private void LinkSendLogToDev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string subject = InputBox.Input("Any comment? (optional)", settings.StyleColor); if (subject != null) { WaitingOverlay waitingOverlay = new WaitingOverlay(this, "Please wait...", settings.StyleColor).Show(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { Log2.UploadLog(subject); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Can't send log: " + ex.Message); this.TaskDialog("Can't send log", ex.Message, NotifyUserType.Error); } finally { BeginInvoke(new Action(waitingOverlay.Close)); } }); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info("Can't send log file: " + ex.Message); this.TaskDialog("Log file sending error", ex.Message, NotifyUserType.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Selects <see cref="WowProcess"/> from all available processes (via <see cref="WoWProcessSelector"/>). /// Checks selected process for <see cref="WowProcess.IsValidBuild"/> and <see cref="GameInterface.IsInGame"/> states. /// If something went wrong, informs user via Utils.NotifyUser(). /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Instance of <see cref="WowProcess"/> if successful, null otherwise /// </returns> internal static WowProcess GetProcess() { WowProcess wowProcess = WoWProcessSelector.GetWoWProcess(); if (wowProcess != null) { if (wowProcess.IsValidBuild) { if (new GameInterface(wowProcess).IsInGame) { if (wowProcess.Memory == null) { wowProcess.Memory = new MemoryManager(Process.GetProcessById(wowProcess.ProcessID)); } return(wowProcess); } log.Info($"{wowProcess} Player isn't logged in"); Notify.SmartNotify("Cannot attach to WoW client", "Player isn't logged in", NotifyUserType.Error, true); return(null); } else { log.Error($"{wowProcess} WoW client is outdated: {wowProcess.GetExecutableRevision()}"); Notify.SmartNotify("Cannot attach to WoW client", "AxTools is outdated. Please standby", NotifyUserType.Error, true); return(null); } } Notify.SmartNotify("Module error", "No WoW process found", NotifyUserType.Error, true); return(null); }
private static bool TryGetSavedOffsets(byte[] hash) { Log2 log = new Log2(nameof(WowBuildInfoX64)); string hashAsString = BitConverter.ToString(hash); var directory = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(AppFolders.DataDir, "wow-builds")); var filePath = Path.Combine(directory.FullName, hashAsString + ".json"); log.Info($"TryGetSavedOffsets: filepath: '{filePath}'"); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { log.Info($"TryGetSavedOffsets: file exists, trying to deserialize..."); try { var offsets = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, IntPtr> >(File.ReadAllText(filePath, Encoding.UTF8)); if (offsets.Count == patterns.Length) { log.Info("TryGetSavedOffsets: deserialization is successful!"); WoWHash = hash; BlackMarketNumItems = offsets[nameof(BlackMarketNumItems)].ToInt32(); BlackMarketItems = offsets[nameof(BlackMarketItems)].ToInt32(); LastHardwareAction = offsets[nameof(LastHardwareAction)].ToInt32(); TickCount = offsets[nameof(TickCount)].ToInt32(); MouseoverGUID = offsets[nameof(MouseoverGUID)].ToInt32(); ChatIsOpened = offsets[nameof(ChatIsOpened)].ToInt32(); FocusedWidget = offsets[nameof(FocusedWidget)].ToInt32(); ObjectManager = offsets[nameof(ObjectManager)].ToInt32(); GlueState = offsets[nameof(GlueState)].ToInt32(); GameState = offsets[nameof(GameState)].ToInt32(); KnownSpellsCount = offsets[nameof(KnownSpellsCount)].ToInt32(); KnownSpells = offsets[nameof(KnownSpells)].ToInt32(); UIFrameBase = offsets[nameof(UIFrameBase)].ToInt32(); PlayerZoneID = offsets[nameof(PlayerZoneID)].ToInt32(); PlayerIsLooting = offsets[nameof(PlayerIsLooting)].ToInt32(); PlayerGUID = offsets[nameof(PlayerGUID)].ToInt32(); NotLoadingScreen = offsets[nameof(NotLoadingScreen)].ToInt32(); IsChatAFK = offsets[nameof(IsChatAFK)].ToInt32(); ChatBuffer = offsets[nameof(ChatBuffer)].ToInt32(); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"TryGetSavedOffsets: deserialization is failed: {ex.Message}"); } } return(false); }
