public void SuccessfullySetFunctionInfo() { var function = new LogarithmFunction(); Assert.NotNull(function.FunctionInfo); Assert.Equal("Logarithm", function.FunctionInfo.Name); Assert.Equal("Find the logarithm of a number.", function.FunctionInfo.Description); Assert.Collection(function.FunctionInfo.Tags, i => Assert.Equal("algebra", i), i => Assert.Equal("logarithm", i)); }
public void EqualsButDiffRefsTestProgram() { var const1 = new Constant(0); var const2 = new Constant(1); var const3 = new Constant(3); var addition = new AdditionFunction(const1, const3); var subtr = new SubtractionFunction(const2, addition); var log1 = new LogarithmFunction(subtr, const1); var log2 = new LogarithmFunction(subtr, const1); Console.WriteLine($"{log1}, {log2}"); Assert.AreEqual(log1, log2, $"{log1} should be equal to {log2}."); Assert.AreNotSame(log1, log2, $"{log1} should not be the same as {log2}."); }
public void TestLogarithm() { //Arrange VariableNode variableNode = new VariableNode(); LogarithmFunction logarithmNode = new LogarithmFunction(variableNode); //Act double result1 = logarithmNode.Calculate(1); double result2 = logarithmNode.Calculate(2); double result4 = logarithmNode.Calculate(4); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, result1); Assert.AreEqual(0.6931, Math.Round(result2, 4)); Assert.AreEqual(1.3863, Math.Round(result4, 4)); }
public void SuccessfullyCalculateALogarithmWithOnlyLogarithmSpecified() { var function = new LogarithmFunction(); var inputs = function.GetInputs(); Assert.Equal(2, inputs.Length); inputs[0].Value = 8; var result = function.Calculate(inputs); Assert.Collection(result, i => { Assert.Equal(typeof(double), i.Value.GetType()); Assert.Equal(Math.Log(8, 10), TypeConverter.ToObject <double>(i.Value)); }); }