private void LateUpdate() { SyncState syncState = state; if (syncState != SyncState.INTERPOLATION || desiredStartEvent.Timestamp == desiredTargetEvent.Timestamp) { return; } LocomotionController currentController = locomotionTracker.GetCurrentController(); float t = (float)(motionSequenceStartTime + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds - desiredStartEvent.Timestamp) / (float)(desiredTargetEvent.Timestamp - desiredStartEvent.Timestamp); Vector3 vector = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, desiredTargetEvent.Position, t); if (!Allow3DMovement) { vector.y = ((currentController != null) ? currentController.GetPosition().y : base.transform.position.y); } if (currentController != null) { currentController.RemoteSetPosition(vector); if (currentController is SlideController && desiredTargetEvent.Velocity.HasValue) { Vector3 newFacing = Vector3.Slerp(startFacing, desiredTargetEvent.Velocity.Value, t); currentController.RemoteSetFacing(newFacing); } } else { base.transform.position = vector; } }
private void Update() { for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Count; i++) { Collider collider = colliders[i]; if (collider == null) { colliders.RemoveAt(i); i--; continue; } Vector3 direction = Vector3.up; if (capsCollider.direction == 0) { direction = Vector3.right; } else if (capsCollider.direction == 2) { direction = Vector3.forward; } direction = base.transform.TransformDirection(direction); float num = capsCollider.height; float radius = capsCollider.radius; if (num < radius * 2f) { num = radius * 2f; } Vector3 a = base.transform.TransformPoint(; Vector3 vector = a - direction * (num * 0.5f); Vector3 vector2 = vector + direction * Mathf.Max(0f, num - radius); Vector3 position = collider.transform.position; Vector3 vector3 = position - vector; float magnitude = Vector3.Cross(direction, vector3).magnitude; float num2 = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Project(vector3 + vector, direction) - vector2, direction); float num3 = 0f; if (num2 > 0f) { Debug.DrawLine(position, vector2, Color.yellow); num3 = (position - vector2).magnitude / radius; } else { Debug.DrawLine(position, vector, Color.yellow); num3 = magnitude / radius; } num3 = Mathf.Clamp01(1f - num3) * Magnitude; Vector3 vector4 = direction * num3; Rigidbody attachedRigidbody = collider.attachedRigidbody; if (attachedRigidbody != null) { attachedRigidbody.AddForce(vector4, ForceMode.Impulse); continue; } LocomotionController currentController = LocomotionHelper.GetCurrentController(collider.gameObject); if (currentController != null && (!IgnoreIfRunController || !(currentController is RunController))) { currentController.AddForce(vector4, base.gameObject); } } }
private void switchToNextPosition() { LocomotionActionEvent locomotionActionEvent = positionTimeline.Dequeue(); LocomotionController currentController = locomotionTracker.GetCurrentController(); Vector3 vector = ((currentController != null) ? currentController.GetPosition() : base.transform.position); Vector3 wsSteerInput = locomotionActionEvent.Position - vector; wsSteerInput.y = 0f; if (locomotionActionEvent.Direction.HasValue) { wsSteerInput = locomotionActionEvent.Direction.Value; if (locomotionActionEvent.Type.IsMovement()) { lastStickDirection = wsSteerInput; } } if (currentController != null && !(currentController is SlideController)) { if (locomotionActionEvent.Type.IsMovement()) { currentController.Steer(wsSteerInput); } else if (locomotionActionEvent.Type == LocomotionAction.Rotate) { currentController.SteerRotation(wsSteerInput); } } desiredStartEvent = desiredTargetEvent; desiredTargetEvent = locomotionActionEvent; startPosition = vector; startFacing = ((currentController != null) ? currentController.GetFacing() : base.transform.forward); state = SyncState.INTERPOLATION; }
private void sendLocomotionUpdate(Vector3 direction, LocomotionAction type) { LocomotionActionEvent action = default(LocomotionActionEvent); action.Type = type; action.Position = getCurrentPosition(); action.Direction = direction; LocomotionController currentController = locomotionTracker.GetCurrentController(); if (currentController is SlideController) { action.Velocity = currentController.GetFacing(); } if (broadcastingDisabledEvents == 0) { networkService.PlayerActionService.LocomotionAction(action, droppable: true); } AvatarDataHandle component = GetComponent <AvatarDataHandle>(); if (!(component == null) && broadcastingDisabledEvents == 0 && Service.Get <CPDataEntityCollection>().TryGetComponent(component.Handle, out PositionData component2)) { component2.Position = action.Position; if (!Service.Get <CPDataEntityCollection>().TryGetComponent(component.Handle, out PausedStateData component3)) { component3 = Service.Get <CPDataEntityCollection>().AddComponent <PausedStateData>(component.Handle); } component3.Position = component2.Position; } }
