internal static void Listen() { IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()); IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0]; Listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress.ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"]))); Listener.Listen(100); Program.Stopwatch.Stop(); var args = GetArgs(); StartAccept(args); Loggers.Log(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + $" has been started on {Utils.LocalNetworkIP} in {Math.Round(Program.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, 4)} Seconds!", true); }
public Region() { if (!Directory.Exists("Gamefiles/database/")) { throw new Exception("Directory Gamefiles/database does not exist!"); } if (!File.Exists(DbPath)) { throw new Exception($"{DbPath} does not exist in current directory!"); } this.Reader = new DatabaseReader(DbPath, FileAccessMode.Memory); Loggers.Log("CRepublic.Boom region database loaded into memory."); }
public void RecommenderPrize(string VipID, string EventId) { string sql = "RecommenderPrize"; List <SqlParameter> sqlParameter = new List <SqlParameter>(); sqlParameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerID", CurrentUserInfo.ClientID)); sqlParameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@VipID", VipID)); sqlParameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventId", EventId)); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = "RecommenderPrize '" + CurrentUserInfo.ClientID + "','" + VipID + "'" }); this.SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.StoredProcedure, sql, sqlParameter.ToArray()); }
public bool IfRecordedRecommendTrace(string vipID, string reCommandId) { bool result = true; object row = _currentDAO.IfRecordedRecommendTrace(vipID, reCommandId); if (row == null) { result = false; } Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = "result = " + result }); return(result); }
internal Redis() { ConfigurationOptions Configuration = new ConfigurationOptions(); Configuration.EndPoints.Add(Utils.ParseConfigString("RedisIPAddress"), Utils.ParseConfigInt("RedisPort")); Configuration.Password = Utils.ParseConfigString("RedisPassword"); Configuration.ClientName = this.GetType().Assembly.FullName; ConnectionMultiplexer Connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(Configuration); Redis.Players = Connection.GetDatabase((int)Database.Players); Redis.Clans = Connection.GetDatabase((int)Database.Clans); Loggers.Log("Redis Database has been succesfully loaded.", true); }
public Region() { if (!Directory.Exists("Gamefiles/database/")) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Directory Gamefiles/database does not exist!"); } if (!File.Exists(DbPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"{DbPath} does not exist in current directory!"); } //Reader = new DatabaseReader(DbPath, FileAccessMode.Memory); Reader = new DatabaseReader(DbPath, FileAccessMode.MemoryMapped); //Lower ram usage on start but idk the speed Loggers.Log("Region database loaded into memory.", true); }
public async Task UpdateProduct_Success() { // Arrange var loggerController = Loggers.ProductControllerLogger(); var loggerRepository = Loggers.ProductRepositoryLogger(); var blobService = BlobService.BlobServiceUpload(); var mapper = Mapper.Get(); var dbContext = _fixture.Context; var oldCategory = NewDatas.NewCategory(); var newCategory = NewDatas.NewCategory(); await dbContext.Categories.AddRangeAsync(oldCategory, newCategory); await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var product = NewDatas.NewProduct(); product.CategoryId = oldCategory.CategoryId; await dbContext.Products.AddAsync(product); await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var productRepository = new ProductRepository(loggerRepository, mapper, blobService, dbContext); var productRequest = NewDatas.NewProductRequest(); productRequest.CategoryId = newCategory.CategoryId; // Act var productController = new ProductsController(loggerController, productRepository); var result = await productController.UpdateProduct(product.ProductId, productRequest); // Assert var updatedResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result.Result); var updatedValue = Assert.IsType <ProductRespone>(updatedResult.Value); Assert.Equal(product.Name, updatedValue.Name); Assert.Equal(product.Price, updatedValue.Price); Assert.Equal(product.Description, updatedValue.Description); Assert.Equal(product.Image, updatedValue.Image); Assert.Equal(product.Rated, updatedValue.Rated); Assert.Equal(newCategory.CategoryId, updatedValue.CategoryId); Assert.Equal(newCategory.Name, updatedValue.CategoryName); }
