        private async void Initialize()
            // Show a new map with streets basemap.
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Initialize the geocoder with the provided service URL
            _geocoder = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(_serviceUri);

            // Subscribe to location changed event so that map can zoom to location.
            _myMapView.LocationDisplay.LocationChanged += LocationDisplay_LocationChanged;

            // Enable location display on the map.
            _myMapView.LocationDisplay.IsEnabled = true;

            // Enable controls now that the geocoder is ready.
            _locationBox.Enabled        = true;
            _searchBox.Enabled          = true;
            _searchButton.Enabled       = true;
            _searchInViewButton.Enabled = true;

            // Enable tap-for-info pattern on results.
            _myMapView.GeoViewTapped += MapView_GeoViewTapped;

            // Listen for taps on the search buttons.
            _searchButton.TouchUpInside       += SearchButton_Touched;
            _searchInViewButton.TouchUpInside += SearchRestrictedButton_Touched;

            // Listen for text-changed events.
            _searchBox.AllEditingEvents   += SearchBox_TextChanged;
            _locationBox.AllEditingEvents += LocationBox_TextChanged;
        private async void Initialize()
            if (await ApiKeyManager.CheckKeyValidity() != ApiKeyStatus.Valid)
                await new MessageDialog2("Please use the settings dialog to configure an API Key.", "Error").ShowAsync();

            // Create new Map with basemap.
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels());

            // Provide used Map to the MapView.
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Add a graphics overlay to the map for showing where the user tapped.
            MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(new GraphicsOverlay());

            // Enable tap-for-info pattern on results.
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapView_GeoViewTapped;

            // Initialize the LocatorTask with the provided service Uri.
                _geocoder = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(_serviceUri);
            catch (Exception e)
                await new MessageDialog2(e.ToString(), "Error configuring geocoder").ShowAsync();

            // Set the initial viewpoint.
            await MyMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(34.058, -117.195, 5e4);
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap.
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels());

            // Provide used Map to the MapView.
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Add a graphics overlay to the map for showing where the user tapped.
            MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(new GraphicsOverlay());

            // Enable tap-for-info pattern on results.
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapView_GeoViewTapped;

            // Initialize the LocatorTask with the provided service Uri.
                _geocoder = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(_serviceUri);
            catch (Exception e)
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", e.ToString(), "OK");

            // Set the initial viewpoint.
            await MyMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(34.058, -117.195, 5e4);
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap.
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels());

            // Provide used Map to the MapView.
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Add a graphics overlay to the map for showing where the user tapped.
            _myMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(new GraphicsOverlay());

            // Enable tap-for-info pattern on results.
            _myMapView.GeoViewTapped += _myMapView_GeoViewTapped;

            // Initialize the LocatorTask with the provided service Uri.
                _geocoder = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(_serviceUri);
            catch (Exception e)
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(e.ToString()).SetTitle("Error").Show();

            // Set the initial viewpoint.
            await _myMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(34.058, -117.195, 5e4);
        private async void Initialize()
            // Get a new instance of the Imagery with Labels basemap
            Basemap _basemap = Basemap.CreateStreets();

            // Create a new Map with the basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(_basemap);

            // Populate the MapView with the Map
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Initialize the geocoder with the provided service Uri
            _geocoder = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(_serviceUri);

            // Subscribe to location changed event so that map can zoom to location
            _myMapView.LocationDisplay.LocationChanged += LocationDisplay_LocationChanged;

            // Enable location display on the map
            _myMapView.LocationDisplay.IsEnabled = true;

            // Enable controls now that the geocoder is ready
            _myLocationBox.Enabled            = true;
            _mySearchBox.Enabled              = true;
            _mySearchButton.Enabled           = true;
            _mySearchRestrictedButton.Enabled = true;
        private async void Initialize()
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            Envelope initialLocation = new Envelope(
                136.6, 35.72, 139.65, 35.68, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);

            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation);

            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            //住所検索用のジオコーディング タスクを初期化
            onlineLocatorTask = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(new Uri(WORLD_GEOCODE_SERVICE_URL));

            // グラフィックス オーバーレイの新規追加
            geocodeResultGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay()
                Renderer = createGeocoordingSymbol(),


            isMapReady = true;
 public ReverseGeocode()
     MyMapView.Map.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(new Envelope(-74.2311, 4.47791, -73.964, 4.8648, SpatialReference.Create(4326)));
     _graphicsOverlay = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0];
     _locator         = new OnlineLocatorTask(new Uri(OnlineLocatorUrl));
        private async void Initialize()
            if (await ApiKeyManager.CheckKeyValidity() != ApiKeyStatus.Valid)
                await new MessageDialog2("Please use the settings dialog to configure an API Key.", "Error").ShowAsync();

            // Add event handler for when this sample is unloaded.
            Unloaded += SampleUnloaded;

            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Subscribe to location changed event so that map can zoom to location
            MyMapView.LocationDisplay.LocationChanged += LocationDisplay_LocationChanged;

            // Enable location display
            MyMapView.LocationDisplay.IsEnabled = true;

            // Enable tap-for-info pattern on results
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapView_GeoViewTapped;

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Initialize the LocatorTask with the provided service Uri
            _geocoder = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(_serviceUri);

            // Enable all controls now that the locator task is ready
            SearchEntry.IsEnabled      = true;
            LocationEntry.IsEnabled    = true;
            SearchButton.IsEnabled     = true;
            SearchViewButton.IsEnabled = true;
        public BatchGeocoding()

            mapView1.Map.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(new Envelope(-15000000, 2000000, -7000000, 8000000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator));

