private void ajaxLotteryTime23() { string text = base.q("lid"); string text2 = "{\"name\": \"名称\",\"lotteryid\": \"彩种类别\",\"ordertime\": \"倒计时\",\"closetime\": \"封单时间\",\"nestsn\": \"下期期号\",\"cursn\": \"当前期号\",\"curnumber\": \"开奖号码\"}"; text2 = text2.Replace("名称", LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(text))).Replace("彩种类别", text); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateTime = base.GetDateTime(); string text3 = dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string text4 = dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); string text5 = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select dbo.f_GetCloseTime(" + text + ") as closetime"; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); text2 = text2.Replace("封单时间", dataTable.Rows[0]["closetime"].ToString()); TimeSpan timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59") - DateTime.Now; string newValue = string.Concat(timeSpan.Days * 24 * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Hours * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Minutes * 60 + timeSpan.Seconds); text2 = text2.Replace("倒计时", newValue); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "SELECT TOP 1 [Title],[Number] FROM [Sys_LotteryData] with(nolock) where UserId=" + this.AdminId + " order by Id desc"; DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); if (dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0) { string newValue2 = (dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0) ? dataTable2.Rows[0]["title"].ToString() : "您还未投注"; decimal t = Convert.ToDecimal(dataTable2.Rows[0]["title"].ToString()); string newValue3 = (dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0) ? string.Concat(++t) : (DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "00001"); text2 = text2.Replace("下期期号", newValue3).Replace("当前期号", newValue2); string[] array = dataTable2.Rows[0]["Number"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); string text6 = "<p class='hm'>"; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { text6 = text6 + "<span>" + array[i] + "</span>"; } text6 += "</p>"; text2 = text2.Replace("开奖号码", text6); } else { string newValue2 = "您还未投注"; string newValue3 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "00001"; text2 = text2.Replace("下期期号", newValue3).Replace("当前期号", newValue2); string text6 = "<p class='hm'>"; text6 += "请您先投注"; text6 += "</p>"; text2 = text2.Replace("开奖号码", text6); } this._response = text2; }
private void ajaxGetListPlay() { string str1 = this.q("lid"); string str2 = this.q("d1"); string str3 = this.q("d2"); string str4 = this.q("u"); int num1 = this.Int_ThisPage(); int num2 = this.Str2Int(this.q("pagesize"), 20); this.Str2Int(this.q("flag"), 0); if (str2.Trim().Length == 0) { str2 = Convert.ToDateTime(this.StartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (str3.Trim().Length == 0) { DateTime dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(this.EndTime); dateTime = dateTime.AddDays(1.0); str3 = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (Convert.ToDateTime(str2) > Convert.ToDateTime(str3)) { str2 = str3; } string str5 = ""; string whereStr = "STime2 >='" + str2 + "' and STime2 <'" + str3 + "' and state>1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and LotteryId = " + str1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { whereStr = whereStr + " and Title = '" + str4 + "'"; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select PlayId FROM [N_UserBet] where " + whereStr + " group by PlayId"; int count = this.doh.GetDataTable().Rows.Count; string str6 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1) ? LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(str1)) : "全部游戏"; string str7 = str5 + " SELECT '99999' as rowNember,'-1' as [LotteryId],'全部合计' as [LotteryName],'999' as PlayId,'' as Title,\r\n cast(round(isnull(sum(Total*Times),0),4) as numeric(18,4)) as Bet ,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0) as Win,\r\n isnull(sum(num),0) as Num,isnull(sum(winnum),0) as WinNum,\r\n cast(round(CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0))*100/CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(Total*Times),1)) ,4) as numeric(9,4)) as Per,\r\n isnull(sum(PointMoney),0) as Point,isnull(sum(-RealGet),0) as total FROM [N_UserBet] where " + whereStr + " union all " + SqlHelp.GetSqlRow("'" + str1 + "' as LotteryId,'" + str6 + "' as LotteryName,PlayId,(select titleName from Sys_PlaySmallType where Id=PlayId) as Title,cast(round(isnull(sum(Total*Times),0),4) as numeric(18,4)) as Bet ,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0) as Win,isnull(sum(num),0) as Num,isnull(sum(winnum),0) as WinNum,cast(round(CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0))*100/CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(Total*Times),1)) ,4) as numeric(9,4)) as Per,isnull(sum(PointMoney),0) as Point,isnull(sum(-RealGet),0) as total", "N_UserBet", "PlayId", num2, num1, "asc", whereStr, "PlayId"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = str7; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"" + PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, count, num2, num1, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);") + "\"," + dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable) + "}"; dataTable.Clear(); dataTable.Dispose(); }
private void ajaxLotteryTime23() { string newValue1 = this.q("lid"); string str1 = "{\"name\": \"名称\",\"lotteryid\": \"彩种类别\",\"ordertime\": \"倒计时\",\"closetime\": \"封单时间\",\"nestsn\": \"下期期号\",\"cursn\": \"当前期号\",\"curnumber\": \"开奖号码\"}".Replace("名称", LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1))).Replace("彩种类别", newValue1); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateTime = this.GetDateTime(); dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select dbo.f_GetCloseTime(" + newValue1 + ") as closetime"; DataTable dataTable1 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); string str2 = str1.Replace("封单时间", dataTable1.Rows[0]["closetime"].ToString()); TimeSpan timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59") - DateTime.Now; string newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(timeSpan.Days * 24 * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Hours * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Minutes * 60 + timeSpan.Seconds)); string str3 = str2.Replace("倒计时", newValue2); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "SELECT TOP 1 [Title],[Number] FROM [Sys_LotteryData] with(nolock) where UserId=" + this.AdminId + " order by Id desc"; DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); string