/// <summary> /// 获取Access Token /// </summary> /// <param name="code"></param> private void GetAccessToken(string code) { try { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3; string url = ""; // WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); // 注意这种拼字符串的ContentType myWebClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); // 转化成二进制数组 var postData = "appid=" + strAppId + "&secret=" + strAppSecret + "&code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code"; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); // 上传数据,并获取返回的二进制数据. byte[] responseArray = myWebClient.UploadData(url, "POST", byteArray); var data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseArray); var tokenInfo = data.DeserializeJSONTo <cAccessTokenReturn>(); //Response.Write("<br/>"); //Response.Write("获取Access Token"); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("GetAccessToken: {0}", data) }); if (tokenInfo != null) { //Response.Write("<br/>"); //Response.Write("获取Access Token不为空"); if (tokenInfo.openid == null || tokenInfo.openid.Equals("")) { Response.Redirect(strNoFollowUrl); } else { GetUserIdByOpenId(tokenInfo.openid); } } //Response.Write(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("GetAccessToken错误: {0}", ex.ToString()) }); } }
public CommonResponse Process(CommandResponse pRequest) { CommonResponse response = new CommonResponse(); try { response.ResultCode = 0; DefaultSQLHelper _sqlHelper = new DefaultSQLHelper(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MobileLogConn"]); MobileCommandRecordDAO DAO = new MobileCommandRecordDAO(new Base.MobileDeviceManagementUserInfo(), _sqlHelper); var entity = DAO.GetByID(pRequest.CommandID); if (entity != null) { entity.CommandResponseCount++; entity.ResponseJson = pRequest.ToJSON(); if (pRequest.ResponseCode < 100) { entity.Status = 100; entity.ResponseCode = 0; } else { entity.Status = 2; entity.ResponseCode = 1; if (entity.CommandResponseCount >= 3) { entity.Status = 3; } } if (pRequest.NeedRepeat) { entity.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } DAO.Update(entity); } else { throw new Exception("未找到命令"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Loggers.Exception(new ExceptionLogInfo(ex)); response.Message = ex.Message; response.ResultCode = 200; } return(response); }
ToolStripMenuItem InternalBuildMenus(bool _userMode) { ToolStripMenuItem result = new ToolStripMenuItem(); foreach (ToolInfo info in this) { try { if (_userMode && !info.PresentInUserMode) { continue; } if (!_userMode && !info.PresentInAdminMode) { continue; } string category = info.Category; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) { category = "Tools"; } string[] splitCategory = category.Split(new Char[] { '/', '\\', '|' }); ToolStripMenuItem currentMenu = result; for (int index = 0; index < splitCategory.Count(); index++) { currentMenu = GetSubMenu(splitCategory[index], currentMenu); } ToolStripMenuItem newItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); ITool tool = info.Type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { }) as ITool; newItem.Tag = tool; newItem.Name = info.Type.FullName; newItem.Text = info.DisplayName; newItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(MenuItemClick); currentMenu.DropDownItems.Add(newItem); //currentMenu.ShortcutKeys = ((System.Windows.Forms.Keys)((System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.A))); } catch (Exception e) { Loggers.WriteError(LogTags.UI, "error while creating menu for command: " + info.Type.FullName + "\n " + e.Message); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 获取某个客户的所有门店所在的城市列表,地级市 /// </summary> public string GetCityList() { string content = string.Empty; var respData = new GetCityListRespData(); try { string reqContent = Request["ReqContent"]; var reqObj = reqContent.DeserializeJSONTo <GetCityListReqData>(); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("GetCityList: {0}", reqContent) }); //判断客户ID是否传递 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reqObj.common.customerId)) { customerId = reqObj.common.customerId; } else { respData.code = "103"; respData.description = "customerId不能为空"; return(respData.ToJSON()); } var loggingSessionInfo = Default.GetBSLoggingSession(customerId, "1"); respData.content = new GetCityListRespContentData(); respData.content.cityList = new List <CityEntity>(); DataSet ds = new TUnitSortBLL(loggingSessionInfo).GetCityListByCustomerId(customerId); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { respData.content.cityList = DataTableToObject.ConvertToList <CityEntity>(ds.Tables[0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { respData.code = "103"; respData.description = "数据库操作错误"; respData.exception = ex.ToString(); } content = respData.ToJSON(); return(content); }
