        public void Execute()
            var user = AccountHelper.GetUserAccount(HttpContext);

            if (user == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("UserData is null");

            Guid loanId = Guid.Empty;

            if (!InputParameters.ContainsKey("LoanId"))
                throw new ArgumentException("LoanId was expected!");
                Guid.TryParse(InputParameters["LoanId"].ToString(), out loanId);

            LoanServicesViewModel loanServicesViewModel = new LoanServicesViewModel();

            if (loanId != Guid.Empty)
                // used for testing purposes only - REMOVE OTHERWISE
                //loanId = new Guid( "4DAE6B31-3DA8-42EB-BCAC-8F0D661646AB" );

                // Get filters
                var filters = LoanServiceFacade.RetrieveLoanServiceFilters(loanId);
                if (filters == null)
                    filters = new LoanServiceFiltersContract();

                // If no product filters were returned init the array
                if (filters.Products == null)
                    filters.Products = new string[0];
                List <string> productFilters = new List <string>(filters.Products.OrderBy(x => x));
                productFilters.Insert(0, "[None]");
                filters.Products = productFilters.ToArray();

                // If no vendor filters were returned init the array
                if (filters.Vendors == null)
                    filters.Vendors = new string[0];
                List <string> vendorFilters = new List <string>(filters.Vendors.OrderBy(x => x));
                vendorFilters.Insert(0, "[None]");
                filters.Vendors = vendorFilters.ToArray();

                // If no status filters were returned init the array
                if (filters.Statuses == null)
                    filters.Statuses = new string[0];
                List <string> statusFilters = new List <string>(filters.Statuses.OrderBy(x => x));
                statusFilters.Insert(0, "[None]");
                filters.Statuses = statusFilters.ToArray();

                loanServicesViewModel.AvailableFilters = filters;

                // Fetch the loan services themselves
                loanServicesViewModel.LoanServiceList = LoanServiceFacade.RetrieveLoanServices(loanId);

            #region Update title information

            var leadSource = ContactServiceFacade.RetrieveLeadSourceByContactIdAndLoanId(-1, loanId, user.UserAccountId);
            loanServicesViewModel.LeadSourceInformation = leadSource != null ? leadSource.LeadSourceId + " " + leadSource.Description : String.Empty;
            loanServicesViewModel.TitleInformation      = ConciergeWorkQueueServiceFacade.ExecuteSPGetBorrowerData("GetBorrowerData", loanId, user.UserAccountId);


            _viewName  = "_loanservices";
            _viewModel = loanServicesViewModel;

            // Rihad:This might be to big for keeping it in session:
            //_httpContext.Session[ SessionHelper.LoanServiceList ] = loanServicesViewModel.LoanServiceList.ToXml();