        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes with a default configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Initializes the specified repository using a <see cref="T:log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender" />
        /// that will write to <c>Console.Out</c>. The log messages are
        /// formatted using the <see cref="T:log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" /> layout object
        /// with the <see cref="F:log4net.Layout.PatternLayout.DetailConversionPattern" />
        /// layout style.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static ICollection Configure()
            // 创建默认工厂
            ILoggerRepository repository;
            string            repositoryName = "log4net-default-repository";  // 默认工厂

            if (LoggerManager.Exists(repositoryName))
                repository = LoggerManager.GetRepository(repositoryName);
                repository = LoggerManager.CreateRepository(repositoryName);

            // 进行配置
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();

            using (new LogLog.LogReceivedAdapter(arrayList))
                PatternLayout patternLayout = new PatternLayout();
                patternLayout.ConversionPattern = "%timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline";
                ConsoleAppender consoleAppender = new ConsoleAppender();
                consoleAppender.Layout = patternLayout;
                InternalConfigure(repository, consoleAppender);
            repository.ConfigurationMessages = arrayList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the <see cref="T:log4net.Repository.ILoggerRepository" /> using the specified configuration
        /// file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile">The XML file to load the configuration from.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain
        /// at least one element called <c>log4net</c> that holds
        /// the configuration data.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's
        /// configuration file (either <c>MyAppName.exe.config</c> for a
        /// normal application on <c>Web.config</c> for an ASP.NET application).
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The first element matching <c>&lt;configuration&gt;</c> will be read as the
        /// configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify
        /// a configuration section for the <c>log4net</c> element otherwise .NET will
        /// complain. Set the type for the section handler to <see cref="T:System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler" />, for example:
        /// <code lang="XML" escaped="true">
        /// <configSections>
        ///     <section name="log4net" type="System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler" />
        /// </configSections>
        /// </code>
        /// </para>
        /// <example>
        /// The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the
        /// location is stored in the application's configuration file :
        /// </example>
        /// <code lang="C#">
        /// using log4net.Config;
        /// using System.IO;
        /// using System.Configuration;
        /// ...
        /// XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"]));
        /// </code>
        /// <para>
        /// In the <c>.config</c> file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this :
        /// </para>
        /// <code lang="XML" escaped="true">
        /// <configuration>
        ///     <appSettings>
        ///         <add key="log4net-config-file" value="log.config" />
        ///     </appSettings>
        /// </configuration>
        /// </code>
        /// </remarks>
        public static ICollection Configure(FileInfo configFile)
            // 创建默认工厂
            ILoggerRepository repository;
            string            repositoryName = "log4net-default-repository";  // 默认工厂

            if (LoggerManager.Exists(repositoryName))
                repository = LoggerManager.GetRepository(repositoryName);
                repository = LoggerManager.CreateRepository(repositoryName);

            // 进行配置
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();

            using (new LogLog.LogReceivedAdapter(arrayList))
                InternalConfigure(repository, configFile);
            repository.ConfigurationMessages = arrayList;

        /// <summary>
        /// Shorthand for <see cref="M:LogManager.GetLogger(string)" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="type">The full name of <paramref name="type" /> will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve.</param>
        /// <returns>The logger with the name specified.</returns>
        public static ILog GetLogger(Type type)
            string repository = "log4net-default-repository";              // 采用默认工厂

