 //  add to configuration.cs           UbnIncorrectCallSeeds.SeedContest(context);
 public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
     p => p.QsoNo,
         new UbnIncorrectCall { QsoNo = 1, LogId = 2, CorrectCall = "CN4P" }
 //  add to configuration.cs           UbnDupeSeeds.SeedContest(context);
 public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
     p => p.QsoNo,
         new UbnDupes { QsoNo = 2, LogId = 2 }
        //  add to configuration.cs          LogSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.LogId,
                new Log {  LogId = 1, CallsignId = 1,  ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 2, QsoExchangeNumber = 33,
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014",QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData", QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"},
                new Log {   LogId = 2, CallsignId = 2 , ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 2, QsoExchangeNumber = 33, 
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014",  QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData",QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"},
                new Log {   LogId = 3, CallsignId = 3,  ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 1, QsoExchangeNumber = 33,
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014", QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData", QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"},
                new Log {   LogId = 4, CallsignId = 4,  ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 5, QsoExchangeNumber = 14,
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014", QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData", QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"},
                new Log {  LogId = 5, CallsignId = 1,  ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 2, QsoExchangeNumber = 33,
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014",QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData", QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"},
                new Log {  LogId = 6, CallsignId = 2 , ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 2, QsoExchangeNumber = 33, 
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014",  QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData",QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"},
                new Log {   LogId = 7, CallsignId = 3,  ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 1, QsoExchangeNumber = 33,
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014", QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData", QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"},
                new Log {   LogId = 8, CallsignId = 4,  ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2002", ContestYear = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:00"),
                                    LogCategoryId = 5, QsoExchangeNumber = 14,
                                    QsoDatabaseServerInstance =@"PSS60\SQL2014", QsoDatabaseInstance = "ContestqsoData", QsoDatabaseTableName = "Qso"}


 //  add to configuration.cs           UbnIncorrectExchangeSeeds.SeedContest(context);
 public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
     p => p.QsoNo,
         new UbnIncorrectExchange { QsoNo = 1, LogId = 3, CorrectExchange= "33" }
 //  add to configuration.cs           UbnNotInLogSeeds.SeedContest(context);
 public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
     p => p.QsoNo,
         new UbnNotInLog { QsoNo = 2, LogId = 1 },
         new UbnNotInLog { QsoNo = 1, LogId = 2 },
         new UbnNotInLog { QsoNo = 1, LogId = 3 }
        //  add to configuration.cs          

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.CallSignId,
                new CabrilloInfo { CallSignId = 1, ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", ClaimedScore = 15000060, Club = "EA Contest Clib", Operators = "EA9LZ, W7EJ, M0DRX" },
                new CabrilloInfo { CallSignId = 2, ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", ClaimedScore = 10000060, Club = "ITALY Clib", Operators = "IK2QEI" },
                new CabrilloInfo { CallSignId = 3, ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", ClaimedScore = 10000060, Club = "MOSCOW Clib", Operators = "RL3FT" }
        //  add to configuration.cs           QsoExchangeTypeSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.QsoExchangeTypeEnum,
                new QsoExchangeType { QsoExchangeTypeEnum = QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeAlpha, QsoExchangeTypeEnumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoExchangeTypeEnum), QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeAlpha) },
                new QsoExchangeType { QsoExchangeTypeEnum = QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeNumber, QsoExchangeTypeEnumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoExchangeTypeEnum), QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeNumber) },
                new QsoExchangeType { QsoExchangeTypeEnum = QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeMixed, QsoExchangeTypeEnumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoExchangeTypeEnum), QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeMixed) }


        public static void SeedDefault(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogControl.LogControlDB context)
            //called by
            // CategorySeeds.SeedCategory( context) in LoalControlDB.cs

                  p => p.CatOperator,
                  new CatDefault {
                      UserName = "******",
                      CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.ALL,
                      CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ALL,
                      CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL,
                      CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL,
                      CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.ALL

              p => p.FiltBnd,
              new FiltDefaullt
                  UserName = "******",
                  FiltBnd = CatBandEnum.ALL,
                  FiltCont = ContinentEnum.ALL,
                  FiltPref = "-",
                  FiltCQZoneVal = "ALL"

              p => p.XaxisDuration,
              new XaxisDefault
                  UserName = "******",
                  XaxisDurationTime = "48",
                  XaxisStrtTime = "00:00z  Day1",

             p => p.YaxisFuncName,
             new YaxisDefault
                 UserName = "******",
                 YaxisFuncName = "QSO  Rate",
                 YaxisIntvVal = "60",
                 YaxisViewTypeName = "Column",
        //  add to configuration.cs          CallSignSeeds.SeedContest(context);


        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.Call,
                new CallSign { CallSignId = 1, Call = "CN2R", Prefix = "CN", ContinentEnum = ContinentEnum.AF },
                new CallSign { CallSignId = 2, Call = "CN3A", Prefix = "CN", ContinentEnum = ContinentEnum.AF },
                new CallSign { CallSignId = 3, Call = "CN2AA", Prefix = "CN", ContinentEnum = ContinentEnum.AF },
                new CallSign { CallSignId = 4, Call = "DL1AA", Prefix = "DL", ContinentEnum = ContinentEnum.EU }


        public static void SeedYaxis(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogControl.LogControlDB context)
            //called by
            // YaxisSeeds.SeedYaxis( context) in LoalControlDB.cs

            p => p.YaxisFuncName,
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "QSO  Rate",  Index = 1 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "QSO  Sum", Index = 2 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Score  Rate",  Index = 3 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Score  Sum",  Index = 4 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Zone  Rate",  Index = 5 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Zone  Sum",  Index = 6 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Country  Rate",  Index = 7 },
                 new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Country  Sum",  Index = 8 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Point  Rate",  Index = 9 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Point  Sum",  Index = 10 },
                 new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Mult  Rate",  Index = 11 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Mult  Sum",  Index = 12 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Prefix  Rate", Index = 13 },
                new YaxisFunction { YaxisFuncName = "Prefix  Sum",  Index = 14 }

            p => p.YaxisIntvVal,
                new YaxisInterval { YaxisIntvVal = "60", Index = 1 },
                new YaxisInterval { YaxisIntvVal = "30", Index = 2 },
                new YaxisInterval { YaxisIntvVal = "15", Index = 3 },
                new YaxisInterval { YaxisIntvVal = "10", Index = 4 },
                new YaxisInterval { YaxisIntvVal = "5", Index = 5 },
                new YaxisInterval { YaxisIntvVal = "1", Index = 6 }

            p => p.YaxisViewTypeName,
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "Column", Index = 1 },
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "Column 3D", Index = 2 },
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "Line", Index = 3 },
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "Spline", Index = 4 },
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "Area", Index = 5 },
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "Area 3D", Index = 6 },
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "Point", Index = 7 },
                new YaxisViewType { YaxisViewTypeName = "StackedColumn", Index = 8 }

        public static void SeedQsoExchangeNumber(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.QsoNo,
                new QsoExchangeNumber { LogId = 5, QsoNo = 1, QsoExhangeNumberValue = 1,},
                new QsoExchangeNumber { LogId = 5, QsoNo = 2, QsoExhangeNumberValue = 2,},
                new QsoExchangeNumber { LogId = 6, QsoNo = 1, QsoExhangeNumberValue = 1,},
                new QsoExchangeNumber { LogId = 6, QsoNo = 2, QsoExhangeNumberValue = 1,},
                new QsoExchangeNumber { LogId = 6, QsoNo = 3, QsoExhangeNumberValue = 2,},
                new QsoExchangeNumber { LogId = 7, QsoNo = 1, QsoExhangeNumberValue = 1,}


