        public async Task PurchaseLoan(string loanPurchase)
            player RequestingPlayer = playerList.First(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);
            string purchaseError    = null;
            LoanPurchaseOrPayment playerPurchase = new LoanPurchaseOrPayment(null, null, null, 0);

            playerPurchase = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(loanPurchase, playerPurchase);
            playerPurchase.DollarAmount = Math.Abs(playerPurchase.DollarAmount);

            // Check if the player is allowed to make the pruchase
            bool allowPurchase = true;
            int  MaxLoanAmount = (int)(RequestingPlayer.NetWorth * 0.25);

            if (playerPurchase.DollarAmount > MaxLoanAmount)
                allowPurchase = false;
                purchaseError = "Requested loan exceeds maximum loan amount.";
            else if (playerPurchase.DollarAmount < 100)
                allowPurchase = false;
                purchaseError = "The minimum loan you can purchase is $100.";

            if (allowPurchase)
                int  MinPayment = LoanMinimumPayment(playerPurchase.DollarAmount, 10);
                Loan newLoan    = new Loan(RequestingPlayer.Name, RequestingPlayer.ConnectionId, playerPurchase.DollarAmount, MinPayment, 11, true, 0);
                Loan newLoan2   = new Loan(RequestingPlayer.Name, RequestingPlayer.ConnectionId, playerPurchase.DollarAmount, MinPayment, 11, true, 0);
                RequestingPlayer.HasLoan     = true;
                RequestingPlayer.CashOnHand += playerPurchase.DollarAmount;
                Console.WriteLine(newLoan.PlayerName + "'s balance is " + newLoan.LoanBalance.ToString() + " after purchasing their first loan");
                Console.WriteLine("Adding new loan. Player: " + newLoan.PlayerName + " loan balance " + newLoan.LoanBalance.ToString() + " min payment " + newLoan.MinPayment.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("playerPurchase.DollarAmount = " + playerPurchase.DollarAmount.ToString());

            await Clients.Caller.SendAsync("Loan Purchased", purchaseError, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerList), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AllLoans));
        public async Task PayLoan(string playerLoanPaymentToJson)
            Console.WriteLine("Initiating loan payment");
            player RequestingPlayer             = playerList.First(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);
            string paymentError                 = null;
            LoanPurchaseOrPayment playerPayment = new LoanPurchaseOrPayment(null, null, null, 0);

            playerPayment = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(playerLoanPaymentToJson, playerPayment);
            Loan playerLoan = AllLoans.First(x => x.ConnectionId == RequestingPlayer.ConnectionId);

            playerPayment.DollarAmount = Math.Abs(playerPayment.DollarAmount);

            foreach (player player in playerList)
                if (player.ConnectionId == RequestingPlayer.ConnectionId)
                    if ((playerPayment.DollarAmount >= playerLoan.MinPayment) && (playerPayment.DollarAmount <= player.CashOnHand))
                        foreach (Loan loan in AllLoans)
                            if (loan.ConnectionId == RequestingPlayer.ConnectionId)
                                loan.PaidThisYear = true;
                                if (playerPayment.DollarAmount < loan.LoanBalance)
                                    Console.WriteLine(loan.PlayerName + " has a loan balance of " + loan.LoanBalance.ToString());
                                    loan.LoanBalance  -= playerPayment.DollarAmount;
                                    player.CashOnHand -= playerPayment.DollarAmount;
                                    // Calculate new minimum payment?
                                    loan.MinPayment = LoanMinimumPayment(loan.LoanBalance, (loan.YearsRemaining - 1));
                                else if (playerPayment.DollarAmount == loan.LoanBalance)
                                    Console.WriteLine(loan.PlayerName + " has a loan balance of " + loan.LoanBalance.ToString());
                                    loan.LoanBalance  -= playerPayment.DollarAmount;
                                    player.CashOnHand -= playerPayment.DollarAmount;
                                    loan.LoanBalance   = 0;
                                    loan.MinPayment    = 0;
                                    //AllLoans.RemoveAll(x => x.ConnectionId == player.ConnectionId);
                                    //player.HasLoan = false;
                                else if (playerPayment.DollarAmount > loan.LoanBalance)
                                    player.CashOnHand -= loan.LoanBalance;
                                    loan.LoanBalance   = 0;
                                    loan.MinPayment    = 0;
                                    //AllLoans.RemoveAll(x => x.ConnectionId == player.ConnectionId);
                                    //player.HasLoan = false;

                                Console.WriteLine("Calculating new minimum payment. Loan balance: " + loan.LoanBalance + " Years remaining: " + (loan.YearsRemaining - 1).ToString() + " New miniumum: " + loan.MinPayment);
                                Console.WriteLine(loan.PlayerName + " paid " + playerPayment.DollarAmount.ToString() + " toward their loan. New balance is " + loan.LoanBalance.ToString());
                        //playerLoan.PaidThisYear = true;
                        //playerLoan.LoanBalance -= playerPayment.DollarAmount;
                    else if (playerPayment.DollarAmount < playerLoan.MinPayment)
                        paymentError = "Payment is below the minimum payment.";
                        foreach (Loan loan in AllLoans)
                            if (loan.ConnectionId == RequestingPlayer.ConnectionId)
                                loan.PaidThisYear = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Payment is below the minimum payment " + playerPayment.DollarAmount);
                    else if (playerPayment.DollarAmount > player.CashOnHand)
                        paymentError = "You do not have enough money to pay that amount";
                        foreach (Loan loan in AllLoans)
                            if (loan.ConnectionId == RequestingPlayer.ConnectionId)
                                loan.PaidThisYear = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Loan payment complete");

            await Clients.Caller.SendAsync("Loan Paid", paymentError, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AllLoans), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerList));