protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["needret"])) { strNeedReturn = "0"; } else { strNeedReturn = "1"; } if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an email template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataBind(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.IsPostBack == false) { if (this.CurrUser.RemindTaskDue == true && this.CurrUser.TaskReminder != null) { LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable ReminderTaskList = LoanTaskManager.GetReminderTaskList(this.CurrUser.iUserID, (int)this.CurrUser.TaskReminder); this.gridTaskList.DataSource = ReminderTaskList; this.gridTaskList.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnComplete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (hfdFileId.Value.Trim() == "") { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Invalid parameter:'File ID'."); return; } LoanTasks bllLoanTask = new LoanTasks(); var dtTasks = new List <Model.LoanTasks>(); if (hfdTaskId.Value.Trim() != "") { dtTasks = bllLoanTask.GetModelList("LoanTaskId=" + hfdTaskId.Value); } else { dtTasks = bllLoanTask.GetModelList("FileId=" + hfdFileId.Value); } if (dtTasks == null || dtTasks.Count == 0) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "There is no tasks in database."); return; } Dictionary <int, int> successTasks = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int userId = new LoginUser().iUserID; int emailTmpId = 0; foreach (var task in dtTasks) { bool bIsSuccess = DAL.WorkflowManager.CompleteTask(task.LoanTaskId, userId, ref emailTmpId); if (bIsSuccess == true) { successTasks.Add(task.LoanTaskId, emailTmpId); } } if (successTasks.Count == dtTasks.Count) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Completed task(s) Successfuly!", "parent.closeDialog();"); //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this,"Complete task(s) Successfuly!"); } else { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "There are " + successTasks.Count + " success and " + (dtTasks.Count - successTasks.Count) + " failture of " + dtTasks.Count + " Tasks.", "parent.closeDialog();"); //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "There are " + successTasks.Count + " success and " + (dtTasks.Count - successTasks.Count) + " failture of " + dtTasks.Count + " Tasks."); } }
protected void btnSnooze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sMinutes = this.txtMinutes.Text.Trim(); int iMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(sMinutes); LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); LoanTaskManager.SnoozeTask(this.sTaskIDs, iMinutes); // success if (this.Request.QueryString["All"] == null) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Snooze successfully.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshParent); } else { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Snooze successfully.", "window.parent.parent.CloseGlobalPopup();"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sJsCloseDialog = "$('#divContainer').hide();window.parent.CloseGlobalDialog();"; bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TemplateID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TemplateID"]); if (this.Request.QueryString["StageID"] != null) { bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "StageID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iStageID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["StageID"]); } #endregion #region 获取Workflow Template Name string sSql = "select * from dbo.Template_Workflow where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable WorkflowTemplateInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql); if (WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_m1", "alert('Invalid workflow template id.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } string sWorkflowTemplateName = WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.tbxTemplateName.Text = sWorkflowTemplateName; #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 获取Workflow Stage List string sSql2 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Stages where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable StageList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2); DataRow NoneStageRow = StageList.NewRow(); NoneStageRow["WflStageId"] = 0; NoneStageRow["Name"] = "-- select an stage --"; StageList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneStageRow, 0); this.ddlStage.DataSource = StageList; this.ddlStage.DataBind(); this.ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.iStageID.ToString(); #endregion #region 获取Default Owner string sSql3 = "select * from Roles where Name<>'Executive' AND Name <>'Branch Manager'"; DataTable RoleList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql3); DataView RoleView = new DataView(RoleList); RoleView.Sort = "Name"; this.ddlOwner.DataSource = RoleView; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); #endregion #region 获取Prerequisite string sSql4 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Tasks where (PrerequisiteTaskId IS NULL OR PrerequisiteTaskId=0) AND WflStageId=" + this.iStageID; DataTable WflTaskList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql4); DataRow NoneWflTaskRow = WflTaskList.NewRow(); NoneWflTaskRow["TemplTaskId"] = 0; NoneWflTaskRow["Name"] = ""; WflTaskList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneWflTaskRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataSource = WflTaskList; this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataTable CmpltEmailTemplates = EmailTemplates.Copy(); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an Email Template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataSource = new DataView(CmpltEmailTemplates, "", "Name", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataBind(); #endregion } }
private void LoadTaskData() { this.tbxTemplateName.Text = ""; this.tbxTaskName.Text = ""; this.tbxDescription.Text = ""; this.ddlOwner.SelectedIndex = -1; this.tbxDueDaysByDate.Text = ""; this.tbxDueDaysByTask.Text = ""; this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Text = ""; this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.SelectedIndex = -1; this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedIndex = -1; //this.ddlCompletionEmail.SelectedIndex = -1; this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedIndex = -1; this.ddlStage.SelectedIndex = -1; LPWeb.Model.Template_Wfl_Tasks model = null; try { Template_Workflow templateMgr = new Template_Workflow(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Workflow tempModel = new Model.Template_Workflow(); tempModel = templateMgr.GetModel(this.iTemplateID); Template_Wfl_Stages wflStageMgr = new Template_Wfl_Stages(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Wfl_Stages stageModel = new Model.Template_Wfl_Stages(); this.iCalculationMethod = tempModel.CalculationMethod; if (this.iStageID != 0) { stageModel = wflStageMgr.GetModel(this.iStageID); if (stageModel.CalculationMethod.ToString() != "" && stageModel.CalculationMethod.ToString() != "0") { iCalculationMethod = int.Parse(stageModel.CalculationMethod.ToString()); } } this.tbxTemplateName.Text = tempModel.Name; model = this.taskTmpMgr.GetModel(this.iTaskID); if (this.iTaskID == 0 || model == null) { if (this.iTemplateID != 0) { if (this.iStageID != 0) { this.ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.iStageID.ToString(); } } this.chkEnable.Checked = true; return; } //Get Template Name by taskid this.ddlStage.SelectedValue = model.WflStageId.ToString(); this.tbxTaskName.Text = model.Name; this.tbxDescription.Text = model.Description; this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue = model.OwnerRoleId.ToString(); this.tbxDueDaysByDate.Text = model.DaysDueFromCoe.ToString(); this.tbxDueDaysByTask.Text = model.DaysDueAfterPrerequisite.ToString(); this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Text = model.DaysFromCreation.ToString(); this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.SelectedValue = model.PrerequisiteTaskId.ToString(); if (this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.SelectedIndex > 0) { this.ddlStage.Enabled = false; } if (model.Enabled) { this.chkEnable.Checked = true; } else { this.chkEnable.Checked = false; } if (model.ExternalViewing) { this.chkExternalViewing.Checked = true; } else { this.chkExternalViewing.Checked = false; } // if (iCalculationMethod == 1) { this.tbxDueDaysByDate.Enabled = true; if (model.DaysFromCreation.ToString() == "" || model.DaysFromCreation.ToString() == "0") { this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Enabled = false; } //this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Text = ""; } else if (iCalculationMethod == 2) { if (model.DaysDueFromCoe.ToString() == "" || model.DaysDueFromCoe.ToString() == "0") { this.tbxDueDaysByDate.Enabled = false; } //this.tbxDueDaysByDate.Text = ""; this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Enabled = true; } this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedValue = model.WarningEmailId.ToString(); //this.ddlCompletionEmail.SelectedValue = model.CompletionEmailId.ToString(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedValue = model.OverdueEmailId.ToString(); //Set prerequisitetask status base on taskid DataTable dtTask = this.taskTmpMgr.GetList(" PrerequisiteTaskId=" + this.iTaskID.ToString()).Tables[0]; if (dtTask.Rows.Count > 0) { this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.SelectedIndex = -1; this.tbxDueDaysByTask.Text = ""; this.tbxDueDaysByTask.ReadOnly = true; this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Text = ""; this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.ReadOnly = true; this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.Enabled = false; this.ddlStage.Enabled = false; this.hdnIsDependTask.Value = "true"; } //Check Referenced LoanTasks loanTaskMgr = new LoanTasks(); if (loanTaskMgr.GetLoanTaskList(" AND a.TemplTaskId=" + this.iTaskID.ToString()).Rows.Count > 0) { this.hdnIsReferenced.Value = "true"; } this.hdnTaskID.Value = this.iTaskID.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sJsCloseDialog = "$('#divContainer').hide();window.parent.CloseGlobalDialog();"; bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TemplateID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TemplateID"]); if (this.Request.QueryString["StageID"] != null) { bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "StageID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iStageID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["StageID"]); } bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TaskID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"]); #endregion #region 获取Workflow Template Name string sSql = "select * from dbo.Template_Workflow where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable WorkflowTemplateInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql); if (WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_m1", "alert('Invalid workflow template id.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } string sWorkflowTemplateName = WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.tbxTemplateName.Text = sWorkflowTemplateName; #endregion #region 加载Workflow Task信息 string sSql4 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Tasks where TemplTaskId=" + this.iTaskID; DataTable TaskInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql4); if (TaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_m2", "alert('Invalid workflow task id.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } #endregion //Check Referenced LoanTasks loanTaskMgr = new LoanTasks(); if (loanTaskMgr.GetLoanTaskList(" AND a.TemplTaskId=" + this.iTaskID.ToString()).Rows.Count > 0) { this.hdnIsReferenced.Value = "true"; } // __doPostBack this.GetPostBackEventReference(this.btnClone1); if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 获取Workflow Stage List string sSql2 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Stages where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable StageList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2); DataRow NoneStageRow = StageList.NewRow(); NoneStageRow["WflStageId"] = 0; NoneStageRow["Name"] = "-- select an stage --"; StageList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneStageRow, 0); this.ddlStage.DataSource = StageList; this.ddlStage.DataBind(); this.ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.iStageID.ToString(); #endregion #region 获取Default Owner string sSql3 = "select * from Roles where Name<>'Executive' AND Name <>'Branch Manager'"; DataTable RoleList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql3); DataView RoleView = new DataView(RoleList); RoleView.Sort = "Name"; this.ddlOwner.DataSource = RoleView; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); #endregion #region 获取Prerequisite string sSql6 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Tasks where (PrerequisiteTaskId IS NULL OR PrerequisiteTaskId=0) AND WflStageId=" + this.iStageID; DataTable WflTaskList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql6); DataRow NoneWflTaskRow = WflTaskList.NewRow(); NoneWflTaskRow["TemplTaskId"] = 0; NoneWflTaskRow["Name"] = ""; WflTaskList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneWflTaskRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataSource = WflTaskList; this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); this.CmpltEmailTemplates = EmailTemplates.Copy(); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an Email Template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataSource = new DataView(this.CmpltEmailTemplates, "", "Name", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataBind(); #endregion #region 绑定数据 this.tbxTaskName.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.chkEnable.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(TaskInfo.Rows[0]["Enabled"]); this.chkExternalViewing.Checked = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["ExternalViewing"] == DBNull.Value ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(TaskInfo.Rows[0]["ExternalViewing"]); this.txtSequence.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["SequenceNumber"].ToString(); this.tbxDescription.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(); this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["OwnerRoleId"].ToString(); this.tbxDueDaysByDate.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueFromCoe"].ToString(); this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysFromCreation"].ToString(); this.txtDaysDueAfterPrevStage.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrevStage"].ToString(); this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"].ToString() == string.Empty ? "0" : TaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"].ToString(); this.tbxDueDaysByTask.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrerequisite"].ToString(); this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["WarningEmailId"].ToString() == string.Empty ? "0" : TaskInfo.Rows[0]["WarningEmailId"].ToString(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["OverdueEmailId"].ToString() == string.Empty ? "0" : TaskInfo.Rows[0]["OverdueEmailId"].ToString(); #endregion #region 加载Completion Email List string sSql5 = "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CompletionEmailId) AS RowIndex, * from Template_Wfl_CompletionEmails as a inner join Template_Email as b on a.TemplEmailId=b.TemplEmailId where TemplTaskid=" + this.iTaskID; DataTable CompletionEmailList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql5); this.gridCompletionEmailList.DataSource = CompletionEmailList; this.gridCompletionEmailList.DataBind(); #endregion // set counter this.hdnCounter.Value = CompletionEmailList.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 接收参数 if (this.Request.QueryString["TaskIDs"] == null) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); return; } string sTaskIDs = this.Request.QueryString["TaskIDs"].ToString(); if (Regex.IsMatch(sTaskIDs, @"^([1-9]\d*)(,[1-9]\d*)*$") == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Invalid query string[" + sTaskIDs + "].