        public static void SeedXaxis(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogControl.LogControlDB context)
            //called by
            // XAxisSeeds.SeedXaxis( context) in LoalControlDB.cs

            p => p.XaxisStrtTime,
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "00:00z  Day1", Index = 1 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "02:00z  Day1", Index = 2 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "04:00z  Day1", Index = 3 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "06:00z  Day1", Index = 4 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "08:00z  Day1", Index = 5 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "10:00z  Day1", Index = 6 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "12:00z  Day1", Index = 7 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "14:00z  Day1", Index = 8 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "16:00z  Day1", Index = 9 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "18:00z  Day1", Index = 10 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "20:00z  Day1", Index = 11 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "22:00z  Day1", Index = 12 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "00:00z  Day2", Index = 13 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "02:00z  Day2", Index = 14 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "04:00z  Day2", Index = 15 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "06:00z  Day2", Index = 16 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "08:00z  Day2", Index = 17 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "10:00z  Day2", Index = 18 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "12:00z  Day2", Index = 19 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "14:00z  Day2", Index = 20 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "16:00z  Day2", Index = 21 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "18:00z  Day2", Index = 22 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "20:00z  Day2", Index = 23 },
                new XaxisStartTime { XaxisStrtTime = "22:00z  Day2", Index = 24 }

            p => p.XaxisDurationTime,
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "48", Index = 1 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "1", Index = 2 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "2", Index = 3 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "4", Index = 4 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "8", Index = 5 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "12", Index = 6 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "16", Index = 7 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "20", Index = 8 },
                new XaxisDuration { XaxisDurationTime = "24", Index = 9 }

        //  add to configuration.cs          CallInfoSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.CallInfoId,
                new CallInfo { CallInfoId = 0, CallGroup = CallGroupEnum.CALL1, CallsignId = 1,
                                ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", LogId = 1, SessionName = "default_cn2r_cn3a_cn2aa",
                                QsoRadioTypeEnum= common.Enum.QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1, StationName = "STN1",UserName = "******", Disabled = false},
                 new CallInfo { CallInfoId = 0,  CallGroup = CallGroupEnum.CALL2, CallsignId = 2, 
                                ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", LogId = 2, SessionName = "default_cn2r_cn3a_cn2aa",
                                QsoRadioTypeEnum= common.Enum.QsoRadioTypeEnum.R2,StationName = "STN2",UserName = "******", Disabled = false},
                  new CallInfo { CallInfoId = 0,  CallGroup = CallGroupEnum.CALL3, CallsignId = 3, 
                                ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", LogId = 3, SessionName = "default_cn2r_cn3a_cn2aa",
                                QsoRadioTypeEnum= common.Enum.QsoRadioTypeEnum.Run,UserName = "******", Disabled = false}
        //  add to configuration.cs           QsoRadioTypeSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.QsoRadioTypeEnum,
                new QsoRadioType { QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.ALL, QsoRadioTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoRadioTypeEnum), QsoRadioTypeEnum.ALL) },
                new QsoRadioType { QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1, QsoRadioTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoRadioTypeEnum), QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1) },
                 new QsoRadioType { QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R2, QsoRadioTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoRadioTypeEnum), QsoRadioTypeEnum.R2) },
                 new QsoRadioType { QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.Run, QsoRadioTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoRadioTypeEnum), QsoRadioTypeEnum.Run) },
                  new QsoRadioType { QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.Mult, QsoRadioTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoRadioTypeEnum), QsoRadioTypeEnum.Mult) },
                new QsoRadioType { QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.S_P, QsoRadioTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoRadioTypeEnum), QsoRadioTypeEnum.S_P) },
                new QsoRadioType { QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.NONE, QsoRadioTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(QsoRadioTypeEnum), QsoRadioTypeEnum.NONE) } 


        //  add to configuration.cs           ContestTypeSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.ContestTypeEnumName,
                new ContestType { ContestTypeEnum  = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW  , ContestTypeEnumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContestTypeEnum), ContestTypeEnum.CQWW),
                    QsoExchangeName = "Zone", QsoExchangeTypeEnum = QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeNumber, QsoMultName = "ZnMlt", QsoMult2Name = "CtyMlt"},
                new ContestType { ContestTypeEnum  = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX  , ContestTypeEnumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContestTypeEnum), ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX),
                    QsoExchangeName = "Rx #", QsoExchangeTypeEnum = QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeNumber, QsoMultName = "PfxMlt", QsoMult2Name = "", ExtraDataName = "Prefix"},
                new ContestType { ContestTypeEnum  = ContestTypeEnum.CQ160  , ContestTypeEnumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContestTypeEnum), ContestTypeEnum.CQ160),
                    QsoExchangeName = "Cty/St/Pv", QsoExchangeTypeEnum = QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeAlpha, QsoMultName = "Cty/St/Pv-Mlt", QsoMult2Name = ""},
                new ContestType { ContestTypeEnum  = ContestTypeEnum.RUSDXC  , ContestTypeEnumName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContestTypeEnum), ContestTypeEnum.RUSDXC),
                    QsoExchangeName = "Obl/#", QsoExchangeTypeEnum = QsoExchangeTypeEnum.QsoExchangeMixed, QsoMultName = "OblMlt", QsoMult2Name = "CtyMlt"}


        //  add to configuration.cs          LogCategorySeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.LogCategoryId,
                new LogCategory {  LogCategoryId = 1, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.HIGH, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.UNLIMITED, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                 new LogCategory {  LogCategoryId = 2, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.HIGH, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.TWO, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
               new LogCategory {  LogCategoryId = 3, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum= CatPowerEnum.HIGH, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                 new LogCategory {LogCategoryId = 4, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum= CatPowerEnum.LOW, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                new LogCategory { LogCategoryId = 5, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.NON_ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.HIGH, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                new LogCategory {  LogCategoryId = 6, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.NON_ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum= CatPowerEnum.LOW, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                new LogCategory { LogCategoryId = 7, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.NON_ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum= CatPowerEnum.QRP, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                new LogCategory {  LogCategoryId = 8, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum= CatPowerEnum.HIGH, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                new LogCategory { LogCategoryId = 9, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum= CatPowerEnum.LOW, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE },
                new LogCategory {  LogCategoryId = 10, CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP,
                                    CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatPowerEnum= CatPowerEnum.QRP, CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, 
                                     CatOperatorOverlayEnum = CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE }


        //  add to configuration.cs           StationSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.StationName,
                new Station {  LogId = 1,  StationName = "STN1" },
                new Station {  LogId = 1,  StationName = "STN2" },
                new Station {  LogId = 1,  StationName = "STN3" },
                new Station {  LogId = 1,  StationName = "STN4" },
                new Station {  LogId = 2,  StationName = "STN1" },
                new Station {  LogId = 2,  StationName = "STN2" },
                new Station { LogId = 5, StationName = "STN1" },
                new Station { LogId = 5, StationName = "STN2" },
                new Station { LogId = 5, StationName = "STN3" },
                new Station { LogId = 5, StationName = "STN4" },
                new Station { LogId = 6, StationName = "STN1" },
                new Station { LogId = 6, StationName = "STN2" }