str4; if (dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0) { string newValue3 = dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0 ? dataTable2.Rows[0]["title"].ToString() : "您还未投注"; string newValue4 = dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0 ? string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToDecimal(dataTable2.Rows[0]["title"].ToString()) + 1)) : DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "00001"; string str5 = str3.Replace("下期期号", newValue4).Replace("当前期号", newValue3); string[] strArray = dataTable2.Rows[0]["Number"].ToString().Split(','); string str6 = "<p class='hm'>"; for (int index = 0; index < strArray.Length; ++index) { str6 = str6 + "<span>" + strArray[index] + "</span>"; } string newValue5 = str6 + "</p>"; str4 = str5.Replace("开奖号码", newValue5); } else { string newValue3 = "您还未投注"; string newValue4 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "00001"; str4 = str3.Replace("下期期号", newValue4).Replace("当前期号", newValue3).Replace("开奖号码", "<p class='hm'>" + "请您先投注" + "</p>"); } this._response = str4; }
private void ajaxLotteryTime() { string str1 = this.q("lid"); string str2 = "{\"name\": \"名称\",\"lotteryid\": \"彩种类别\",\"ordertime\": \"倒计时\",\"closetime\": \"封单时间\",\"nestsn\": \"下期期号\",\"cursn\": \"当前期号\"}".Replace("名称", LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(str1))).Replace("彩种类别", str1); DateTime dateTime1 = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateTime2 = this.GetDateTime(); string str3 = dateTime2.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string str4 = dateTime2.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select dbo.f_GetCloseTime(" + str1 + ") as closetime"; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); string str5 = str2.Replace("封单时间", dataTable.Rows[0]["closetime"].ToString()); string newValue1; string newValue2; TimeSpan timeSpan; if (str1 == "3002" || str1 == "3003") { int year = dateTime2.Year; DateTime dateTime3 = Convert.ToDateTime(year.ToString() + "-01-01 20:30:00"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select datediff(d,'" + dateTime3.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') as d"; int Num = Convert.ToInt32(this.doh.GetDataTable().Rows[0]["d"]) - 7 + 1; DateTime dateTime4 = dateTime2.AddDays(-1.0); string str6 = dateTime4.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; string str7 = dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; if (dateTime2 > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime2.ToString(" 20:30:00"))) { dateTime4 = dateTime2.AddDays(1.0); str7 = dateTime4.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; } else { --Num; } year = dateTime2.Year; newValue1 = year.ToString() + Func.AddZero(Num, 3); year = dateTime2.Year; newValue2 = year.ToString() + Func.AddZero(Num + 1, 3); timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(str7) - Convert.ToDateTime(str4); } else { if (UserCenterSession.LotteryTime == null) { UserCenterSession.LotteryTime = new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTable(); } DataRow[] dataRowArray1 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time >'" + str4 + "' and LotteryId=" + str1, "Time asc"); if (dataRowArray1.Length == 0) { dataRowArray1 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time <='" + str4 + "' and LotteryId=" + str1, "Time asc"); newValue2 = dateTime2.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray1[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } else { newValue2 = str3 + "-" + dataRowArray1[0]["Sn"].ToString(); dateTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dataRowArray1[0]["Time"].ToString()); if (dateTime2 > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00") && dateTime2 < Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 10:00:01") && str1 == "1003") { newValue2 = dateTime2.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray1[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } } if (Convert.ToDateTime(dataRowArray1[0]["Time"].ToString()) < Convert.ToDateTime(str4)) { dateTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime2.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + dataRowArray1[0]["Time"].ToString()); } timeSpan = dateTime1 - Convert.ToDateTime(str4); DataRow[] dataRowArray2 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time <'" + str4 + "' and LotteryId=" + str1, "Time desc"); if (dataRowArray2.Length == 0) { dataRowArray2 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("LotteryId=" + str1, "Time desc"); newValue1 = dateTime2.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } else { newValue1 = str3 + "-" + dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); if (dateTime2 > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00") && dateTime2 < Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 10:00:01") && str1 == "1003") { newValue1 = dateTime2.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } } if (str1 == "1010" || str1 == "1017" || str1 == "3004") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum(str1) + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (str1 == "1012") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1012") + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (str1 == "1013") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1013") + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (str1 == "1014" || str1 == "1015" || str1 == "1016") { newValue1 = newValue1.Replace("-", ""); newValue2 = newValue2.Replace("-", ""); } if (str1 == "1011" || str1 == "3005") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1011") + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (str1 == "4001") { newValue1 = string.Concat((object)(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("4001") + Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()))); newValue2 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1) + 1)); } if (str1 == "1005") { string str6 = string.Concat((object)(Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString()) - 1)); if (str6.Length == 1) { str6 = "000" + str6; } if (str6.Length == 2) { str6 = "00" + str6; } if (str6.Length == 3) { str6 = "0" + str6; } string str7 = string.Concat((object)Convert.ToInt32(dataRowArray2[0]["Sn"].ToString())); if (str7.Length == 1) { str7 = "000" + str7; } if (str7.Length == 2) { str7 = "00" + str7; } if (str7.Length == 3) { str7 = "0" + str7; } newValue1 = dateTime2.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + str6; newValue2 = dateTime2.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + str7; } } string newValue3 = string.Concat((object)(timeSpan.Days * 24 * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Hours * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Minutes * 60 + timeSpan.Seconds)); this._response = str5.Replace("下期期号", newValue2).Replace("当前期号", newValue1).Replace("倒计时", newValue3); }
