HexSubMapView CreateSubMapView(int x, int y) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (MapEditorEntry.Instance != null) { return(CreateSubMapViewInEditor(x, y)); } #endif HexSubMapView sub = null; var cachedGo = GameObjectPool.GetInstance().WithdrawGo(MapPrefabDef.MAP_SUB_VIEW); if (null == cachedGo) { sub = Instantiate(subMapViewTemplate); LogModule.WarningLog("HexSubMapView Allocated!"); } else { sub = cachedGo.GetComponent <HexSubMapView>(); } sub.name = string.Format("({0}, {1})", x, y); //sub.tileTmpDict = App.MapTileLoader.TileTmpDict; sub.hex = hex; sub.layout = Layout; sub.xIdx = x; sub.yIdx = y; sub.transform.parent = transform; return(sub); }
public void StopAnimEffect() { if (m_ObjChar == null) { return; } if (m_curAnimData == null) { LogModule.WarningLog("cur animation id is not exit " + m_curAnimData.AnimID.ToString()); return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_curAnimData.getStartEffectCount(); i++) { if (m_curAnimData.AnimID == 24) { break; } int effectId = m_curAnimData.GetStartEffectbyIndex(i); if (effectId != -1) { m_ObjChar.StopEffect(effectId); } } if (m_curAnimData.EndEffect != -1) { m_ObjChar.StopEffect(m_curAnimData.EndEffect); } }
public static void CreateModelStoryObj(int nCharModelID, string strName, DelAsycModelOver delAsycStroyModel) { Tab_CharModel charModel = TableManager.GetCharModelByID(nCharModelID, 0); if (null == charModel) { LogModule.WarningLog("can not find char model id in table :" + nCharModelID); return; } GameObject charObj = ResourceManager.InstantiateResource("Prefab/Model/PlayerRoot", strName) as GameObject; if (null == charObj) { LogModule.WarningLog("can not load PlayerRoot :" + nCharModelID); return; } Obj_Client curCharacter = charObj.GetComponent <Obj_Client>(); if (null == curCharacter) { charObj.AddComponent <Obj_Client>(); } LoadModelToRoot(nCharModelID, EResourceType.CharacterModel, LoadModelComplete, charObj, charModel, delAsycStroyModel); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="p_name"></param> /// <param name="isShowAnimation"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CloseUI(string p_name, bool isShowAnimation) { try { if (!m_UIItemMap.ContainsKey(p_name)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot close UI: {0} cause key not found in UIItemMap", p_name)); } if (m_UIItemMap.ContainsKey(p_name) && !m_UIItemMap[p_name].IsShowing) { LogModule.WarningLog("Cancel close {0} UI cause already closed.", p_name); return(false); } if (isShowAnimation) { m_UIItemMap[p_name].ViewBase.OnClose(); } else { CloseUIInternal(p_name); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { LogModule.ErrorLog("Exception in close UI, {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace); return(false); } }
bool ProcessInput() { if (m_SocketInputStream == null) { return(false); } if (m_Socket.IsCanReceive() == false) { return(true); } uint nSizeBefore = m_SocketInputStream.Length(); uint ret = m_SocketInputStream.Fill(); uint nSizeAfter = m_SocketInputStream.Length(); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { LogModule.WarningLog("send packet fail"); m_Socket.close(); ConnectLost(); return(false); } //收包统计 if (nSizeAfter > nSizeBefore) { if (NetWorkLogic.s_nReceiveCount < 0) { NetWorkLogic.s_nReceiveCount = 0; } NetWorkLogic.s_nReceiveCount += (int)(nSizeAfter - nSizeBefore); } return(true); }