        //  add to configuration.cs           QsoSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.QsoNo,
                new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 1, Frequency= 14208M, CallsignId = 2,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN1", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:01"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 33, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false},
                 new Qso {    QsoNo = 2, LogId = 1, Frequency= 14278M, CallsignId = 3,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN2", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:01"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 33, QZoneMult = false, QCtyMult = false, QPrefixMult = false,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false},
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 2, Frequency = 21290.7M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN2", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R2,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 33, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false} ,
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 2, LogId = 2, Frequency = 21290.7M, CallsignId = 3,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN2", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R2,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 33, QZoneMult = false, QCtyMult = false, QPrefixMult = false,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}, 
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 3, LogId = 2, Frequency = 14290.7M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN1", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 33, QZoneMult = false, QCtyMult = false, QPrefixMult = false,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}, 
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 3, Frequency = 14190.7M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59,  QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.Run,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 33, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}, 
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 4, Frequency = 14190.7M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59,  QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.Run,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 33, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = true, QPts2 = true, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}, 
                //  cn2r        cn3a        cn2aa
                // 14-cn3a-1    14-cn2r-1
                // 14-cn2aa-1               14-cn2r-2
                // 21=cn3a-1              21-cn2r-1
                new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 5, Frequency= 14208M, CallsignId = 2,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN1", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:01"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 1, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false},
                 new Qso {    QsoNo = 2, LogId = 5, Frequency= 14278M, CallsignId = 3,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN2", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 2, QZoneMult = false, QCtyMult = false, QPrefixMult = false,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false},
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 6, Frequency = 14208M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN2", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:01"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R2,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 1, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false} ,
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 2, LogId = 6, Frequency = 21290.7M, CallsignId = 3,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN1", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R1,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 2, QZoneMult = false, QCtyMult = false, QPrefixMult = false,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}, 
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 3, LogId = 6, Frequency = 14290.7M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59, StationName = "STN2", QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:01"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.R2,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 2, QZoneMult = false, QCtyMult = false, QPrefixMult = false,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}, 
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 7, Frequency = 14278.2M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59,  QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.Run,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 2, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = false, QPts2 = false, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}, 
               new Qso {    QsoNo = 1, LogId = 8, Frequency = 14190.7M, CallsignId = 1,  QsoModeTypeEnum = common.Enum.QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB,
                        RxRst = 59, TxRst = 59,  QsoDateTime =  DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:02"), QsoRadioTypeEnum = QsoRadioTypeEnum.Run,
                        QsoExchangeNumber = 01, QZoneMult = true, QCtyMult = true, QPrefixMult = true,
                        QPts1 = true, QPts2 = true, QPts4 = false, QPts8 = false}


 public static async Task<DataCalls> GetCategorizedCallsAsync(this IRepositoryAsync<Log> LogRepository, LogCategory LogCategory,
     string SelectedContestName, string CallChar, Logqso.mvc.common.Enum.CallGroupEnum CallGroup, bool Disabled, string Username)
     return await GetCategorizedCalls(LogRepository, LogCategory, SelectedContestName, CallChar, CallGroup, Disabled, Username);
        //both GetCategorizedCalls and GetCategorizedCall2 methoda work.
        //GetCategorizedCalls2 uses the predicate builder along with asExpandable()
        //GetCategorizedCalls uses the Where extensions in DynamicLibrary.cs in the using System.Data.Entity namespace
        public static Task<DataCalls> GetCategorizedCalls(this IRepositoryAsync<Log> _LogRepository, LogCategory LogCategory,
            string SelectedContestName, string SelectedCall, Logqso.mvc.common.Enum.CallGroupEnum CallGroup, bool Disabled, string Username)
            //The passed in _LogRepository has a DataContext from Dependency resolver
            //The Unit of work DataContext does not match the DataContext of the _Logrespository
            //SOLUTION: use the _LogRepository to get a LogRespositpry with the  UoW DataContext
            //This allows the join below to have all of the expression trees point to the same DBContext.
            //This hook fixes a problem that should not occur,
            var LogRepository = _LogRepository.GetRepository<Log>();

            DataCalls DataCalls = new DataCalls();
            string CallChar = SelectedCall.Substring(0, 1);

            if ( (int)CallChar[0] >= 48 && (int)CallChar[0] <= 57)
                CallChar = "1";

            var LogCategoryRepository = LogRepository.GetRepository<LogCategory>();
            IQueryFluent<LogCategory> LogCategorys = LogCategoryRepository.Query();
            var LogCategoryQ = LogCategorys.SelectQueryable(false);

            if (Disabled == false)
            {// business rules
                if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum == (int)CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP)
                    LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum = (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL;

                else if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum == (int)CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP)
                    LogCategory.CatBandEnum = (int)CatBandEnum.ALL;
                    if (LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum != (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE)
                        LogCategory.CatPowerEnum = (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum = (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL;
                else if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum == (int)CatOperatorEnum.CHECKLOG)
                    LogCategory.CatBandEnum = (int)CatBandEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatPowerEnum = (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum = (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum = (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL;
                { //all

            {//all disabled
                LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum = (int)CatOperatorEnum.ALL;
                LogCategory.CatBandEnum = (int)CatBandEnum.ALL;
                LogCategory.CatPowerEnum = (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL;
                LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum = (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL;
                LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum = (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL;

            //Using Predicate
            var Predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<LogCategory>();
            if (LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum != (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL)
                Predicate = Predicate.And(p => p.CatAssistedEnum == LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatBandEnum != (int)CatBandEnum.ALL)
                Predicate = Predicate.And(p => p.CatBandEnum == LogCategory.CatBandEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum != (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL)
                Predicate = Predicate.And(p => p.CatNoOfTxEnum == LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum != (int)CatOperatorEnum.ALL)
                Predicate = Predicate.And(p => p.CatOperatorEnum == LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatOperatorOverlayEnum != null && LogCategory.CatOperatorOverlayEnum != (int)CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE)
                Predicate = Predicate.And(p => p.CatOperatorOverlayEnum == LogCategory.CatOperatorOverlayEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatPowerEnum != (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL)
                Predicate = Predicate.And(p => p.CatPowerEnum == LogCategory.CatPowerEnum);

            var ContestRepository = LogRepository.GetRepository<Contest>();
            IQueryFluent<Contest> Contests = ContestRepository.Query();
            var ContestQ = Contests.
                SelectQueryable(false).Where(x => x.ContestName == SelectedContestName).FirstOrDefault();

            var CallSignRepository = LogRepository.GetRepository<CallSign>();
            IQueryFluent<CallSign> CallSigns = CallSignRepository.Query();

            IQueryFluent<Log> Logs = LogRepository.Query();
            var LogQ1 = Logs
                        .SelectQueryable(false).Where(x => x.ContestId == ContestQ.ContestId);


            Predicate = Predicate.And(p => LogQ1.Any(o => o.LogCategoryId == p.LogCategoryId && o.ContestId == ContestQ.ContestId));
            var LogCateorySBSet = LogCategoryRepository.Queryable();
            var LogCategoryQ2 = LogCateorySBSet.AsExpandable().Where(Predicate);

            //Unfortunately there's no way to use Predicate<T> in EF linq since it's impossible to map it on SQL query.
            //This can be done with Expressions only because they can be parsed and converted to SQL
            //Predicate works on two tavles that have a relationship ONLY
            // LogCategoryQ2 is an Iqueryable with contes qualified
            //CallsignQ is an Iquertable qualified by the first char CallChar

            ICollection<CallGroupCall> CallGroupCalls = null;
                if (CallChar == "1")
                {//get all calls beginning with 1 through nine.
                    var CallSignQ = CallSigns.SelectQueryable(false);
                    CallGroupCalls = (from lc in CallSignQ
                                      join lq in LogQ1 on lc.CallSignId equals lq.CallsignId
                                      join lx in LogCategoryQ2 on lq.LogCategoryId equals lx.LogCategoryId
                                      where new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }.Contains(lc.Call.Substring(0, 1))
                                      select new CallGroupCall
                                          CallSignID = lc.CallSignId,
                                          Call = lc.Call