private void ajaxIndexLottery() { string str1 = ""; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select row_number() over (order by Sort asc) as rowid,* from [Sys_Lottery] where IsOpen=0 and Id in (1001,1004,1009,1016,2001,3002) order by Sort asc"; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int index = 0; index < dataTable.Rows.Count; ++index) { string newValue1 = dataTable.Rows[index]["Id"].ToString(); string str2 = "{\"rowid\": \"排序Id\",\"tid\": \"类别Id\",\"id\": \"彩种Id\",\"name\": \"名称\",\"ordertime\": \"倒计时\",\"remark\": \"说明\"}".Replace("名称", LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(newValue1))).Replace("排序Id", dataTable.Rows[index]["rowid"].ToString()).Replace("类别Id", dataTable.Rows[index]["LType"].ToString()).Replace("彩种Id", newValue1).Replace("说明", dataTable.Rows[index]["IphoneRemark"].ToString()); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateTime1 = this.GetDateTime(); dateTime1.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string str3 = dateTime1.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); dateTime1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); DateTime dateTime2; TimeSpan timeSpan; if (newValue1 == "3002" || newValue1 == "3003") { string str4 = dateTime1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; if (dateTime1 > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00")) { dateTime2 = dateTime1.AddDays(1.0); str4 = dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; } timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(str4) - dateTime1; } else { if (UserCenterSession.LotteryTime == null) { UserCenterSession.LotteryTime = new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTable(); } DataRow[] dataRowArray = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time >'" + str3 + "' and LotteryId=" + newValue1, "Time asc"); if (dataRowArray.Length == 0) { dataRowArray = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select("Time <='" + str3 + "' and LotteryId=" + newValue1, "Time asc"); } DateTime dateTime3 = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + dataRowArray[0]["Time"].ToString()); if (Convert.ToDateTime(dataRowArray[0]["Time"].ToString()) < Convert.ToDateTime(str3)) { dateTime2 = dateTime1.AddDays(1.0); dateTime3 = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + dataRowArray[0]["Time"].ToString()); } timeSpan = dateTime3 - Convert.ToDateTime(str3); } string newValue2 = string.Concat((object)((timeSpan.Days * 24 * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Hours * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Minutes * 60 + timeSpan.Seconds) * 1000)); string str5 = str2.Replace("倒计时", newValue2); str1 = str1 + str5 + ","; } this._response = "{\"result\":\"1\",\"table\": [" + str1.Substring(0, str1.Length - 1) + "]}"; } else { this._response = "{\"result\":\"0\",\"table\": []}"; } }
private void ajaxLotteryTime() { string text = base.q("lid"); string text2 = "{\"name\": \"名称\",\"lotteryid\": \"彩种类别\",\"ordertime\": \"倒计时\",\"closetime\": \"封单时间\",\"nestsn\": \"下期期号\",\"cursn\": \"当前期号\"}"; text2 = text2.Replace("名称", LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(text))).Replace("彩种类别", text); DateTime d = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateTime = base.GetDateTime(); string str = dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string text3 = dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); string text4 = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select dbo.f_GetCloseTime(" + text + ") as closetime"; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); text2 = text2.Replace("封单时间", dataTable.Rows[0]["closetime"].ToString()); string text6; string text7; TimeSpan timeSpan; if (text == "3002" || text == "3003") { DateTime dateTime2 = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.Year.ToString() + "-01-01 20:30:00"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = string.Concat(new string[] { "select datediff(d,'", dateTime2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "','", dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "') as d" }); DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); int num = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable2.Rows[0]["d"]) - 7; num++; string text5 = dateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; string value = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; if (dateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.ToString(" 20:30:00"))) { value = dateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; } else { num--; } text6 = dateTime.Year.ToString() + Func.AddZero(num, 3); text7 = dateTime.Year.ToString() + Func.AddZero(num + 1, 3); timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(value) - Convert.ToDateTime(text3); } else { if (UserCenterSession.LotteryTime == null) { UserCenterSession.LotteryTime = new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTable(); } DataRow[] array = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time >'", text3, "' and LotteryId=", text }), "Time asc"); if (array.Length == 0) { array = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time <='", text3, "' and LotteryId=", text }), "Time asc"); text7 = dateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + array[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } else { text7 = str + "-" + array[0]["Sn"].ToString(); d = Convert.ToDateTime(array[0]["Time"].ToString()); if (dateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00") && dateTime < Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 10:00:01")) { if (text == "1003") { text7 = dateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + array[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } } } if (Convert.ToDateTime(array[0]["Time"].ToString()) < Convert.ToDateTime(text3)) { d = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + array[0]["Time"].ToString()); } timeSpan = d - Convert.ToDateTime(text3); DataRow[] array2 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time <'", text3, "' and LotteryId=", text }), "Time desc"); if (array2.Length == 0) { array2 = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select(string.Concat(new object[] { "LotteryId=", text }), "Time desc"); text6 = dateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + array2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } else { text6 = str + "-" + array2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); if (dateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00") && dateTime < Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 10:00:01")) { if (text == "1003") { text6 = dateTime.AddDays(-1.