public void Activate() { _Data = new ComputeClassicRankData(); TaxonUtils.OriginalRoot.GetAllLastChildrenRecursively(_Data.Leaves); string file = Path.Combine(TaxonUtils.GetLogPath(), "ComputeClassicRank.log"); if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } using (_Data.Writer = new StreamWriter(file)) { ComputeTwoWordsSpeciesSupSpecies(); ComputeWithoutLatinName(); ComputeSubSpeciesSecond(); ComputeSpeciesFirst(); ComputeSubGenreFirst(); ComputeGenreFirst(); _Data.Holozoa = TaxonUtils.OriginalRoot.FindTaxonByName("holozoa"); if (_Data.Holozoa != null) { Compute4Animals(); } Compute4Others(); } string message = ""; message += String.Format("detect {0} new sub species\n", _Data.NewSubSpecies); message += String.Format("detect {0} new species\n", _Data.NewSpecies); message += String.Format("detect {0} new sub genre\n", _Data.NewSousGenre); message += String.Format("detect {0} new genre\n", _Data.NewGenre); message += String.Format("detect {0} new sous tribu\n", _Data.NewSousTribu); message += String.Format("detect {0} new tribus\n", _Data.NewTribu); message += String.Format("detect {0} new sous familles\n", _Data.NewSousFamille); message += String.Format("detect {0} new familles\n", _Data.NewFamille); message += String.Format("detect {0} new super famille\n", _Data.NewSuperFamille); message += String.Format("detect {0} new order\n", _Data.NewOrder); message += String.Format("detect {0} new without latin name\n", _Data.WithoutLatinName.Count); message += String.Format("for more details, look at ComputeClassicRank.log file"); Loggers.WriteInformation(LogTags.Data, message); }
/// <summary> /// Logs the specified event. /// </summary> /// <param name="logEvent">The event (object) to log.</param> /// <param name="type">Event type</param> public static void Log(object logEvent, LogEventType type = LogEventType.Information) { if (Loggers == null) { return; } var currentLoggers = Loggers.ToArray(); foreach (var logger in currentLoggers) { if (logger.TypeFilter == LogEventType.Undefined || ((logger.TypeFilter & type) == type)) { logger.Log(logEvent, type); } } }
public async Task Delete_Success() { // Arrange var loggerController = Loggers.ProductControllerLogger(); var loggerRepository = Loggers.ProductRepositoryLogger(); var blobService = BlobService.BlobServiceUpload(); var mapper = Mapper.Get(); var dbContext = _fixture.Context; var category = NewDatas.NewCategory(); await dbContext.Categories.AddRangeAsync(category); await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var product = NewDatas.NewProduct(); product.CategoryId = category.CategoryId; await dbContext.Products.AddAsync(product); await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var productRepository = new ProductRepository(loggerRepository, mapper, blobService, dbContext); var productController = new ProductsController(loggerController, productRepository); // Act var result = await productController.RemoveProduct(product.ProductId); // Assert var deletedResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result.Result); var deletedResultValue = Assert.IsType <ProductRespone>(deletedResult.Value); Assert.Equal(product.Name, deletedResultValue.Name); Assert.Equal(product.Price, deletedResultValue.Price); Assert.Equal(product.Description, deletedResultValue.Description); Assert.Equal(product.Image, deletedResultValue.Image); Assert.Equal(product.Rated, deletedResultValue.Rated); Assert.Equal(category.CategoryId, deletedResultValue.CategoryId); Assert.Equal(category.Name, deletedResultValue.CategoryName); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotFoundException>(async() => { await productController.GetProduct(deletedResultValue.ProductId); }); }
public DataSet SearchVipCardList(VipCardEntity searchInfo) { int beginSize = searchInfo.startRowIndex - 1; int endSize = searchInfo.startRowIndex * searchInfo.maxRowCount + searchInfo.maxRowCount; string sql = SearchVipCardSql(searchInfo); sql += " select * From #tmp a where 1=1 and a.displayindex between '" + beginSize + "' and '" + endSize + "' order by a.displayindex "; Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("GetEventListSql:{0}", sql) }); DataSet ds = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql); return(ds); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ILogger logger = Loggers.Logger(msg => Console.WriteLine(msg)); logger.Error("ERROR"); logger.Warning("WARNING"); ILogger quiet = logger.Quiet(); quiet.Error("ERROR"); quiet.Warning("WARNING"); ILogger logger2 = quiet.Chatty(); logger2.Error("ERROR"); logger2.Warning("WARNING"); }