                                                ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
                    var CallSignQ = CallSigns.SelectQueryable(false).Where(c => c.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar);

                    CallGroupCalls = (from lc in CallSignQ
                                      join lq in LogQ1 on lc.CallSignId equals lq.CallsignId
                                      join lx in LogCategoryQ2 on lq.LogCategoryId equals lx.LogCategoryId

                                      select new CallGroupCall
                                          CallSignID = lc.CallSignId,
                                          Call = lc.Call

                                                ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)

                // throw;

            DataCalls.CallGroup = CallGroup;
            DataCalls.SelectedCall = SelectedCall;
            DataCalls.Calls = CallGroupCalls;
            return Task.FromResult(DataCalls);
        //both GetCategorizedCalls and GetCategorizedCall2 methoda work.
        //GetCategorizedCalls2 uses the predicate builder along with asExpandable()
        //GetCategorizedCalls uses the Where extensions in DynamicLibrary.cs in the using System.Data.Entity namespace
        public static Task<DataCalls> GetCategorizedCalls2(this IRepository<Log> _LogRepository, LogCategory LogCategory,
            string SelectedContestName, string SelectedCall, Logqso.mvc.common.Enum.CallGroupEnum CallGroup, bool Disabled, string Username)
            //The passed in _LogRepository has a DataContext from Dependency resolver
            //The Unit of work DataContext does not match the DataContext of the _Logrespository
            //SOLUTION: use the _LogRepository to get a LogRespositpry with the  UoW DataContext
            //This allows the join below to have all of the expression trees point to the same DBContext.
            //This hook fixes a problem that should not occur,

            var LogRepository = _LogRepository.GetRepository<Log>();
            DataCalls DataCalls = new DataCalls();
            string CallChar = SelectedCall.Substring(0, 1);

            var CallSignRepository = LogRepository.GetRepository<CallSign>();
            IQueryFluent<CallSign> CallSigns = CallSignRepository.Query();


            var LogCategoryRepository = LogRepository.GetRepository<LogCategory>();
            IQueryFluent<LogCategory> LogCategorys = LogCategoryRepository.Query();
            var LogCategoryQ = LogCategorys.SelectQueryable(false);

            //LogCategory LogCategoryQ = LogCategorys
            //    .SelectQueryable(false).Where(
            //            l => l.CatAssistedEnum == LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum &&
            //                l.CatBandEnum == LogCategory.CatBandEnum &&
            //                l.CatNoOfTxEnum == LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum &&
            //                l.CatOperatorEnum == LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum &&
            //                l.CatOperatorOverlayEnum == LogCategory.CatOperatorOverlayEnum &&
            //                l.CatPowerEnum == LogCategory.CatPowerEnum
            //                       ).SingleOrDefault();

            var ContestRepository = LogRepository.GetRepository<Contest>();
            IQueryFluent<Contest> Contests = ContestRepository.Query();
            var ContestQ = Contests.
                SelectQueryable(false).Where(x => x.ContestName == SelectedContestName).FirstOrDefault();

            IQueryFluent<Log> Logs = LogRepository.Query();
            var LogQ1 = Logs
                //                     .Include(x => x.CallSign)
                .SelectQueryable(false).Where(x => x.ContestId == ContestQ.ContestId);

            String LogCategoryPredicate = "true "; //string.Empty;
            if (Disabled == false)
            {// business rules
                if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum == (int)CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP)
                    LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum = (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL;

                else if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum == (int)CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP)
                    LogCategory.CatBandEnum = (int)CatBandEnum.ALL;
                    if (LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum != (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE)
                        LogCategory.CatPowerEnum = (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum = (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL;
                else if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum == (int)CatOperatorEnum.CHECKLOG)
                    LogCategory.CatBandEnum = (int)CatBandEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatPowerEnum = (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum = (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL;
                    LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum = (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL;
                { //all

            {//all disabled
                LogCategory.CatBandEnum = (int)CatBandEnum.ALL;
                LogCategory.CatPowerEnum = (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL;
                LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum = (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL;
                LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum = (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL;

            if (LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum != (int)CatAssistedEnum.ALL)
                LogCategoryPredicate = string.Format("{0} AND CatAssistedEnum = {1} ", LogCategoryPredicate, LogCategory.CatAssistedEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatBandEnum != (int)CatBandEnum.ALL)
                LogCategoryPredicate = string.Format("{0} AND CatBandEnum = {1} ", LogCategoryPredicate, LogCategory.CatBandEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum != (int)CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL)
                LogCategoryPredicate = string.Format("{0} AND CatNoOfTxEnum = {1} ", LogCategoryPredicate, LogCategory.CatNoOfTxEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum != (int)CatOperatorEnum.ALL)
                LogCategoryPredicate = string.Format("{0} AND CatOperatorEnum = {1} ", LogCategoryPredicate, LogCategory.CatOperatorEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatOperatorOverlayEnum != null && LogCategory.CatOperatorOverlayEnum != (int)CatOperatorOverlayEnum.NONE)
                LogCategoryPredicate = string.Format("{0} AND CatOperatorOverlayEnum = {1} ", LogCategoryPredicate, LogCategory.CatOperatorOverlayEnum);
            if (LogCategory.CatPowerEnum != (int)CatPowerEnum.ALL)
                LogCategoryPredicate = string.Format("{0} AND CatPowerEnum = {1} ", LogCategoryPredicate, LogCategory.CatPowerEnum);

            var LogCateoryDBSet = LogCategoryRepository.Queryable();
            var LogCategoryQ2 = LogCateoryDBSet.AsExpandable().Where(LogCategoryPredicate);

            ICollection<CallGroupCall> CallGroupCalls = null;

                if (CallChar == "1")
                {//get all calls beginning with 1 through nine.
                    var CallSignQ = CallSigns.SelectQueryable(false);
                    CallGroupCalls = (from lc in CallSignQ
                                      join lq in LogQ1 on lc.CallSignId equals lq.CallsignId
                                      join lx in LogCategoryQ2 on lq.LogCategoryId equals lx.LogCategoryId
                                      where new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }.Contains(lc.Call.Substring(0, 1))
                                      select new CallGroupCall
                                          CallSignID = lc.CallSignId,
                                          Call = lc.Call

                                                ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
                    var CallSignQ = CallSigns.SelectQueryable(false).Where(c => c.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar);

                    CallGroupCalls = (from lc in CallSignQ
                                      join lq in LogQ1 on lc.CallSignId equals lq.CallsignId
                                      join lx in LogCategoryQ2 on lq.LogCategoryId equals lx.LogCategoryId

                                      select new CallGroupCall
                                          CallSignID = lc.CallSignId,
                                          Call = lc.Call

                                                ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
                DataCalls.CallGroup = CallGroup;
                DataCalls.SelectedCall = SelectedCall;
                DataCalls.Calls = CallGroupCalls;
            catch (Exception ex)

                // throw;

#if false
                    //var Log = LogQ.ToList();

                    //var cs = CallSignQ.Where(x => x.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar).ToList();
                    //var res = (from lq in LogQ
                    //           join lc in CallSignQ on lq.CallsignId equals lc.CallSignId
                    //           where (lc.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar)
                    //           select lq
                    //                ).ToList();

