private void ValidateDescription(LocalizedProductDescription desc, ref ExporterValidationResults results, string fieldPrefix = null) { if (fieldPrefix == null) { fieldPrefix = "translatedDescriptions." + desc.googleLocale.ToString(); } // Check for missing title if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.Title)) { results.fieldErrors[fieldPrefix + ".Title"] = "Title is required (" + desc.googleLocale.ToString() + ")"; } else { if (desc.Title.Length > 55) // Titles can be up to 55 characters in length { results.fieldErrors[fieldPrefix + ".Title"] = "Title must not be longer than 55 characters (" + desc.googleLocale.ToString() + ")"; } else if (desc.Title.Length > 25) // Titles should be no longer than 25 characters { results.warnings.Add("Title should not be longer than 25 characters (" + desc.googleLocale.ToString() + ")"); } } // Check for missing description if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.Description)) { results.fieldErrors[fieldPrefix + ".Description"] = "Description is required (" + desc.googleLocale.ToString() + ")"; } else { if (desc.Description.Length > 80) // Descriptions can be up to 80 characters in length { results.fieldErrors[fieldPrefix + ".Description"] = "Description must not be longer than 80 characters (" + desc.googleLocale.ToString() + ")"; } } }
public string Export(ProductCatalog catalog) { // Get a list of all the locales that have a value for at least one // product, and are valid for Apple export. Order must be preserved // throughout this method, so this is converted to a list and then // wrapped in a ReadOnlyCollection to prevent mutation. var localesToExport = new ReadOnlyCollection <TranslationLocale>(new List <TranslationLocale>(GetLocalesToExport(catalog))); XDeclaration declaration = new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"); XDocument document = new XDocument(); XNamespace ns = ""; XElement package = new XElement(ns + "package", new XAttribute("version", "software5.7")); document.Add(package); package.Add(new XElement(ns + "provider", catalog.appleTeamID)); package.Add(new XElement(ns + "team_id", catalog.appleTeamID)); XElement software = new XElement(ns + "software"); package.Add(software); software.Add(new XElement(ns + "vendor_id", catalog.appleSKU)); XElement softwareMetadata = new XElement(ns + "software_metadata"); software.Add(softwareMetadata); XElement inAppPurchases = new XElement(ns + "in_app_purchases"); softwareMetadata.Add(inAppPurchases); foreach (var item in catalog.allProducts) { XElement inAppPurchase = new XElement(ns + "in_app_purchase", new XElement(ns + "product_id", item.GetStoreID(AppleAppStore.Name) ??, new XElement(ns + "reference_name",, new XElement(ns + "type", ProductTypeString(item))); XElement products = new XElement(ns + "products"); inAppPurchase.Add(products); XElement product = new XElement(ns + "product", new XElement(ns + "cleared_for_sale", true), new XElement(ns + "wholesale_price_tier", item.applePriceTier)); products.Add(product); XElement locales = new XElement(ns + "locales"); inAppPurchase.Add(locales); // Variable number of localizations, not every product will specify a localization for every language // so some of the these descriptions may be missing, in which case we just skip it. foreach (var loc in localesToExport) { LocalizedProductDescription desc = item.defaultDescription.googleLocale == loc ? item.defaultDescription : item.GetDescription(loc); if (desc != null) { XElement locale = new XElement(ns + "locale", new XAttribute("name", LocaleToAppleString(loc)), new XElement(ns + "title", desc.Title), new XElement(ns + "description", desc.Description)); locales.Add(locale); } } XElement reviewScreenshot = new XElement(ns + "review_screenshot"); inAppPurchase.Add(reviewScreenshot); reviewScreenshot.Add(new XElement(ns + "file_name", Path.GetFileName(item.screenshotPath))); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(item.screenshotPath); if (fileInfo.Exists) { reviewScreenshot.Add(new XElement(ns + "size", fileInfo.Length)); reviewScreenshot.Add(new XElement(ns + "checksum", GetMD5Hash(fileInfo))); } inAppPurchases.Add(inAppPurchase); } // Split the declaration and the document because we want UTF-8, not UTF-16. return(declaration.ToString() + kNewLine + document.ToString()); }