        /// <summary>
        /// Loads messages to UI.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadData()

            DataSet ds = m_pFolder.GetMessagesInfo();

            if (ds.Tables.Contains("MessagesInfo"))
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["MessagesInfo"].Rows)
                    IMAP_t_Fetch_r_i_Envelope envelope = null;
                        LumiSoft.Net.StringReader r = new LumiSoft.Net.StringReader(dr["Envelope"].ToString());
                        // Remove ENVELOPE and read content ().
                        r = new LumiSoft.Net.StringReader(r.ReadParenthesized());

                        envelope = IMAP_t_Fetch_r_i_Envelope.Parse(r);
                    catch {
                        envelope = new IMAP_t_Fetch_r_i_Envelope(DateTime.Now, "Mailserver parse error", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

                    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(envelope.Subject);
                    item.ImageIndex = 0;
                    item.Tag        = new object[] { dr["ID"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dr["UID"]) };
                    if (envelope.Sender != null && ((Mail_t_Mailbox)envelope.Sender[0]).DisplayName != null && ((Mail_t_Mailbox)envelope.Sender[0]).DisplayName != "")
                        if (envelope.From != null && envelope.From.Length > 0)
                    item.SubItems.Add(((decimal)(Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Size"]) / 1000)).ToString("f2"));

                mt_Info.Text = "User '" + m_pFolder.User.UserName + "' Folder '" + m_pFolder.FolderFullPath + "' Messages (" + ds.Tables["MessagesInfo"].Rows.Count + ")";

            m_pMessages_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads messages to UI.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadData()

            DataSet ds = m_pFolder.GetMessagesInfo();
                foreach(DataRow dr in ds.Tables["MessagesInfo"].Rows){
                    IMAP_t_Fetch_r_i_Envelope envelope = null;
                        LumiSoft.Net.StringReader r = new LumiSoft.Net.StringReader(dr["Envelope"].ToString());
                        // Remove ENVELOPE and read content ().
                        r =  new LumiSoft.Net.StringReader(r.ReadParenthesized());

                        envelope = IMAP_t_Fetch_r_i_Envelope.Parse(r);
                        envelope = new IMAP_t_Fetch_r_i_Envelope(DateTime.Now,"Mailserver parse error",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null);

                    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(envelope.Subject);
                    item.ImageIndex = 0;
                    item.Tag = new object[]{dr["ID"].ToString(),Convert.ToInt32(dr["UID"])}; 
                    if(envelope.Sender != null && ((Mail_t_Mailbox)envelope.Sender[0]).DisplayName != null && ((Mail_t_Mailbox)envelope.Sender[0]).DisplayName != ""){
                        if(envelope.From != null && envelope.From.Length > 0){
                    item.SubItems.Add(((decimal)(Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Size"]) / 1000)).ToString("f2"));

                mt_Info.Text = "User '" + m_pFolder.User.UserName + "' Folder '" + m_pFolder.FolderFullPath + "' Messages (" + ds.Tables["MessagesInfo"].Rows.Count + ")";

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if specified message matches to specified criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntaxCheckOnly">Specifies if syntax check is only done. If true no matching is done.</param>
        /// <param name="r">Match expression reader what contains match expression.</param>
        /// <param name="mailFrom">SMTP MAIL FROM: command email value.</param>
        /// <param name="rcptTo">SMTP RCPT TO: command email values.</param>
        /// <param name="smtpSession">SMTP current session.</param>
        /// <param name="mime">Message to match.</param>
        /// <param name="messageSize">Message size in bytes.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if message matches to specified criteria.</returns>
        private bool Match(bool syntaxCheckOnly, LumiSoft.Net.StringReader r, string mailFrom, string[] rcptTo, SMTP_Session smtpSession, Mail_Message mime, int messageSize)
            /* Possible keywords order
             *  At first there can be NOT,parethesized or matcher
             *      After NOT, parethesized or matcher
             *      After matcher, AND or OR
             *      After OR, NOT,parethesized or matcher
             *      After AND, NOT,parethesized or matcher
             *      After parethesized, NOT or matcher

            PossibleClauseItem possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.NOT | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher;
            bool lastMatchValue = false;

            // Empty string passed
            if (r.Available == 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

            // Parse while there are expressions or get error
            while (r.Available > 0)

                // Syntax check must consider that there is alwas match !!!
                if (syntaxCheckOnly)
                    lastMatchValue = true;