private void EnterCredentialsASAP() { var counter = 300; while (counter > 0) { try { process.Refresh(); if (process.MainWindowHandle != (IntPtr)0) { if (WoWProcessManager.Processes.TryGetValue(process.Id, out WowProcess wowProcess) && wowProcess.Memory != null) { bool okay; if (wowProcess.IsValidBuild) { GlueState glueState = wowProcess.Memory.Read <GlueState>(wowProcess.Memory.ImageBase + WowBuildInfoX64.GlueState); var focusedWidget = wowProcess.Memory.Read <IntPtr>(wowProcess.Memory.ImageBase + WowBuildInfoX64.FocusedWidget); okay = glueState == GlueState.Disconnected && focusedWidget != (IntPtr)0; } else { Thread.Sleep(3000); okay = true; } if (okay) { foreach (char ch in wowAccount.GetLogin()) { NativeMethods.PostMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_CHAR, (IntPtr)ch, IntPtr.Zero); Thread.Sleep(5); } var tabCode = new IntPtr(0x09); NativeMethods.PostMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, tabCode, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.PostMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, tabCode, IntPtr.Zero); Thread.Sleep(5); foreach (char ch in wowAccount.GetPassword()) { NativeMethods.PostMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_CHAR, (IntPtr)ch, IntPtr.Zero); Thread.Sleep(5); } var enterCode = new IntPtr(0x0D); NativeMethods.PostMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, enterCode, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.PostMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, enterCode, IntPtr.Zero); log.Info($"{wowProcess} Credendials have been entered [{Utils.SecureString(wowAccount.GetLogin())}]"); break; } } } Thread.Sleep(100); counter--; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"[{process.ProcessName}:{process.Id}] Internal error: {ex.Message}"); } } }
void xrun() { while (true) { IPEndPoint clientIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 28960); byte[] data = udp.Receive(ref clientIP); MemoryStream memsr = new MemoryStream(data); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(memsr); Log2.Info("Header_Int: " + reader.ReadInt32().ToString()); Log2.Info("Body: " + reader.ReadString()); } }
internal MainWindow() { log.Info("Initializing main window..."); Instance = this; WoWLaunchLock = new MultiLock(); InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.Style = Settings2.Instance.StyleColor; Icon = Resources.ApplicationIcon; Closing += MainFormClosing; notifyIconMain.Icon = Resources.ApplicationIcon; tabControl.SelectedIndex = 0; linkEditWowAccounts.Location = new Point(metroTabPage1.Size.Width / 2 - linkEditWowAccounts.Size.Width / 2, linkEditWowAccounts.Location.Y); cmbboxAccSelect.Location = new Point(metroTabPage1.Size.Width / 2 - cmbboxAccSelect.Size.Width / 2, cmbboxAccSelect.Location.Y); progressBarAddonsBackup.Size = linkBackup.Size; progressBarAddonsBackup.Location = linkBackup.Location; progressBarAddonsBackup.Visible = false; SetupControls(); SetupEvents(); SetTooltips(); PostInvoke(AfterInitializingAsync); log.Info("MainWindow is constructed"); }
private static void KeyboardListener2_KeyPressed(KeyboardWatcher.KeyExt obj) { if (obj == _settings.ClickerHotkey) { if (_settings.ClickerKey == Keys.None) { Notify.TrayPopup("Incorrect parameter!", "Clicker don't know what key it should press. Click here to setup clicker", NotifyUserType.Error, true, null, 10, (sender, args) => { ClickerSettings clickerSettings = Utils.FindForms <ClickerSettings>().FirstOrDefault(); if (clickerSettings == null) { new ClickerSettings().Show(MainWindow.Instance); } else { clickerSettings.ActivateBrutal(); } }); return; } if (Enabled) { Stop(); WowProcess cProcess = WoWProcessManager.Processes.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.MainWindowHandle == Handle); logger.Info(cProcess != null ? $"{cProcess} Disabled" : "UNKNOWN:null :: Disabled"); } else { WowProcess cProcess = WoWProcessManager.Processes.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.MainWindowHandle == NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow()); if (cProcess != null) { Start(_settings.ClickerInterval, cProcess.MainWindowHandle, (IntPtr)_settings.ClickerKey); logger.Info($"{cProcess} Enabled, interval {_settings.ClickerInterval}ms, window handle 0x{cProcess.MainWindowHandle.ToInt64():X}"); } } } }
