/// <summary>
        /// Initialize the edit form for a new flight (blank fields) or for editing of an existing flight
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idFlight">-1 for a new flight, otherwise the ID of the flight to load</param>
        /// <param name="fForceLoad">True to force load (e.g., an admin mode, or CFI editing a user's flight)</param>
        public void SetUpNewOrEdit(int idFlight, bool fForceLoad = false)
            LogbookEntry le = new LogbookEntry()
                User = Page.User.Identity.Name


            // Initialize our logbook entry from the db or make it a new entry
            bool fAdminMode = CurrentUser.CanSupport && (util.GetStringParam(Request, "a").Length > 0);

            IsAdmin = fForceLoad || fAdminMode;

            FlightID = idFlight;

            if (!le.FLoadFromDB(FlightID, Page.User.Identity.Name, LogbookEntryCore.LoadTelemetryOption.LoadAll, IsAdmin))
                // if this isn't found, try again with a new flight (but tell the user of the error)
                lblError.Text = le.ErrorString;
                FlightID      = (le = new LogbookEntry()
                    User = Page.User.Identity.Name

            // check for CFI signing mode
            if (fForceLoad && !le.IsNewFlight)
                if (le.User.CompareOrdinal(Page.User.Identity.Name) != 0 && le.CanEditThisFlight(Page.User.Identity.Name))
                    pnlPublic.Visible = pnlPictures.Visible = false;
                    FlightUser        = le.User; // save the name of the owner of the flight.
                    throw new MyFlightbookException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "attempt by {0} to edit non-owned flight (owned by {1}) by non-instructor!", Page.User.Identity.Name, le.User));

            // Enable Admin Signature fix-up
            if (!le.IsNewFlight && le.CFISignatureState != LogbookEntryCore.SignatureState.None)
                lblSigSavedHash.Text   = le.DecryptedFlightHash;
                lblSigCurrentHash.Text = le.DecryptedCurrentHash;

                if (le.CFISignatureState == LogbookEntryCore.SignatureState.Invalid)
                    pnlSigEdits.Visible = true;
                    LogbookEntry leNew   = LogbookEntryBase.LogbookEntryFromHash(lblSigCurrentHash.Text);
                    LogbookEntry leSaved = LogbookEntryBase.LogbookEntryFromHash(lblSigSavedHash.Text);
                    rptDiffs.DataSource = leSaved.CompareTo(leNew, CurrentUser.UsesHHMM);

                if (fAdminMode)
                    LogbookEntryBase.SignatureSanityCheckState sscs = le.AdminSignatureSanityCheckState;
                    pnlAdminFixSignature.Visible = true;
                    lblSigSavedState.Text        = le.CFISignatureState.ToString();
                    lblSigSanityCheck.Text       = sscs.ToString();

            // If the user has entered another flight this session, default to that date rather than today
            if (Session[keyLastEntryDate] != null && FlightID == LogbookEntryCore.idFlightNew)
                le.Date = (DateTime)Session[keyLastEntryDate];

            // see if we have a pending in-progress flight
            if (FlightID == LogbookEntryCore.idFlightNew && Session[keySessionInProgress] != null)
                le = (LogbookEntry)Session[keySessionInProgress];
            Session[keySessionInProgress] = null; // clear it out regardless.

            UseLastTail = true;

            // If a repeat or a reverse is requested, then clone and/or reverse it.
            le = CloneOrReverse(le);

            // If this is a shared flight, initialize from that.
            le = SharedFlight(le);


            SetUpAircraftForFlight(le, false);


            bool fCanDoVideo = CanDoVideo(Page.User.Identity.Name);

            mfbMFUFlightImages.IncludeVideos = fCanDoVideo;
            mfbVideoEntry1.CanAddVideos      = fCanDoVideo;
            mfbVideoEntry1.FlightID          = le.FlightID;
            lblPixForFlight.Text             = fCanDoVideo ? Resources.LogbookEntry.HeaderImagesVideosForFlight : Resources.LogbookEntry.HeaderImagesForFlight;


            popmenuPending.Visible = le.IsNewFlight;
