IEnumerator LoadingProcess(string filename) { LoadingBar loading = LoadingBar.Show(true); //loading.SetProgress(0); string url = "file://" + filename; using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(url, AudioType.MPEG)) { yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); //loading.SetProgress(0.3f); if (www.isNetworkError) { Debug.Log(www.error); } else { AudioClip audioClip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(www); mAudioSrc.clip = audioClip; mAudioSrc.volume = 0.5f; //loading.SetProgress(0.5f); yield return(null); // DetectBPM(audioClip); IEnumDetectBPM detector = new IEnumDetectBPM(audioClip); yield return(detector); int bpm = detector.BPM; //loading.SetProgress(0.7f); float start = 0.5f; float end = audioClip.length; mPanelBpmDelay.transform.Find(OBJECT_NAME_BPM).GetComponent <InputField>().text = bpm.ToString(); mPanelBpmDelay.transform.Find(OBJECT_NAME_START).GetComponent <InputField>().text = start.ToString(); mPanelBpmDelay.transform.Find(OBJECT_NAME_END).GetComponent <InputField>().text = end.ToString(); mCustomTP.Initialize(bpm, start, end); mCustomTP.CreateRandomTPs(false); mPanelBpmDelay.SetActive(true); mPanelTPs.SetActive(true); mPanelFunctions.SetActive(true); yield return(null); //loading.SetProgress(1.0f); } } loading.Hide(); }
public void ShowProgressNonModal(bool show) { if (show) { UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { LoadingBar.Show(); }); } else { UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { LoadingBar.Hide(); }); } }
private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (LoadingBar.Value < 100) { LoadingBar.Value++; } else { Thread.Sleep(500); Loading.Visible = false; content.Hide(); Timer.Stop(); LoadingBar.Hide(); Loading.Hide(); loadingText.Hide(); mailAnimator.ShowSync(content); } }
IEnumerator SendToServerAsync(byte[] data) { LoadingBar loadingbar = LoadingBar.Show(); NetworkStream stream = mClient.GetStream(); int currentSize = data.Length; int off = 0; do { int sendSize = Math.Min(currentSize, PACKET_SIZE); try { stream.Write(data, off, sendSize); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log(ex.ToString()); break; } off += sendSize; currentSize -= sendSize; loadingbar.SetProgress(off / (float)data.Length); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } while (currentSize > 0); loadingbar.Hide(); }
IEnumerator ShowProgressBar() { LoadingBar loadingbar = LoadingBar.Show(); while (!NetworkClient.Inst().IsRecvData()) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } float rate = 0; while (rate < 1f) { rate = NetworkClient.Inst().GetProgressState(); loadingbar.SetProgress(rate); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } loadingbar.Hide(); }
// Start Coroutine of reading the points from the OFF file and creating the meshes IEnumerator loadOFF(string _file) { //string path = dPath; string result = _file; // Read file //Debug.Log(path); //if (path.Contains("://")) // { // WWW www = new WWW(path); // yield return www; // Debug.Log(www.error); // result = www.text; //} //else // result = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); Debug.Log(result); StringReader sr = new StringReader(result); sr.ReadLine(); // OFF string[] buffer = sr.ReadLine().Split(); // nPoints, nFaces numPoints = int.Parse(buffer[0]); points = new Vector3[numPoints]; widths = new float[numPoints]; pointsDir = new Quaternion[numPoints]; colors = new Color[numPoints]; minValue = new Vector3(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { buffer = sr.ReadLine().Split(); if (!invertYZ) { points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]) - 1.9f, float.Parse(buffer[1]), float.Parse(buffer[2])); } else { points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]) - 1.9f, float.Parse(buffer[2]), float.Parse(buffer[1])); } if (buffer.Length >= 6) { colors[i] = new Color(int.Parse(buffer[3]) / 255.0f, int.Parse(buffer[4]) / 255.0f, int.Parse(buffer[5]) / 255.0f); } else { colors[i] = Color.cyan; } if (points[i].magnitude > maxLenght) { maxLenght = points[i].magnitude; } if (buffer.Length >= 7) { widths[i] = float.Parse(buffer[6]); // / 100f; } else { widths[i] = 0f; } pointsDir[i].w = i; // GUI if (i % Mathf.FloorToInt(numPoints / 20) == 0) { loadingBar.Show("Cargando Puntos", (i * 1f) / numPoints); yield return(null); } } loadingBar.Hide(); //Scale and recenter yield return(StartCoroutine(ReshapePoints())); yield return(StartCoroutine(OrderPoints())); // Instantiate Point Groups numPointGroups = Mathf.CeilToInt(numPoints * 1.0f / limitPoints * 1.0f); pointCloud = new GameObject(filename); for (int i = 0; i < numPointGroups - 1; i++) { InstantiateMesh(i, limitPoints); if (i % 10 == 0) { loadingBar.Show("Generando Malla", (i * 1f) / numPoints); yield return(null); } } loadingBar.Hide(); InstantiateMesh(numPointGroups - 1, numPoints - (numPointGroups - 1) * limitPoints); //pointCloud.transform.LookAt(pointCloud.transform.position + Vector3.up); //Store PointCloud //UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab ("Assets/Resources/PointCloudMeshes/" + filename + ".prefab", pointCloud); loaded = true; }
// Start Coroutine of reading the points from the OFF file and creating the meshes IEnumerator LoadOFF() { DebugUnity.Log(file); StringReader sr = new StringReader(file); sr.ReadLine(); // OFF string firstLine = sr.ReadLine().Replace("# ", ""); string[] buffer = firstLine.Split(); // nPoints, nFaces //Debug.Log("\"" + buffer[0] + "\""); numPoints = int.Parse(buffer[0]); points = new Vector3[numPoints]; widths = new float[numPoints]; pointsDir = new Quaternion[numPoints]; colors = new Color[numPoints]; minValue = new Vector3(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { buffer = sr.ReadLine().Split(); if (!invertYZ) { points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]) - 1.9f, float.Parse(buffer[1]), float.Parse(buffer[2])); } else { points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]) - 1.9f, float.Parse(buffer[2]), float.Parse(buffer[1])); } if (buffer.Length >= 6) { colors[i] = new Color(int.Parse(buffer[3]) / 255.0f, int.Parse(buffer[4]) / 255.0f, int.Parse(buffer[5]) / 255.0f); } else { colors[i] = Color.cyan; } if (points[i].magnitude > maxLenght) { maxLenght = points[i].magnitude; } if (buffer.Length >= 7) { widths[i] = float.Parse(buffer[6]); // / 100f; } else { widths[i] = 0f; } pointsDir[i].w = i; // GUI if (i % Mathf.FloorToInt(numPoints / 20) == 0) { loadingBar.Show("Cargando Puntos", (i * 1f) / numPoints); yield return(null); } } loadingBar.Hide(); //Scale and recenter yield return(StartCoroutine(ReshapePoints())); yield return(StartCoroutine(OrderPoints())); // Instantiate Point Groups numPointGroups = Mathf.CeilToInt(numPoints * 1.0f / limitPoints * 1.0f); pointCloud = new GameObject("OFF"); for (int i = 0; i < numPointGroups - 1; i++) { InstantiateMesh(i, limitPoints); if (i % 10 == 0) { loadingBar.Show("Generando Malla", (i * 1f) / numPoints); yield return(null); } } loadingBar.Hide(); InstantiateMesh(numPointGroups - 1, numPoints - (numPointGroups - 1) * limitPoints); //pointCloud.transform.LookAt(pointCloud.transform.position + Vector3.up); //Store PointCloud //UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab ("Assets/Resources/PointCloudMeshes/" + filename + ".prefab", pointCloud); //pointCloud.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f) * Quaternion.identity; loaded = true; }