                #region () Groupped matchers

                // () Groupped matchers
                if (r.StartsWith("("))
                    lastMatchValue = Match(syntaxCheckOnly, new LumiSoft.Net.StringReader(r.ReadParenthesized()), mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher | PossibleClauseItem.NOT;


                #region AND clause

                // AND clause
                else if (r.StartsWith("and", false))
                    // See if AND allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.AND) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

                    // Last match value is false, no need to check next conditions
                    if (!lastMatchValue)

                    // Remove AND

                    lastMatchValue = Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher | PossibleClauseItem.NOT;


                #region OR clause

                // OR clause
                else if (r.StartsWith("or", false))
                    // See if OR allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.OR) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

                    // Remove OR

                    // Last match value is false, then we need to check next condition.
                    // Otherwise OR is matched already, just eat next matcher.
                    if (lastMatchValue)
                        // Skip next clause
                        Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);
                        lastMatchValue = Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher | PossibleClauseItem.NOT;


                #region NOT clause

                // NOT clause
                else if (r.StartsWith("not", false))
                    // See if NOT allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.NOT) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected !");

                    // Remove NOT

                    // Just reverse match result value
                    lastMatchValue = !Match(syntaxCheckOnly, r, mailFrom, rcptTo, smtpSession, mime, messageSize);

                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.Parenthesizes | PossibleClauseItem.Matcher;


                    // See if matcher allowed
                    if ((possibleClauseItems & PossibleClauseItem.Matcher) == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: '" + ClauseItemsToString(possibleClauseItems) + "' expected ! \r\n\r\n Near: '" + r.OriginalString.Substring(0, r.Position) + "'");

                    // 1) matchsource
                    // 2) keyword

                    // Read match source
                    string word = r.ReadWord();
                    if (word == null)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: matcher is missing !");
                    word = word.ToLower();
                    string[] matchSourceValues = new string[] {};

                    #region smtp.mail_from

                    // SMTP command MAIL FROM: value.
                    //  smtp.mail_from
                    if (word == "smtp.mail_from")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { mailFrom };


                    #region smtp.rcpt_to

                    // SMTP command RCPT TO: values.
                    //  smtp.mail_to
                    else if (word == "smtp.rcpt_to")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = rcptTo;


                    #region smtp.ehlo

                    // SMTP command EHLO/HELO: value.
                    //  smtp.ehlo
                    else if (word == "smtp.ehlo")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.EhloHost };


                    #region smtp.authenticated

                    // Specifies if SMTP session is authenticated.
                    //  smtp.authenticated
                    else if (word == "smtp.authenticated")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (smtpSession != null)
                                matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.IsAuthenticated.ToString() };


                    #region smtp.user

                    // SMTP authenticated user name. Empy string "" if not authenticated.
                    //  smtp.user
                    else if (word == "smtp.user")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (smtpSession != null && smtpSession.AuthenticatedUserIdentity != null)
                                matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.AuthenticatedUserIdentity.Name };


                    #region smtp.remote_ip

                    // SMTP session connected client IP address.
                    //  smtp.remote_ip
                    else if (word == "smtp.remote_ip")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (smtpSession != null)
                                matchSourceValues = new string[] { smtpSession.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() };


                    #region message.size

                    // Message size in bytes.
                    //  message.size
                    else if (word == "message.size")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { messageSize.ToString() };


                    #region message.header <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"

                    // Message main header header field. If multiple header fields, then all are checked.
                    //  message.header <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"
                    else if (word == "message.header")
                        string headerFieldName = r.ReadWord();
                        if (headerFieldName == null)
                            throw new Exception("Match source MainHeaderField HeaderFieldName is missing ! Syntax:{MainHeaderField <SP> \"HeaderFieldName:\"}");

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            if (mime.Header.Contains(headerFieldName))
                                MIME_h[] fields = mime.Header[headerFieldName];
                                matchSourceValues = new string[fields.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < matchSourceValues.Length; i++)
                                    matchSourceValues[i] = fields[i].ValueToString();


                    #region message.all_headers <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"

                    // Any mime entity header header field. If multiple header fields, then all are checked.
                    //  message.all_headers <SP> "HeaderFieldName:"
                    else if (word == "message.all_headers")
                        string headerFieldName = r.ReadWord();
                        if (headerFieldName == null)
                            throw new Exception("Match source MainHeaderField HeaderFieldName is missing ! Syntax:{MainHeaderField <SP> \"HeaderFieldName:\"}");

