.LightGroup = new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tLightGroupInfoes>(); ViewBag.LoopInfo = new List <LumluxSSYDB.Model.tRelayInfoes>(); } return(View()); }