                    //var res2 = (from lq in LogQ
                    //           join lc in CallSignQ on lq.CallsignId equals lc.CallSignId
                    //           where (lc.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar)
                    //           select lc
                    //                ).ToList();

                    if (CallChar == "1")
                    {//get all calls beginning with 1 through nine.
                        var CallGroupCalls = (from lc in CallSignQ
                                              join lq in LogQ1 on lc.CallSignId equals lq.CallsignId
                                          where new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6","7", "8", "9" }.Contains(lc.Call.Substring(0, 1) )

                                          select new CallGroupCall
                                              CallSignID = lc.CallSignId,
                                              Call = lc.Call

                                        ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
                       DataCalls.CallGroup = CallGroup;
                       DataCalls.SelectedCall = SelectedCall;
                       DataCalls.Calls = CallGroupCalls;
                      ////  string SQLquery2012 = "   SELECT " +
                      //// "[Project1].[CallSignId] AS [CallSignId], " +
                      ////" [Project1].[Call] AS [Call]  " +
                      //// "FROM ( SELECT  " +
                      ////  "   [Extent1].[CallSignId] AS [CallSignId],  " +
                      ////  "   [Extent1].[Call] AS [Call]  " +
                      ////  "   FROM  [dbo].[CallSign] AS [Extent1]  " +
                      ////  "   INNER JOIN [dbo].[Log] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[CallSignId] = [Extent2].[CallsignId]  " +
                      ////   "  WHERE (([Extent2].[ContestId] = 'CQWWSSB2014' )  AND ((SUBSTRING([Extent1].[Call], 0 + 1, 1)) = 'C' ) )  " +
                      ////" )  AS [Project1]";

                      ////  var CallGroupCalls12 = CallSigns.SqlQuery(SQLquery2012).ToList();;
                      ////  //var CallGroupCalls = CallGroupCalls12.ToList<CallGroupCall>();

                   //ef 6 sql2012
                        //declare @p__linq__0 varchar(50)
                        //set  @p__linq__0  = 'CQWWSSB2014'
                        //declare @p__linq__1 varchar(50)
                        //set  @p__linq__1  = 'C'
                        //    [Project1].[CallSignId] AS [CallSignId], 
                        //    [Project1].[Call] AS [Call]
                        //    FROM ( SELECT 
                        //        [Extent1].[CallSignId] AS [CallSignId], 
                        //        [Extent1].[Call] AS [Call]
                        //        FROM  [dbo].[CallSign] AS [Extent1]
                        //        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Log] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[CallSignId] = [Extent2].[CallsignId]
                        //        WHERE (([Extent2].[ContestId] = @p__linq__0) OR (([Extent2].[ContestId] IS NULL) AND (@p__linq__0 IS NULL))) AND (((SUBSTRING([Extent1].[Call], 0 + 1, 1)) = @p__linq__1) OR ((SUBSTRING([Extent1].[Call], 0 + 1, 1) IS NULL) AND (@p__linq__1 IS NULL)))
                        //    )  AS [Project1]
                        //    ORDER BY [Project1].[Call] ASC

                        var CallGroupCalls = (from lc in CallSignQ
                                               join lq in LogQ1 on lc.CallSignId equals lq.CallsignId
                                               where (lc.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar)
                                               //where new[] { CallChar }.Contains(lc.Call.Substring(0, 1))
                                               select new CallGroupCall
                                                   CallSignID = lc.CallSignId,
                                                   Call = lc.Call

                                        ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
                       // var CallGroupCalls = CallGroupCalls1.ToList();

                        ////var CallGroupCalls = (from lc in CallSignQ
                        ////                      join lq in LogQ1 on lc.CallSignId equals lq.CallsignId
                        ////                      //where (lc.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar)
                        ////                      where new[] { CallChar }.Contains(lc.Call.Substring(0, 1))
                        ////                      select new CallGroupCall
                        ////                      {
                        ////                          CallSignID = lc.CallSignId,
                        ////                          Call = lc.Call

                        ////                      }
                        ////                ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
                        //var CallGroupCalls = (from lq in LogQ1
                        //                  join lc in CallSignQ on lq.CallsignId equals lc.CallSignId
                        //                      where (lc.Call.Substring(0, 1) == CallChar)
                        //                  select new CallGroupCall
                        //                  {
                        //                      CallSignID = lq.CallSign.CallSignId,
                        //                      Call = lq.CallSign.Call

                        //                  }
                        //                ).OrderBy(x => x.Call).ToList();
                        DataCalls.CallGroup = CallGroup;
                        DataCalls.SelectedCall = SelectedCall;
                        DataCalls.Calls = CallGroupCalls;


        public static void SeedFilters(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogControl.LogControlDB context)
            //called by
            // FiltersSeeds.SeedFilters( context) in LoalControlDB.cs

            p => p.FiltBandName,
                new FiltBand { FiltBnd = CatBandEnum.ALL, FiltBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum.ALL), Index = 1 },
                new FiltBand { FiltBnd = CatBandEnum._160M, FiltBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._160M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 2 },
                new FiltBand { FiltBnd = CatBandEnum._80M, FiltBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._80M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 3 },
                new FiltBand { FiltBnd = CatBandEnum._40M, FiltBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._40M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 4 },
                new FiltBand { FiltBnd = CatBandEnum._20M, FiltBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._20M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 5 },
                new FiltBand { FiltBnd = CatBandEnum._15M, FiltBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._15M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 6 },
                new FiltBand { FiltBnd = CatBandEnum._10M, FiltBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._10M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 7 }

            p => p.FiltContName,
                new FiltContinent { FiltCont = ContinentEnum.ALL, FiltContName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContinentEnum), ContinentEnum.ALL), Index = 1 },
                new FiltContinent { FiltCont = ContinentEnum.NA, FiltContName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContinentEnum), ContinentEnum.NA), Index = 2 },
                new FiltContinent { FiltCont = ContinentEnum.EU, FiltContName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContinentEnum), ContinentEnum.EU), Index = 3 },
                new FiltContinent { FiltCont = ContinentEnum.AS, FiltContName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContinentEnum), ContinentEnum.AS), Index = 4 },
                new FiltContinent { FiltCont = ContinentEnum.OC, FiltContName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContinentEnum), ContinentEnum.OC), Index = 5 },
                new FiltContinent { FiltCont = ContinentEnum.SA, FiltContName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContinentEnum), ContinentEnum.SA), Index = 6 },
                new FiltContinent { FiltCont = ContinentEnum.AF, FiltContName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ContinentEnum), ContinentEnum.AF), Index = 7 }

               p => p.FiltCQZoneVal,
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "ALL", Index = 1 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "1", Index = 2 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "2", Index = 3 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "3", Index = 4 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "4", Index = 5 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "5", Index = 6 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "6", Index = 7 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "7", Index = 8 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "8", Index = 9 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "9", Index = 10 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "10", Index = 11 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "11", Index = 12 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "12", Index = 13 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "13", Index = 14 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "14", Index = 15 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "15", Index = 16 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "16", Index = 17 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "17", Index = 18 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "18", Index = 19 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "19", Index = 20 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "20", Index = 21 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "21", Index = 22 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "22", Index = 23 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "23", Index = 24 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "24", Index = 25 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "25", Index = 26 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "26", Index = 27 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "27", Index = 28 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "28", Index = 29 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "29", Index = 30 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "30", Index = 31 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "31", Index = 32 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "32", Index = 33 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "33", Index = 34 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "34", Index = 35 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "35", Index = 36 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "36", Index = 37 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "37", Index = 38 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "38", Index = 39 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "39", Index = 40 },
                  new FiltCQZone { FiltCQZoneVal = "40", Index = 41 }


