 private void  PrintNewInsanity(System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream, System.Object value_Renamed)
     FieldCacheSanityChecker.Insanity[] insanities = FieldCacheSanityChecker.CheckSanity(wrapper);
     for (int i = 0; i < insanities.Length; i++)
         FieldCacheSanityChecker.Insanity insanity = insanities[i];
         CacheEntry[] entries = insanity.GetCacheEntries();
         for (int j = 0; j < entries.Length; j++)
             if (entries[j].GetValue() == value_Renamed)
                 // OK this insanity involves our entry
                 infoStream.WriteLine("WARNING: new FieldCache insanity created\nDetails: " + insanity.ToString());
                 infoStream.WriteLine(new System.Exception());
        public virtual void  TestSort()
            this.r = NewRandom();

            // reverse & not
            // all types
            // restrictive & non restrictive searches (on contents)


            Sort[] sorts     = new Sort[50];
            int    sortCount = 0;

            for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
                Sort sort;
                bool reverse = 1 == r;

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("byte", SortField.BYTE, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("short", SortField.SHORT, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("int", SortField.INT, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("long", SortField.LONG, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("float", SortField.FLOAT, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("double", SortField.DOUBLE, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("string", SortField.STRING_VAL, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField("stringIdx", SortField.STRING, reverse) });

                //sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                //sort.setSort(new SortField[] {new SortField("string", SortField.STRING_ORD, reverse)});

                //sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                //sort.setSort(new SortField[] {new SortField("string", SortField.STRING_ORD_VAL, reverse)});

                //sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                //sort.setSort(new SortField[] {new SortField("string", SortField.STRING_ORD_VAL_DEM, reverse)});

                //sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                //sort.setSort(new SortField[] {new SortField("string", SortField.STRING_ORD_VAL_DEM2, reverse)});

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField(null, SortField.SCORE, reverse) });

                sorts[sortCount++] = sort = new Sort();
                sort.SetSort(new SortField[] { new SortField(null, SortField.DOC, reverse) });

            Query[] queries = new Query[4];
            queries[0] = new MatchAllDocsQuery();
            queries[1] = new TermQuery(new Term("contents", "x"));             // matches every 10th doc
            queries[2] = new TermQuery(new Term("contents", "y"));             // matches every 100th doc
            queries[3] = new TermQuery(new Term("contents", "z"));             // matches every 1000th doc

            for (int sx = 0; sx < 3; sx++)
                IndexSearcher searcher;
                if (sx == 0)
                    searcher = searcherSingleSegment;
                else if (sx == 1)
                    searcher = searcherFewSegment;
                    searcher = searcherMultiSegment;

                for (int qx = 0; qx < queries.Length; qx++)
                    Query query = queries[qx];

                    for (int q = 0; q < 3; q++)
                        int queueSize;
                        if (q == 0)
                            queueSize = 10;
                        else if (q == 1)
                            queueSize = 100;
                            queueSize = 1000;

                        for (int s = 0; s < sortCount; s++)
                            Sort sort1 = sorts[s];

                            for (int s2 = -1; s2 < sortCount; s2++)
                                Sort sort;
                                if (s2 == -1)
                                    // Single field sort
                                    sort = sort1;
                                    sort = new Sort(new SortField[] { sort1.GetSort()[0], sorts[s2].GetSort()[0] });

                                // Old
                                Sort oldSort = GetOldSort(sort);

                                if (VERBOSE)
                                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("query=" + query);
                                    if (sx == 0)
                                        System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  single-segment index");
                                    else if (sx == 1)
                                        System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  few-segment index");
                                        System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  many-segment index");
                                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  numHit=" + queueSize);
                                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  old=" + oldSort);
                                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("  new=" + sort);

                                TopDocs newHits = searcher.Search(query, null, queueSize, sort);
                                TopDocs oldHits = searcher.Search(query, null, queueSize, oldSort);

                                Compare(oldHits, newHits);

            // we explicitly test the old sort method and
            // compare with the new, so we expect to see SUBREADER
            // sanity checks fail.
            Insanity[] insanity = FieldCacheSanityChecker.CheckSanity(Lucene.Net.Search.FieldCache_Fields.DEFAULT);
                int ignored = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < insanity.Length; i++)
                    if (insanity[i].GetType() == InsanityType.SUBREADER)
                        insanity[i] = new Insanity(InsanityType.EXPECTED, insanity[i].GetMsg(), insanity[i].GetCacheEntries());
                Assert.AreEqual(ignored, insanity.Length, "Not all insane field cache usage was expected");

                insanity = null;
                // report this in the event of any exception/failure
                // if no failure, then insanity will be null
                if (null != insanity)
                    System.IO.StreamWriter temp_writer;
                    temp_writer           = new System.IO.StreamWriter(System.Console.OpenStandardError(), System.Console.Error.Encoding);
                    temp_writer.AutoFlush = true;
                    DumpArray(GetTestLabel() + ": Insane FieldCache usage(s)", insanity, temp_writer);
            // we've already checked FieldCache, purge so tearDown doesn't complain
            PurgeFieldCache(Lucene.Net.Search.FieldCache_Fields.DEFAULT);             // so
