public async Task SearchByPostcode_ValidRequest_ReturnsParsedResults()
            // Arrange
            var options = new HttpClientInterceptorOptions();

            new HttpRequestInterceptionBuilder()
                Items = new[]
                    new { Id = "5702836.00", StreetAddress = "2 Seagrave Road", Place = "Coventry" },
                    new { Id = "5702847.00", StreetAddress = "4 Seagrave Road", Place = "Coventry" },
                    new { Id = "5702859.00", StreetAddress = "6 Seagrave Road", Place = "Coventry" },

            var httpClient = options.CreateHttpClient();

            var service = new LoqateAddressSearchService(httpClient, new Options()
                Key = "key"

            // Act
            var result = await service.SearchByPostcode("CV1 2AA");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(3, result.Count);

            Assert.Equal("5702836.00", result.First().Id);
            Assert.Equal("2 Seagrave Road", result.First().StreetAddress);
            Assert.Equal("Coventry", result.First().Place);

            Assert.Equal("5702847.00", result.Skip(1).First().Id);
            Assert.Equal("4 Seagrave Road", result.Skip(1).First().StreetAddress);
            Assert.Equal("Coventry", result.Skip(1).First().Place);

            Assert.Equal("5702859.00", result.Skip(2).First().Id);
            Assert.Equal("6 Seagrave Road", result.Skip(2).First().StreetAddress);
            Assert.Equal("Coventry", result.Skip(2).First().Place);
        public async Task SearchByPostcode_ErrorResponse_ThrowsLoqateErrorException()
            // Arrange
            var options = new HttpClientInterceptorOptions();

            new HttpRequestInterceptionBuilder()
                Items = new[]
                        Error       = "Error",
                        Description = "Error description",
                        Cause       = "Error cause",
                        Resolution  = "Error resolution"

            var httpClient = options.CreateHttpClient();

            var service = new LoqateAddressSearchService(httpClient, new Options()
                Key = "key"

            // Act & Assert
            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <LoqateErrorException>(() => service.SearchByPostcode("CV1 2AA"));

            Assert.Equal("Error", ex.Error);
            Assert.Equal("Error description", ex.Description);
            Assert.Equal("Error cause", ex.Cause);
            Assert.Equal("Error resolution", ex.Resolution);
        public async Task GetById_ItemDoesNotExist_ReturnsNull()
            // Arrange
            var options = new HttpClientInterceptorOptions();

            new HttpRequestInterceptionBuilder()
                Items = new[]
                        Error       = "1002",
                        Description = "Id Invalid",
                        Cause       = "The Id parameter was not valid.",
                        Resolution  = "The Id parameter should be an Id from a Find method. It may contain unusual formatting characters, all of which must be presented."

            var httpClient = options.CreateHttpClient();

            var service = new LoqateAddressSearchService(httpClient, new Options()
                Key = "key"

            // Act
            var result = await service.GetById("123456.0");

            // Assert
        public async Task GetById_ValidRequest_ReturnsParsedResult()
            // Arrange
            var options = new HttpClientInterceptorOptions();

            new HttpRequestInterceptionBuilder()
                Items = new[]
                        Udprn                   = 5702847,
                        Company                 = "",
                        Department              = "",
                        Line1                   = "4 Seagrave Road",
                        Line2                   = "",
                        Line3                   = "",
                        Line4                   = "",
                        Line5                   = "",
                        PostTown                = "Coventry",
                        County                  = "West Midlands",
                        Postcode                = "CV1 2AA",
                        Mailsort                = 46111,
                        Barcode                 = "(CV12AA1WM)",
                        Type                    = "Residential",
                        DeliveryPointSuffix     = "1W",
                        SubBuilding             = "",
                        BuildingName            = "",
                        BuildingNumber          = "4",
                        PrimaryStreet           = "Seagrave Road",
                        SecondaryStreet         = "",
                        DoubleDependentLocality = "",
                        DependentLocality       = "",
                        PoBox                   = "",
                        PrimaryStreetName       = "Seagrave",
                        PrimaryStreetType       = "Road",
                        SecondaryStreetName     = "",
                        SecondaryStreetType     = "",
                        CountryName             = "England",
                        CountryISO2             = "GB",
                        CountryISO3             = "GBR"

            var httpClient = options.CreateHttpClient();

            var service = new LoqateAddressSearchService(httpClient, new Options()
                Key = "key"

            // Act
            var result = await service.GetById("123456.0");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("4 Seagrave Road", result.Line1);
            Assert.Equal("", result.Line2);
            Assert.Equal("", result.Line3);
            Assert.Equal("", result.Line4);
            Assert.Equal("Coventry", result.PostTown);
            Assert.Equal("West Midlands", result.County);
            Assert.Equal("CV1 2AA", result.Postcode);
            Assert.Equal("England", result.CountryName);