            if (LoggerManager.Exists(repository))
                return(GetLogger(repository, type.FullName));
                return(GetLogger(type.GetTypeInfo().Assembly, type.FullName));                // 默认工厂不存在则根据当前类型所在得程序集创建一个
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's domain) then it
 /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns
 /// <c>null</c>.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="assembly">the assembly to use to lookup the domain</param>
 /// <param name="name">The fully qualified logger name to look for</param>
 /// <returns>The logger found, or null</returns>
 public static IExtLog Exists(Assembly assembly, string name)
     return(WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(assembly, name)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>If the named logger exists (in the specified domain) then it
 /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns
 /// <c>null</c>.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="domain">the domain to lookup in</param>
 /// <param name="name">The fully qualified logger name to look for</param>
 /// <returns>The logger found, or null</returns>
 public static IExtLog Exists(string domain, string name)
     return(WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(domain, name)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it
 /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns
 /// <c>null</c>.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="repositoryAssembly">The assembly to use to lookup the repository.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The fully qualified logger name to look for.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The logger, or <c>null</c> if the logger doesn't exist in the specified
 /// assembly's repository.
 /// </returns>
 public static ILog Exists(Assembly repositoryAssembly, string name)
     return(WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(repositoryAssembly, name)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it
 /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns
 /// <c>null</c>.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="repository">The repository to lookup in.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The fully qualified logger name to look for.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The logger found, or <c>null</c> if the logger doesn't exist in the specified
 /// repository.
 /// </returns>
 public static IInternalLog Exists(string repository, string name)
     return(WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(repository, name)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's domain) then it
 /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns
 /// <c>null</c>.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="assembly">the assembly to use to lookup the domain</param>
 /// <param name="name">The fully qualified logger name to look for</param>
 /// <returns>The logger found, or null</returns>
 public static IProgramLog Exists(Assembly assembly, string name)
     return(ProgramLogManager.WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(assembly, name)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>If the named logger exists (in the specified domain) then it
 /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns
 /// <c>null</c>.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="domain">the domain to lookup in</param>
 /// <param name="name">The fully qualified logger name to look for</param>
 /// <returns>The logger found, or null</returns>
 public static IProgramLog Exists(string domain, string name)
     return(ProgramLogManager.WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(domain, name)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes with a default configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useConsole">是否输出到控制台</param>
        /// <param name="useFile">是否输出到文件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ICollection Configure(bool useConsole = false, bool useFile = true)
            // 创建默认工厂
            ILoggerRepository repository;
            string            repositoryName = "log4net-default-repository";  // 默认工厂

            if (LoggerManager.Exists(repositoryName))
                repository = LoggerManager.GetRepository(repositoryName);
                repository = LoggerManager.CreateRepository(repositoryName);

            // 进行配置
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();

            using (new LogLog.LogReceivedAdapter(arrayList))
                // 日志输出格式, 各种参数设置参见PatternLayout.cs:
                // %m(message):    输出的日志消息;
                // %n(newline):    换行;
                // %d(datetime):   输出当前语句运行的时刻;
                // %r(runtime):    输出程序从运行到执行到当前语句时消耗的毫秒数;
                // %t(threadid):   当前语句所在的线程ID;
                // %p(priority):   日志的当前日志级别;
                // %c(class):      当前日志对象的名称;
                // %L:             输出语句所在的行号;
                // %F:             输出语句所在的文件名;
                // %-10:           表示最小长度为10,如果不够,则用空格填充;
                PatternLayout patternLayout = new PatternLayout();

                //patternLayout.ConversionPattern = "--------时间: %d, 耗时: %r(ms), 类型: %-5p --------%n对象: %c%n消息: %m%n%n";
                //patternLayout.ConversionPattern = "--------时间: %d, 耗时: %r(ms), 类型: %-5p --------%n对象: %c%n消息: %m%n详情: %exception%n%n";
                patternLayout.ConversionPattern = "--------时间: %d, 类型: %-5p --------%n%property{source}%property{class}%property{method}%property{message}%property{detail}%property{data}%n";

                #region 文件输出器

                RollingFileAppender fileAppender = null;
                if (useFile)
                    fileAppender = new RollingFileAppender();
                    // 日志文件名,
                    // 如果RollingStyle为Composite或Date, 则这里一般设置成目录名, 文件名在DatePattern里设置;
                    // 如果RollingStyle为其他滚动方式, 则必须设置成文件名
                    fileAppender.File = "log\\";

                    // 是否是静态的日志文件名, 即固定的日志文件名称,
                    // 如果你想要动态生成日志文件名,例如将RollingStyle设置成Date或Composite, 以让系统自动生成日志文件的名称,
                    // 那么你必须将staticLogFileName设置成false
                    fileAppender.StaticLogFileName = false;

                    // 日志滚动方式,可设置成:
                    // Size(按文件), 此时你应该将file的值设置成一个固定的名称, 例如: test.log 或 log\\test.log 或 c:\\log\\test.log;
                    // Date(按日期), 此时你应该将file的值设置成一个目录或者空字符串, 如果设置成空字符串, 系统将把日志记录在当前应用程序所在的目录中;
                    // Composite(按日期及文件),默认为Composite
                    fileAppender.RollingStyle = RollingFileAppender.RollingMode.Composite;