private static ObservableCollection <WoWAccount2> Load() { try { if (Settings2.Instance.WoWAccounts2.Length > 0) { ObservableCollection <WoWAccount2> list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ObservableCollection <WoWAccount2> >(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Settings2.Instance.WoWAccounts2)); list.CollectionChanged += WoWAccounts_Changed; log.Info("WoW accounts was loaded"); return(list); } ObservableCollection <WoWAccount2> emptyList = new ObservableCollection <WoWAccount2>(); emptyList.CollectionChanged += WoWAccounts_Changed; log.Info("WoW accounts: new collection is created"); return(emptyList); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("WoW accounts loading failed, new accounts will not be saved: " + ex.Message); return(new ObservableCollection <WoWAccount2>()); } }
int SendChallenge(IPEndPoint ip, UdpClient udp) { int c = new Random().Next(); MemoryStream getChng = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(getChng); w.Write(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }); w.Write(string.Format("getchallenge {0}", c)); w.Flush(); byte[] data = getChng.ToArray(); udp.Send(data, data.Length, ip); Log2.Info("Sending challange data to " + ip.ToString() + "..."); return(c); }
public static WowheadItemInfo GetItemInfo(uint itemID) { // <name><![CDATA[Iceblade Arrow]]></name> // <class id="1"><![CDATA[Контейнеры]]></class> // <level>85</level> // <quality id="1">Обычный</quality> // "inv_misc_questionmark" if (!ItemInfos.TryGetValue(itemID, out WowheadItemInfo info)) { if ((info = ItemInfo_GetCachedValue(itemID)) == null) { using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; string xml = webClient.DownloadString("https://" + _locale + "" + itemID + "&xml"); Regex regex = new Regex("<name><!\\[CDATA\\[(.+)\\]\\]></name>.*<level>(\\d+)</level>.*<quality id=\"(\\d+)\">.*</quality>.*<class id=\"(\\d+)\">.*<icon.*>(.+)</icon>"); Match match = regex.Match(xml); if (match.Success) { info = new WowheadItemInfo(Regex.Unescape(match.Groups[1].Value), uint.Parse(match.Groups[4].Value), uint.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value), uint.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value)); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(webClient.DownloadData("" + match.Groups[5].Value + ".jpg"))) { info.ImageBytes = ms.ToArray(); } ItemInfo_SaveToCache(itemID, info); } else { info = new WowheadItemInfo(UNKNOWN, 0, 0, 0); log.Info("GetItemInfo(): regex isn't match: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(xml)); } } } ItemInfos.TryAdd(itemID, info); } return(info); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Log2.Initialize("Log2.txt", LogLevel.All, false); string ip = Console.ReadLine(); client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(ip), 57852); sr = client.GetStream(); Log2.Info("Updating client size..."); UpdateClientSize(); new Thread(WaitForIt).Start(); new Thread(SendPicture).Start(); Log2.Debug("Systems up!"); while (true) { Log2.WriteAway(); } }
static void WaitForIt() { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(sr); while (true) { if (sr != null) { int typ = reader.ReadInt32(); if (typ == 0x12) { int x = reader.ReadInt32(); int y = reader.ReadInt32(); Cursor.Position = ClientToScreen(ClientSize, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size, new Point(x, y)); Log2.Info("Cursor position has been updated.."); } } } }
