internal LocalizationParserHooks(
            MarkupCompiler                  compiler ,
            LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile directivesToFile,
            bool                            isSecondPass
            _compiler = compiler;            
            _directivesToFile = directivesToFile;  
            _isSecondPass = isSecondPass;

            // The arrray list holds all the comments collected while parsing Xaml.
            _commentList = new ArrayList();

            // It is the comments current being processed.
            _currentComment = new LocalizationComment();       
        internal LocalizationParserHooks(
            MarkupCompiler compiler,
            LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile directivesToFile,
            bool isSecondPass
            _compiler         = compiler;
            _directivesToFile = directivesToFile;
            _isSecondPass     = isSecondPass;

            // The arrray list holds all the comments collected while parsing Xaml.
            _commentList = new ArrayList();

            // It is the comments current being processed.
            _currentComment = new LocalizationComment();
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the existing comment into the cached list and clear the state for the
        /// next incoming comment. Comments are only collected in pass1. The method is no-op
        /// in pass2.
        /// </summary>
        private void FlushCommentToList(ref LocalizationComment comment)
            if (_isSecondPass)

            if (_currentComment.Uid != null &&
                (_currentComment.Attributes != null ||
                 _currentComment.Comments != null
                // add the comments into the list and reset
                _currentComment = new LocalizationComment();
                // clear all properties
                _currentComment.Uid = _currentComment.Attributes = _currentComment.Comments = null;
        internal override ParserAction LoadNode(XamlNode tokenNode)
            switch (tokenNode.TokenType)
                case XamlNodeType.DocumentStart :
                    // A single ParserHooks might be used to parse multiple bamls. 
                    // We need to clear the comments list at the begining of each baml.
                    _currentComment = new LocalizationComment();       
                    return ParserAction.Normal;
                case XamlNodeType.DefAttribute : 
                    XamlDefAttributeNode node = (XamlDefAttributeNode) tokenNode;
                    if (node.Name == XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionUid)
                        _currentComment.Uid = node.Value;

                    return ParserAction.Normal;
                case XamlNodeType.Property : 
                    XamlPropertyNode node = (XamlPropertyNode) tokenNode; 

                    // When this parer hook is invoked, comments is always output to a seperate file.                    
                    if (LocComments.IsLocCommentsProperty(node.TypeFullName, node.PropName))
                        // try parse the value. Exception will be thrown if not valid.
                        _currentComment.Comments = node.Value;
                        return ParserAction.Skip;  // skips outputing this node to baml

                    if (  _directivesToFile == LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.All
                       && LocComments.IsLocLocalizabilityProperty(node.TypeFullName, node.PropName))                     
                        // try parse the value. Exception will be thrown if not valid.
                        _currentComment.Attributes = node.Value;
                        return ParserAction.Skip;  // skips outputing this node to baml                      

                    return ParserAction.Normal;                    
                case XamlNodeType.EndAttributes : 
                    FlushCommentToList(ref _currentComment);
                    return ParserAction.Normal;
                case XamlNodeType.DocumentEnd : 
                    // When reaching document end, we output all the comments we have collected 
                    // so far into a localization comment file. If the parsing was aborted in 
                    // MarkupCompilePass1, we would not out the incomplete set of comments because
                    // it will not reach document end.
                    if (_commentList.Count > 0)
                        string absoluteOutputPath = _compiler.TargetPath + _compiler.SourceFileInfo.RelativeSourceFilePath + SharedStrings.LocExtension;
                        MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();

                        // TaskFileService.WriteFile adds BOM for UTF8 Encoding, thus don't add here 
                        // when creating XmlTextWriter.
                        using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(memStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                            // output XML for each piece of comment                            
                            writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                            writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocFileNameAttribute, _compiler.SourceFileInfo.RelativeSourceFilePath);
                            foreach (LocalizationComment comment in _commentList)
                                writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocCommentIDAttribute, comment.Uid);

                                if (comment.Attributes != null)
                                    writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocLocalizabilityAttribute, comment.Attributes);                                    

                                if (comment.Comments != null)
                                    writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocCommentsAttribute, comment.Comments);


                            _compiler.TaskFileService.WriteFile(memStream.ToArray(), absoluteOutputPath);
                    return ParserAction.Normal;
                    return ParserAction.Normal;
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the existing comment into the cached list and clear the state for the 
 /// next incoming comment. Comments are only collected in pass1. The method is no-op 
 /// in pass2.
 /// </summary>
 private void FlushCommentToList(ref LocalizationComment comment)
     if (_isSecondPass) return;
     if (  _currentComment.Uid != null 
        && (  _currentComment.Attributes != null 
           || _currentComment.Comments != null
         // add the comments into the list and reset
         _currentComment = new LocalizationComment();
         // clear all properties
         _currentComment.Uid = _currentComment.Attributes = _currentComment.Comments = null;
        internal override ParserAction LoadNode(XamlNode tokenNode)
            switch (tokenNode.TokenType)
            case XamlNodeType.DocumentStart:
                // A single ParserHooks might be used to parse multiple bamls.
                // We need to clear the comments list at the begining of each baml.
                _currentComment = new LocalizationComment();

            case XamlNodeType.DefAttribute:
                XamlDefAttributeNode node = (XamlDefAttributeNode)tokenNode;
                if (node.Name == XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionUid)
                    _currentComment.Uid = node.Value;


            case XamlNodeType.Property:
                XamlPropertyNode node = (XamlPropertyNode)tokenNode;

                // When this parer hook is invoked, comments is always output to a seperate file.
                if (LocComments.IsLocCommentsProperty(node.TypeFullName, node.PropName))
                    // try parse the value. Exception will be thrown if not valid.
                    _currentComment.Comments = node.Value;
                    return(ParserAction.Skip);     // skips outputing this node to baml

                if (_directivesToFile == LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.All &&
                    LocComments.IsLocLocalizabilityProperty(node.TypeFullName, node.PropName))
                    // try parse the value. Exception will be thrown if not valid.
                    _currentComment.Attributes = node.Value;
                    return(ParserAction.Skip);     // skips outputing this node to baml


            case XamlNodeType.EndAttributes:
                FlushCommentToList(ref _currentComment);

            case XamlNodeType.DocumentEnd:
                // When reaching document end, we output all the comments we have collected
                // so far into a localization comment file. If the parsing was aborted in
                // MarkupCompilePass1, we would not out the incomplete set of comments because
                // it will not reach document end.

                if (_commentList.Count > 0)
                    string       absoluteOutputPath = _compiler.TargetPath + _compiler.SourceFileInfo.RelativeSourceFilePath + SharedStrings.LocExtension;
                    MemoryStream memStream          = new MemoryStream();

                    // TaskFileService.WriteFile adds BOM for UTF8 Encoding, thus don't add here
                    // when creating XmlTextWriter.
                    using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(memStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                        // output XML for each piece of comment
                        writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                        writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocFileNameAttribute, _compiler.SourceFileInfo.RelativeSourceFilePath);

                        foreach (LocalizationComment comment in _commentList)
                            writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocCommentIDAttribute, comment.Uid);

                            if (comment.Attributes != null)
                                writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocLocalizabilityAttribute, comment.Attributes);

                            if (comment.Comments != null)
                                writer.WriteAttributeString(LocComments.LocCommentsAttribute, comment.Comments);


                        _compiler.TaskFileService.WriteFile(memStream.ToArray(), absoluteOutputPath);