            //This country data was crweated with an access report  QCountries2
            // single text box wit source : ="new FiltCountry  { Prefix  = " & '"' & [Prefix] & '",  CountryName ="' & [QCountries.Name] & '"},'
            //report exported t word rtf fikle
            //select all and paste here
                p => p.FiltPref,
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "-", CountryName = "ALL" },

                new FiltPrefix  { FiltPref  = "LU",  CountryName ="Argentina"},
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP5", CountryName = "Turks & Caicos" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HI", CountryName = "Dominican Republ" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VE", CountryName = "Canada" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "K", CountryName = "United States" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KP2", CountryName = "Virgin Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PJ2", CountryName = "Netherlands Anti" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FY", CountryName = "French Guiana" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EA", CountryName = "Spain" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "DL", CountryName = "Germany" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "LA", CountryName = "Norway" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OZ", CountryName = "Denmark" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "GM", CountryName = "Scotland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PA", CountryName = "Netherlands" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ON", CountryName = "Belgium" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "F", CountryName = "France" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "SM", CountryName = "Sweden" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HB0", CountryName = "Liechtenstein" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YL", CountryName = "Latvia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "S5", CountryName = "Slovenia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OK", CountryName = "Czech Republic" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "GI", CountryName = "Northern Ireland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "GW", CountryName = "Wales" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OE", CountryName = "Austria" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "LY", CountryName = "Lithuania" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "G", CountryName = "England" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OM", CountryName = "Slovakia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "SV9", CountryName = "Crete" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HA", CountryName = "Hungary" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YU", CountryName = "Serbia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CT3", CountryName = "Madeira Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "6Y", CountryName = "Jamaica" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9A", CountryName = "Croatia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "I", CountryName = "Italy" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "UR", CountryName = "Ukraine" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "IT9", CountryName = "Sicily" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ES", CountryName = "Estonia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP2E", CountryName = "Anguilla" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YN", CountryName = "Nicaragua" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "UA", CountryName = "European Russia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4O", CountryName = "Montenegro" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YO", CountryName = "Romania" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OH", CountryName = "Finland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CT", CountryName = "Portugal" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "E7", CountryName = "Bosnia-Herzegovi" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EA6", CountryName = "Balearic Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "IS", CountryName = "Sardinia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3V", CountryName = "Tunisia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HB", CountryName = "Switzerland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9Y", CountryName = "Trinidad & Tobag" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "LZ", CountryName = "Bulgaria" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "C3", CountryName = "Andorra" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "SP", CountryName = "Poland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "UA2", CountryName = "Kaliningrad" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5B", CountryName = "Cyprus" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "UA9", CountryName = "Asiatic Russia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EU", CountryName = "Belarus" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ER", CountryName = "Moldova" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "Z3", CountryName = "Macedonia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "6W", CountryName = "Senegal" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "SV5", CountryName = "Dodecanese" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "UN", CountryName = "Kazakhstan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PY", CountryName = "Brazil" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CN", CountryName = "Morocco" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TA", CountryName = "Turkey" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OH0", CountryName = "Aland Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "SV", CountryName = "Greece" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "D4", CountryName = "Cape Verde" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "V4", CountryName = "St. Kitts & Nevi" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JA", CountryName = "Japan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH6", CountryName = "Hawaii" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZS", CountryName = "South Africa" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5Z", CountryName = "Kenya" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "A7", CountryName = "Qatar" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "V5", CountryName = "Namibia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EA8", CountryName = "Canary Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HZ", CountryName = "Saudi Arabia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5R", CountryName = "Madagascar" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4X", CountryName = "Israel" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3DA", CountryName = "Swaziland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YB", CountryName = "Indonesia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "A4", CountryName = "Oman" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EK", CountryName = "Armenia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HS", CountryName = "Thailand" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9K", CountryName = "Kuwait" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CX", CountryName = "Uruguay" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "SU", CountryName = "Egypt" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5H", CountryName = "Tanzania" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZP", CountryName = "Paraguay" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ET", CountryName = "Ethiopia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK", CountryName = "Australia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EX", CountryName = "Kyrgyzstan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TY", CountryName = "Benin" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4L", CountryName = "Georgia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T8", CountryName = "Palau" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "BY", CountryName = "China" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VU", CountryName = "India" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "BV", CountryName = "Taiwan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "XU", CountryName = "Kampuchea" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HL", CountryName = "South Korea" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH2", CountryName = "Guam" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9V", CountryName = "Singapore" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "LX", CountryName = "Luxembourg" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VR", CountryName = "Hong Kong" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TA1", CountryName = "Turkey (Europe)" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9H", CountryName = "Malta" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EI", CountryName = "Ireland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "A9", CountryName = "Bahrain" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "J8", CountryName = "St. Vincent" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "DU", CountryName = "Philippines" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VU4", CountryName = "Andaman & Nicoba" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9M6", CountryName = "East Malaysia" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HK", CountryName = "Colombia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KP4", CountryName = "Puerto Rico" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3A", CountryName = "Monaco" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YV", CountryName = "Venezuela" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FM", CountryName = "Martinique" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TZ", CountryName = "Mali" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "XE", CountryName = "Mexico" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HP", CountryName = "Panama" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "V3", CountryName = "Belize" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TI", CountryName = "Costa Rica" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CE", CountryName = "Chile" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3B8", CountryName = "Mauritius" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9J", CountryName = "Zambia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZL", CountryName = "New Zealand" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JT", CountryName = "Mongolia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TK", CountryName = "Corsica" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "UK", CountryName = "Uzbekistan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "GM/s", CountryName = "Shetland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "V8", CountryName = "Brunei" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "P2", CountryName = "Papua New Guinea" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "GD", CountryName = "Isle of Man" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "A6", CountryName = "United Arab Emir" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TR", CountryName = "Gabon" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZC4", CountryName = "UK Bases on Cypr" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TJ", CountryName = "Cameroon" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JY", CountryName = "Jordan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KL", CountryName = "Alaska" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "V2", CountryName = "Antigua & Barbud" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PZ", CountryName = "Suriname" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "IG9", CountryName = "Italy (Africa)" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HC8", CountryName = "Galapagos Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EY", CountryName = "Tajikistan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OX", CountryName = "Greenland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EA9", CountryName = "Ceuta and Melill" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP2V", CountryName = "British Virgin I" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HR", CountryName = "Honduras" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CU", CountryName = "Azores" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TF", CountryName = "Iceland" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZA", CountryName = "Albania" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FS", CountryName = "French St. Marti" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH0", CountryName = "Mariana Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4J", CountryName = "Azerbaijan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK9W", CountryName = "Willis I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9M2", CountryName = "West Malaysia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VU7", CountryName = "Laccadive Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JW", CountryName = "Svalbard" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ST", CountryName = "Sudan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "8P", CountryName = "Barbados" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "J2", CountryName = "Djibouti" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "P4", CountryName = "Aruba" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FJ", CountryName = "St. Barthelemy" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZF", CountryName = "Cayman Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "GU", CountryName = "Guernsey" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OA", CountryName = "Peru" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5U", CountryName = "Niger" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OD", CountryName = "Lebanon" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FR", CountryName = "Reunion" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TG", CountryName = "Guatemala" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KG4", CountryName = "Guantanamo Bay" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "Z2", CountryName = "Zimbabwe" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HC", CountryName = "Ecuador" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "GJ", CountryName = "Jersey" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OY", CountryName = "Faroe Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CM", CountryName = "Cuba" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5N", CountryName = "Nigeria" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "A3", CountryName = "Tonga" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "7X", CountryName = "Algeria" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JD/o", CountryName = "Ogasawara" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T32", CountryName = "Eastern Kiribati" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "XX9", CountryName = "Macau" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP9", CountryName = "Bermuda" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YI", CountryName = "Iraq" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5V", CountryName = "Togo" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "C6", CountryName = "Bahamas" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FK", CountryName = "New Caledonia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CP", CountryName = "Bolivia" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "S7", CountryName = "Seychelles" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4S", CountryName = "Sri Lanka" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "C5", CountryName = "Gambia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T7", CountryName = "San Marino" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "E5/s", CountryName = "South Cook Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9L", CountryName = "Sierra Leone" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FG", CountryName = "Guadeloupe" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "J3", CountryName = "Grenada" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9Q", CountryName = "Rep. of Congo" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "8R", CountryName = "Guyana" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YK", CountryName = "Syria" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZK2", CountryName = "Niue" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T33", CountryName = "Banaba" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JD/m", CountryName = "Minami Torishima" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH9", CountryName = "Wake I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HV", CountryName = "Vatican City" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "J6", CountryName = "St. Lucia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "XW", CountryName = "Laos" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YA", CountryName = "Afghanistan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5X", CountryName = "Uganda" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZD8", CountryName = "Ascension I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FH", CountryName = "Mayotte" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TU", CountryName = "Cote d'Ivoire" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "8Q", CountryName = "Maldives" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TN", CountryName = "Congo" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9G", CountryName = "Ghana" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "AP", CountryName = "Pakistan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH3", CountryName = "Johnston I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH5", CountryName = "Palmyra & Jarvis" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HH", CountryName = "Haiti" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "A5", CountryName = "Bhutan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "V6", CountryName = "Micronesia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP8/g", CountryName = "South Georgia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH8", CountryName = "American Samoa" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FO", CountryName = "French Polynesia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP2M", CountryName = "Montserrat" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EL", CountryName = "Liberia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PJ7", CountryName = "Sint Maarten" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YS", CountryName = "El Salvador" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TI9", CountryName = "Cocos I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9X", CountryName = "Rwanda" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5A", CountryName = "Libya" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CE9", CountryName = "Antarctica" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK9N", CountryName = "Norfolk I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JX", CountryName = "Jan Mayen" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EZ", CountryName = "Turkmenistan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "1S", CountryName = "Spratly Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HK0/a", CountryName = "San Andres/Provi" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "S2", CountryName = "Bangladesh" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH4", CountryName = "Midway I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5W", CountryName = "Samoa" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HM", CountryName = "North Korea" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KP1", CountryName = "Navassa I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "D2", CountryName = "Angola" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "S0", CountryName = "Western Sahara" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP8", CountryName = "Falkland Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KP5", CountryName = "Desecheo I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T5", CountryName = "Somalia" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PY0F", CountryName = "Fernando de Noro" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TL", CountryName = "Central African " },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZB", CountryName = "Gibraltar" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "XZ", CountryName = "Myanmar" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "S9", CountryName = "Sao Tome & Princ" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZD9", CountryName = "Tristan da Cunha" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YJ", CountryName = "Vanuatu" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T2", CountryName = "Tuvalu" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "EP", CountryName = "Iran" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FW", CountryName = "Wallis & Futuna " },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "V7", CountryName = "Marshall Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3X", CountryName = "Guinea" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "XF4", CountryName = "Revilla Gigedo" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "C9", CountryName = "Mozambique" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FP", CountryName = "St. Pierre & Miq" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "7P", CountryName = "Lesotho" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9U", CountryName = "Burundi" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "A2", CountryName = "Botswana" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3D2", CountryName = "Fiji" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZS8", CountryName = "Marion I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3W", CountryName = "Vietnam" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "YV0", CountryName = "Aves I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK9C", CountryName = "Cocos-Keeling" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "J7", CountryName = "Dominica" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH1", CountryName = "Baker & Howland " },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "C2", CountryName = "Nauru" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH7K", CountryName = "Kure I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP6/d", CountryName = "Ducie I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZL8", CountryName = "Kermadec Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3C", CountryName = "Equatorial Guine" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "E3", CountryName = "Eritrea" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZL9", CountryName = "Auckland & Campb" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "J5", CountryName = "Guinea-Bissau" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "7O", CountryName = "Yemen" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "9N", CountryName = "Nepal" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK9M", CountryName = "Mellish Reef" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FT5W", CountryName = "Crozet" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T30", CountryName = "Western Kiribati" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T31", CountryName = "Central Kiribati" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "E4", CountryName = "Palestine" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZD7", CountryName = "Saint Helena" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "TT", CountryName = "Chad" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4U1I", CountryName = "ITU HQ Geneva" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4U1U", CountryName = "United Nations H" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VQ9", CountryName = "Chagos Islands" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP6", CountryName = "Pitcairn Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "D6", CountryName = "Comoros" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZK3", CountryName = "Tokelau" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK9X", CountryName = "Christmas Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "5T", CountryName = "Mauritania" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZL7", CountryName = "Chatham Islands" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP8/h", CountryName = "South Shetland" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "H4", CountryName = "Solomon Islands" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CY0", CountryName = "Sable Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "BS7", CountryName = "Scarborough Reef" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3B6", CountryName = "Agalega & St. Br" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "XT", CountryName = "Burkina Faso" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4W", CountryName = "Timor-Leste" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "7Q", CountryName = "Malawi" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK0H", CountryName = "Heard Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CE0Y", CountryName = "Easter Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FK/c", CountryName = "Chesterfield Isl" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "R1FJ", CountryName = "Franz Josef Land" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "1A", CountryName = "Sov Mil Order of" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3Y/b", CountryName = "Bouvet" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "3B9", CountryName = "Rodriguez Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "E5/n", CountryName = "North Cook Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "OJ0", CountryName = "Market Reef" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PY0T", CountryName = "Trindade & Marti" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "SV/a", CountryName = "Mount Athos" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "4U1V", CountryName = "Vienna Intl Ctr" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CE0Z", CountryName = "Juan Fernandez I" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK9L", CountryName = "Lord Howe I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "JW/b", CountryName = "Bear I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CE0X", CountryName = "San Felix I." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "T9", CountryName = "Bosnia-Herzegovi" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "Z7", CountryName = "Montenegro" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ZK1/s", CountryName = "South Cook Is." },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "R1MV", CountryName = "Malyj Vysotskij " },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PJ4", CountryName = "Bonaire" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PJ5", CountryName = "St. Eustatius & " },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VK0M", CountryName = "Macquarie Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "HK0/m", CountryName = "Malpelo Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FO/m", CountryName = "Marquesas Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "ST0", CountryName = "Republic of Sout" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "VP8/o", CountryName = "South Orkney" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FR/t", CountryName = "Tromelin" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "CY9", CountryName = "St. Paul Island" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FO/c", CountryName = "Clipperton Islan" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FR/g", CountryName = "Glorioso" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "Z6", CountryName = "Kosovo" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "KH5K", CountryName = "Kingman Reef" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "E6", CountryName = "Niue" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "P5", CountryName = "DPR of Korea" },