public static long GetPlayerSeed() { try { const string SQL = "SELECT coalesce(MAX(ID), 0) FROM player"; long Seed = -1; MySqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder() { Server = Utils.ParseConfigString("MysqlIPAddress"), UserID = Utils.ParseConfigString("MysqlUsername"), Port = (uint)Utils.ParseConfigInt("MysqlPort"), Pooling = false, Database = Utils.ParseConfigString("MysqlDatabase"), MinimumPoolSize = 1 }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Utils.ParseConfigString("MysqlPassword"))) { builder.Password = Utils.ParseConfigString("MysqlPassword"); } Credentials = builder.ToString(); Connections = new MySqlConnection(Credentials); Connections.Open(); using (MySqlCommand CMD = new MySqlCommand(SQL, Connections)) { CMD.Prepare(); Seed = Convert.ToInt64(CMD.ExecuteScalar()); } return(Seed); } catch (Exception ex) { Loggers.Log("An exception occured when reconnecting to the MySQL Server.", true, Defcon.ERROR); Loggers.Log("Please check your database configuration!", true, Defcon.ERROR); Loggers.Log(ex.Message, true, Defcon.ERROR); Console.ReadKey(); } return(0); }
public void BeginVariation(string variationName) { if (LoggingState == LoggingState.IsConnected) //Proper scenario { Loggers.BeginVariation(variationName); currentVariationName = variationName; currentVariationIndex++; hasReceivedBeginVariation = true; } else if (LoggingState == LoggingState.HasVariation) //We're in a bad state. Synthesize corrective sequence. { LogMessage("BUG: Test began a second variation without ending the previous one."); LogResult(Result.Fail); EndVariation(currentVariationName); BeginVariation(variationName); } }
public void EndVariation(string variationName) { if (LoggingState == LoggingState.IsConnected) //We're in a semi-bogus state. Synthesize sequence of corrective actions. { BeginVariation("Missing BeginVariation"); LogMessage("BUG: No BeginVariation message was recieved"); LogResult(Result.Fail); EndVariation("Missing BeginVariation"); } else if (LoggingState == LoggingState.HasVariation) //Proper scenario { Loggers.EndVariation(variationName); currentVariationName = null; currentResult = null; currentTestLogResult = null; } }
void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { while (true) { try { var bll = new AppOrderBLL(new JIT.Utility.BasicUserInfo()); //获取未通知的订单信息 var entitys = bll.GetNotNodify(); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("找到{0}条待通知记录", entitys.Length) }); foreach (var item in entitys) { string msg; if (NotifyHandler.Notify(item, out msg)) { item.IsNotified = true; } else { //设定下次通知时间 item.NextNotifyTime = GetNextNotifyTime(item.NotifyCount ?? 0); } //NotifyCount++ item.NotifyCount++; //更新数据 bll.Update(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { Loggers.Exception(new ExceptionLogInfo(ex)); } _runCount++; if (_runCount % 100 == 0) { Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("轮循了{0}次", _runCount) }); } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_intval)); } }
/// <summary> /// 用户否注册接口 /// </summary> public string Register() { string content = string.Empty; var respData = new Default.LowerRespData(); try { string reqContent = Request["ReqContent"]; var reqObj = reqContent.DeserializeJSONTo <RegisterReqData>(); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("Register: {0}", reqContent) }); var loggingSessionInfo = Default.GetLjLoggingSession(); Default.WriteLog(loggingSessionInfo, "Register", reqObj, respData, reqObj.ToJSON()); VipBLL vipBLL = new VipBLL(loggingSessionInfo); string result = vipBLL.Register(reqObj.common.userId,,, reqObj.special.code, reqObj.common.customerId); switch (result) { case "101": respData.code = result; respData.description = "验证码验证失败,请重试。"; break; case "102": respData.code = result; respData.description = "无法找到用户信息,请重试。"; break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { respData.code = "103"; respData.description = "数据库操作错误"; respData.exception = ex.ToString(); } content = respData.ToJSON(); return(content); }