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + array2[0]["Sn"].ToString(); } } } if (text == "1010" || text == "1017" || text == "3004") { text6 = string.Concat(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum(text) + Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]["Sn"].ToString())); text7 = string.Concat(Convert.ToInt32(text6) + 1); } if (text == "1012") { text6 = string.Concat(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1012") + Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]["Sn"].ToString())); text7 = string.Concat(Convert.ToInt32(text6) + 1); } if (text == "1013") { text6 = string.Concat(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1013") + Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]["Sn"].ToString())); text7 = string.Concat(Convert.ToInt32(text6) + 1); } if (text == "1014" || text == "1015" || text == "1016") { text6 = text6.Replace("-", ""); text7 = text7.Replace("-", ""); } if (text == "1011" || text == "3005") { text6 = string.Concat(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("1011") + Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]["Sn"].ToString())); text7 = string.Concat(Convert.ToInt32(text6) + 1); } if (text == "4001") { text6 = string.Concat(new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTsIssueNum("4001") + Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]["Sn"].ToString())); text7 = string.Concat(Convert.ToInt32(text6) + 1); } if (text == "1005") { string text8 = string.Concat(Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]["Sn"].ToString()) - 1); if (text8.Length == 1) { text8 = "000" + text8; } if (text8.Length == 2) { text8 = "00" + text8; } if (text8.Length == 3) { text8 = "0" + text8; } string text9 = string.Concat(Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]["Sn"].ToString())); if (text9.Length == 1) { text9 = "000" + text9; } if (text9.Length == 2) { text9 = "00" + text9; } if (text9.Length == 3) { text9 = "0" + text9; } text6 = dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + text8; text7 = dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + text9; } } string newValue = string.Concat(timeSpan.Days * 24 * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Hours * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Minutes * 60 + timeSpan.Seconds); text2 = text2.Replace("下期期号", text7).Replace("当前期号", text6).Replace("倒计时", newValue); this._response = text2; }
private void ajaxIndexLottery() { string text = ""; this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select row_number() over (order by Sort asc) as rowid,* from [Sys_Lottery] where IsOpen=0 and Id in (1001,1004,1009,1016,2001,3002) order by Sort asc"; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { string text2 = dataTable.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString(); string text3 = "{\"rowid\": \"排序Id\",\"tid\": \"类别Id\",\"id\": \"彩种Id\",\"name\": \"名称\",\"ordertime\": \"倒计时\",\"remark\": \"说明\"}"; text3 = text3.Replace("名称", LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(text2))).Replace("排序Id", dataTable.Rows[i]["rowid"].ToString()).Replace("类别Id", dataTable.Rows[i]["LType"].ToString()).Replace("彩种Id", text2).Replace("说明", dataTable.Rows[i]["IphoneRemark"].ToString()); DateTime d = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateTime = base.GetDateTime(); string text4 = dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string text5 = dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); string text6 = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); TimeSpan timeSpan; if (text2 == "3002" || text2 == "3003") { string value = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; if (dateTime > Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00")) { value = dateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 20:30:00"; } timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(value) - dateTime; } else { if (UserCenterSession.LotteryTime == null) { UserCenterSession.LotteryTime = new LotteryTimeDAL().GetTable(); } DataRow[] array = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time >'", text5, "' and LotteryId=", text2 }), "Time asc"); if (array.Length == 0) { array = UserCenterSession.LotteryTime.Select(string.Concat(new object[] { "Time <='", text5, "' and LotteryId=", text2 }), "Time asc"); } d = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + array[0]["Time"].ToString()); if (Convert.ToDateTime(array[0]["Time"].ToString()) < Convert.ToDateTime(text5)) { d = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + array[0]["Time"].ToString()); } timeSpan = d - Convert.ToDateTime(text5); } string newValue = string.Concat((timeSpan.Days * 24 * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Hours * 60 * 60 + timeSpan.Minutes * 60 + timeSpan.Seconds) * 1000); text3 = text3.Replace("倒计时", newValue); text = text + text3 + ","; } this._response = "{\"result\":\"1\",\"table\": [" + text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1) + "]}"; } else { this._response = "{\"result\":\"0\",\"table\": []}"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (base.Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { this.lotteryId = base.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } this.LName = LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(this.lotteryId)); this.LotteryLines = ""; if (!base.IsPostBack) { int top = 50; if (base.Request["n"] != null) { top = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request["n"]); } DataTable listDataTable = new LotteryDataDAL().GetListDataTable(Convert.ToInt32(this.lotteryId), top); if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "1") { this.count = 10; int[,] array = new int[5, 10]; int[,] array2 = new int[5, 10]; int[,] array3 = new int[5, 10]; int[,] array4 = new int[5, 10]; int[,] array5 = new int[5, 10]; string[,] array6 = new string[5, 10]; for (int i = 0; i < listDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dataRow = listDataTable.Rows[i]; string str = dataRow["Title"].ToString(); string text = dataRow["Number"].ToString(); string[] array7 = text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string text2 = "<tr>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">万位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">千位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">百位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">十位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">个位</td>"; text2 += "</tr>"; text2 += "<tr>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { object obj = text2; text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td>", k, "</td>" }); } } text2 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryHeadLines = text2; string text3 = "<tr>"; text3 += "<td class=\"issue\">"; text3 += str; text3 += "</td>"; text3 += "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">"; text3 += text; text3 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (l == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { array[j, l]++; array2[j, l] = -1; array4[j, l]++; if (array3[j, l] < array4[j, l]) { array3[j, l] = array4[j, l]; } } else { array4[j, l] = 0; array2[j, l]++; if (array5[j, l] < array2[j, l]) { array5[j, l] = array2[j, l]; } } if (l == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { if (j % 2 == 0) { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } else { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } array2[j, l]++; } else if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text3 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines += text3; } string text4 = "<tr>"; text4 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text4 += "当前最大连开"; text4 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text4 += "</tr>"; string text5 = "<tr>"; text5 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text5 += "当前最大遗漏"; text5 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text5 += "</tr>"; string text6 = "<tr>"; text6 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text6 += "当前出现次数"; text6 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text6 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines = this.LotteryLines + text6 + text4 + text5; } if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "2") { this.count = 11; int[,] array = new int[5, 11]; int[,] array2 = new int[5, 11]; int[,] array3 = new int[5, 11]; int[,] array4 = new int[5, 11]; int[,] array5 = new int[5, 11]; string[,] array6 = new string[5, 11]; for (int i = 0; i < listDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dataRow = listDataTable.Rows[i]; string str = dataRow["Title"].ToString(); string text = dataRow["Number"].ToString(); string[] array7 = text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string text2 = "<tr>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"11\">万位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"11\">千位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"11\">百位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"11\">十位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"11\">个位</td>"; text2 += "</tr>"; text2 += "<tr>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int k = 1; k <= 11; k++) { object obj = text2; text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td>", k, "</td>" }); } } text2 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryHeadLines = text2; string text3 = "<tr>"; text3 += "<td class=\"issue\">"; text3 += str; text3 += "</td>"; text3 += "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">"; text3 += text; text3 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 10; l++) { if (l + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { array[j, l]++; array2[j, l] = -1; array4[j, l]++; if (array3[j, l] < array4[j, l]) { array3[j, l] = array4[j, l]; } } else { array4[j, l] = 1; array2[j, l]++; if (array5[j, l] < array2[j, l]) { array5[j, l] = array2[j, l]; } } if (l + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { if (j % 2 == 0) { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } else { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } array2[j, l]++; } else if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text3 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines += text3; } string text4 = "<tr>"; text4 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text4 += "当前最大连开"; text4 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 10; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text4 += "</tr>"; string text5 = "<tr>"; text5 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text5 += "当前最大遗漏"; text5 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 10; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text5 += "</tr>"; string text6 = "<tr>"; text6 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text6 += "当前出现次数"; text6 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 10; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text6 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines = this.LotteryLines + text6 + text4 + text5; } if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "3") { this.count = 10; int[,] array = new int[3, 10]; int[,] array2 = new int[3, 10]; int[,] array3 = new int[3, 10]; int[,] array4 = new int[3, 10]; int[,] array5 = new int[3, 10]; string[,] array6 = new string[3, 10]; for (int i = 0; i < listDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dataRow = listDataTable.Rows[i]; string str = dataRow["Title"].ToString(); string text = dataRow["Number"].ToString(); string[] array7 = text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string text2 = "<tr>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">百位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">十位</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">个位</td>"; text2 += "</tr>"; text2 += "<tr>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { object obj = text2; text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td>", k, "</td>" }); } } text2 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryHeadLines = text2; string text3 = "<tr>"; text3 += "<td class=\"issue\">"; text3 += str; text3 += "</td>"; text3 += "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">"; text3 += text; text3 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (l == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { array[j, l]++; array2[j, l] = -1; array4[j, l]++; if (array3[j, l] < array4[j, l]) { array3[j, l] = array4[j, l]; } } else { array4[j, l] = 0; array2[j, l]++; if (array5[j, l] < array2[j, l]) { array5[j, l] = array2[j, l]; } } if (l == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { if (j % 2 == 0) { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } else { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } array2[j, l]++; } else if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text3 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines += text3; } string text4 = "<tr>"; text4 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text4 += "当前最大连开"; text4 