        public void TestOneShiftViolatedForward()
            // create the problem and make sure 0->1->2->3->4 is the solution.
            var objective = new TSPTWFeasibleObjective();
            var problem   = TSPTWHelper.CreateTSPTW(0, 0, 5, 10);

            problem.Times[0][3] = 1;
            problem.Times[3][1] = 1;
            problem.Windows[1]  = new TimeWindow()
                Min = 1,
                Max = 3
            problem.Windows[3] = new TimeWindow()
                Min = 0,
                Max = 2

            // create a route with one shift.
            var route = new Optimization.Tours.Tour(new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 2, 4 }, 0);

            // apply the 1-shift local search, it should find the customer to replocate.
            var localSearch = new Local1Shift <TSPTWFeasibleObjective>();
            var delta       = 0.0f;

            Assert.IsTrue(localSearch.MoveViolatedForward(problem, objective, route, out delta)); // shifts 1 after 3.

            // test result.
            Assert.AreEqual(25, delta);
            Assert.AreEqual(new int[] { 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 }, route.ToArray());

            // create a feasible route.
            route = new Optimization.Tours.Tour(new int[] { 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 }, 0);

            // apply the 1-shift local search, it should find the customer to replocate.
            Assert.IsFalse(localSearch.MoveViolatedForward(problem, objective, route, out delta));