static public void OnLog(string message, string stackTrace, LogType type) { switch (type) { case LogType.Exception: { string bugMsg = "{\n" + "\"message\":" + "\"" + message.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"stacktrace\":" + "\"" + stackTrace.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"time\":" + "\"" + PlatformHelper.GetCurrentTime() + "\"" + "\n" + "\"" + "\n}"; //PlatformHelper.UploadBug(butMsg); LogModule.ErrorLog(bugMsg); break; } case LogType.Log: LogModule.DebugLog(message); break; case LogType.Warning: LogModule.WarningLog(message); break; case LogType.Error: LogModule.ErrorLog(message); break; } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Thread For Connect public void ConnectThread() { m_connectStatus = ConnectStatus.CONNECTING; while (true) { m_Socket.close(); Console.WriteLine("connect:" + m_strServerAddr); m_strConnectResult = m_Socket.connect(m_strServerAddr, m_nServerPort); if (m_strConnectResult.Length == 0 && m_Socket.IsValid) { m_SocketInputStream = new SocketInputStream(m_Socket); m_SocketOutputStream = new SocketOutputStream(m_Socket); m_connectStatus = ConnectStatus.CONNECTED; break; } else { LogModule.WarningLog(m_strConnectResult); } m_Socket.close(); Thread.Sleep(m_nConnectSleep); m_connectStatus = ConnectStatus.DISCONNECTED; break; } m_bConnectFinish = true; }
/// <summary> /// 日志检测处理方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <param name="stacktrace"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> public void OnLog(string message, string stacktrace, LogType type) { if (UnityGuiConsole.Instance != null) { UnityGuiConsole.Instance.LogCallback(message, stacktrace, type); } switch (type) { case LogType.Exception: { string butMsg = "{\n" + "\"message\":" + "\"" + message.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"stacktrace\":" + "\"" + stacktrace.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"time\":" + "\"" + PlatformHelper.getcurrentTime() + "\"" + "\n" + "\"" + "\n}"; //PlatformHelper.UploadBug(butMsg); LogModule.DebugLog(butMsg); break; } case LogType.Log: LogModule.DebugLog(message); break; case LogType.Warning: LogModule.WarningLog(message); break; case LogType.Error: LogModule.ErrorLog(message); break; } }
public void SwitchToScene(SceneId sceneId, object param = null) { if (sceneId == CurrentSceneId) { LogModule.WarningLog("switch to current scene: " + sceneId); } LogModule.DebugLog("SceneMgr SwitchToScene sceneId:" + sceneId.ToString() + " " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); mParam = param; if (mCurScene != null) { mCurScene.OnWillExit(); //App.EventMgr.Post(EventId.SceneWillExit, mCurScene.Id); } if (mSceneTypeDict.ContainsKey(sceneId)) { mNextScene = Activator.CreateInstance(mSceneTypeDict[sceneId]) as SceneBase; if (mNextScene != null) { mNextScene.OnWillEnter(param); } } if (hdlSceneWillSwitch != null) { hdlSceneWillSwitch.Invoke(mCurrentSceneId, sceneId, param); } SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneId.ToString()); }
public static void ChangeShader(Transform obj) { if (obj.GetComponent <Renderer>() != null && obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material != null) { Material sm = obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material; var shaderName = sm.shader.name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shaderName)) { var newShader = Shader.Find(shaderName); if (newShader != null) { sm.shader = newShader; } else { LogModule.WarningLog("unable to refresh shader: " + shaderName + " in material " + sm.name); } } } for (int i = 0; i < obj.childCount; i++) { ChangeShader(obj.transform.GetChild(i)); } }
public void FinishAnimEffect(int finishedAnimID) { if (m_ObjChar == null) { return; } Tab_Animation curAnim = TableManager.GetAnimationByID(finishedAnimID, 0); if (curAnim == null) { LogModule.WarningLog("cur animation id is not exit " + finishedAnimID.ToString()); return; } for (int i = 0; i < curAnim.getStartEffectCount(); i++) { int effectId = curAnim.GetStartEffectbyIndex(i); if (effectId != -1) { if (curAnim.GetIsStartEffectAutoEndbyIndex(i) == false) { m_ObjChar.StopEffect(effectId); } } } if (curAnim.EndEffect >= 0) { if (DebugHelper.m_bShowEffect) { m_ObjChar.PlayEffect(curAnim.EndEffect); } } }
