Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
        public static Door Create(AuroraUTD utd, AuroraGIT.ADoor gitData)
            GameObject gameObject;

            //get the resource reference for this object, which we'll use as it's in-engine name
            string name = utd.TemplateResRef;

            //get the appearance row number in genericdoors.2da
            int appearance = utd.GenericType;

            //get the model name for this door id
            string modelRef = Resources.Load2DA("genericdoors")[appearance, "modelname"];

            //create a new game object and load the model into the scene
            gameObject      = Resources.LoadModel(modelRef);
   = name;

            //add the template component to the new object
            Door door = gameObject.AddComponent <Door>();

            door.template = utd;
            door.gitData  = gitData;

            LookAtHook hook = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <LookAtHook>();

            if (hook != null)
                hook.obj = door;

        public static Placeable Create(AuroraUTP utp, AuroraGIT.APlaceable gitData)
            if (guiSystem == null)
                guiSystem = GameObject.Find("GUI System").GetComponent <GUISystem>();
            GameObject gameObject;

            //get the resource reference for this object, which we'll use as it's in-engine name
            string name = utp.TemplateResRef;

            //get the appearance row number in placeables.2da
            int appearance = (int)utp.Appearance;

            //get the model name for this appearance id
            string modelRef = Resources.Load2DA("placeables")[appearance, "modelname"];

            if (modelRef == "PLC_Invis")
                gameObject = new GameObject(name);
                gameObject      = Resources.LoadModel(modelRef);
       = name;

            //add the template component to the new object
            Placeable placeable = gameObject.AddComponent <Placeable>();

            placeable.template = utp;
            placeable.gitData  = gitData;

            LookAtHook hook = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <LookAtHook>();

            if (hook != null)
                hook.obj = placeable;

        public static Creature Create(AuroraUTC utc, AuroraGIT.ACreature gitData)
            //GameObject gameObject;
            //get the resource reference for this object, which we'll use as it's in-engine name
            string name = utc.TemplateResRef;

            //get the appearance row number in appearance.2da
            int appearance = utc.Appearance_Type;

            string modelType = Resources.From2DA("appearance", appearance, "modeltype");

            //get the model name for this appearance id
            string modelRef = Resources.Load2DA("appearance")[appearance, "modela"];

            if (modelRef == null)
                // This should only happen if we didn't find the row in appearance
                modelRef = Resources.Load2DA("appearance")[appearance, "race"];

            string texRef = Resources.Load2DA("appearance")[appearance, "texa"];

            string cubemapRef = Resources.From2DA("appearance", appearance, "envmap");

            if (, ResourceType.MDL) == null)
                modelRef = Resources.Load2DA("appearance")[appearance, "modelb"];
                texRef   = Resources.Load2DA("appearance")[appearance, "texb"];

            if (cubemapRef == "" || cubemapRef == "DEFAULT")
                cubemapRef = null;

            //create a new game object and load the model into the scene
            GameObject gameObject = Resources.LoadModel(modelRef, null, null, cubemapRef);

   = name;

            GameObject headObj = null;

            switch (modelType.ToLower())
            case "b":
                // Model requires a head
                int    headID   = int.Parse(Resources.From2DA("appearance", appearance, "normalhead"));
                string headName = Resources.From2DA("heads", headID, "head");
                headObj = Resources.LoadModel(headName, null, gameObject, cubemapRef);

            case "f":
                // Model includes head

            // Add a character controller for movement
            NavMeshAgent agent = gameObject.AddComponent <NavMeshAgent>();

            // Make the creature commandable by default
            utc.Commandable = 1;

            //add the template component to the new object
            Creature creature = gameObject.AddComponent <Creature>();

            creature.template = utc;
            creature.gitData  = gitData;

            creature.head = headObj;

            LookAtHook hook = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <LookAtHook>();

            if (hook != null)
                hook.obj = creature;

            //if (headObj != null)
            //    Transform headPosition = gameObject.transform.Find("cutscenedummy/rootdummy/torso_g/torsoupr_g/headhook");
            //    character.head.transform.localPosition = headPosition.position - character.head.transform.position;
            //    character.head.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