private void onControllerChanged(LocomotionController newController) { bool flag = false; switch (StateToCheck) { case LocomotionState.Run: flag = newController is RunController; break; case LocomotionState.Sit: flag = newController is SitController; break; case LocomotionState.Slide: flag = newController is SlideController; break; case LocomotionState.Swim: flag = newController is SwimController; break; case LocomotionState.Zipline: flag = newController is ZiplineController; break; } if (flag) { playerObject.GetComponent <LocomotionEventBroadcaster>().OnControllerChangedEvent -= onControllerChanged; base.Fsm.Event(StateMatchesEvent); } }
private void onControllerChanged(LocomotionController newController) { if (runController != null && runController.enabled) { runController.Behaviour.SetStyle(walkModifier ? PlayerLocoStyle.Style.Walk : PlayerLocoStyle.Style.Run); } }
private void Update() { for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Count; i++) { Collider collider = colliders[i]; Vector3 vector = collider.transform.position - base.transform.position; float magnitude = vector.magnitude; float num = Magnitude; if (MaxDist > 0f) { num = Mathf.Clamp01(1f - magnitude / MaxDist) * Magnitude; } Vector3 vector2 = vector.normalized * num; Rigidbody attachedRigidbody = collider.attachedRigidbody; if (attachedRigidbody != null) { attachedRigidbody.AddForce(vector2, ForceMode.Impulse); continue; } LocomotionController currentController = LocomotionHelper.GetCurrentController(collider.gameObject); if (currentController != null && (!IgnoreIfRunController || !(currentController is RunController))) { currentController.AddForce(vector2, base.gameObject); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (this.avatar == null) { Debug.LogError("The 'avatar' object has not been specified"); Debug.Break(); } if (this.body == null) { Debug.LogError("The 'body' object has not been specified"); Debug.Break(); } this.gazescript = this.body.GetComponent <EyeHeadGazeController>(); this.ttsController = this.body.GetComponent <MaryTTSController>(); this.facialExpressionsController = this.body.GetComponent <FacialExpressionsController>(); this.locomotionController = this.avatar.GetComponent <LocomotionController>(); // Look at the target if (this.gazeTarget != null) { this.gazescript.LookAtObject(; } }
private void onControllerChangedEvent(LocomotionController newController) { if (!(newController is SitController) && !consuming) { Change(onoff: false); } }
private void onPromptButtonPressed(DPrompt.ButtonFlags pressed) { if (pressed != DPrompt.ButtonFlags.YES) { return; } LocomotionController currentController = LocomotionHelper.GetCurrentController(base.gameObject); if (currentController is SitController) { LocomotionHelper.SetCurrentController <SwimController>(base.gameObject); } bubbleState = BubbleState.TransitionToHidden; playAudioEvent(mutableData.AirCriticalAudioEvent, EventAction.StopSound); GameObject gameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag(UIConstants.Tags.UI_Tray_Root); if (gameObject != null) { StateMachineContext component = gameObject.GetComponent <StateMachineContext>(); if (component != null) { component.SendEvent(new ExternalEvent("Root", "noUI")); } } Invoke("startBubbleScreenWipe", 0.7f); swimController.ResurfaceAccepted(); dispatcher.DispatchEvent(default(DivingEvents.PlayerResurfaced)); }
private void onControllerChanged(LocomotionController newController) { if (Run && newController is RunController) { Change(onoff: true); } else if (Sit && newController is SitController) { Change(onoff: true); } else if (Tube && newController is SlideController) { Change(onoff: true); } else if (Swim && newController is SwimController) { Change(onoff: true); } else if (Zipline && newController is ZiplineController) { Change(onoff: true); } else { Change(onoff: false); } }
