        /// <summary>
        /// Console Application Entry Point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Drag the Settings file onto the executable in order to use it as a parameter</param>
        private static void Main( string [] args )
            // Initialize the logger.
            Logger = new Logger.Logger();

            // Create a Caption Block to print the settings
            using( Logger.CaptionBlock("Reading Settings") )
                // populate the Settings object.
                Settings = new UXDevSettings(args, Logger);

            // increment the appdef version.
            VersionHelper.UpdateAppDef(Logger, Settings.AppDef, Settings.AppDefPath);

            // Package the UX-App Directory.
            string packedApp = UXPack( Settings.DirectoryToZip, Settings.Outputname );

            // Install the application to the vault.
            InstallApp( packedApp, Settings );