                    // 日志文件名格式,
                    // 当RollingStyle为Composite或Date, 在此处设置日志文件名的格式时,
                    // 固定不变的部分用单引号括起来, 其它部分则设置成日期格式
                    fileAppender.DatePattern = "yyyyMMdd'.log'";

                    // 日志记录是否追加到文件,
                    // 默认为true, 表示将记录追加到文件尾部; flase, 表示覆盖已有的日志文件记录
                    fileAppender.AppendToFile = true;

                    // 单个日志文件的最大尺寸,
                    // 可用的单位有: KB | MB | GB, 默认为字节(不带单位)
                    fileAppender.MaximumFileSize = "2MB";

                    fileAppender.MaxSizeRollBackups = 10;

                    // 单个日志文件超限后日志备份方式, 默认值为 - 1,
                    // 当日志文件超过MaximumFileSize大小时,系统根据CountDirection的值来备份日志文件:
                    // (1)当此值设置成 > -1时, 则根据file里指定的文件名依次按0,1,2...递增创建日志备份, 直到数量等于MaxSizeRollBackups参数值为止,
                    // 以后的日志记录则会根据maximumFileSize循环写入file, 当filesize > maximumFileSize, 进行一次新的循环写入时, 会将file记录写入备份日志, 并对备份日志进行重新编号;
                    // (2)当此值设置成 <= -1时, 则根据file里指定的文件名依次按0,1,2...递增创建日志备份, 直到数量等于MaxSizeRollBackups参数值为止,
                    // 以后的日志记录则会根据maximumFileSize循环写入file, 当filesize > maximumFileSize, 进行一次新的循环写入时, 不会将file记录写入备份日志, 即备份日志被固化不受影响-- >
                    fileAppender.CountDirection = -1;

                    fileAppender.Layout = patternLayout;


                #region 控制台输出器

                //ConsoleAppender consoleAppender = null;
                //if (useConsole)
                //	consoleAppender = new ConsoleAppender();
                //	consoleAppender.Layout = patternLayout;
                //	consoleAppender.ActivateOptions();


                #region 颜色控制台输出器

                ManagedColoredConsoleAppender coloredConsoleAppender = null;
                if (useConsole)
                    coloredConsoleAppender = new ManagedColoredConsoleAppender();

                    // 设置日志级别, 默认值为DEBUG,
                    // 级别由低到高依次为: ALL | DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL | OFF.其中:
                    // ALL表示记录所有日志;
                    // OFF表示不记录日志, 即关闭日志记录;
                    // 其它则按级别记录,例如级别设置成WARN,则低于WARN级别的INFO和DEBUG日志将不会被记录, 其它依次类推.
                    var debugMap = new LevelColors
                        ForeColor = ConsoleColor.White,
                        Level     = Level.Debug

                    var infoMap = new LevelColors
                        ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Green,
                        Level     = Level.Info

                    var warnMap = new LevelColors
                        ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow,
                        Level     = Level.Warn

                    var errorMap = new LevelColors
                        ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Red,
                        Level     = Level.Error

                    var fatalMap = new LevelColors
                        ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta,
                        Level     = Level.Fatal


                    coloredConsoleAppender.Layout = patternLayout;


                var appenders = new List <IAppender>();
                if (useFile)
                if (useConsole)

                if (appenders.Count > 0)
                    InternalConfigure(repository, appenders.ToArray());
            repository.ConfigurationMessages = arrayList;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="domainAssembly">The assembly to use to lookup the domain.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The fully qualified logger name to look for.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The logger, or <c>null</c> if the logger doesn't exist in the specified
 /// assembly's domain.
 /// </returns>
 public static ILog Exists(Assembly domainAssembly, string name)
     return(WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(domainAssembly, name)));
 public static ILog Exists(string repository, string name) =>
 WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(repository, name));
 /// <summary>
 /// Liefert den angegebenen Logger <paramref name="name"/> falls er existiert.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>Falls der angegebene Logger (in der Default-Hierarchie) existiert, wird das
 /// entsprechende Logger-Objekt geliefert, sonst <c>null</c>.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="theAssembly">Die Assembly, in der gesucht werden soll.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Der voll-qualifizierte Name des Loggers.</param>
 /// <returns>Den entsprechenden Logger oder null.</returns>
 public static ITraceLog Exists(Assembly theAssembly, string name)
     return(WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(theAssembly, name)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the named logger if it exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="repository">The repository to lookup in.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool Exists(string repository)