void Awake() { PathController = GetComponentInChildren <AbstractPathMind>(); PathController.SetCharacter(this); LocomotionController = GetComponent <Locomotion>(); LocomotionController.SetCharacter(this); }
private void logLocomotionAction(string locomotionType) { LocomotionController currentController = locomotionTracker.GetCurrentController(); string tier = (currentController != null) ? currentController.GetType().Name.Replace("Controller", "") : "undefined"; string callID = $"locomotion_{locomotionType}"; Service.Get <ICPSwrveService>().ActionSingular(callID, locomotionType, tier); }
public void Initialize() { agent = this.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent> (); animator = this.GetComponent<Animator> (); desiredOrientation = transform.rotation; /*put together with locomotion*/ locomotion = new LocomotionController(animator); }
public void DisableAllControllers() { LocomotionController[] components = GetComponents <LocomotionController>(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { components[i].enabled = false; } curController = null; }
public void Initialize() { agent = this.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent> (); animator = this.GetComponent <Animator> (); desiredOrientation = transform.rotation; /*put together with locomotion*/ locomotion = new LocomotionController(animator); }
// Finds components and attaches to them. Basically, setting up. Better instead of manually attaching each component private void Awake() { _agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); _agent.isStopped = true; _controller = GetComponent <LocomotionController>(); targetHealth = FollowTarget.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthController>(); path = new NavMeshPath(); }
private void triggerEventAction(LocomotionActionEvent targetEvent) { snapIfNeeded(targetEvent.Position); LocomotionController currentController = locomotionTracker.GetCurrentController(); switch (targetEvent.Type) { case LocomotionAction.Torpedo: lastJumpPosition = targetEvent.Position; if (currentController != null) { currentController.DoAction(LocomotionController.LocomotionAction.Torpedo); } break; case LocomotionAction.Jump: lastJumpPosition = targetEvent.Position; if (currentController != null) { currentController.DoAction(LocomotionController.LocomotionAction.Jump); } break; case LocomotionAction.Interact: snapToGround(targetEvent.Position); if (currentController != null) { currentController.DoAction(LocomotionController.LocomotionAction.Interact); } break; case LocomotionAction.ChargeThrow: remoteSnowballLauncher.ChargeSnowball(); break; case LocomotionAction.LaunchThrow: remoteSnowballLauncher.LaunchSnowball(targetEvent.Velocity.Value); break; case LocomotionAction.CancelThrow: remoteSnowballLauncher.CancelChargeSnowball(); break; case LocomotionAction.Action1: case LocomotionAction.Action2: case LocomotionAction.Action3: locomotionStateSetter.ActionButton(targetEvent.Type); break; } if (this.OnTriggerActionEvent != null) { this.OnTriggerActionEvent(targetEvent); } }
private void onControllerChanged(LocomotionController controller) { if (controller is SlideController) { changeState(isSliding: true); } else { changeState(isSliding: false); } }
void Update() { if (BoardManager == null) { return; } if (LocomotionController.MoveNeed) { LocomotionController.SetNewDirection(PathController.GetNextMove(BoardManager.boardInfo, LocomotionController.CurrentEndPosition(), null)); } }
void Start() { _animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); _model = this.gameObject; _locomotionScript = GetComponent <LocomotionController>(); _feetController = new FeetController(_animator); _leftFeetController = new FeetController(_animator); _predictor = new FeetPredictor(_animator); _characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); _prevRightPos = rightFootT.transform.position; }
