public static JsStatement Process(JsStatement statement) { var locals = LocalVariableGatherer.Analyze(statement); var globals = ImplicitGlobalsGatherer.Analyze(statement, locals); return(IdentifierMinifierRewriter.Process(statement, locals, globals, GenerateName)); }
public static JsStatement Process(JsStatement statement) { var locals = LocalVariableGatherer.Analyze(statement); var globals = ImplicitGlobalsGatherer.Analyze(statement, locals, reportGlobalsAsUsedInAllParentScopes: true); var renames = IdentifierRenameMapBuilder.Analyze(statement, locals, globals, GenerateName); return(IdentifierRenamer.Process(statement, renames)); }
public void GatheringIsCorrect() { var stmt = JsStatement.EnsureBlock(JavaScriptParser.Parser.ParseStatement(@" { var a; (function() { var b; c; function d(p1, p2) { e; b; var f; } for (var g = 1;;) { for (var h in x) { } for (i in x) { } } }); try { } catch (ex) { (function() { ex; }); } j; }")); var locals = LocalVariableGatherer.Analyze(stmt); var globals = ImplicitGlobalsGatherer.Analyze(stmt, locals, reportGlobalsAsUsedInAllParentScopes: true); var result = new OutputRewriter(locals, globals).Process(stmt); string actual = OutputFormatter.Format(result); Assert.That(actual.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), Is.EqualTo( @"{ locals(a); globals(c, d, e, i, j, x); var a; (function() { locals(b, g, h); globals(c, d, e, i, x); var b; c; function d(p1, p2) { locals(f, p1, p2); globals(e); e; b; var f; } for (var g = 1;;) { for (var h in x) { } for (i in x) { } } }); try { } catch (ex) { (function() { locals(); globals(); ex; }); } j; } ".Replace("\r\n", "\n"))); }
public static IList <JsStatement> Process(IMetadataImporter metadataImporter, INamer namer, IAttributeStore attributeStore, ICompilation compilation, IList <JsStatement> statements) { var locals = LocalVariableGatherer.Analyze(statements); var globals = ImplicitGlobalsGatherer.Analyze(statements, locals, reportGlobalsAsUsedInAllParentScopes: false); var introducedNames = IntroducedNamesGatherer.Analyze(statements, metadataImporter, attributeStore, compilation.MainAssembly); var renameMap = RenameMapBuilder.BuildMap(statements, locals, globals, introducedNames, namer); var usedSymbols = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var sym in locals.Values.SelectMany(v => v) // Declared locals. .Concat(globals.Values.SelectMany(v => v)) // Implicitly declared globals. .Concat(renameMap.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Values)) // Locals created during preparing rename. .Concat(introducedNames.Values.SelectMany(v => v)) // All global types used. ) { usedSymbols.Add(sym); } statements = IdentifierRenamer.Process(statements, renameMap).ToList(); bool isModule = MetadataUtils.GetModuleName(compilation.MainAssembly, attributeStore) != null || MetadataUtils.IsAsyncModule(compilation.MainAssembly, attributeStore); var importer = new ImportVisitor(metadataImporter, namer, attributeStore, compilation.MainAssembly, usedSymbols, JsExpression.Identifier(isModule ? "exports" : "$asm")); var body = (!isModule ? new[] { JsStatement.Var("$asm", JsExpression.ObjectLiteral()) } : new JsStatement[0]).Concat(statements.Select(s => importer.VisitStatement(s, null))).ToList(); var moduleDependencies = importer._moduleAliases.Concat(MetadataUtils.GetAdditionalDependencies(compilation.MainAssembly, attributeStore)); if (MetadataUtils.IsAsyncModule(compilation.MainAssembly, attributeStore)) { body.InsertRange(0, new[] { JsStatement.UseStrict, JsStatement.Var("exports", JsExpression.ObjectLiteral()) }); body.Add(JsStatement.Return(JsExpression.Identifier("exports"))); var pairs = new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("mscorlib", namer.GetVariableName("_", usedSymbols)) } .Concat(moduleDependencies.OrderBy(x => x.Key)) .ToList(); body = new List <JsStatement> { JsExpression.Invocation( JsExpression.Identifier("define"), JsExpression.ArrayLiteral(pairs.Select(p => JsExpression.String(p.Key))), JsExpression.FunctionDefinition( pairs.Select(p => p.Value), JsStatement.Block(body) ) ) }; } else if (moduleDependencies.Any()) { // If we require any module, we require mscorlib. This should work even if we are a leaf module that doesn't include any other module because our parent script will do the mscorlib require for us. body.InsertRange(0, new[] { JsStatement.UseStrict, JsExpression.Invocation(JsExpression.Identifier("require"), JsExpression.String("mscorlib")) } .Concat(moduleDependencies .OrderBy(x => x.Key).OrderBy(x => x.Key) .Select(x => JsStatement.Var( x.Value, JsExpression.Invocation( JsExpression.Identifier("require"), JsExpression.String(x.Key)))) .ToList())); } else { body.Insert(0, JsStatement.UseStrict); body = new List <JsStatement> { JsExpression.Invocation(JsExpression.FunctionDefinition(new string[0], JsStatement.Block(body))) }; } return(body); }