public void SetData(ItemClickDelegate clickFun, ItemClickDelegate doubleClickFun, ItemClickDelegate iconClickFun, int shopIndex, Tab_SystemShop tabSysShop) { if (tabSysShop == null) { return; } delItemClick = clickFun; delItemDoubleClick = doubleClickFun; delItemIconClick = iconClickFun; int pid = tabSysShop.GetPidbyIndex(shopIndex); LabelMoney.text = tabSysShop.GetPricebyIndex(shopIndex).ToString(); Tab_CommonItem curTabItem = TableManager.GetCommonItemByID(pid, 0); if (null == curTabItem) { LogModule.WarningLog("can not read cur common item talbe :" + pid.ToString()); return; } int groupCount = tabSysShop.GetNumPerGroupbyIndex(shopIndex); if (groupCount < 0) { groupCount = 1; } LabelName.text = curTabItem.Name;// +"*" + groupCount.ToString(); sprIcon.spriteName = curTabItem.Icon; int colorQuality = curTabItem.Quality - 1; if (colorQuality >= 0 && colorQuality < GlobeVar.QualityColorGrid.Length) { QualitySprite.spriteName = GlobeVar.QualityColorGrid[curTabItem.Quality - 1]; } int moneyType = tabSysShop.GetMoneyTypebyIndex(shopIndex); int moneySubType = tabSysShop.GetMoneySubTypebyIndex(shopIndex); if (moneyType == (int)Consume_Type.COIN) { MoneyIcon.spriteName = "qian5"; } else if (moneyType == (int)Consume_Type.YUANBAO) { if (moneySubType == (int)Consume_SubType.YUANBAO_NORMAL) { MoneyIcon.spriteName = "qian2"; } else if (moneySubType == (int)Consume_SubType.YUANBAO_BIND) { MoneyIcon.spriteName = "qian3"; } } m_curGameItem = new GameItem(); m_curGameItem.DataID = pid; }
public void InitInfo(int nTableID) { Tab_CangJingGeExtraReward tabExtraReward = TableManager.GetCangJingGeExtraRewardByID(nTableID, 0); if (null == tabExtraReward) { LogModule.WarningLog("CangJingGeExtraRewardItem::InitInfo TableID is Invalid!!!"); Clear(); } else { Clear(); ExtraRewardTableID = nTableID; m_TierNum.text = StrDictionary.GetClientDictionaryString("#{2087}", tabExtraReward.TierLimit); for (int ii = 0; ii < MAX_ITEM_NUM; ++ii) { int nItemID = tabExtraReward.GetItemIDbyIndex(ii); int nCount = tabExtraReward.GetItemNumbyIndex(ii); if (0 >= nCount || 0 > nItemID) { m_Reward[ii].SetActive(false); continue; } Tab_CommonItem tabItem = TableManager.GetCommonItemByID(nItemID, 0); if (null == tabItem) { m_Reward[ii].SetActive(false); continue; } else { m_RewardItemIconSprite[ii].spriteName = tabItem.Icon; m_RewardItemCount[ii].text = nCount.ToString(); m_nRewardItemID[ii] = tabItem.Id; } } if (GetReceiveExtraRewardTableID() == ExtraRewardTableID) { m_BtnReceive.SetActive(true); m_CantReceive.SetActive(false); } else { m_BtnReceive.SetActive(false); m_CantReceive.SetActive(true); m_CantReceive.GetComponent <UIWidget>().color = new Color(0, 1, 1, 1); if (GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.CommonData.IsAlreadyReceiveReward(ExtraRewardTableID)) { m_LabelCantReceive.text = StrDictionary.GetClientDictionaryString("#{10819}"); } else { m_LabelCantReceive.text = StrDictionary.GetClientDictionaryString("#{10818}"); } } } }
void OnConnectTimeOut() { if (!m_bShowConnectResult) { StartCoroutine(RequestServerState(PlayerPreferenceData.LastServer)); m_bShowConnectResult = true; } LogModule.WarningLog("connect fail"); m_connnectTimer = 0; }