internal static void DeployArchive(string path) { IsRunning = true; IsRunningChanged?.Invoke(true); try { if (Directory.Exists(_settings.WoWDirectory)) { if (File.Exists(path)) { log.Info("Deploying archive: " + path); Unzip(path); log.Info("Archive is deployed: " + path); } else { log.Info("Archive " + path + " isn't found"); Notify.TrayPopup("Backup error", "Archive " + path + " isn't found", NotifyUserType.Error, true); } } else { log.Info("WoW dir (" + _settings.WoWDirectory + ") isn't found"); Notify.TrayPopup("Backup error", "WoW dir (" + _settings.WoWDirectory + ") isn't found", NotifyUserType.Error, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Deploying error: " + ex.Message); Notify.TrayPopup("Deploying error", ex.Message, NotifyUserType.Error, true); } IsRunningChanged?.Invoke(false); IsRunning = false; }
private static void Zip() { Log2 vssLog = new Log2(nameof(AddonsBackup) + " - VSS Service"); // get free drive letter string driveLetter = new string[] { "P:", "Q:", "R:", "S:", "T:", "U:", "V:", "W:" }.FirstOrDefault(l => !DriveInfo.GetDrives().Select(m => m.RootDirectory.Name).Contains(l)); if (driveLetter == default(string)) { throw new IOException("Can't find free drive letter!"); } vssLog.Info($"Free drive letter: {driveLetter}"); // making VSS snapshot IVssImplementation vssImplementation = VssUtils.LoadImplementation(); IVssBackupComponents backupComponents = vssImplementation.CreateVssBackupComponents(); backupComponents.InitializeForBackup(null); vssLog.Info("VssBackupComponents is initialized"); Guid backupGuid1 = Guid.Empty; try { backupComponents.GatherWriterMetadata(); backupComponents.SetContext(VssVolumeSnapshotAttributes.Persistent | VssVolumeSnapshotAttributes.NoAutoRelease); backupComponents.SetBackupState(false, true, VssBackupType.Full, false); vssLog.Info("VssBackupComponents is set up"); backupComponents.StartSnapshotSet(); backupGuid1 = backupComponents.AddToSnapshotSet(new DirectoryInfo(_settings.WoWDirectory).Root.Name, Guid.Empty); backupComponents.PrepareForBackup(); backupComponents.DoSnapshotSet(); vssLog.Info("Snapshot is taken"); backupComponents.ExposeSnapshot(backupGuid1, null, VssVolumeSnapshotAttributes.ExposedLocally, driveLetter); // zipping string zipPath = $"{_settings.WoWAddonsBackupPath}\\AddonsBackup_{DateTime.UtcNow:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}.zip"; log.Info("Zipping to file: " + zipPath); using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(zipPath, Encoding.UTF8)) { zip.CompressionLevel = (CompressionLevel)_settings.WoWAddonsBackupCompressionLevel; foreach (string dirName in FoldersToArchive) { zip.AddDirectory(_settings.WoWDirectory.Replace(new DirectoryInfo(_settings.WoWDirectory).Root.Name, $"{driveLetter}\\") + "\\" + dirName, "\\" + dirName); } zip.SaveProgress += AddonsBackup_SaveProgress; var processPriority = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass; Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal; zip.Save(); Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = processPriority; zip.SaveProgress -= AddonsBackup_SaveProgress; } } finally { VssSnapshotProperties existingSnapshot = backupComponents.QuerySnapshots().FirstOrDefault(l => l.SnapshotId == backupGuid1); if (existingSnapshot == default(VssSnapshotProperties)) { vssLog.Error($"Can't delete snapshot {backupGuid1}"); } else { backupComponents.DeleteSnapshot(existingSnapshot.SnapshotId, true); backupComponents.Dispose(); vssLog.Info($"Snapshot is deleted ({existingSnapshot.SnapshotId})"); } GC.Collect(); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { UIThread = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; if (args.Length == 0) { if (Process.GetProcessesByName(nameof(AxTools)).Length > 1) { log.Info("Waiting for parent AxTools process (1000 ms)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } using (new Mutex(true, "AxToolsMainExecutable", out bool newInstance)) { if (newInstance) { if (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 1)) { using (WindowsIdentity p = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()) { var pricipal = new WindowsPrincipal(p); if (!pricipal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator)) { TaskDialog.Show("This program requires administrator privileges", nameof(AxTools), "Make sure you have administrator privileges", TaskDialogButton.OK, TaskDialogIcon.SecurityError); return; } } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = null; DeleteTempFolder(); Legacy(); InstallRootCertificate(); log.Info("Adjusting process priorities..."); Utils.SetProcessPrioritiesToNormal(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); // in case we'are starting from Task Scheduler priorities can be lower than normal log.Info($"{typeof(WoWAntiKick)} is subscribing for {typeof(WoWProcessManager)}'s events"); WoWAntiKick.StartWaitForWoWProcesses(); log.Info($"Registered for: {Settings2.Instance.UserID}"); log.Info("Starting to load plugins..."); PluginManagerEx.LoadPluginsAsync(); log.Info("Starting WoW process manager..."); StartWoWProcessManagerTask = Task.Run((Action)WoWProcessManager.StartWatcher); log.Info("Looking for WoW client..."); WoWPathSearchTask = Task.Run((Action)CheckWoWDirectoryIsValid); log.Info("Starting add-ons backup service..."); Task.Run((Action)AddonsBackup.StartService); log.Info("Starting pinger..."); Task.Run(delegate { Pinger.Enabled = Settings2.Instance.PingerServerID != 0; }); log.Info("Starting updater service..."); Task.Run((Action)UpdaterService.Start); log.Info($"Constructing MainWindow, app version: {Globals.AppVersion}"); Application.Run(new MainWindow()); log.Info("MainWindow is closed, waiting for ShutdownLock..."); ShutdownLock.WaitForLocks(); log.Info($"Invoking 'Exit' handlers ({Exit?.GetInvocationList().Length})..."); Exit?.Invoke(); log.Info("Application is closed"); SendLogToDeveloper(); } else { MessageBox.Show("This program works only on Windows 7 or higher", nameof(AxTools), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { TaskDialog.Show("This program is already running", nameof(AxTools), "", TaskDialogButton.OK, TaskDialogIcon.Warning); } } } else { ProcessArgs(); } }
private static void Legacy() { var legacyLog = new Log2(nameof(Legacy)); // 08.10.2015 try { var mySettingsDir = AppFolders.PluginsSettingsDir + "\\Fishing"; var mySettingsFile = mySettingsDir + "\\FishingSettings.json"; if (File.Exists(mySettingsFile)) { File.Move(mySettingsFile, mySettingsDir + "\\settings.json"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // 11.07.2016 try { if (Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\wowheadCache")) { Directory.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\\wowheadCache", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // 12.01.2018 try { foreach (string hotkeyName in new[] { "ClickerHotkey", "WoWPluginHotkey" }) { var cfg = File.ReadAllText(AppFolders.ConfigDir + "\\settings.json", Encoding.UTF8); var regex = new Regex($"\"{hotkeyName}\": (\\d+)"); var match = regex.Match(cfg); if (match.Success) { var oldKey = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Keys>(match.Groups[1].Value); var alt = false; var ctrl = false; var shift = false; if ((oldKey & Keys.Alt) == Keys.Alt) { alt = true; } if ((oldKey & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) { ctrl = true; } if ((oldKey & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift) { shift = true; } oldKey = oldKey & ~Keys.Control & ~Keys.Shift & ~Keys.Alt; var newCfg = cfg.Replace(match.Value, $"\"{hotkeyName}\": " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new KeyboardWatcher.KeyExt(oldKey, alt, shift, ctrl))); File.WriteAllText(AppFolders.ConfigDir + "\\settings.json", newCfg, Encoding.UTF8); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // 17.04.2017 try { if (Settings2.Instance.LastUsedVersion <= new VersionExt(12, 2, 46)) { var fileName = AppFolders.DataDir + "\\wowhead.ldb"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); legacyLog.Info("Old db