/// <summary> /// 某人某天在某个店的相关照片 /// </summary> /// <param name="pQueryParams">查询参数(部门标识:ClientStructureID,职位标识:ClientPositionID,执行人员标识:ClientUserID,拜访任务执行标识:VisitingTaskDataID,拜访步骤标识:VisitingTaskStepID,开始日期:DateFrom,截止日期:DateTo)</param> /// <param name="pOrderBys">排序条件</param> /// <param name="pPageSize">每页记录数</param> /// <param name="pCurrentPageIndex">从1开始的当前页码</param> /// <returns>明细信息</returns> public PagedQueryResult <VisitingTaskPicturesViewEntity> GetVisitingTaskPictures(Dictionary <string, object> pQueryParams, OrderBy[] pOrderBys, int pPageSize, int pCurrentPageIndex) { DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { ClientID = this.CurrentUserInfo.ClientID, UserID = this.CurrentUserInfo.UserID, Message = "某人某天在某个店的相关照片.查询开始:[" + dtStart.ToString() + "]" }); var result = this._currentDAO.GetVisitingTaskPictures(pQueryParams, pOrderBys, pPageSize, pCurrentPageIndex); DateTime dtFinish = DateTime.Now; Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { ClientID = this.CurrentUserInfo.ClientID, UserID = this.CurrentUserInfo.UserID, Message = "某人某天在某个店的相关照片.查询完成:[" + dtFinish.ToString() + "].花费时间:[" + (dtFinish - dtStart).TotalSeconds.ToString() + "]s" }); return(result); }
public void Activate() { List <TaxonTreeNode> extincts = new List <TaxonTreeNode>(); List <TaxonTreeNode> extinctsInherited = new List <TaxonTreeNode>(); string logFile = Path.Combine(TaxonUtils.GetLogPath(), "ExtinctsTaxons.log"); using (StreamWriter log = new StreamWriter(logFile)) { log.WriteLine("Move extinct flag to red list category EX (" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + ")\n"); TaxonUtils.OriginalRoot.ParseNode((d) => { if (d.Desc.HasFlag(FlagsEnum.Extinct)) { extincts.Add(d); } if (d.Desc.HasFlag(FlagsEnum.ExtinctInherited)) { extinctsInherited.Add(d); } }); log.WriteLine("taxon with extincts flag: " + extincts.Count.ToString()); foreach (TaxonTreeNode node in extincts) { log.WriteLine(" [" + node.Desc.RedListCategory.ToString() + "] " + node.GetHierarchicalName()); } log.WriteLine(); log.WriteLine("taxon with extincts inherited flag: " + extincts.Count.ToString()); foreach (TaxonTreeNode node in extinctsInherited) { log.WriteLine(" [" + node.Desc.RedListCategory.ToString() + "] " + node.GetHierarchicalName()); } log.WriteLine(); string message = "Move extinct flag to red list category EX results:\n"; message += string.Format("{0} taxons with extinct flag\n", extincts.Count.ToString()); message += string.Format("{0} taxons with extinct inherited flag\n", extinctsInherited.Count.ToString()); message += string.Format("for more details, look at {0}", logFile); Loggers.WriteInformation(LogTags.Data, message); log.Write(message); } }
/// <summary> /// returns UserLog listener, applyable for given context /// </summary> /// <param name="context"> </param> /// <param name="host"> </param> /// <returns> </returns> public IUserLog GetLog(string context, object host) { lock (Sync) { var usableloggers = Loggers.Where(x => x.IsApplyable(context)); var enumerable = usableloggers as ILogger[] ?? usableloggers.ToArray(); if (enumerable.Any()) { return(new LoggerBasedUserLog(enumerable.ToArray(), this, (context ?? "NONAME")) { HostObject = host }); } return(new StubUserLog { HostObject = host }); } }
//private bool IsSuccess(string result) //{ // if (result.EndsWith("000")) // return true; // else // return false; //} private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //BaiYunSMS sms = new BaiYunSMS(); //sms.Mobile = "18302159648"; //sms.Message = "你好"; //var result = sms.Send(JIT.Utility.SMS.Base.SendType.Get); //var blance = sms.GetBalance(); SMSSendDAO Dao = new SMSSendDAO(new BasicUserInfo()); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = "开始查询数据库" }); var entities = Dao.GetNoSend(); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("获取{0}条数据", entities.Length) }); foreach (var item in entities) { var NO = item.MobileNO; var result = GetResult(item.GetSMS().Send2(JIT.Utility.SMS.Base.SendType.Get)); if (result.IsSuccess) { item.Status = 1; item.SendCount = (item.SendCount ?? 0) + 1; item.Mtmsgid = result.SMSID; item.RegularlySendTime = DateTime.Now; Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = "【发送成功】{0}【手机号】:{1}{0}【内容】:{2}{0}【返回码】:{3}".Fmt(Environment.NewLine, item.MobileNO, item.SMSContent, result) }); } else { item.SendCount = (item.SendCount ?? 0) + 1; Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = "【发送失败】{0}【手机号】:{1}{0}【内容】:{2}{0}【错误信息】:{3}".Fmt(Environment.NewLine, item.MobileNO, item.SMSContent, result) }); } Dao.Update(item); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取活动列表 /// </summary> public DataSet GetEventList(int Page, int PageSize) { int beginSize = Page * PageSize; int endSize = Page * PageSize + PageSize; string sql = GetEventListSql(); sql += " select * From #tmp a where 1=1 and a.displayindex between '" + beginSize + "' and '" + endSize + "' order by a.displayindex "; Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("GetEventListSql:{0}", sql) }); DataSet ds = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql); return(ds); }