\"}"); return; } // LoanID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); return; } string sLoanID = this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"].ToString(); int iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanID); #endregion // json示例 // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":""} // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"执行数据库脚本时发生错误。"} string sExecResult = string.Empty; string sErrorMsg = string.Empty; string sLoanClosed = "No"; string result = ""; bool bIsSuccess = false; try { // workflow api string[] TaskIDArray = sTaskIDs.Split(','); foreach (string sTaskID in TaskIDArray) { int iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(sTaskID); #region get loan task info LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable LoanTaskInfo = LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(iTaskID); if (LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to delete the tasks(s) invalid task id."; return; } string sLoanStageID = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); if (sLoanStageID == string.Empty) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to delete the task(s) invalid Stage Id"; return; } int iLoanStageID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanStageID); #endregion #region delete task bIsSuccess = LPWeb.DAL.WorkflowManager.DeleteTask(iTaskID, this.CurrUser.iUserID); if (bIsSuccess == false) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to delete the task(s) due to a Workflow Manager problem."; return; } bool StageCompletedAfter = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.StageCompleted(iLoanStageID); #endregion if (StageCompletedAfter) { #region update point file stage #region invoke PointManager.UpdateStage() string sError = LoanTaskCommon.UpdatePointFileStage(iLoanID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, iLoanStageID); // the last one, sleep 1 second System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (sError == string.Empty) // success { bIsSuccess = true; sErrorMsg = "Deleted the task(s) successfully."; } else { sErrorMsg = "Deleted the task(s) but failed to update stage date in Point."; return; } if (WorkflowManager.IsLoanClosed(iLoanID)) { sLoanClosed = "Yes"; } #endregion #endregion } } return; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to delete selected task(s): " + ex.ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\""); return; } finally { string sEmailTemplateID = ""; if (bIsSuccess) { result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\",\"EmailTemplateID\":\"" + sEmailTemplateID + "\",\"LoanClosed\":\"" + sLoanClosed + "\"}"; } else { result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"; } Response.Write(result); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验必要参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "RuleID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } this.iRuleID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["RuleID"]); #endregion #region 加载Rule信息 Template_Rules RuleManager = new Template_Rules(); DataTable RuleInfo = RuleManager.GetRuleInfo(this.iRuleID); if (RuleInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Invalid", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Invalid required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an email template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataBind(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Conditions DataTable ConditionListData = RuleManager.GetConditionList(this.iRuleID); this.hdnTolerances.Text = ""; string Tol = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in ConditionListData.Rows) { if ((dr["Tolerance"] != DBNull.Value) && (dr["Tolerance"] != string.Empty)) { Tol = (string)dr["Tolerance"]; } else { Tol = ""; } if (this.hdnTolerances.Text == "") { this.hdnTolerances.Text = "[$" + Tol + "$]"; } else { this.hdnTolerances.Text += ",[$" + Tol + "$]"; } } this.gridConditionList.DataSource = ConditionListData; this.gridConditionList.DataBind(); #endregion #region 绑定数据 this.txtRuleName.Text = "Copy of " + RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.txtDesc.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Desc"].ToString(); this.chkEnabled.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Enabled"]); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RecomEmailTemplid"].ToString(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AlertEmailTemplId"].ToString(); this.chkReqAck.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AckReq"]); this.txtFormula.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AdvFormula"].ToString(); this.ddlScope.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RuleScope"].ToString(); #region get loan target //this.ddlTarget.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"].ToString(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget modelLoanTarget; if (!RuleInfo.Rows[0].IsNull("LoanTarget")) { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(Convert.ToInt16(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"])); } else { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(); } this.chkTargetActiveLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLoans; this.chkTargetActiveLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLeads; this.chkTargetArchivedLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLoans; this.chkTargetArchivedLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLeads; #endregion #endregion // set counter this.hdnCounter.Value = ConditionListData.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 接收参数 // TaskID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TaskID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); return; } string sTaskID = this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"].ToString(); int iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(sTaskID); // LoanID bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); return; } string sLoanID = this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"].ToString(); int iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanID); #endregion // json示例 // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":"","EmailTemplateID":"1", "LoanClosed":"Yes"} // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"执行数据库脚本时发生错误。"} string sErrorMsg = string.Empty; string sEmailTemplateID = string.Empty; bool bIsSuccess = false; string LoanClosed = "No"; var result = ""; try { #region complete task int iEmailTemplateId = 0; bIsSuccess = LPWeb.DAL.WorkflowManager.CompleteTask(iTaskID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, ref iEmailTemplateId); if (bIsSuccess == false) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to invoke WorkflowManager.CompleteTask."; return; } if (iEmailTemplateId != 0) { sEmailTemplateID = iEmailTemplateId.ToString(); } #endregion #region update point file stage int iLoanStageID = 0; #region get loan task info LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable LoanTaskInfo = LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(iTaskID); if (LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { bIsSuccess = false; sErrorMsg = "Invalid task id."; return; } string sLoanStageID = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); if (sLoanStageID == string.Empty) { bIsSuccess = false; sErrorMsg = "Invalid loan stage id."; return; } iLoanStageID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanStageID); #endregion bIsSuccess = true; if (!WorkflowManager.StageCompleted(iLoanStageID)) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully."; return; } #region invoke PointManager.UpdateStage() //add by gdc 20111212 Bug #1306 LPWeb.BLL.PointFiles pfile = new PointFiles(); var model = pfile.GetModel(iLoanID); if (model != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name.Trim())) { #region check Point File Status first ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient()) { CheckPointFileStatusReq checkFileReq = new CheckPointFileStatusReq(); checkFileReq.hdr = new ReqHdr(); checkFileReq.hdr.