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text4 += "</tr>"; string text5 = "<tr>"; text5 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text5 += "当前最大遗漏"; text5 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text5 += "</tr>"; string text6 = "<tr>"; text6 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text6 += "当前出现次数"; text6 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text6 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines = this.LotteryLines + text6 + text4 + text5; } if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "4") { this.count = 10; int[,] array = new int[10, 11]; int[,] array2 = new int[10, 11]; int[,] array3 = new int[10, 11]; int[,] array4 = new int[10, 11]; int[,] array5 = new int[10, 11]; string[,] array6 = new string[10, 11]; for (int i = 0; i < listDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dataRow = listDataTable.Rows[i]; string str = dataRow["Title"].ToString(); string text = dataRow["Number"].ToString(); string[] array7 = text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string text2 = "<tr>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>"; text2 += "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">一</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">二</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">三</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">四</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">五</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">六</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">七</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">八</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">九</td>"; text2 += "<td colspan=\"10\">十</td>"; text2 += "</tr>"; text2 += "<tr>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int k = 1; k <= 10; k++) { object obj = text2; text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td>", k, "</td>" }); } } text2 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryHeadLines = text2; string text3 = "<tr>"; text3 += "<td class=\"issue\">"; text3 += str; text3 += "</td>"; text3 += "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">"; text3 += text; text3 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < array7.Length; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (l + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { array[j, l]++; array2[j, l] = -1; array4[j, l]++; if (array3[j, l] < array4[j, l]) { array3[j, l] = array4[j, l]; } } else { array4[j, l] = 1; array2[j, l]++; if (array5[j, l] < array2[j, l]) { array5[j, l] = array2[j, l]; } } if (l + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(array7[j])) { if (j % 2 == 0) { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } else { text3 = text3 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + array7[j] + "</div></td>"; } array2[j, l]++; } else if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array2[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text3 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines += text3; } string text4 = "<tr>"; text4 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text4 += "当前最大连开"; text4 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array3[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text4 += "</tr>"; string text5 = "<tr>"; text5 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text5 += "当前最大遗漏"; text5 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text5; text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array5[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text5 += "</tr>"; string text6 = "<tr>"; text6 += "<td colspan=\"2\">"; text6 += "当前出现次数"; text6 += "</td>"; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for (int l = 0; l <= 9; l++) { if (j % 2 == 0) { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } else { object obj = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">", array[j, l], "</div></td>" }); } } } text6 += "</tr>"; this.LotteryLines = this.LotteryLines + text6 + text4 + text5; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { this.lotteryId = this.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } this.LName = LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(this.lotteryId)); this.LotteryLines = ""; if (this.IsPostBack) { return; } int top = 50; if (this.Request["n"] != null) { top = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request["n"]); } DataTable listDataTable = new LotteryDataDAL().GetListDataTable(Convert.ToInt32(this.lotteryId), top); string[,] strArray1; if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "1") { this.count = 10; int[,] numArray1 = new int[5, 10]; int[,] numArray2 = new int[5, 10]; int[,] numArray3 = new int[5, 10]; int[,] numArray4 = new int[5, 10]; int[,] numArray5 = new int[5, 10]; strArray1 = new string[5, 10]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < listDataTable.Rows.Count; ++index1) { DataRow row = listDataTable.Rows[index1]; string str1 = row["Title"].ToString(); string str2 = row["Number"].ToString(); string[] strArray2 = str2.Split(','); string str3 = "<tr>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">万位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">千位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">百位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">十位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">个位</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 10; ++index3) { str3 = str3 + "<td>" + (object)index3 + "</td>"; } } this.LotteryHeadLines = str3 + "</tr>"; string str4 = "<tr>" + "<td class=\"issue\">" + str1 + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">" + str2 + "</td>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 <= 9; ++index3) { if (index3 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { ++numArray1[index2, index3]; numArray2[index2, index3] = -1; ++numArray4[index2, index3]; if (numArray3[index2, index3] < numArray4[index2, index3]) { numArray3[index2, index3] = numArray4[index2, index3]; } } else { numArray4[index2, index3] = 0; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; if (numArray5[index2, index3] < numArray2[index2, index3]) { numArray5[index2, index3] = numArray2[index2, index3]; } } if (index3 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { str4 = index2 % 2 != 0 ? str4 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>" : str4 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>"; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; } else if (index2 % 2 == 0) { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } else { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } } } this.LotteryLines += str4 + "</tr>"; } string str5 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大连开" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 5; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str6 = str5 + "</tr>"; string str7 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大遗漏" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 5; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str8 = str7 + "</tr>"; string str9 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前出现次数" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 5; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str10 = str9 + "</tr>"; index index = this; index.LotteryLines = index.LotteryLines + str10 + str6 + str8; } if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "2") { this.count = 11; int[,] numArray1 = new int[5, 11]; int[,] numArray2 = new int[5, 11]; int[,] numArray3 = new int[5, 11]; int[,] numArray4 = new int[5, 11]; int[,] numArray5 = new int[5, 11]; strArray1 = new string[5, 11]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < listDataTable.Rows.Count; ++index1) { DataRow row = listDataTable.Rows[index1]; string str1 = row["Title"].ToString(); string str2 = row["Number"].ToString(); string[] strArray2 = str2.Split(','); string str3 = "<tr>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>" + "<td colspan=\"11\">万位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"11\">千位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"11\">百位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"11\">十位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"11\">个位</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 1; index3 <= 11; ++index3) { str3 = str3 + "<td>" + (object)index3 + "</td>"; } } this.LotteryHeadLines = str3 + "</tr>"; string str4 = "<tr>" + "<td class=\"issue\">" + str1 + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">" + str2 + "</td>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 <= 10; ++index3) { if (index3 + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { ++numArray1[index2, index3]; numArray2[index2, index3] = -1; ++numArray4[index2, index3]; if (numArray3[index2, index3] < numArray4[index2, index3]) { numArray3[index2, index3] = numArray4[index2, index3]; } } else { numArray4[index2, index3] = 1; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; if (numArray5[index2, index3] < numArray2[index2, index3]) { numArray5[index2, index3] = numArray2[index2, index3]; } } if (index3 + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { str4 = index2 % 2 != 0 ? str4 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>" : str4 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>"; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; } else if (index2 % 2 == 0) { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } else { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } } } this.LotteryLines += str4 + "</tr>"; } string str5 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大连开" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 5; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 10; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str6 = str5 + "</tr>"; string str7 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大遗漏" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 5; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 10; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str8 = str7 + "</tr>"; string str9 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前出现次数" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 5; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 10; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str10 = str9 + "</tr>"; index index = this; index.LotteryLines = index.LotteryLines + str10 + str6 + str8; } if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "3") { this.count = 10; int[,] numArray1 = new int[3, 10]; int[,] numArray2 = new int[3, 10]; int[,] numArray3 = new int[3, 10]; int[,] numArray4 = new int[3, 10]; int[,] numArray5 = new int[3, 10]; strArray1 = new string[3, 10]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < listDataTable.Rows.Count; ++index1) { DataRow row = listDataTable.Rows[index1]; string str1 = row["Title"].ToString(); string str2 = row["Number"].ToString(); string[] strArray2 = str2.Split(','); string str3 = "<tr>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">百位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">十位</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">个位</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 10; ++index3) { str3 = str3 + "<td>" + (object)index3 + "</td>"; } } this.LotteryHeadLines = str3 + "</tr>"; string str4 = "<tr>" + "<td class=\"issue\">" + str1 + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">" + str2 + "</td>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 <= 9; ++index3) { if (index3 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { ++numArray1[index2, index3]; numArray2[index2, index3] = -1; ++numArray4[index2, index3]; if (numArray3[index2, index3] < numArray4[index2, index3]) { numArray3[index2, index3] = numArray4[index2, index3]; } } else { numArray4[index2, index3] = 0; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; if (numArray5[index2, index3] < numArray2[index2, index3]) { numArray5[index2, index3] = numArray2[index2, index3]; } } if (index3 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { str4 = index2 % 2 != 0 ? str4 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>" : str4 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>"; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; } else if (index2 % 2 == 0) { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } else { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } } } this.LotteryLines += str4 + "</tr>"; } string str5 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大连开" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 3; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str6 = str5 + "</tr>"; string str7 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大遗漏" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 3; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str8 = str7 + "</tr>"; string str9 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前出现次数" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 3; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str10 = str9 + "</tr>"; index index = this; index.LotteryLines = index.LotteryLines + str10 + str6 + str8; } if (this.lotteryId.Substring(0, 1) == "4") { this.count = 10; int[,] numArray1 = new int[10, 11]; int[,] numArray2 = new int[10, 11]; int[,] numArray3 = new int[10, 11]; int[,] numArray4 = new int[10, 11]; int[,] numArray5 = new int[10, 11]; strArray1 = new string[10, 11]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < listDataTable.Rows.Count; ++index1) { DataRow row = listDataTable.Rows[index1]; string str1 = row["Title"].ToString(); string str2 = row["Number"].ToString(); string[] strArray2 = str2.Split(','); string str3 = "<tr>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">期号</td>" + "<td rowspan=\"2\" style=\"width:100px;\">开奖号码</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">一</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">二</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">三</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">四</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">五</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">六</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">七</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">八</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">九</td>" + "<td colspan=\"10\">十</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 1; index3 <= 10; ++index3) { str3 = str3 + "<td>" + (object)index3 + "</td>"; } } this.LotteryHeadLines = str3 + "</tr>"; string str4 = "<tr>" + "<td class=\"issue\">" + str1 + "</td>" + "<td align=\"center\" class=\"tdwth\">" + str2 + "</td>"; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray2.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 <= 9; ++index3) { if (index3 + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { ++numArray1[index2, index3]; numArray2[index2, index3] = -1; ++numArray4[index2, index3]; if (numArray3[index2, index3] < numArray4[index2, index3]) { numArray3[index2, index3] = numArray4[index2, index3]; } } else { numArray4[index2, index3] = 1; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; if (numArray5[index2, index3] < numArray2[index2, index3]) { numArray5[index2, index3] = numArray2[index2, index3]; } } if (index3 + 1 == Convert.ToInt32(strArray2[index2])) { str4 = index2 % 2 != 0 ? str4 + "<td class=\"charball td1\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>" : str4 + "<td class=\"charball td0\"><div class=\"ball01\">" + strArray2[index2] + "</div></td>"; ++numArray2[index2, index3]; } else if (index2 % 2 == 0) { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } else { str4 = str4 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray2[index2, index3] + "</div></td>"; } } } this.LotteryLines += str4 + "</tr>"; } string str5 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大连开" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 10; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str5 = str5 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray3[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str6 = str5 + "</tr>"; string str7 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前最大遗漏" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 10; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str7 = str7 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray5[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str8 = str7 + "</tr>"; string str9 = "<tr>" + "<td colspan=\"2\">" + "当前出现次数" + "</td>"; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 10; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 <= 9; ++index2) { if (index1 % 2 == 0) { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td0\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } else { str9 = str9 + "<td class=\"wdh td1\"><div class=\"ball14\">" + (object)numArray1[index1, index2] + "</div></td>"; } } } string str10 = str9 + "</tr>"; index index = this; index.LotteryLines = index.LotteryLines + str10 + str6 + str8; } }
private void ajaxGetListPlay() { string text = base.q("lid"); string text2 = base.q("d1"); string text3 = base.q("d2"); string text4 = base.q("u"); int num = base.Int_ThisPage(); int pageSize = base.Str2Int(base.q("pagesize"), 20); int num2 = base.Str2Int(base.q("flag"), 0); if (text2.Trim().Length == 0) { text2 = Convert.ToDateTime(this.StartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (text3.Trim().Length == 0) { text3 = Convert.ToDateTime(this.EndTime).AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (Convert.ToDateTime(text2) > Convert.ToDateTime(text3)) { text2 = text3; } string text5 = ""; string text6 = string.Concat(new string[] { "STime2 >='", text2, "' and STime2 <'", text3, "' and state>1" }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { text6 = text6 + " and LotteryId = " + text; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { text6 = text6 + " and Title = '" + text4 + "'"; } this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = "select PlayId FROM [N_UserBet] where " + text6 + " group by PlayId"; DataTable dataTable = this.doh.GetDataTable(); int count = dataTable.Rows.Count; string text7 = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) ? LotteryUtils.LotteryTitle(Convert.ToInt32(text)) : "全部游戏"; text5 = text5 + " SELECT '99999' as rowNember,'-1' as [LotteryId],'全部合计' as [LotteryName],'999' as PlayId,'' as Title,\r\n cast(round(isnull(sum(Total*Times),0),4) as numeric(18,4)) as Bet ,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0) as Win,\r\n isnull(sum(num),0) as Num,isnull(sum(winnum),0) as WinNum,\r\n cast(round(CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0))*100/CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(Total*Times),1)) ,4) as numeric(9,4)) as Per,\r\n isnull(sum(PointMoney),0) as Point,isnull(sum(-RealGet),0) as total FROM [N_UserBet] where " + text6; text5 += " union all "; text5 += SqlHelp.GetSqlRow(string.Concat(new string[] { "'", text, "' as LotteryId,'", text7, "' as LotteryName,PlayId,(select titleName from Sys_PlaySmallType where Id=PlayId) as Title,cast(round(isnull(sum(Total*Times),0),4) as numeric(18,4)) as Bet ,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0) as Win,isnull(sum(num),0) as Num,isnull(sum(winnum),0) as WinNum,cast(round(CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(WinBonus),0))*100/CONVERT(float,isnull(sum(Total*Times),1)) ,4) as numeric(9,4)) as Per,isnull(sum(PointMoney),0) as Point,isnull(sum(-RealGet),0) as total" }), "N_UserBet", "PlayId", pageSize, num, "asc", text6, "PlayId"); this.doh.Reset(); this.doh.SqlCmd = text5; DataTable dataTable2 = this.doh.GetDataTable(); this._response = string.Concat(new string[] { "{\"result\" :\"1\",\"returnval\" :\"操作成功\",\"pagebar\" :\"", PageBar.GetPageBar(3, "js", 2, count, pageSize, num, "javascript:ajaxList(<#page#>);"), "\",", dtHelp.DT2JSON(dataTable2), "}" }); dataTable2.Clear(); dataTable2.Dispose(); }