            _locatorTask = new OnlineLocatorTask
                               (new Uri("http://serverapps101.esri.com/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Geocode/GeocodeServer", UriKind.Absolute), "");

            geocodedResults = mapView1.Map.Layers["LocationGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            //List of addresses to geocode
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Street", "4409 Redwood Dr" }, { "Zip", "92501" }
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Street", "3758 Cedar St" }, { "Zip", "92501" }
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Street", "3486 Orange St" }, { "Zip", "92501" }
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Street", "2999 4th St" }, { "Zip", "92507" }
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Street", "3685 10th St" }, { "Zip", "92501" }

            AddressListbox.ItemsSource = batchaddresses;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the location of the specified address.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="address"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <MapPoint> GeocodeAsync(string address)
            var locator = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(s_locatorService);

            var result = await locator.GeocodeAsync(address).ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <summary>Construct reverse geocode sample control</summary>
        public ReverseGeocode()

            Envelope extent = new Envelope(-117.387, 33.97, -117.355, 33.988, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
            mapView.Map.InitialExtent = GeometryEngine.Project(extent, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as Envelope;

            _locator = new OnlineLocatorTask(new Uri("http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer"));
        /// <summary>Construct reverse geocode sample control</summary>
        public ReverseGeocode()

            Envelope extent = new Envelope(-117.387, 33.97, -117.355, 33.988, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);

            mapView.Map.InitialExtent = GeometryEngine.Project(extent, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as Envelope;

            _locator = new OnlineLocatorTask(new Uri("http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer"));
        public BatchGeocoding()

            mapView1.Map.InitialExtent = new Envelope(-15000000, 2000000, -7000000, 8000000) { SpatialReference = new SpatialReference(102100) };

            _locatorTask = new OnlineLocatorTask
                (new Uri("http://serverapps101.esri.com/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Geocode/GeocodeServer", UriKind.Absolute), "");

            geocodedResults = mapView1.Map.Layers["LocationGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            //List of addresses to geocode
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Street", "4409 Redwood Dr" }, { "Zip", "92501" } });
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Street", "3758 Cedar St" }, { "Zip", "92501" } });
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Street", "3486 Orange St" }, { "Zip", "92501" } });
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Street", "2999 4th St" }, { "Zip", "92507" } });
            batchaddresses.Add(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Street", "3685 10th St" }, { "Zip", "92501" } });

            AddressListbox.ItemsSource = batchaddresses;

        /// <summary>Construct reverse geocode sample control</summary>
        public ReverseGeocode()
			_graphicsOverlay = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0];
            _locator = new OnlineLocatorTask(new Uri(OnlineLocatorUrl));
 /// <summary>Construct reverse geocode sample control</summary>
 public ReverseGeocode()
     _locator = new OnlineLocatorTask(new Uri("http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer"));
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes layers and tasks
		/// </summary>
        protected override async Task InitializeAsync()
            // Create map with layers and set startup location
            var map = new Map()
                    InitialExtent = new Envelope(-13636132.3698584, 4546349.82732426, -13633579.1021618, 4547513.1599185, SpatialReferences.WebMercator)
            Map = map;

            // Basemap layer from ArcGIS Online hosted service
            var basemap = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer()
                ID = "Basemap",
                DisplayName = "Basemap",
				ServiceUri = "http://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Canvas/World_Light_Gray_Base/MapServer"

            // Initialize layer in Try - Catch 
            Exception exceptionToHandle = null;
                await basemap.InitializeAsync();

                // Create graphics layer for start and endpoints

                // Create geocoding and routing tasks
				_locatorTask = new LocalLocatorTask(@"../../../../Data/Locators/SanFrancisco/SanFranciscoLocator.loc");
				_routeTask = new LocalRouteTask(@"../../../../Data/Networks/RuntimeSanFrancisco.geodatabase", "Routing_ND");
				IsInitialized = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Exception is thrown ie if layer url is not found - ie. {"Error code '400' : 'Invalid URL'"} 
                exceptionToHandle = exception;

            if (exceptionToHandle != null)
                // Initialization failed, show message and return
                await MessageService.Instance.ShowMessage(string.Format(
                    "Could not create basemap. Error = {0}", exceptionToHandle.ToString()),
                    "An error occured");
        private async Task SetupLocator()
            if (!IsOnline)
                _locatorTask = new LocalLocatorTask(@"..\..\..\..\..\samples-data\locators\san-diego\san-diego-locator.loc");
                _locatorTask = new OnlineLocatorTask(new Uri("http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer"), string.Empty);

        private async void FindAddressButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _locatorTask = new OnlineLocatorTask
                (new Uri("http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer", UriKind.Absolute), "");

            Dictionary<string, string> address = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputAddress.Text))
                address.Add("Address", InputAddress.Text);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(City.Text))
                address.Add("City", City.Text);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(State.Text))
                address.Add("Region", State.Text);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Zip.Text))
                address.Add("Postal", Zip.Text);

            var candidateFields = new List<string> {"Address", "City","Region", "Postal" };

                var results = await _locatorTask.GeocodeAsync(address, candidateFields, new CancellationTokenSource().Token);

                if (_candidateGraphicsLayer.Graphics != null && _candidateGraphicsLayer.Graphics.Count > 0)

                if (results != null)
                    if (results.Count == 0)
                        await new MessageDialog("Cannot find this address").ShowAsync();
                        foreach (var candidate in results)
                            if (candidate.Score >= 80)
                                Graphic graphic = new Graphic()
                                    Geometry = candidate.Location

                                graphic.Attributes.Add("Address", candidate.Address);

                                string latlon = String.Format("{0}, {1}", candidate.Location.X, candidate.Location.Y);
                                graphic.Attributes.Add("LatLon", latlon);

                                if (candidate.Location.SpatialReference == null)
                                    candidate.Location.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.Wgs84;

            catch (Exception)