HexSubMapView CreateSubMapViewInEditor(int x, int y) { HexSubMapView sub = null; var cachedGo = GameObjectPool.GetInstance().WithdrawGo(MapPrefabDef.MAP_SUB_VIEW); if (null == cachedGo) { sub = Instantiate(subMapViewTemplate); LogModule.WarningLog("HexSubMapView Allocated!"); } else { sub = cachedGo.GetComponent <HexSubMapView>(); } sub.name = string.Format("({0}, {1})", x, y); //sub.tileTmpDict = App.MapTileLoader.TileTmpDict; sub.hex = hex; sub.layout = Layout; sub.xIdx = x; sub.yIdx = y; sub.transform.parent = transform; sub.InitPos(); if (MapEditorEntry.Instance != null) { switch (MapEditorEntry.Instance.curOp) { case MapEditorEntry.EDIT_OP.EDIT_AREA: sub.InitBg(false); sub.ShowMarks(MapEditorEntry.EDIT_OP.EDIT_AREA, MapEditorEntry.Instance.campColors); break; case MapEditorEntry.EDIT_OP.EDIT_LV: sub.InitBg(false); sub.ShowMarks(MapEditorEntry.EDIT_OP.EDIT_LV, MapEditorEntry.Instance.levelColors); break; case MapEditorEntry.EDIT_OP.EDIT_TILETYPE: sub.InitBg(false); sub.ShowMarks(MapEditorEntry.EDIT_OP.EDIT_TILETYPE, MapEditorEntry.Instance.typeColors); break; default: sub.InitBg(true); sub.HideMarks(); sub.InitBlocks(); break; } } return(sub); }
void OnConnectResult(bool bSuccess, string result) { LogModule.DebugLog(result); if (bSuccess) { LogModule.DebugLog("connect success"); SwitchToMapScene(); } else { LogModule.WarningLog("connect fail"); } }
public void GoOutClick() { var toSend = m_WorldModel.MyMarchList.Where(item => item.IsOut == false).ToList(); if (toSend.Any()) { m_WorldModel.SendSendMarchMsg(toSend.First()); } else { LogModule.WarningLog("No remaining march to send."); } }
public void PlayEffect(int effectID, PlayEffectDelegate delPlayEffect = null, object param = null) { if (!m_hasInited) { } Tab_Effect EffectInfo = TableManager.GetEffectByID(effectID, 0); if (EffectInfo == null) { if (null != delPlayEffect) { delPlayEffect(null, param); } return; } if (!DoPlayEffectWhenModelInvisible && !EffectHolderVisible && EffectInfo.Duration > 0) { return; } //设置了 取消技能特效 且满足条件 if (EffectInfo.IsCanHide && !PlayerPreferenceData.SystemSkillEffectEnable) //&& IsCanHideEffectObj) 这个 永远 返回 false .... { return; } ///特效持有者对象为空时 不处理 回调null if (m_EffectGameObj == null) { LogModule.WarningLog("effect can not play before init"); if (null != delPlayEffect) { delPlayEffect(null, param); } return; } //加个数量限制 //如果表格配置为-1则不限制,此时不用判断数量 if (EffectInfo.MaxOwnNum >= 0 && GetEffectCountById(effectID) >= EffectInfo.MaxOwnNum) { return; } LoadEffect(EffectInfo, delPlayEffect, param); // 高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!! // 要开始挖坑了!!! 坑////////坑////////坑////////坑////////坑////////坑///// // 高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!!高能预警!! // if (GlobeVar.PLAYERLEVELUPEFFECTID == effectID) // { // UIManager.HideAllUIWhenLevelUp(); // } }
static void ExportDevScene() { #if UNITY_WINDOWS LogModule.WarningLog("really???? crazy!"); return; #endif string selectPath = GetSelectPath("Scene"); if (null == selectPath) { return; } ExportScene(selectPath, BundleManager.DevelopOutputPath, CommandBuild.GetBuildResTarget); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { int drawn = 0; while (currentLogTestCount < logTestCount && drawn < 10) { LogModule.DebugLog("Test Log " + currentLogTestCount); LogModule.DebugLog("Test LogError " + currentLogTestCount); LogModule.WarningLog("Test LogWarning " + currentLogTestCount); drawn++; currentLogTestCount++; } //test exception //GameObject o = null; //o.name = "opps this is null"; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { inGameLogs = FindObjectOfType(typeof(InGameLog)) as InGameLog; LogModule.DebugLog("test long text sdf asdfg asdfg sdfgsdfg sdfg sfg sdfgsdfg sdfg sdf gsdfg sfdg sf gsdfg sdfg asdfg asdf asdf asdf asdf adsf "); style = new GUIStyle(); style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; style.normal.textColor = Color.white; style.wordWrap = true; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { LogModule.DebugLog("Test Collapsed log"); LogModule.WarningLog("Test Collapsed Warning"); LogModule.DebugLog("Test Collapsed Error"); } }