private void Init() { if (!startPosition) { Debug.LogError("start position needs to be set for game to start"); } if (!uiLooseGamePrefab) { Debug.LogError("uiLooseGamePrefab in GameHandler is not set"); } if (!uiWinGamePrefab) { Debug.LogError("uiWinGamePrefab in GameHandler is not set"); } // Find and set the player character. var playerObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); Player = playerObject != null?playerObject.GetComponent <Character>() : null; PlayerController = playerObject != null?playerObject.GetComponent <OVRPlayerController>() : null; LocomotionController = GameObject.Find("PlayerController/LocomotionController").GetComponent <LocomotionController>(); if (!LocomotionController) { Debug.LogError("LocomotionController cannot be found for GameHandler"); } if (!lobbyLevel) { Debug.LogWarning("Main room reference cannot be found for GameHandler"); } if (Player == null) { Debug.LogError("Player character not found!"); } else if (PlayerController == null) { Debug.LogError("player controller not found!"); } else if (LocomotionController == null) { Debug.LogError("locomotion controller not found!"); } InitReferences(); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); }
public void DisallowController <T>(float delay) where T : LocomotionController { LocomotionController component = GetComponent <T>(); if (disallowedControllers.ContainsKey(component)) { disallowedControllers[component] = Time.time + delay; } else { disallowedControllers.Add(component, Time.time + delay); } }
void Start() { Controller = gameObject.GetComponent <LocomotionController>(); Controller.OnLocomotionEvent += HandleLocomotionEvent; addState(PlayerStateType.IDLE, new PlayerIdleState(this)); addState(PlayerStateType.MOVING, new PlayerMoveState(this)); addState(PlayerStateType.FALLING, new PlayerFallState(this)); addState(PlayerStateType.JUMPING, new PlayerJumpState(this)); CurrentState = PlayerStateType.IDLE; }
private void resetLocomotionState() { GameObject localPlayerGameObject = SceneRefs.ZoneLocalPlayerManager.LocalPlayerGameObject; if (localPlayerGameObject != null) { LocomotionController currentController = LocomotionHelper.GetCurrentController(localPlayerGameObject); if (currentController != null) { currentController.ResetState(); } } }
public override void OnEnter() { GameObject localPlayerGameObject = SceneRefs.ZoneLocalPlayerManager.LocalPlayerGameObject; if (localPlayerGameObject != null) { LocomotionController currentController = LocomotionHelper.GetCurrentController(localPlayerGameObject); if (currentController != null) { currentController.ResetState(); } } Finish(); }
void Start() { Target = PlayerManager.instance.GetPlayer().GetComponent <PlayerRanged>(); locomotionController = GetComponent <LocomotionController>(); combatController = GetComponent <MeleeCombatController>(); GameObject bus = GameObject.Find("Bus"); if (bus == null) { Debug.LogError("AggroableEnemy could not find Bus object. Destroying gameObject"); Destroy(gameObject); } SaveTransform = bus.transform; }
private void onLocomotionControllerChanged(LocomotionController newController) { if (!IsValidSwimming && newController is SwimController && (newController as SwimController).IsInShallowWater) { isValidLocomotionController = false; } else if (!IsValidDiving && newController is SwimController && !(newController as SwimController).IsInShallowWater) { isValidLocomotionController = false; } else { isValidLocomotionController = true; } }
void Start() { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); locomotionScript = GetComponent <LocomotionController>(); model = this.gameObject; foreach (AnimationClip ac in animator.runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips) { RetrieveAnimationFlightTime(ac); } prevPos = characterController.transform.position; prevPos.y += 0.5f; }
protected override void Update() { ChairProperties component = SceneRefs.ActionSequencer.GetTrigger(GetTarget()).GetComponent <ChairProperties>(); if (component != null) { LocomotionHelper.SetCurrentController <SitController>(GetTarget()); LocomotionController currentController = LocomotionHelper.GetCurrentController(GetTarget()); if (currentController is SitController) { SitController sitController = (SitController)currentController; sitController.SetChair(component); } } Completed(); }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { Vector3 vector = (collider.transform.position - base.transform.position).normalized * Magnitude; Rigidbody attachedRigidbody = collider.attachedRigidbody; if (attachedRigidbody != null) { attachedRigidbody.AddForce(vector, ForceMode.VelocityChange); return; } LocomotionController currentController = LocomotionHelper.GetCurrentController(collider.gameObject); if (currentController != null) { currentController.SetForce(vector, base.gameObject); } }