public static void Remove(params VMwareHostSystemInformation[] rows) { try { var hostnames = new string[rows.Length]; for (int i = 0; i != rows.Length; i++) { hostnames[i] = rows[i].ipOrHostname; } Remove(hostnames); } catch (Exception ex) { //Let IIS handle the errors, but using own logging. Loggers.Log(Level.Error, "Failed removing vhost system info", ex, new object[] { rows }); throw; } }
public static VMwareHostSystemInformation Get(string ipOrHostname) { try { var dt = SQLiteDataAccess.GetDataTable("Select * from VMwareHostSystemInformations where ipOrHostname=@param1", CommandType.Text, null, new SQLiteParameter("@param1", ipOrHostname)); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(null); } return(Parse(dt.Rows[0])); } catch (Exception ex) { //Let IIS handle the errors, but using own logging. Loggers.Log(Level.Error, "Failed retrieving vhost system info", ex, new object[] { ipOrHostname }); throw; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string res = "{\"CODE\": \"00\", \"MSG\": \"OK\"}";// Y/N 接收成功或失败 try { context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; #region 获取流数据 System.IO.Stream s = context.Request.InputStream; int count = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while ((count = s.Read(buffer, 0, 1024)) > 0) { builder.Append(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, count)); } s.Flush(); s.Close(); s.Dispose(); #endregion string rspStr = builder.ToString(); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("Receive data from PAPayRetAmt : {0}", rspStr) }); string result = HttpHelper.SendSoapRequest(rspStr, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAReturnAmountNotify"], "application/json"); if (result.ToLower().Equals("true")) { res = "{\"CODE\": \"00\", \"MSG\": \"OK\"}"; // } res = "{\"CODE\": \"01\", \"MSG\": \"OK\"}"; // } catch (Exception ex) { res = "{\"CODE\": \"01\", \"MSG\": \"" + ex + "\"}";// } Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("Response data from PAPayRetAmt : {0}", res) }); context.Response.Write(res); context.Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 调用汇付充值接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="cardNo"></param> /// <param name="facePrice"></param> /// <param name="appOrder"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string RechargeCard(string cardNo, decimal facePrice, AppOrderEntity appOrder) { string url = PrePaidCardUtil.GetTonyRechargeUrl(); string desKey = PrePaidCardUtil.GetEncodingKey(); string merchantCode = PrePaidCardUtil.GetMerchantCode(); BaseRequest <RechargeReqBody> req = new BaseRequest <RechargeReqBody>(); var recordBll = new PayRequestRecordBLL(new Utility.BasicUserInfo()); var recordEntity = new PayRequestRecordEntity() { ChannelID = appOrder.PayChannelID, ClientID = appOrder.AppClientID, UserID = appOrder.AppUserID, Platform = 8 }; req.bizCd = "recharge"; req.reqSeq = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss"); req.reqBody = new RechargeReqBody(); req.reqBody.orderId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff"); req.reqBody.transDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); req.reqBody.transAmt = (facePrice * 100).ToString(); // req.reqBody.cardNo = "9300100203000020002"; // req.reqBody.transAmt = "10"; // 交易金额以分为单位 req.reqBody.cardNo = cardNo; string reqJson = JsonMapper.ToJson(req).Replace("\\\"", "'"); string strReq = CommonUtil.EncryptDES(reqJson, desKey); url = string.Format("{0}{1}&merchantCode={2}", url, HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(strReq), merchantCode); string result = HttpService.Get(url); string strRsp = CommonUtil.DecryptDES(result); Loggers.Debug(new DebugLogInfo() { Message = string.Format("多利【{0}】充值结果:", appOrder.AppOrderID) + strRsp, }); recordEntity.RequestJson = reqJson; recordEntity.ResponseJson = strRsp; recordBll.Create(recordEntity); var rspEntity = JsonMapper.ToObject <BaseRsponse>(strRsp); return(rspEntity.rspCd == "0000" ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"); }
//fix for 796185: leaking internal exceptions to customers, //we should catch and log exceptions but never propagate them. private static void LogAndDisable(Exception ex) { f_LoggingOn = 0; Debugger.Log(0, "AsyncCausalityTracer", ex.ToString()); }
private static void TracingStatusChangedHandler(Object sender, WFD.TracingStatusChangedEventArgs args) { if (args.Enabled) f_LoggingOn |= Loggers.CausalityTracer; else f_LoggingOn &= ~Loggers.CausalityTracer; }