file is deleted"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // 17.01.2018 try { var fileName = AppFolders.DataDir + "\\wowhead.ldb"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); legacyLog.Info($"Old db file is deleted ({fileName})"); } fileName = AppFolders.DataDir + "\\players.ldb"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); legacyLog.Info($"Old db file is deleted ({fileName})"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // 10.08.2018 try { if (Settings2.Instance.LastUsedVersion <= new VersionExt(12, 3, 46)) { var fileName = Path.Combine(AppFolders.ConfigDir, "lua-console.json"); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); legacyLog.Info($"{fileName} is deleted"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // 10.08.2018 try { if (Settings2.Instance.LastUsedVersion <= new VersionExt(12, 3, 46)) { var fileName = Path.Combine(AppFolders.ConfigDir, "wow-radar.json"); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { var newFilePath = Path.Combine(AppFolders.PluginsSettingsDir, "Radar\\settings.json"); if (File.Exists(newFilePath)) { File.Delete(newFilePath); } var rawConfig = File.ReadAllText(fileName, Encoding.UTF8); var config = rawConfig.Replace(Path.Combine(AppFolders.ResourcesDir, "alarm.wav").Replace(@"\", @"\\"), Path.Combine(Settings2.Instance.PluginSourceFolder, "Radar\\alarm.wav").Replace(@"\", @"\\")); File.WriteAllText(fileName, config, Encoding.UTF8); File.Move(fileName, newFilePath); legacyLog.Info($"{fileName} is moved to {newFilePath}"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
internal void ChatboxSendText(string text, int attempts = 3) { if (text.Length <= 254) // 254 - max length of non-latin string in game chat box { lock (chatLocks[wowProcess.ProcessID]) { wowProcess.WaitWhileWoWIsMinimized(); if (IsInGame && !IsLoadingScreen) { if (ChatIsOpened) { var vkLControl = (IntPtr)0xA2; var vkA = (IntPtr)0x41; var vkDelete = (IntPtr)0x2E; NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, vkLControl, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, vkA, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, vkA, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, vkLControl, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, vkDelete, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, vkDelete, IntPtr.Zero); Thread.Sleep(200); } else { var counter = 1000; NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, (IntPtr)13, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, (IntPtr)13, IntPtr.Zero); while (!ChatIsOpened && counter > 0) { counter -= 10; Thread.Sleep(10); } Thread.Sleep(250); } foreach (char ch in text) { NativeMethods.PostMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_CHAR, (IntPtr)ch, IntPtr.Zero); } string editboxText = null; Thread.Sleep(100); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ((editboxText = GetEditboxText()) == text) { NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, (IntPtr)13, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, (IntPtr)13, IntPtr.Zero); return; } Thread.Sleep(100); } attempts--; if (attempts > 0) { log.Info($"ChatboxSendText: recursive call, attempts: {attempts}"); ChatboxSendText(text, attempts); } else { log.Error($"ChatboxSendText: text and editboxText are not equal; text: {text}; editboxText: {editboxText}"); Notify.TrayPopup("Can't send command via chat", "Please don't type while this bot is working", NotifyUserType.Warn, true); } } } } else { log.Error($"ChatboxSendText: string is too long (length={text.Length}): {text}"); } }
void Done(IAsyncResult state) { Log2.Info("Sending message to client! [" + state.AsyncState.ToString() + "]"); }
/// <summary> /// Makes a record to the log. WoW process name, process id and plug-in name are included /// </summary> /// <param name="plugin"></param> /// <param name="text"></param> public static void LogPrint(this IPlugin3 plugin, object text) { log.Info($"[Plug-in: {plugin.Name}] {text}"); }
