private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Utils.ConvertToDouble(txtAmountTendered.Text) <= 0) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Amount tendered is not valid!"); return; } var member = Factories.CreateMember().Get(txtMember.Text); if (member == null) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Member not found!"); return; } //Complete then transactions Factories.CreatePosTransaction().CompletePosTransaction(_postTransactionID, member.ID, txtAmountTendered.DoubleValue, txtTotal.DoubleValue); //Print Reciept DialogResult d = MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Do you want to print reciept?", "Print Reciept", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (d == DialogResult.Yes) { //Proceed to print reciept PrintReciept(); //Create new transaction after print this.SetDefaultFieldValue(); NewTransaction(); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void Edit() { try { var grid = gridProducts; if (grid.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { _productID = int.Parse(grid.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); if (_productID != 0) { page.SetPage(pageProductDetail); SetData(); } } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordSelectedMessage(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
async void LoadProducts() { try { await Task.Delay(1000); var products = await Task.Run(() => Factories.CreateProducts().GetProductList(txtSearch.Text)); int count = 0; gridProducts.Rows.Clear(); foreach (var item in products) { count++; gridProducts.Rows.Add(new string[] { item.ProductID.ToString(), count.ToString(), item.Description, item.Quantity.ToString() }); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
public void SetData() { try { // populate data var model = Factories.CreateDailySale().Get(dailySaleID); dtDate.Value = model.Date; txtOutletSale1.Text = model.OutletSale1.ToString(); txtOutletSale2.Text = model.OutletSale2.ToString(); txtProcessingSale.Text = model.ProcessingSale.ToString(); // Total Cash Sale Dairy Product txtTotalCashSale.Text = model.TotalCashSales.ToString(); txtRawMilkSales.Text = model.RawMilkSales.ToString(); txtSalesOnAccount.Text = model.SaleOnAccount.ToString(); txtTotalSaleDairyProducts.Text = model.TotalSaleForDairyProduct.ToString(); // Total Sale Over All Sale txtTotalSale.Text = model.TotalSales.ToString(); txtDebtor.Text = model.Debtor.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
private void Edit() { try { var grid = gridChat; if (grid.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { _userID = int.Parse(grid.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); if (_userID != 0) { var user = Factories.CreateUser().GetUser(_userID); if (user.UserName == CurrentUser.Name) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "You cannot message your self!"); } else { CheckUnreadMessage(); var frmChatMessage = new frmChatMessage(user.UserName); frmChatMessage.Show(); } } } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordSelectedMessage(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
private void ViewDetail() { try { var grid = gridList; if (grid.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { posTransactionID = int.Parse(grid.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); if (posTransactionID != 0) { page.SetPage(pageTransactionDetails); SetData(); LoadPosTransactionProducts(); } } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordSelectedMessage(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
private void Delete() { try { var grid = gridMembers; if (grid.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { memberID = int.Parse(grid.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); if (memberID != 0) { DialogResult result = MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to delete this record?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Factories.CreateMember().Delete(memberID); LoadList(); } } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordFoundMessage(this); } } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordSelectedMessage(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
private void Save() { try { var model = new MemberModel(); model.Address = txtAddress.Text; model.ContactNumber = txtContactNumber.Text; model.FullName = txtFullName.Text; ValidatedFields(model); if (memberID > 0) { Factories.CreateMember().Edit(memberID, model); } else { Factories.CreateMember().Add(model); } LocalUtils.ShowSaveMessage(this); LoadList(); page.SetPage(pageList); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
async void Login() { try { if (txtUserName.Text == string.Empty && txtPassword.Text == string.Empty) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "User Name or Password is empty"); } else { lblLoggingIn.Visible = true; await Task.Run(() => Factories.CreateUser().LoginUser(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text)); //if login success set isLogin to true isLogin = true; LoginSuccess(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } lblLoggingIn.Visible = false; }
private void Edit() { try { if (gridList.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { // get id userID = int.Parse(gridList.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); if (userID != 0) { //show and hide controls mainPage.SetPage(pageDetail); bunifuTransition1.HideSync(pnlSide, false, BunifuAnimatorNS.Animation.Transparent); ResetInputs(pnlAddEdit); SetData(); } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordFoundMessage(this); mainPage.SetPage(pageGridMain); bunifuTransition1.ShowSync(pnlSide, false, BunifuAnimatorNS.Animation.Transparent); } } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordSelectedMessage(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
private async void Save() { try { if (!ValidatedFields()) { return; } var model = new AddEditUserModel(); model.UserName = txtUserName.Text; model.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; model.MiddleName = txtMiddleName.Text; model.LastName = txtLastName.Text; model.Password = txtPassword.Text; model.RoleID = int.Parse(((ItemX)cboRoles.SelectedItem).Value); if (_userID == 0) { await Task.Run(() => Factories.CreateUser().Add(model)); page.SetPage(tabUserList); LoadUsers(); } else { await Task.Run(() => Factories.CreateUser().Edit(_userID, model)); page.SetPage(tabUserList); LoadUsers(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
private void Save() { try { if (!ValidateFields()) { LocalUtils.ShowValidationFailedMessage(this); return; } var model = new UserModel(); model.Password = txtPassword.Text; model.ReTypePassword = txtRetypePassword.Text; model.UserName = txtUserName.Text; if (userID > 0) { Factories.CreateUser().Edit(userID, model); } else { Factories.CreateUser().Add(model); userID = model.ID; } ShowMainGrid(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