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; checkFileReq.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; checkFileReq.FileId = iLoanID; CheckPointFileStatusResp checkFileResp = service.CheckPointFileStatus(checkFileReq); if (checkFileResp == null || checkFileResp.hdr == null || !checkFileResp.hdr.Successful) { sErrorMsg = "Unable to get Point file status from Point Manager."; WorkflowManager.UnCompleteTask(iTaskID, CurrUser.iUserID); bIsSuccess = false; return; } if (checkFileResp.FileLocked) { sErrorMsg = checkFileResp.hdr.StatusInfo; WorkflowManager.UnCompleteTask(iTaskID, CurrUser.iUserID); bIsSuccess = false; return; } } #endregion #region UPdatePointFileStage WCF string sError = LoanTaskCommon.UpdatePointFileStage(iLoanID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, iLoanStageID); // the last one, sleep 1 second System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (sError == string.Empty) // success { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully."; } else { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but failed to update stage date in Point."; //sErrorMsg = "Failed to update point file stage: " + sError.Replace("\"", "\\\""); } #endregion } if (WorkflowManager.IsLoanClosed(iLoanID)) { LoanClosed = "Yes"; } return; #endregion } catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but failed to update stage date in Point."; return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (bIsSuccess) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but encountered an error:" + ex.Message; } else { sErrorMsg = "Failed to complete task, reason:" + ex.Message; } //sErrorMsg = "Exception happened when invoke WorkflowManager.CompleteTask: " + ex.ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\""); bIsSuccess = false; return; } finally { if (bIsSuccess) { result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\",\"EmailTemplateID\":\"" + sEmailTemplateID + "\",\"TaskID\":\"" + sTaskID + "\",\"LoanClosed\":\"" + LoanClosed + "\"}"; } //result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"\",\"EmailTemplateID\":\"" + sEmailTemplateID + "\",\"LoanClosed\":\"" + LoanClosed + "\"}"; else { result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"; } this.Response.Write(result); } #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sTaskIDs = this.Request.QueryString["TaskIDs"].ToString(); string sSendEmail = this.Request.QueryString["SendEmail"].ToString(); string sLoanIDs = this.Request.QueryString["LoanIDs"].ToString(); string sErrorMsg = string.Empty; string sEmailTemplateID = string.Empty; bool bIsSuccess = false; var result = ""; string LoanClosed = "No"; string sGlobalLoanID = "0"; try { string[] TaskIDs = sTaskIDs.Split(",".ToCharArray()); string[] LoanIDs = sLoanIDs.Split(",".ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < TaskIDs.Length; i++) { int iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(TaskIDs[i]); int iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanIDs[i]); int iEmailTemplateId = 0; // if the task is client task if (iLoanID == -1) { ProspectTasks bpTasks = new ProspectTasks(); bIsSuccess = bpTasks.ComplateSelProspectTask(iTaskID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, ref iEmailTemplateId); if (bIsSuccess == false) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to CompleteTask."; return; } if (iEmailTemplateId != 0) { //根据Lin 2011-02-28邮件,暂不增加发送邮件功能。 sEmailTemplateID = iEmailTemplateId.ToString(); } } else { #region complete task; bIsSuccess = LPWEBDAL.WorkflowManager.CompleteTask(iTaskID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, ref iEmailTemplateId); sGlobalLoanID = iLoanID.ToString(); if (bIsSuccess == false) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to invoke WorkflowManager.CompleteTask."; return; } if (iEmailTemplateId != 0 && sSendEmail == "OK") { sEmailTemplateID = iEmailTemplateId.ToString(); sErrorMsg = SendEmail(iLoanID, iTaskID, iEmailTemplateId); } #endregion #region update point file stage int iLoanStageID = 0; #region get loan task info LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable LoanTaskInfo = LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(iTaskID); if (LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { bIsSuccess = false; sErrorMsg = "Invalid task id."; return; } string sLoanStageID = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); if (sLoanStageID == string.Empty) { bIsSuccess = false; sErrorMsg = "Invalid loan stage id."; return; } iLoanStageID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanStageID); #endregion bIsSuccess = true; if (!WorkflowManager.StageCompleted(iLoanStageID)) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully."; continue; } #region invoke PointManager.UpdateStage() BLL.Loans loanMgr = new Loans(); Model.Loans loan = loanMgr.GetModel(iLoanID); // if it's a prospect loan, don't update the Point file. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loan.Status) || loan.Status.ToUpper() == "PROSPECT") { continue; } string sError = LoanTaskCommon.UpdatePointFileStage(iLoanID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, iLoanStageID); if (sError == string.Empty) // success { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully."; } else { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but failed to update stage date in Point."; //sErrorMsg = "Failed to update point file stage: " + sError.Replace("\"", "\\\""); } if (WorkflowManager.IsLoanClosed(iLoanID)) { LoanClosed = "Yes"; } #endregion #endregion } } return; } catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but failed to update stage date in Point."; return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (bIsSuccess) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but encountered an error:" + ex.Message; } else { sErrorMsg = "Failed to complete task, reason:" + ex.Message; } //sErrorMsg = "Exception happened when invoke WorkflowManager.CompleteTask: " + ex.ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\""); bIsSuccess = false; return; } finally { if (bIsSuccess) { result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\",\"TaskID\":\"" + sTaskIDs + "\",\"LoanID\":\"" + sGlobalLoanID + "\",\"LoanClosed\":\"" + LoanClosed + "\"}"; } //result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"\",\"EmailTemplateID\":\"" + sEmailTemplateID + "\",\"LoanClosed\":\"" + LoanClosed + "\"}"; else { result = "{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"; } this.Response.Write(result); } }
protected int CreateLoanTask(int iFileID, string sTaskName, int TaskOwnerId, string sDueDate, string sDueTime, int iLoanStageID) { #region create new task LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); // add task LPWeb.Model.LoanTasks taskModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanTasks(); taskModel.LoanTaskId = 0; taskModel.FileId = iFileID; taskModel.Name = sTaskName; if (sDueDate == string.Empty) { taskModel.Due = null; } else { taskModel.Due = DateTime.Parse(sDueDate); } DateTime DTN = DateTime.Now; string sDueTime_Span = null; TimeSpan DueTime = new TimeSpan(); if (sDueTime == string.Empty) { taskModel.DueTime = null; } else { taskModel.DueTime = null; if (DateTime.TryParse(sDueTime, out DTN) == true) { sDueTime_Span = DTN.ToString("HH:mm"); if (TimeSpan.TryParse(sDueTime_Span, out DueTime) == true) { taskModel.DueTime = DueTime; } } } taskModel.LoanStageId = iLoanStageID; taskModel.OldLoanStageId = 0; taskModel.Owner = TaskOwnerId; taskModel.ModifiedBy = CurrUser.iUserID; taskModel.LastModified = DateTime.Now; taskModel.DaysDueFromEstClose = 0; taskModel.DaysFromCreation = 0; taskModel.PrerequisiteTaskId = 0; taskModel.DaysDueAfterPrerequisite = 0; taskModel.CompletionEmailId = 0; taskModel.WarningEmailId = 0; taskModel.OverdueEmailId = 0; taskModel.SequenceNumber = 1; taskModel.ExternalViewing = false; int iLoanTaskId = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.AddTask_Lead(taskModel); #endregion return(iLoanTaskId); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["needret"])) { strNeedReturn = "0"; } else { strNeedReturn = "1"; } #region 校验必要参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "RuleID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } this.iRuleID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["RuleID"]); #endregion #region 加载Rule信息 Template_Rules RuleManager = new Template_Rules(); DataTable RuleInfo = RuleManager.GetRuleInfo(this.iRuleID); if (RuleInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Invalid", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Invalid required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } #endregion // is referenced by rule group this.hdnIsRef.Text = RuleManager.bIsRef(this.iRuleID).ToString(); if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an email template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataBind(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Conditions DataTable ConditionListData = RuleManager.GetConditionList(this.iRuleID); this.gridConditionList.DataSource = ConditionListData; this.gridConditionList.DataBind(); #endregion #region 绑定数据 this.txtRuleName.