private static void Program_Exit() { foreach (var i in Processes) { string name = i.Value.ProcessName; i.Value.Dispose(); log.Info($"{name}:{i.Key} :: [WoW hook] Memory manager disposed"); } }
internal static void ApplyUpdate(string updateDir, string axtoolsDir) { try { log.Info("Copying distr directory, updateDir: " + updateDir + "; axtoolsDir: " + axtoolsDir); Utils.DirectoryCopy(updateDir, axtoolsDir, true); var pluginsDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(axtoolsDir, "pluginsAssemblies")); if (pluginsDirectoryInfo.Exists) { log.Info("Deleting plug-ins assemblies directory..."); pluginsDirectoryInfo.Delete(true); } log.Info("Deleting junk files..."); foreach (string i in JunkFiles) { try { File.Delete(Path.Combine(axtoolsDir, i)); log.Info("Junk file is deleted: " + Path.Combine(axtoolsDir, i)); } #pragma warning disable CC0004 catch { /* don't care why */ } #pragma warning restore CC0004 } foreach (string junkFolder in JunkFolders) { try { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(axtoolsDir, junkFolder), true); } #pragma warning disable CC0004 catch { /* don't care why */ } #pragma warning restore CC0004 } log.Info("ApplyUpdate: done"); } catch (Exception ex) { TaskDialog.Show("Critical update error", nameof(AxTools), ex.Message, TaskDialogButton.Close, TaskDialogIcon.Stop); } }
private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (settings.WoWAntiKick) { if (wowProcess.IsValidBuild) { if (info.IsInGame) { try { var lastHardwareAction = wowProcess.Memory.Read <int>(wowProcess.Memory.ImageBase + WowBuildInfoX64.LastHardwareAction); var tickCount = wowProcess.Memory.Read <int>(wowProcess.Memory.ImageBase + WowBuildInfoX64.TickCount); if (tickCount - lastHardwareAction > maxTime) { maxTime = Utils.Rnd.Next(150000, 280000); wowProcess.Memory.Write(wowProcess.Memory.ImageBase + WowBuildInfoX64.LastHardwareAction, tickCount); logger.Info($"{wowProcess} Action emulated, next MaxTime: {maxTime}"); if (settings.WoW_AntiKick_SetAfkState) { if (!wowProcess.IsMinimized) { if (!info.IsAfk) { info.IsAfk = true; logger.Info($"{wowProcess} /afk status is set"); } else { logger.Info($"{wowProcess} /afk status is already set"); } } else { logger.Info($"{wowProcess} Can't set /afk status because WoW client is minimized"); } } ActionEmulated?.Invoke(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error($"{wowProcess} Can't emulate action: {ex.Message}"); } } } else { if (!fallback_keyboardWatcherInitialized) { KeyboardWatcher.HotkeyManager.AddKeys(GetType() + wowProcess.ProcessID.ToString(), moveKeys); KeyboardWatcher.HotkeyManager.KeyPressed += HotkeyManager_KeyPressed; fallback_keyboardWatcherInitialized = true; logger.Info($"{wowProcess} Unsupported version of WoW client. Adding WASDSpace to hotkeys"); } //Log.Info($"{Environment.TickCount}; {fallback_lastTimeActionEmulated}; {maxTime}"); if (Environment.TickCount - fallback_lastTimeActionEmulated > maxTime) { maxTime = Utils.Rnd.Next(150000, 280000); fallback_lastTimeActionEmulated = Environment.TickCount; NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYDOWN, (IntPtr)Keys.Space, IntPtr.Zero); NativeMethods.SendMessage(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle, Win32Consts.WM_KEYUP, (IntPtr)Keys.Space, IntPtr.Zero); ActionEmulated?.Invoke(wowProcess.MainWindowHandle); logger.Info($"{wowProcess} Unsupported version of WoW client, fallback to space jumping; next MaxTime: {maxTime}"); } } } }