                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "PY0S", CountryName = "St. Peter & St. " },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "Z8", CountryName = "Republic of Sout" },
                new FiltPrefix { FiltPref = "FT/t", CountryName = "Tromelin Island" }


        //  add to configuration.cs          ContestSeeds.SeedContest(context);

        public static void SeedContest(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogData.LogDataDB context)
            p => p.ContestId,
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB1999", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 1999", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/30/1999 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/31/1999 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2002", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2002", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2002 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/27/2002 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2002", QsoModeTypeEnum = QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2002", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/23/2002 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/24/2002 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2003", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW , 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2003", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/25/2003 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2003 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2003", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW,
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2003", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/29/2003 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/30/2003 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2004", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2004", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/30/2004 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/31/2004 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2004", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2004", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/27/2004 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/28/2004 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2005", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2005", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/29/2005 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/30/2005 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2005", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2005", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/26/2005 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/27/2005 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2006", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2006", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/28/2006 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/29/2006 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2006", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2006", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/25/2006 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/26/2006 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2007", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2007", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/27/2007 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/28/2007 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2007", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2007", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/24/2007 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/25/2007 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2008", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2008", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/25/2008 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2008 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2008", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2008", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/29/2008 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/30/2008 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2009", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2009", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/24/2009 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/25/2009 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2009", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2009", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/28/2009 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/29/2009 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2010", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2010", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/30/2010 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/31/2010 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2010", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2010", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/27/2010 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/28/2010 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2011", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2011", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/29/2011 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/30/2011 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2011", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2011", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/26/2011 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/27/2011 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2012", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2012", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/27/2012 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/28/2012 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2012", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2012", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/24/2012 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/25/2012 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2013", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2013", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2013 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/27/2013 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2013", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2013", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/23/2013 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/24/2013 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2014", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2014", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/25/2014 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/26/2014 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2014", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2014", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/29/2014 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/30/2014 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWSSB2015", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Ssb 2015", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/24/2015 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/25/2015 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWWCW2015", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.CW, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWW, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqww Cw 2015", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/28/2015 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/29/2015 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2001", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2001", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/24/2001 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/25/2001 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2002", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2002", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2002 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/31/2002 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2003", QsoModeTypeEnum = QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2003", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/29/2003 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2003 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2004", QsoModeTypeEnum = QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2004", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/27/2004 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/28/2004 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2005", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2005", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/26/2005 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/27/2005 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2006", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2006", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/25/2006 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/26/2006 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2007", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2007", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/24/2007 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/25/2007 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2008", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2008", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/29/2008 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2008 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2009", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2009", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/28/2009 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/29/2009 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2010", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2010", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/27/2010 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/28/2010 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2011", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2011", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/26/2011 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/27/2011 11:59:59 PM") },
                 new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2012", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2012", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/24/2012 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/25/2012 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2013", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2013", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2013 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/31/2013 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2014", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2014", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/29/2014 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/30/2014 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2015", QsoModeTypeEnum = QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2015", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/28/2015 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/29/2015 11:59:59 PM") },
                new Contest { ContestId = "CQWPXSSB2016", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQWPX, 
                                    ContestName = "Cqwpx Ssb 2016", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/26/2016 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/27/2016 11:59:59 PM") },

                new Contest { ContestId = "RUSDXC2005", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.MIXED, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.RUSDXC , Active = false,
                                    ContestName = "Russian DX 2005", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/19/2005 12:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("03/20/2005 11:59:59 AM") },

                new Contest { ContestId = "CQ1602003", QsoModeTypeEnum =  QsoModeTypeEnum.SSB, ContestTypeEnum = ContestTypeEnum.CQ160 , Active = false,
                                    ContestName = "Cq160 Ssb 2003 ", StartDateTime = DateTime.Parse("02/22/2003 00:00:00"), EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse("02/23/2003 11:59:59 PM" ) }


        public static void SeedCategory(Logqso.mvc.DataModel.LogControl.LogControlDB context)
            //called by
            // CategorySeeds.SeedCategory( context) in LoalControlDB.cs

                  p => p.CatOprName,
                  new CatOperator { CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.ALL, CatOprName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatOperatorEnum), CatOperatorEnum.ALL), Index = 1 },
                   new CatOperator { CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP, CatOprName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatOperatorEnum), CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP).Replace('_', '-'), Index = 2 },
                   new CatOperator { CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP, CatOprName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatOperatorEnum), CatOperatorEnum.MULTI_OP).Replace('_', '-'), Index = 3 },
                // new CatOperator { CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP_CLASSIC, CatOprName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatOperatorEnum), CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP_CLASSIC), Index = 4 },
                //new CatOperator { CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP_ROOKIE, CatOprName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatOperatorEnum), CatOperatorEnum.SINGLE_OP_ROOKIE), Index = 5 },
                 new CatOperator { CatOperatorEnum = CatOperatorEnum.CHECKLOG, CatOprName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatOperatorEnum), CatOperatorEnum.CHECKLOG), Index = 4 }

                  p => p.CatBandName,
                  new CatBand { CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum.ALL, CatBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum.ALL), Index = 1 },
                   new CatBand { CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum._160M, CatBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._160M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 2 },
                   new CatBand { CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum._80M, CatBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._80M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 3 },
                  new CatBand { CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum._40M, CatBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._40M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 4 },
                   new CatBand { CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum._20M, CatBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._20M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 5 },
                  new CatBand { CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum._15M, CatBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._15M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 6 },
                  new CatBand { CatBandEnum = CatBandEnum._10M, CatBandName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatBandEnum), CatBandEnum._10M).Replace("_", ""), Index = 7 }

              p => p.CatPowerName,
              new CatPower { CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.ALL, CatPowerName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatPowerEnum), CatPowerEnum.ALL), Index = 1 },
               new CatPower { CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.HIGH, CatPowerName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatPowerEnum), CatPowerEnum.HIGH), Index = 2 },
              new CatPower { CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.LOW, CatPowerName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatPowerEnum), CatPowerEnum.LOW), Index = 3 },
              new CatPower { CatPowerEnum = CatPowerEnum.QRP, CatPowerName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatPowerEnum), CatPowerEnum.QRP), Index = 4 }

              p => p.CatAssistedName,
              new CatAssisted { CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ALL, CatAssistedName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatAssistedEnum), CatAssistedEnum.ALL), Index = 1 },
              new CatAssisted { CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED, CatAssistedName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatAssistedEnum), CatAssistedEnum.ASSISTED), Index = 2 },
              new CatAssisted { CatAssistedEnum = CatAssistedEnum.NON_ASSISTED, CatAssistedName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatAssistedEnum), CatAssistedEnum.NON_ASSISTED).Replace('_', '-'), Index = 3 }

              p => p.CatNoOfTxEnum,
              new CatNoOfTx { CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL, CatNoOfTxName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatNoOfTxEnum), CatNoOfTxEnum.ALL), Index = 1 },
               new CatNoOfTx { CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE, CatNoOfTxName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatNoOfTxEnum), CatNoOfTxEnum.ONE), Index = 2 },
              new CatNoOfTx { CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.TWO, CatNoOfTxName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatNoOfTxEnum), CatNoOfTxEnum.TWO), Index = 3 },
              new CatNoOfTx { CatNoOfTxEnum = CatNoOfTxEnum.UNLIMITED, CatNoOfTxName = Enum.GetName(typeof(CatNoOfTxEnum), CatNoOfTxEnum.UNLIMITED), Index = 4 }

            //alternate methid
            //var courses = new List<Course>
            //    new Course {CourseID = 1050, Title = "Chemistry",      Credits = 3, },
            //    new Course {CourseID = 4022, Title = "Microeconomics", Credits = 3, },
            //    new Course {CourseID = 4041, Title = "Macroeconomics", Credits = 3, },
            //    new Course {CourseID = 1045, Title = "Calculus",       Credits = 4, },
            //    new Course {CourseID = 3141, Title = "Trigonometry",   Credits = 4, },
            //    new Course {CourseID = 2021, Title = "Composition",    Credits = 3, },
            //    new Course {CourseID = 2042, Title = "Literature",     Credits = 4, }
            //courses.ForEach(s => context.Courses.AddOrUpdate(p => p.Title, s));