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.txtDesc.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Desc"].ToString(); this.chkEnabled.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Enabled"]); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RecomEmailTemplid"].ToString(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AlertEmailTemplId"].ToString(); this.chkReqAck.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AckReq"]); this.txtFormula.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AdvFormula"].ToString(); this.ddlScope.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RuleScope"].ToString(); #region get loan target //this.ddlTarget.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"].ToString(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget modelLoanTarget; if (!RuleInfo.Rows[0].IsNull("LoanTarget")) { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(Convert.ToInt16(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"])); } else { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(); } this.chkTargetActiveLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLoans; this.chkTargetActiveLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLeads; this.chkTargetArchivedLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLoans; this.chkTargetArchivedLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLeads; #endregion #endregion if (RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AutoCampaignId"].ToString() != "") { this.hfSelCampaigns.Value = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AutoCampaignId"].ToString(); MarketingCampaigns _bMarketingCampaigns = new MarketingCampaigns(); LPWeb.Model.MarketingCampaigns _mMarketingCampaigns = _bMarketingCampaigns.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AutoCampaignId"])); //txtMarketingCampaign.Text = _mMarketingCampaigns.CampaignName; } // set counter this.hdnCounter.Value = ConditionListData.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 检查必要参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Missing required query string.", ""); } this.iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"]); #endregion #region 加载Loan Info string sSql3 = "select l.*, pf.FolderId, pf.Name as FileName from Loans l inner join PointFiles pf on l.FileId=pf.FileId where l.FileId=" + this.iLoanID; DataTable LoanInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql3); if ((LoanInfo == null) || (LoanInfo.Rows.Count == 0)) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, string.Format("No Loan Info found for LoanID {0}.", iLoanID), ""); } int FolderId = 0; string FileName = string.Empty; FolderId = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["FolderId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)LoanInfo.Rows[0]["FolderId"]; FileName = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["FileName"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)LoanInfo.Rows[0]["FileName"]; if (FolderId < 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName)) { lnkImport.Visible = false; } #endregion #region 权限验证 //try //{ // if (this.CurrUser.userRole.Prospect.ToString().IndexOf('B') == -1) // { // this.btnModify.Disabled = true; // } // if (this.CurrUser.userRole.Prospect.ToString().IndexOf('K') == -1) // { // this.btnSendEmail.Disabled = true; // } // if (this.CurrUser.userRole.Prospect.ToString().IndexOf('F') == -1) // { // this.btnDispose.Disabled = true; // } // if (this.CurrUser.userRole.Prospect.ToString().IndexOf('C') == -1) // { // btnDelete.Enabled = false; // } // if (this.CurrUser.userRole.Prospect.ToString().IndexOf('G') == -1) // { // btnSyncNow.Enabled = false; // } //} //catch (Exception exception) //{ // LPLog.LogMessage(exception.Message); //} if (this.CurrUser.userRole.ExportClients == true) { this.btnvCardExport.Enabled = true; } else { this.btnvCardExport.Enabled = false; } #endregion this.GetPostBackEventReference(this.lnkExport); if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载Lead Source列表 Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceManager = new Company_Lead_Sources(); DataTable LeadSourceList = LeadSourceManager.GetList("1=1 order by LeadSource").Tables[0]; DataRow NewLeadSourceRow = LeadSourceList.NewRow(); NewLeadSourceRow["LeadSourceID"] = DBNull.Value; NewLeadSourceRow["LeadSource"] = "-- select --"; LeadSourceList.Rows.InsertAt(NewLeadSourceRow, 0); this.ddlLeadSource.DataSource = LeadSourceList; this.ddlLeadSource.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Program列表 Company_Loan_Programs ProgramMgr = new Company_Loan_Programs(); DataTable ProgramList = ProgramMgr.GetList("1=1 order by LoanProgram").Tables[0]; DataRow NewProgramRow = ProgramList.NewRow(); NewProgramRow["LoanProgramID"] = DBNull.Value; NewProgramRow["LoanProgram"] = "-- select --"; ProgramList.Rows.InsertAt(NewProgramRow, 0); this.ddlProgram.DataSource = ProgramList; this.ddlProgram.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Borrower Info DataTable BorrowerInfo = this.GetBorrowerInfo(this.iLoanID); #region 绑定Borrower信息 if (BorrowerInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string sFirstName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); string sLastName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); string sBorrowerName = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName; this.hProspectName.InnerText = sBorrowerName; this.txtFirstName.Text = sFirstName; this.txtLastName.Text = sLastName; this.txtEmail.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); this.txtCellPhone.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["CellPhone"].ToString(); this.txtHomePhone.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["HomePhone"].ToString(); this.txtWorkPhone.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["BusinessPhone"].ToString(); this.txtBirthday.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["DOB"].ToString() == "" ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["DOB"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); this.lbFirstName.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); this.lbLastName.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); this.lbEmail.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); this.lbCellPhone.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["CellPhone"].ToString(); this.lbHomePhone.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["HomePhone"].ToString(); this.lbWorkPhone.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["BusinessPhone"].ToString(); this.lbBirthday.Text = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["DOB"].ToString() == "" ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["DOB"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } #endregion if (BorrowerInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string sContactID = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["ContactId"].ToString(); #region 加载Prospect Info string sSqlx0 = "select * from Prospect where ContactId=" + sContactID; DataTable ProspectInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSqlx0); #region 绑定Prospect信息 if (ProspectInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { // Lead Source if (ProspectInfo.Rows[0]["LeadSource"] != DBNull.Value) { this.ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue = ProspectInfo.Rows[0]["LeadSource"].ToString(); this.lbLeadSource.Text = ProspectInfo.Rows[0]["LeadSource"].ToString(); } // Referral Source (Prospect.Referral) if (ProspectInfo.Rows[0]["Referral"] != DBNull.Value) { int iReferralID = Convert.ToInt32(ProspectInfo.Rows[0]["Referral"]); Contacts ContactManager = new Contacts(); this.txtReferralSource.Text = ContactManager.GetContactName(iReferralID); this.hdnReferralID.Value = iReferralID.ToString(); this.lbReferralSource.Text = ContactManager.GetContactName(iReferralID); } } #endregion #endregion } #endregion #region 绑定Lead信息 if (LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Purpose"] != DBNull.Value) { this.ddlPurpose.SelectedValue = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Purpose"].ToString(); this.lbPurpose.Text = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Purpose"].ToString(); } if (LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanType"] != DBNull.Value) { this.ddlType.SelectedValue = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanType"].ToString(); this.lbType.Text = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanType"].ToString(); } if (LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Program"] != DBNull.Value) { this.ddlProgram.SelectedValue = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Program"].ToString(); this.lbProgram.Text = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Program"].ToString(); } this.txtAmount.Text = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanAmount"].ToString() == "" ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanAmount"]).ToString("n0"); this.txtRate.Text = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Rate"].ToString() == "" ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Rate"]).ToString("n3"); this.lbAmount.Text = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanAmount"].ToString() == "" ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanAmount"]).ToString("n0"); this.lbRate.Text = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Rate"].ToString() == "" ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Rate"]).ToString("n3") + "%"; #endregion } #region Codes for Stage Progress Bar DataTable StageProgressData = this.GetStageProgressData(this.iLoanID); this.rptStageProgressItems.DataSource = StageProgressData; this.rptStageProgressItems.DataBind(); #endregion #region 获取当前Point Folder的BranchID string sSqlx = "select b.BranchId, from PointFiles as a inner join PointFolders as b on a.FolderId = b.FolderId where a.FileId=" + this.iLoanID; DataTable BranchIDInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSqlx); if (BranchIDInfo.Rows.Count > 0 && BranchIDInfo.Rows[0]["BranchId"].ToString() != "" && BranchIDInfo.Rows[0]["BranchId"].ToString() != "0") { this.hdnBranchID.Value = BranchIDInfo.Rows[0]["BranchId"].ToString(); } else { sSqlx = "select BranchID from Loans where FileId=" + this.iLoanID; DataTable dtLoan = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSqlx); if (dtLoan.Rows.Count > 0 && dtLoan.Rows[0]["BranchID"].ToString() != "" && dtLoan.Rows[0]["BranchID"].ToString() != "0") { this.hdnBranchID.Value = dtLoan.Rows[0]["BranchID"].ToString(); } else { sSqlx = "SELECT TOP 1 BranchID FROM Groups WHERE GroupId IN(SELECT GroupID FROM GroupUsers WHERE UserID IN(SELECT UserId FROM LoanTeam WHERE FileId = " + this.iLoanID + " AND RoleId =(SELECT RoleId FROM Roles WHERE [Name]='Loan Officer')))"; DataTable dtGroup = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSqlx); if (dtGroup.Rows.Count > 0 && dtGroup.Rows[0]["BranchID"].ToString() != "" && dtGroup.Rows[0]["BranchID"].ToString() != "0") { this.hdnBranchID.Value = dtGroup.Rows[0]["BranchID"].ToString(); } } } #endregion #region 加载Point File Info string sSql7 = "Select top 1 * from dbo.lpvw_GetPointFileInfo where FileId=" + this.iLoanID; DataTable PointFileInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql7); string sHasPointFile = "False"; if (PointFileInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string sPointFilePath = PointFileInfo.Rows[0]["Path"].ToString(); string sFolderID = PointFileInfo.Rows[0]["FolderId"].ToString(); if (sPointFilePath != string.Empty || sFolderID != string.Empty) { sHasPointFile = "True"; } } this.hdnHasPointFile.Value = sHasPointFile; #endregion #region Context Menu if (LoanInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string sProspectLoanStatus = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["ProspectLoanStatus"].ToString(); //加载 ArchiveLeadStatus ArchiveLeadStatus ArchiveLeadStatusMgr = new ArchiveLeadStatus(); DataSet ArchiveLeadStatusList = ArchiveLeadStatusMgr.GetList("isnull([Enabled],0)=1 order by LeadStatusName"); #region Build Sub Menu Item StringBuilder sbSubMenuItems = new StringBuilder(); if (ArchiveLeadStatusList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { sbSubMenuItems.AppendLine("<ul>"); foreach (DataRow dr in ArchiveLeadStatusList.Tables[0].Rows) { string sLeadStatusName1 = dr["LeadStatusName"].ToString(); string sLeadStatusName2 = dr["LeadStatusName"].ToString().Replace("'", "\\'"); sbSubMenuItems.AppendLine("<li><a href=\"\" onclick=\"ChangeStatus('" + sLeadStatusName2 + "'); return false;\">" + sLeadStatusName1 + "</a></li>"); } sbSubMenuItems.AppendLine("</ul>"); } #endregion StringBuilder sbMenuItems = new StringBuilder(); if (sProspectLoanStatus.ToLower() == "active") { sbMenuItems.AppendLine("<li><a href=\"\" onclick=\"return false;\">Archive</a>" + sbSubMenuItems + "</li>"); sbMenuItems.AppendLine("<li><a href=\"\" onclick=\"ChangeStatus('Convert'); return false;\">Convert to Loan</a></li>"); } this.ltrChangeStatusMenuItems.Text = sbMenuItems.ToString(); } #endregion #region Actions LoanTasks LoanTasksMgr = new LoanTasks(); DataTable LastTaskInfo = LoanTasksMgr.GetLoanTaskList(1, " and FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " and Completed is not null", " order by Completed desc"); DataTable NextTaskInfo = LoanTasksMgr.GetLoanTaskList(1, " and FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " and Completed is null", " order by LoanTaskId asc"); if (LastTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0 && NextTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.divActions.Visible = false; } else { if (LastTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.trLastAction.Visible = false; } else { this.ltrLastTaskName.Text = LastTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.ltrLastDueDate.Text = LastTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(LastTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"].ToString()).ToLongDateString(); this.ltrLastDueTime.Text = LastTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DueTime"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : TimeSpan.Parse(LastTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DueTime"].ToString()).ToString(); } if (NextTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.trNextAction.Visible = false; } else { this.ltrNextTaskName.Text = NextTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.ltrNextDueDate.Text = NextTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(NextTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"].ToString()).ToLongDateString(); this.ltrNextDueTime.Text = NextTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DueTime"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : TimeSpan.Parse(NextTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DueTime"].ToString()).ToString(); // hidden fields this.hdnNextTaskID.Value = NextTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTaskId"].ToString(); this.hdnNextTaskOwnerID.Value = NextTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString(); this.hdnLoginUserID.Value = this.CurrUser.iUserID.ToString(); this.hdnCompleteOtherTask.Value = this.CurrUser.userRole.MarkOtherTaskCompl == true ? "True" : "False"; this.hdnLoanStatus.Value = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["Status"].ToString(); } } #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 接收参数 // TaskID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TaskID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); return; } string sTaskID = this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"].ToString(); int iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(sTaskID); string sLoanID = this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"].ToString(); int iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanID); #endregion // json示例 // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":"","EmailTemplateID":"1"} // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"执行数据库脚本时发生错误。"