void xrun() { while (true) { IPEndPoint clientIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 00000); byte[] data = udp.Receive(ref clientIP); MemoryStream memsr = new MemoryStream(data); Log2.Info(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data)); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(memsr); if (data.Length > 4) { reader.ReadInt32(); // Clear the header... string type = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(data.Length - 4)); if (type.Contains("heartbeat")) { if (!type.Contains("flatline")) //We still on... { int a = SendChallenge(clientIP, udp); MemoryStream gsts = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(gsts); w.Write(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }); w.Write("getstatus " + a.ToString()); w.Flush(); byte[] bdata = gsts.ToArray(); udp.BeginSend(bdata, bdata.Length, clientIP, new AsyncCallback(Done), "GT-STS"); } else { var cs = from cl in OnlineServers where cl.IP.ToString() == clientIP.ToString() select cl; if (cs.Count() > 0) { Log2.Info("Client [" + cs.First().Configuration["sv_hostname"] + "] has been disconnected!"); OnlineServers.Remove(cs.First()); // Server removed! } } } if (type.Contains("statusResponse")) { var cs = from cl in OnlineServers where cl.IP.ToString() == clientIP.ToString() select cl; if (cs.Count() > 0) { int index = OnlineServers.IndexOf(cs.First()); OnlineServers[index] = new DedicatedClient(type, clientIP); Log2.Info("Client [" + OnlineServers[index].Configuration["sv_hostname"] + "] has been updated."); } else { DedicatedClient dc = new DedicatedClient(type, clientIP); OnlineServers.Add(dc); Log2.Info("Connected client [" + dc.Configuration["sv_hostname"] + "]."); } } if (type.Contains("challengeResponse")) // Do we really wanna mess up with this ? { /*long chng = long.Parse(type.Split(' ')[1]); * MemoryStream memsr2 = new MemoryStream(); * BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memsr2); * writer.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }); //Header * writer.Write("getstatus"); * writer.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x2D }); * writer.Write(chng); * writer.Write(0x00); * writer.Flush(); * byte[] fres = memsr2.ToArray(); * memsr2.Dispose(); //Stack saver? * udp.BeginSend(fres, fres.Length, clientIP, new AsyncCallback(Done), "STS-REQ-" + chng.ToString()); // done with the chanllage shit!*/ } if (type.Contains("getservers")) { // Protocol Check // 6 - Call of Duty 4 // 118 - Call of Duty 2 if (type.Split(' ')[1] == "6") { MemoryStream back = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter wr = new BinaryWriter(back); wr.Write(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }); wr.Write(new byte[] { 0x67, 0x65, 0x74, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x65 }); //wr.Write(new byte[] { 0x0A, 0x00 }); // Ermm.. magic number ? wr.Write((byte)0x5C); if (OnlineServers.Count > 0) { foreach (var cl in OnlineServers) { byte[] ip = cl.IP.Address.GetAddressBytes(); wr.Write(ip); wr.Write((short)cl.IP.Port); } } wr.Write((byte)0x5C); wr.Write(new byte[] { 0x45, 0x4f, 0x66 }); wr.Flush(); byte[] servs = back.ToArray(); udp.BeginSend(servs, servs.Length, clientIP, new AsyncCallback(Done), "GT-SERVERS"); } } if (type.Contains("getIpAuthorize")) { string[] parts = type.Split(' '); MemoryStream memsr2 = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memsr2); writer.Write(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }); writer.Write("ipAuthorize "); writer.Write(parts[1] + " "); writer.Write("accept KEY_IS_GOOD"); writer.Flush(); byte[] final = memsr2.ToArray(); udp.BeginSend(final, final.Length, clientIP, new AsyncCallback(Done), "IP-ACCEPT"); } } else { Log2.Data("Unkown packet?"); } } }
internal static void AddPluginToRunning(IPlugin3 plugin, WowProcess process) { lock (AddRemoveLock) { if (!RunningPlugins.Contains(plugin)) { _pluginContainers.First(l => l.Plugin.GetType() == plugin.GetType()).IsRunning = true; try { plugin.OnStart(new GameInterface(process)); PluginWoW[plugin.Name] = process.ProcessID; PluginsUsageStats[plugin.Name].Add(DateTime.UtcNow); SavePluginUsageStats(); log.Info($"{process} [{plugin.Name}] Plug-in is started"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"Plug-in OnStart error [{plugin.Name}]: {ex.Message}"); } Notify.TrayPopup(nameof(AxTools), "Plug-in <" + plugin.Name + "> is started", NotifyUserType.Info, false, plugin.TrayIcon); PluginStateChanged?.Invoke(plugin); } } }