string GetPowerAniStr() { if (m_nBufferNewPower <= 0) { LogModule.WarningLog("New power < 0, error."); return("0"); } int length = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log10(m_nBufferNewPower)); int lengthAni = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log10(powerAni)); string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < length - lengthAni; i++) { result += "0"; } result += powerAni.ToString(); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Open a UI, will create one if no cache exist /// </summary> /// <param name="p_type">UI category: fullscreen, window, popup, etc</param> /// <param name="p_name">name you defined</param> /// <param name="p_mediatorType"></param> /// <param name="p_bundlePath">prefab to instantiate</param> /// <param name="p_viewInitCallBack"></param> /// <param name="p_viewRefreshCallBack"></param> /// <param name="p_allocateDepth">allocate several panel depth to ui</param> /// <param name="p_viewName"></param> /// <param name="isShowAnimation"></param> public bool OpenUIInternal(UIItemConfig p_config, DelegateHelper.TableDelegate p_viewInitCallBack = null, DelegateHelper.TableDelegate p_viewRefreshCallBack = null, bool isShowAnimation = true) { try { if (m_UIItemMap.ContainsKey(p_config.Name) && m_UIItemMap[p_config.Name].IsShowing) { LogModule.WarningLog("Cancel open {0} UI cause already in showing.", p_config.Name); //Execute refresh without animation. ExeAfterOpenUI(p_config, p_viewRefreshCallBack, false); return(false); } if (!m_UICategoryMap[p_config.Type].CanOpenUI) { m_UICategoryMap[p_config.Type].AddToToShowList(new UICategory.ToShowConfig() { ItemConfig = p_config, ViewDelegate = p_viewInitCallBack, RefreshDelegate = p_viewRefreshCallBack, IsShowAnim = isShowAnimation }); return(false); } if (!m_UIItemMap.ContainsKey(p_config.Name)) { CreateUI(p_config, p_viewInitCallBack, p_viewRefreshCallBack, isShowAnimation); } else { m_UICategoryMap[p_config.Type].CheckOpenDepth(p_config.Name); ExeAfterOpenUI(p_config, p_viewRefreshCallBack, isShowAnimation); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { LogModule.ErrorLog("Exception in open UI internal, {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace); return(false); } }
public void SwitchWindow(int index) { if (null == childWindows) { LogModule.WarningLog("child window is not set"); return; } if (index >= childWindows.Length) { LogModule.WarningLog("child window index out range :" + index.ToString() + " " + childWindows.Length.ToString()); return; } for (int i = 0; i < childWindows.Length; i++) { childWindows[i].SetActive(i == index); } }
public float GetProgress() { if (_listeningAssetBundles.Count <= 0) { return(1f); } if (_totalSize == 0) { LogModule.WarningLog("totalSize = 0,_listeningAssetBundles count:{0}", _listeningAssetBundles.Count); return(1f); } float loadedSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _listeningAssetBundles.Count; i++) { AssetLoader loader = _listeningAssetBundles[i]; loadedSize += loader.GetLoadingProgress() * loader.GetAssetSize(); } return(loadedSize / _totalSize); }
/// <summary> /// 设置数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="mission"></param> public void SetData(Tab_DailyMission mission) { mMissionId = mission.MissionID; mGoToUIId = mission.UIName; MissionManager missionManager = GameManager.gameManager.MissionManager; Tab_MissionDictionary missionDic = TableManager.GetMissionDictionaryByID(mMissionId, 0); Tab_MissionBase missionBase = TableManager.GetMissionBaseByID(mMissionId, 0); if (missionBase == null || missionBase.LogicType != (int)TableType.Table_OperationNum) { LogModule.WarningLog("DailyMission Logic Type Error, id = " + mission.Id); return; } Tab_MissionOperationNum missionOp = TableManager.GetMissionOperationNumByID(missionBase.LogicID, 0); lblMissionName.text = string.Format(missionDic.MissionName, "", ""); sprIcon.spriteName = missionDic.MissionIcon; lblDesc.text = missionDic.MissionDesc; lblActive.text = StrDictionary.GetClientDictionaryString("#{1634}", mission.AwardActiveness); int progress = missionOp.OperationCount; if (missionManager.IsHaveMission(mMissionId)) { progress = missionManager.GetMissionParam(mMissionId, 0); doneArea.SetActive(false); rewardArea.SetActive(true); btnClaim.SetActive(missionManager.GetMissionState(mMissionId) == (byte)MissionState.Mission_Completed); UIEventListener.Get(btnClaim).onClick = ClaimReward; SetRewards(mission); } else { doneArea.SetActive(true); rewardArea.SetActive(false); btnClaim.SetActive(false); } lblProgress.text = progress + "/" + missionOp.OperationCount; UpdateProgress(progress, missionOp.OperationCount); UIEventListener.Get(btnGoTo).onClick = GoToUI; }
void OnConnectResult(bool bSuccess, string result) { if (bSuccess) { MessageBoxLogic.CloseBox(); if (LoginUILogic.Instance() != null) { LoginUILogic.Instance().EnterAccount(); } } else { if (!m_bShowConnectResult) { StartCoroutine(RequestServerState(PlayerPreferenceData.LastServer)); m_bShowConnectResult = true; } LogModule.WarningLog("connect fail"); m_connnectTimer = 0; } }
public void InitInfo(Tab_FashionData tabFashionData, bool isObtained) { m_FashionID = tabFashionData.Id; if (tabFashionData == null) { LogModule.WarningLog("FashionItemLogic::InitInfo FashionID is Invalid!!!"); m_ItemIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_ItemName.text = "Invalid"; m_Highlight.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { m_ItemIcon.spriteName = tabFashionData.Icon; m_ItemIcon.gameObject.SetActive(isObtained); m_ItemName.text = tabFashionData.Name; m_ItemName2.text = tabFashionData.Name; } HideChosenSprite(); }
/// <summary> /// 创建陷阱 /// </summary> /// <param name="nCharModelID"></param> /// <param name="initData"></param> public static void CreateModelSnareObj(ObjSnare_Init_Data initData) { if (null == initData) { return; } //根据RoleBase的ID获得路径 Tab_SnareObjInfo SnareObjInfo = TableManager.GetSnareObjInfoByID(initData.m_SnareID, 0); if (null == SnareObjInfo) { return; } int nCharModelID = SnareObjInfo.CharModelId; Tab_CharModel charModel = TableManager.GetCharModelByID(nCharModelID, 0); if (charModel == null) { LogModule.WarningLog("can not find char model id in table :{0}", nCharModelID); return; } GameObject SnareObj = ResourceManager.InstantiateResource("Prefab/Model/SnareRoot", initData.m_ServerID.ToString()) as GameObject; if (null != SnareObj) { //加载逻辑体,同时异步加载渲染体 Obj_Snare objSnare = SnareObj.AddComponent <Obj_Snare>();; if (objSnare.Init(initData)) { objSnare.CanLogic = true; Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.AddPoolObj(objSnare.ServerID.ToString(), objSnare); } //ReloadModel(SnareObj, charModel.ResPath, AsycSnareObjOver, initData); LoadModelToRoot(nCharModelID, EResourceType.CharacterModel, LoadModelComplete, SnareObj, charModel, null); } }
public bool Init() { m_UIRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Root"); if (null == m_UIRoot) { LogModule.WarningLog("can not find uiroot in curscene"); } else { if (null == m_UIRoot.GetComponent <UIManager>()) { m_UIRoot.AddComponent <UIManager>(); } } GameObject sceneEffect = new GameObject("SceneEffect"); Utils.ResetTransform(sceneEffect.transform); m_sceneEffect = sceneEffect.AddComponent <SceneEffectBehaviourController>(); m_sceneEffect.InitEffect(sceneEffect); if ((int)Games.GlobeDefine.GameDefine_Globe.SCENE_DEFINE.SCENE_LOGIN != GameManager.gameManager.RunningScene) { SceneInit(); } else { FakeObjRoot = GameObject.Find("FakeObjRoot"); if (FakeObjRoot == null) { FakeObjRoot = ResourceManager.InstantiateResource("Prefab/HeadInfo/FakeObjRoot") as GameObject; FakeObjRoot.SetActive(false); } } return(true); }