public FileManagerController() { _drive = new LocalDrive("./", new DriveConfig { Operation = new OperationConfig { PreventNameCollision = true } }); }
public DynamicFoldersController() { _drive = new LocalDrive("./", new DriveConfig { Operation = new OperationConfig { PreventNameCollision = true } }); }
public void Calling_refreshusercontent_will_create_folder_structure() { var connector = new LocalDrive(RequestHelper.CurrentDataRepository, RootFolder, MemberAlias); connector.CurrentMember = RequestHelper.CurrentDataRepository.Queryable <Member>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == 3); var result = connector.RefreshFolderContent().ToList(); var folderName = string.Format("Members/{0}/Internal/Fotos", MemberAlias); var folderExists = Directory.Exists(folderName); Assert.IsTrue(folderExists, "Der Ordner wurde nicht erzeugt"); Directory.Delete("Members", true); }
public override int GetHashCode() { // Once we have a hash code we'll never change it if (_oldHashCode.HasValue) { return(_oldHashCode.Value); } // Use the [LocalDrive|Text].GetHashCode() and remember it, so an instance can NEVER change its hash code. _oldHashCode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(LocalDrive) ? Text.GetHashCode() : LocalDrive.GetHashCode(); return(_oldHashCode.Value); }
public void Calling_refreshusercontent_with_existing_foto_will_create_folder_all_pitures() { var connector = new LocalDrive(RequestHelper.CurrentDataRepository, RootFolder, MemberAlias); connector.CurrentMember = RequestHelper.CurrentDataRepository.Queryable <Member>().Include(m => m.Options).FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == 3); var result = connector.RefreshFolderContent().ToList(); var image = Resources.full; var folderName = string.Format("Members/{0}/ToPublish", MemberAlias); image.Save(folderName + "//newFoto.jpg"); result = connector.RefreshFolderContent().ToList(); Assert.IsTrue(result.Count > 0, "Es wurden keine Fotos erzeugt"); Directory.Delete("Members", true); }
internal IConnector CurrentConnector(Member member) { if (member == null || member.StorageAccesses.Count == 0) { return(null); } IConnector connector; switch (member.StorageAccessType) { case StorageProviderType.Dropbox: connector = new DropboxConnector(DataRepository); break; case StorageProviderType.GoogleDrive: connector = new GoogleDrive(DataRepository); break; case StorageProviderType.OneDrive: connector = new Connector.OneDrive.OneDrive(DataRepository); break; case StorageProviderType.LocalDrive: connector = new LocalDrive(DataRepository, string.Format("{0}://{1}", Request.RequestUri.Scheme, Request.RequestUri.Authority), member.Alias); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Der Connector ist noch nicht implementiert!"); } var access = member.StorageAccesses.First(s => s.Type == member.StorageAccessType); connector.RedirectUrl = RedirectUrl; connector.CurrentMember = member; connector.Connect(access); return(connector); }
public UnixLocalFile(LocalDrive drive, FileSystemInfo file) : base(drive, file) { }
/// <summary> /// Check out the files from Backup/Restored SVN repository for particular date, here we had used commandprompt command to do so /// Input: User details username, password, backup/restored date and Backup/Restored svn server url /// Output: Checking out the files from Backup/Restored SVN repository /// </summary> public void mtdChkBack() { try { System.Diagnostics.Process chkBackup = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startChkBackup = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startChkBackup.CreateNoWindow = true; startChkBackup.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startChkBackup.FileName = "cmd.exe"; startChkBackup.Arguments = "/C svn co " + BackupURL.Trim() + " \"" + LocalDrive.Trim() + "\\svn-compare\\Backup\" --username " + UserName.Trim() + " --password " + Password.Trim(); chkBackup.StartInfo = startChkBackup; chkBackup.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; chkBackup.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; chkBackup.Start(); StringBuilder chkb = new StringBuilder(); while (!chkBackup.HasExited) { chkb.Append(chkBackup.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()); } ChkBackCmd = "\n" + startChkBackup.Arguments.Replace(" --password " + Password, " --password *******"); ChkBack = "\n" + chkb.ToString().Trim(); backVersion = FindVersion(ChkBack).ToString().Split(' ').Last().Replace(".", ""); totalBackFile = TotalFiles(ChkBack).ToString(); startChkBackup = null; chkBackup = null; } catch (Exception chkback) { Error = chkback.Message.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Check out the files from Live SVN repository for particular date, here we had used commandprompt command to do so /// Input: User details username, password, backup/restored date and live svn server url /// Output: Checking out the files from Live SVN repository /// </summary> public void mtdChkLive() { try { System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "/C svn co -r {\"" + BackupDate + " 23:59:59\"} " + LiveURL.Trim() + " \"" + LocalDrive.Trim() + "\\svn-compare\\checkout\" --username " + UserName.Trim() + " --password " + Password.Trim(); process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.Start(); StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(); while (!process.HasExited) { proc.Append(process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()); } ChkLiveCmd = "\n" + startInfo.Arguments.Replace(" --password " + Password, " --password *******"); ChkLive = "\n" + proc.ToString().Trim(); liveVersion = FindVersion(ChkLive).ToString().Split(' ').Last().Replace(".", ""); totalLiveFile = TotalFiles(ChkLive).ToString(); startInfo = null; process = null; } catch (Exception chklive) { Error = chklive.Message.ToString(); } }