} string sErrorMsg = string.Empty; string sEmailTemplateID = string.Empty; string LoanClosed = "No"; ProspectTasks bpTasks = new ProspectTasks(); int iEmailTemplateId = 0; bool bIsSuccess = false; string result = string.Empty; try { if (iLoanID == -1) { bIsSuccess = bpTasks.ComplateSelProspectTask(iTaskID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, ref iEmailTemplateId); if (bIsSuccess == false) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to CompleteTask."; return; } else { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully."; } } else { bIsSuccess = LPWEBDAL.WorkflowManager.CompleteTask(iTaskID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, ref iEmailTemplateId); if (bIsSuccess == false) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to invoke WorkflowManager.CompleteTask."; return; } #region update point file stage int iLoanStageID = 0; #region get loan task info LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable LoanTaskInfo = LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(iTaskID); if (LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { bIsSuccess = false; sErrorMsg = "Invalid task id."; return; } string sLoanStageID = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); if (sLoanStageID == string.Empty) { bIsSuccess = false; sErrorMsg = "Invalid loan stage id."; return; } iLoanStageID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanStageID); #endregion bIsSuccess = true; if (!WorkflowManager.StageCompleted(iLoanStageID)) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully."; } #region invoke PointManager.UpdateStage() string sError = LoanTaskCommon.UpdatePointFileStage(iLoanID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, iLoanStageID); if (sError == string.Empty) // success { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully."; } else { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but failed to update stage date in Point."; } #endregion if (iEmailTemplateId != 0) { //根据Lin 2011-02-28邮件,暂不增加发送邮件功能。 sEmailTemplateID = iEmailTemplateId.ToString(); } } #endregion if (string.Equals(new Loans().GetLoanInfo(iLoanID).Rows[0]["Status"], "Processing")) { LoanClosed = "Yes"; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (bIsSuccess) { sErrorMsg = "Completed task successfully but encountered an error:" + ex.Message; } else { sErrorMsg = "Failed to complete task, reason:" + ex.Message; } bIsSuccess = false; } finally { if (bIsSuccess) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\",\"EmailTemplateID\":\"" + sEmailTemplateID + "\",\"LoanID\":\"" + sLoanID + "\",\"LoanClosed\":\"" + LoanClosed + "\"}"); } else { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"); } this.Response.End(); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Loans LoanManager = new Loans(); CompanyTaskPickList bllTaskPickList = new CompanyTaskPickList(); LoginUser CurrentUser = new LoginUser();; int field = 0; if (Request.QueryString["FileId"] != null) { field = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["FileId"].ToString()); } var loanInfo = LoanManager.GetModel(field); string taskName = rbtaskNameInput.Checked ? txtTaskname.Text.Trim() : ddlTaskList.SelectedValue.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTaskname.Text.Trim()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlTaskList.SelectedValue)) { //PageCommon.WriteJs(this, "Task Name is Null!", ""); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "", "<script language=javascript>alert('Task Name is Null!')</script>"); } else { if (loanInfo == null || loanInfo.Status != "Prospect") //CR54 当为Prospect时检查重复 { DataSet ds = bllTaskPickList.GetList("TaskName like '%" + taskName + "%'"); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //说明存在相同的TaskName // PageCommon.WriteJs(this, "Task Name Repeat!", ""); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "", "<script language=javascript>alert('Task Name Repeat!')</script>"); txtTaskname.Text = ""; return; } } LoanTasks lt = new LoanTasks(); int Owner = CurrentUser.iUserID; string CompletedBy = "0"; if (cbInterestOnly.Checked == true) { CompletedBy = CurrentUser.iUserID.ToString(); } DateTime Completed = new DateTime(); if (cbInterestOnly.Checked == true) { Completed = DateTime.Now; } DateTime Due = new DateTime(); //if (cbInterestOnly.Checked == true) //{ //string strdate = ""; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDate.Text.Trim())) //{ // string[] date = txtDate.Text.Split('/'); //将字符串转换成数组arr1 // strdate = date[2] + "-" + date[0] + "-" + date[1]; //} //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTime.Text.Trim())) //{ // Due = DateTime.Parse(strdate + " " + txtTime.Text.Trim()); //} //} string strdate = ""; string strTime = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDate.Text.Trim())) { string[] date = txtDate.Text.Split('/'); //将字符串转换成数组arr1 strdate = date[2] + "-" + date[0] + "-" + date[1]; Due = DateTime.Parse(strdate); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTime.Text.Trim())) //{ // strTime = txtTime.Text.Trim(); //} strTime = ddlDueTime_hour.SelectedValue + ":" + ddlDueTime_min.SelectedValue; string note = txbNotes.Text.Trim(); string msg = lt.CreateLoanTasks(field, taskName, int.Parse(CompletedBy), Due, strTime, Owner, Completed, cbInterestOnly.Checked, note); if (msg == "Success") { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Task saved successfully.", "window.parent.location.href=window.parent.location.href"); } else { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to save the task.", "window.parent.location.href=window.parent.location.href"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Loans bllLoans = new Loans(); string strFileID = Request.QueryString["fileID"]; string strloantaskID = Request.QueryString["LoanTaskId"]; int iFileID = 0; int iloantaskID = 0; bool status = true; bool loantaskID_null = false; this.hdnCloseDialogCodes.Value = ""; this.hdnCloseDialogCodes.Value = this.Request.QueryString["CloseDialogCodes"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFileID)) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strloantaskID)) { loantaskID_null = true; } else { status = int.TryParse(strloantaskID, out iloantaskID); hfdTaskId.Value = iloantaskID.ToString(); } if (int.TryParse(strFileID, out iFileID)) { try { hfdFileId.Value = iFileID.ToString(); if (loantaskID_null == true) { dt = bllLoans.GetTaskAlertDetail(iFileID); } else { dt = bllLoans.GetTaskAlertDetail_loantaskID(iFileID, iloantaskID); } if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { tblNoDataMessage.Visible = true; //PageCommon.WriteJs(this, "", "window.parent.closeDialog();"); return; } string taskIds = ""; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { taskIds += row["LoanTaskId"] + ","; } hfdAllTaskIds.Value = taskIds.TrimEnd(','); //Get task id based on task table(when loan task id is null and file id not null) if (loantaskID_null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { hfdTaskId.Value = dt.Rows[0]["LoanTaskId"].ToString(); } hdnLoanStatus.Value = dt.Rows[0]["LoanStatus"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dt.Rows[0]["LoanStatus"].ToString(); #region neo 2011-01-07 add send completion email string sPrerequisiteID = dt.