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            List <string> values = new List <string>();
                            foreach (MIME_Entity entity in mime.AllEntities)
                                if (entity.Header.Contains(headerFieldName))
                                    MIME_h[] fields = entity.Header[headerFieldName];
                                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                            matchSourceValues = values.ToArray();


                    #region message.body_text

                    // Message body text.
                    //  message.body_text
                    else if (word == "message.body_text")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { mime.BodyText };


                    #region message.body_html

                    // Message body html.
                    //  message.body_html
                    else if (word == "message.body_html")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { mime.BodyHtmlText };


                    #region message.content_md5

                    // Message any mime entity decoded data MD5 hash.
                    //  message.content_md5
                    else if (word == "message.content_md5")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            List <string> values = new List <string>();
                            foreach (MIME_Entity entity in mime.AllEntities)
                                    if (entity.Body is MIME_b_SinglepartBase)
                                        byte[] data = ((MIME_b_SinglepartBase)entity.Body).Data;
                                        if (data != null)
                                            System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                                catch {
                                    // Message data parsing failed, just skip that entity md5
                            matchSourceValues = values.ToArray();


                    #region sys.date_time

                    // System current date time. Format: yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.
                    //  sys.date_time
                    else if (word == "sys.date_time")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss") };


                    #region sys.date

                    // System current date. Format: yyyy.MM.dd.
                    //  sys.date
                    else if (word == "sys.date")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Today.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") };


                    #region sys.time

                    // System current time. Format: HH:mm:ss.
                    //  sys.time
                    else if (word == "sys.time")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") };


                    #region sys.day_of_week

                    // Day of week. Days: sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday.
                    //  sys.day_of_week
                    else if (word == "sys.day_of_week")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString() };


                     * // Day of month. Format: 1 - 31. If no so much days in month, then replaced with month max days.
                     * // sys.day_of_month
                     * else if(word == "sys.day_of_month"){
                     * }
                    #region sys.day_of_year

                    // Month of year. Format: 1 - 12.
                    // sys.day_of_year
                    else if (word == "sys.day_of_year")
                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            matchSourceValues = new string[] { DateTime.Today.ToString("M") };


                    #region Unknown

                    // Unknown
                        throw new Exception("Unknown match source '" + word + "' !");


                    /* If we reach so far, then we have valid match sorce and compare value.
                     * Just do compare.

                    // Reset lastMatch result
                    lastMatchValue = false;

                    // Read matcher
                    word = r.ReadWord(true, new char[] { ' ' }, true);
                    if (word == null)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: operator is missing ! \r\n\r\n Near: '" + r.OriginalString.Substring(0, r.Position) + "'");
                    word = word.ToLower();

                    #region * <SP> "astericPattern"

                    // * <SP> "astericPattern"
                    if (word == "*")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (SCore.IsAstericMatch(val, matchSourceValue.ToLower()))
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region !* <SP> "astericPattern"

                    // !* <SP> "astericPattern"
                    else if (word == "!*")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (SCore.IsAstericMatch(val, matchSourceValue.ToLower()))
                                    lastMatchValue = false;


                    #region == <SP> "value"

                    // == <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "==")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (val == matchSourceValue.ToLower())
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region != <SP> "value"

                    // != <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "!=")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found, then already value equals
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (val == matchSourceValue.ToLower())
                                    lastMatchValue = false;
                                lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region >= <SP> "value"

                    // >= <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == ">=")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) >= 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region <= <SP> "value"

                    // <= <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "<=")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) <= 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region > <SP> "value"

                    // > <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == ">")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) > 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region < <SP> "value"

                    // < <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "<")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (matchSourceValue.ToLower().CompareTo(val) < 0)
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region regex <SP> "value"

                    // Regex <SP> "value"
                    else if (word == "regex")
                        string val = r.ReadWord();
                        if (val == null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid syntax: <SP> \"value\" is missing !");
                        val = val.ToLower();

                        if (!syntaxCheckOnly)
                            // We check matchSourceValues when first is found
                            foreach (string matchSourceValue in matchSourceValues)
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(val, matchSourceValue.ToLower()))
                                    lastMatchValue = true;


                    #region Unknown

                    // Unknown
                        throw new Exception("Unknown keword '" + word + "' !");


                    possibleClauseItems = PossibleClauseItem.AND | PossibleClauseItem.OR;
