        //private LoveControlBlock ConvertToControlBlock(LoveBlock block)
        //    if (block.Children.Count == 0) { return null; }

        //    var firstNode = block.Children.First();
        //    if (firstNode is LoveBinding)
        //    {
        //        var firstBinding = firstNode as LoveBinding;

        //        var regexControl = @"\s*((?:if)|(?:foreach))\s*\((.*)\)\s*({)?\s*";

        //        var m = Regex.Match(firstBinding.Content, regexControl);
        //        if (m.Success)
        //        {
        //            var controlType = m.Groups[1].Value;
        //            var statement = m.Groups[2].Value;
        //            var openBraces = m.Groups.Count > 2 ? m.Groups[3].Value : "";

        //            return CreateControlBlock(block, firstBinding, controlType, statement, openBraces);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return null;

        //private static LoveControlBlock CreateControlBlock(LoveBlock block, LoveBinding firstBinding, string controlType, string statement, string openBraces)
        //    var lastChild = block.Children.Last();

        //    var hasClosingBraces = openBraces == "{"
        //        && lastChild is LoveBinding
        //        && (lastChild as LoveBinding).Content.Trim() == "}";

        //    var bodyLength = block.Children.Count - 1;
        //    bodyLength -= hasClosingBraces ? 1 : 0;

        //    var bodyChildren = block.Children.Skip(1).Take(bodyLength);
        //    var bodyBlock = new LoveBlock(bodyChildren.First().Start, bodyChildren.Sum(c => c.Length));
        //    bodyBlock.Children.AddRange(bodyChildren);

        //    if (controlType == "if")
        //    {
        //        LoveBindingBase statementBinding = CreateStatement(firstBinding, statement);

        //        return new LoveIfBlock(block.Start, block.Length,
        //            statementBinding,
        //            bodyBlock);
        //    }
        //    else if (controlType == "foreach")
        //    {
        //        var regexForeach = @"\s*(\S+)\s+in\s+(\S+)\s*";

        //        var m = Regex.Match(statement, regexForeach);
        //        if (m.Success)
        //        {
        //            var itemName = m.Groups[1].Value;
        //            statement = m.Groups[2].Value;

        //            var itemNameSpan = new LoveSpan(firstBinding.Start + firstBinding.Content.IndexOf(itemName), itemName.Length, itemName);

        //            LoveBindingBase statementBinding = CreateStatement(firstBinding, statement);
        //            return new LoveForeachBlock(block.Start, block.Length,
        //                itemNameSpan,
        //                statementBinding,
        //                bodyBlock);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            return null;
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return null;

        private static LoveBindingBase CreateStatement(LoveBinding firstBinding, string statement)
            LoveBindingBase statementBinding = new LoveBinding(firstBinding.Start + firstBinding.Content.IndexOf(statement), statement.Length, statement);
            var             converted        = ConvertBinding(statementBinding);

            if (converted is LoveBindingBase)
                statementBinding = converted as LoveBindingBase;
        private LoveBlock VisitBlock(Block block)
            // Handle regular block
            var lBlock = new LoveBlock(block.Start.AbsoluteIndex, block.Length);

            foreach (var c in block.Children)
                var node = VisitNode(c);

                if (node != null)

            // Merge blocks of same type
            var      newChildren = new List <LoveNode>();
            LoveNode newChild    = null;

            foreach (var c in lBlock.Children)
                if (newChild != null && newChild.GetType() == c.GetType() && c is LoveSpan)
                    var cSpan   = c as LoveSpan;
                    var newSpan = newChild as LoveSpan;

                    if (cSpan is LoveBinding)
                        newChild = new LoveBinding(newSpan.Start, newSpan.Length + cSpan.Length, newSpan.Content + cSpan.Content);
                    else if (cSpan is LoveMarkup)
                        newChild = new LoveMarkup(newSpan.Start, newSpan.Length + cSpan.Length, newSpan.Content + cSpan.Content);
                    else if (cSpan is LoveMarkupExpression)
                        newChild = new LoveMarkupExpression(newSpan.Start, newSpan.Length + cSpan.Length, newSpan.Content + cSpan.Content);
                    if (newChild != null)
                        newChild = null;

                    newChild = c;

            if (newChild != null)
                newChild = null;


            if (lBlock.Children.Count == 0)

            // Simplify children
            for (int i = 0; i < lBlock.Children.Count; i++)
                var child = lBlock.Children[i];

                // Convert bindings to specific bindings if possible
                if (child is LoveBinding)
                    lBlock.Children[i] = ConvertBinding(child as LoveBinding);


            //// Convert to control blocks if Possible
            //var cBlock = ConvertToControlBlock(lBlock);
            //if (cBlock != null) { return cBlock; }