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"].ToString(); if (sPrerequisiteID != string.Empty) // has prerequisite task { // get prerequisite task info LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable PrerequisiteInfo = LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskList(" and FileId = " + iFileID + " and LoanTaskId = " + sPrerequisiteID); if (PrerequisiteInfo.Rows.Count == 0) // not exist { this.hdnHasUncompletePrerequisite.Text = "False"; } else { string sCompleteDate = PrerequisiteInfo.Rows[0]["Completed"].ToString(); if (sCompleteDate == string.Empty) // uncomplete { this.hdnHasUncompletePrerequisite.Text = "True"; } else { this.hdnHasUncompletePrerequisite.Text = "False"; } } } else { this.hdnHasUncompletePrerequisite.Text = "False"; } LoginUser CurrentUser = new LoginUser(); if (!CurrentUser.userRole.SendEmail) { btnSendEmail.Enabled = false; } #endregion #region alex //Get Task Owner and Current User's Make Others' Task Complate Power by Alex 2011-01-22 string sTaskOwner = dt.Rows[0]["OwnerId"] == DBNull.Value ? "0" : dt.Rows[0]["OwnerId"].ToString(); hdnTaskOwner.Text = sTaskOwner; hdnMakeOtherTaskComp.Text = CurrentUser.userRole.MarkOtherTaskCompl == true ? "1" : "0"; hdnUserId.Value = CurrentUser.iUserID.ToString(); if (sTaskOwner.Trim() == hdnUserId.Value.Trim() || sTaskOwner.Trim() == "0") // if the user id and task owner are the same, allow { hdnMakeOtherTaskComp.Text = "1"; } #endregion if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { tblNoDataMessage.Visible = true; } fvTaskAlertDetail.DataSource = dt; fvTaskAlertDetail.DataBind(); } catch (Exception exception) { LPLog.LogMessage(exception.Message); return; } } } }
private string CompleteTask(int iLoanTaskId) { #region complete task string sErrorMsg = string.Empty; int iEmailTemplateId = 0; bool bIsSuccess = LPWeb.DAL.WorkflowManager.CompleteTask(iLoanTaskId, this.CurrUser.iUserID, ref iEmailTemplateId); if (bIsSuccess == false) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to invoke WorkflowManager.CompleteTask."; return(sErrorMsg); } #endregion #region update point file stage int iLoanStageID = 0; #region get loan task info LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable LoanTaskInfo = LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(iLoanTaskId); if (LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { sErrorMsg = "Invalid task id."; return(sErrorMsg); } string sLoanStageID = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); if (sLoanStageID == string.Empty) { sErrorMsg = "Invalid loan stage id."; return(sErrorMsg); } iLoanStageID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanStageID); #endregion if (WorkflowManager.StageCompleted(iLoanStageID) == true) { #region invoke PointManager.UpdateStage() //add by gdc 20111212 Bug #1306 LPWeb.BLL.PointFiles pfile = new PointFiles(); var model = pfile.GetModel(iLoanID); if (model != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name.Trim())) { #region UPdatePointFileStage WCF string sError = LoanTaskCommon.UpdatePointFileStage(iLoanID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, iLoanStageID); #endregion } #endregion } #endregion return(sErrorMsg); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 接收参数 // TaskID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TaskID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); this.Response.End(); } string sTaskID = this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"].ToString(); int iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(sTaskID); // LoanID bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}"); this.Response.End(); } string sLoanID = this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"].ToString(); int iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanID); #endregion // json示例 // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":""} // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"执行数据库脚本时发生错误。"} string sErrorMsg = string.Empty; int iLoanStageID; bool StageCompleted = false; try { #region get loan task info LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); DataTable LoanTaskInfo = LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(iTaskID); if (LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Invalid task id.\"}"); return; } string sLoanStageID = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); if (sLoanStageID == string.Empty) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Invalid loan stage id.\"}"); return; } iLoanStageID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanStageID); #endregion #region uncomplete task StageCompleted = WorkflowManager.StageCompleted(iLoanStageID); bool bIsSuccess = LPWeb.DAL.WorkflowManager.UnCompleteTask(iTaskID, this.CurrUser.iUserID); if (bIsSuccess == false) { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Failed to invoke WorkflowManager.UnCompleteTask api.\"}"); return; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { sErrorMsg = "Failed to invoke Workflow Manager, reason:" + ex.Message; //sErrorMsg = "Exception happened when invoke WorkflowManager.UnCompleteTask: " + ex.ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\""); this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"); return; } if (!StageCompleted) // if the stage was not completed prior to the un-complete { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"\"}"); return; } try { //add by gdc 20111212 Bug #1306 LPWeb.BLL.PointFiles pfile = new PointFiles(); var model = pfile.GetModel(iLoanID); if (model != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name.Trim())) { #region check Point File Status first //ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); //using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient()) //{ // CheckPointFileStatusReq checkFileReq = new CheckPointFileStatusReq(); // checkFileReq.hdr = new ReqHdr(); // checkFileReq.hdr.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; // checkFileReq.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; // checkFileReq.FileId = iLoanID; // int emailTemplateId = 0; // CheckPointFileStatusResp checkFileResp = service.CheckPointFileStatus(checkFileReq); // if (checkFileResp == null || checkFileResp.hdr == null || !checkFileResp.hdr.Successful) // { // sErrorMsg = "Unable to get Point file status from Point Manager."; // WorkflowManager.CompleteTask(iTaskID, CurrUser.iUserID, ref emailTemplateId); // this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"); // return; // } // if (checkFileResp.FileLocked) // { // sErrorMsg = checkFileResp.hdr.StatusInfo; // WorkflowManager.CompleteTask(iTaskID, CurrUser.iUserID, ref emailTemplateId); // this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"); // return; // } //} #endregion #region update point file stage string sError = LoanTaskCommon.UpdatePointFileStage(iLoanID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, iLoanStageID); // the last one, sleep 1 second System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (sError == string.Empty) // success { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"\"}"); } else { sErrorMsg = "Un-completed task successfully but failed to update stage date in Point."; //sErrorMsg = "Uncomplete task successfully, but failed to update point file stage: " + sError.Replace("\"", "\\\""); this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"); } #endregion } else { this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Success\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"\"}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { sErrorMsg = "Un-completed task successfully but failed to update stage date in Point, reason:" + ex.Message; //sErrorMsg = "Uncomplete task successfully, but exception happened when update point stage: " + ex.ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\""); this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}"); } }