public void LoadMainGrid() { try { var criteria = txtSearch.Text; var date = dtSearchDate.Value; var models = Factories.CreateProductSale().GetAllByMonth(date, criteria); gridMain.Rows.Clear(); int count = 0; foreach (var item in models) { count++; gridMain.Rows.Add(new string[] { item.ID.ToString(), count.ToString(), item.Date.ToShortDateString(), item.CustomerName, item.ProductName, item.Quantity.ToString(), item.Total.ToString(), }); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
public void Edit() { try { if (gridList.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { // get id id = int.Parse(gridList.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); if (id != 0) { //show and hide controls lblAddEditTitle.Text = "Edit Record"; SetData(); mainPage.SetPage(pageDetail); bunifuTransition1.HideSync(pnlSide, false, BunifuAnimatorNS.Animation.Transparent); } else { supplyClassID = int.Parse(gridList.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString()); supplyTypeID = int.Parse(gridList.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString()); Save(); SetData(); } } else { LocalUtils.ShowNoRecordSelectedMessage(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Use to get initial data when adding new milk utilization /// </summary> private void SetInitialAddData() { try { var initialDate = dtDate.Value; var model = Factories.CreateMilkUtilize().GetRecord(date: dtDate.Value); if (model.ID == 0) { txtBeginningBalance.Text = model.BeginningVolumeBalance.ToString(); txtEndingBalance.Text = model.EndingVolumeBalance.ToString(); txtRawMilkProcess.Text = model.RawMilkProcess.ToString(); txtTotalRawMilkSold.Text = model.RawMilkSold.ToString(); txtTotalMilkDeliveredByFarmers.Text = model.TotalMilkDeliveredFromFarmers.ToString(); txtTotalMilkForUtilization.Text = model.TotalMilkForUtilization.ToString(); txtTotalRawMilkWithdrawn.Text = model.TotalRawMilkWithdrawn.ToString(); } else { dtDate.Value = initialDate; LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Record Already exists for this date!"); } } catch (Exception) { } }
bool AdminCheck() { if (!CurrentUser.HasRoles("Administrator")) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Your not allowed for this action!"); return(false); } return(true); }
private void btnSaveRawMaterial_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SaveProductRawMaterial(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
private void btnEditRawMaterial_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SetProductRawMaterialData(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
void SetData() { try { var model = Factories.CreateProductLog().GetProduct(productID); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
private void btnDeleteRawMaterials_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DeleteProductRawMaterial(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
private void txtProductCode_OnIconRightClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtQuantity.Text == "" || txtMember.Text == "") { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Please provide member and quanity of item first!"); return; } var productLookupForm = new frmTransactionProducts(); productLookupForm.OnProductSelected += productLookupForm_OnProductSelected; productLookupForm.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnSubtract_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_productID == 0) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Please save new product before removing quantity!"); return; } var frm = new frmUpdateProductQuantity(_productID, "Stock Out"); frm.OnProductUpdated += frm_OnProductUpdated; frm.ShowDialog(); }
public void LoadMainGrid() { try { var date = dtSearchDate.Value; var models = Factories.CreateDailySale().GetAllByMonth(date); gridList.Rows.Clear(); int count = 0; foreach (var item in models) { count++; gridList.Rows.Add(new string[] { item.ID.ToString(), count.ToString(), item.Date.ToShortDateString(), item.OutletSale1.ToString(), item.OutletSale2.ToString(), item.ProcessingSale.ToString(), item.TotalCashSales.ToString(), item.SaleOnAccount.ToString(), item.TotalSaleForDairyProduct.ToString(), item.TotalSales.ToString(), item.Debtor }); } //use 0 id to avoid null exception while click edit button ////Adds space //var summaryModels = mainLogic.GetAllSummary(date); //gridList.Rows.Add(new string[] { "0","", // "", // "Total", // summaryModels.TotalMilkSold .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalMilkSoldAmount .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalB1plus1 .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalDiscountSale .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalEcoBag .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalOutletSale1 .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalOutletSale2 .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalProcessingSale .ToString() , // summaryModels.GrandTotalCashSale .ToString() , // summaryModels.TotalSaleOnAccount .ToString() , // summaryModels.GrandTotalSaleDairyProduct .ToString() , // }); SetGridListCustomDesign(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
private void CheckTrialVersion() { if (expDate.Date <= DateTime.Now.Date) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Your trial version has been ended! Please contact developer."); Application.Exit(); } else { LocalUtils.ShowInfo(this, "This application is a trial version and will be expired on " + expDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); } }
void LoadMembersAutoComplete() { try { var memberNames = Factories.CreateMember().GetAllFullNamesOnly(); var autoCStr = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); autoCStr.AddRange(memberNames.ToArray()); txtMember.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autoCStr; } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
private void SetTransactionProductID() { try { if (grid.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { posTransactionProductID = int.Parse(grid.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
private void SetData() { try { var model = Factories.CreateMember().Get(memberID); txtAddress.Text = model.Address; txtFullName.Text = model.FullName; txtContactNumber.Text = model.ContactNumber; } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
private void Save() { try { ValidateField(); var quantity = Utils.ConvertToInteger(txtQuantity.Text); Factories.CreatePosTransaction().UpdateQuantity(posTransactionProductID, quantity); ProductUpdated(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.Message); } }
public void Add() { try { mainPage.SetPage(pageDetail); ResetInputs(); productSaleID = 0; bunifuTransition1.HideSync(pnlSide, false, BunifuAnimatorNS.Animation.HorizBlind); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }
public void SetInitialData() { try { // populate data var model = Factories.CreateDailySale().GetInitial(dtDate.Value); dtDate.Value = model.Date; txtOutletSale1.Text = model.OutletSale1.ToString(); txtOutletSale2.Text = model.OutletSale2.ToString(); txtRawMilkSales.Text = model.RawMilkSales.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LocalUtils.ShowErrorMessage(this, ex.ToString()); } }