        /// <summary>
        /// updates list of jockey races, if found some new
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doubledJockey">jockey for Jockeys</param>
        /// <param name="jockey">found doubler</param>
        public void MergeJockeysData(LoadedJockey doubledJockey, LoadedJockey jockey)
            if (jockey.AllRaces != null)
                doubledJockey.AllRaces = doubledJockey.AllRaces.Union(jockey.AllRaces).ToList();

        public LoadedJockey ParseJockeyData(string link, string name)
            LoadedJockey jockey = new LoadedJockey();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link))
                jockey.Link = link; //name of the racer
                jockey.Link = "-";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                jockey.Name = name; //name of the racer
                jockey.Name = "-";

        /// <summary>
        /// updates single jockey object
        /// gets data from scrap service
        /// compares with objects in current database
        /// calls merge method if object already in database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobType">type of scrapping</param>
        /// <param name="id">id on the website</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task UpdateJockeysAsync(string jobType, int id)
            LoadedJockey jockey = new LoadedJockey();

            jockey = await _scrapDataService.ScrapGenericObject <LoadedJockey>(id, jobType);

            if (jockey != null)
                lock (((ICollection)Jockeys).SyncRoot)
                    //if objects are already in the List
                    if (Jockeys.Any(h => h.Name.ToLower() == jockey.Name.ToLower()))
                        LoadedJockey doubledJockey = Jockeys.Where(h => h.Name.ToLower() == jockey.Name.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                        MergeJockeysData(doubledJockey, jockey);
        /// <summary>
        /// calculated JI factor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jockeyFromList">name of the jockey</param>
        /// <param name="date">day of the race</param>
        /// <returns>returns JI</returns>
        public double ComputeJockeyIndex(LoadedJockey jockeyFromList, DateTime date)

            if (jockeyFromList.AllRaces.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < jockeyFromList.AllRaces.Count; i++)

                    if (jockeyFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace > 0 && jockeyFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceDate < date)
                        if (jockeyFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace == 1)
                            PlaceFactor = 1;
                        if (jockeyFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace == 2)
                            PlaceFactor = 0.7;

                        DistanceRaceIndex = PlaceFactor * jockeyFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceCompetition / 10;

                        Result = Result + DistanceRaceIndex;

                FinalResult = Result / jockeyFromList.AllRaces.Count;

        /// <summary>
        /// parses the horse from Horses with providen data
        /// passing RaceModel to the services credits: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56650635/11027921
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="horseWrapper">horse data</param>
        /// <param name="date">day of the race</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HorseDataWrapper GetParsedHorseData(HorseDataWrapper horseWrapper,
                                                   DateTime date, List <LoadedHorse> horses,
                                                   List <LoadedJockey> jockeys,
                                                   RaceModel raceModelProvider)
            Dictionary <string, int> raceCategoryDictionary = _dictionaryService.GetRaceCategoryDictionary(raceModelProvider);
            LoadedJockey             jockeyFromList         = new LoadedJockey();
            LoadedHorse horseFromList  = new LoadedHorse();
            LoadedHorse fatherFromList = new LoadedHorse();

            //if name is entered
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(horseWrapper.HorseName))
                horses = new List <LoadedHorse>(horses.OrderBy(l => l.Age)); //from smallest to biggest

                //if age is from AutoCompleteBox
                if (horseWrapper.HorseName.Contains(", "))
                    string theAge  = horseWrapper.HorseName.Split(',')[1].Trim(' ');
                    string theName = horseWrapper.HorseName.Split(',')[0].Trim(' ');

                    int n;

                    bool parseTest = int.TryParse(theAge, out n);
                    if (parseTest)
                        horseWrapper.Age = int.Parse(theAge); //age
                    horseWrapper.HorseName = theName;

                //if age is not written
                if (horseWrapper.Age == 0)
                    horseFromList = horses
                                    .Where(h => h.Name.ToLower() == horseWrapper.HorseName.ToLower())

                //if age is written
                    horseFromList = horses
                                    .Where(h => h.Name.ToLower() == horseWrapper.HorseName.ToLower())
                                    .Where(h => h.Age == horseWrapper.Age)

                //case when previous horse is replaced in Horse collection item
                if (horseFromList == null)
                    horseWrapper.Age = 0;

                    horseFromList = horses
                                    .Where(i => i.Name.ToLower() == horseWrapper

                horses = new List <LoadedHorse>(horses.OrderByDescending(l => l.Age)); //from biggest to smallest

                //jockey index
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(horseWrapper.Jockey))
                    jockeyFromList = jockeys
                                     .Where(i => i.Name.ToLower() == horseWrapper

                    if (jockeyFromList != null)
                        horseWrapper.JockeyIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeJockeyIndex(jockeyFromList, date);
                        horseWrapper.Jockey      = "--Not found--";
                        horseWrapper.JockeyIndex = 0; //clear

                if (horseFromList != null)
                    horseWrapper.HorseName  = horseFromList.Name;             //displayed name
                    horseWrapper.Age        = horseFromList.Age;              //displayed age
                    horseWrapper.Father     = horseFromList.Father;           //displayed father
                    horseWrapper.TotalRaces = horseFromList.AllRaces.Count(); //how many races
                    horseWrapper.Comments   = "";

                    //win index
                    if (jockeyFromList != null)
                        horseWrapper.WinIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeWinIndex(horseFromList, date, jockeyFromList, raceModelProvider, raceCategoryDictionary);
                        horseWrapper.WinIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeWinIndex(horseFromList, date, null, raceModelProvider, raceCategoryDictionary);

                    //category index
                    horseWrapper.CategoryIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeCategoryIndex(horseFromList, date, raceModelProvider, raceCategoryDictionary);

                    //age index
                    horseWrapper.AgeIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeAgeIndex(horseFromList, date);

                    //tired index
                    horseWrapper.TiredIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeTiredIndex(horseFromList, date);

                    //win percentage
                    horseWrapper.PercentageIndex = _computeDataService.ComputePercentageIndex(horseFromList, date);

                    //days of rest
                    horseWrapper.RestIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeRestIndex(horseFromList, date);
                    horseWrapper.Age           = 0; //clear
                    horseWrapper.TotalRaces    = 0; //clear
                    horseWrapper.Comments      = "--Data missing--";
                    horseWrapper.WinIndex      = 0; //clear
                    horseWrapper.CategoryIndex = 0; //clear

                //siblings index
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(horseWrapper.Father))
                    fatherFromList = horses.Where(i => i.Name.ToLower() == horseWrapper.Father.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (fatherFromList != null)
                        horseWrapper.SiblingsIndex = _computeDataService.ComputeSiblingsIndex(fatherFromList, date, raceModelProvider, horses, raceCategoryDictionary);
                        horseWrapper.Father        = "--Not found--";
                        horseWrapper.SiblingsIndex = 0; //clear

                //comments = score
                horseWrapper.Comments = horseWrapper.HorseScore.ToString("0.000");

        /// <summary>
        /// Generic method that scraps single object for Jockey, Horse, Race
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Jockey, Horse, Race</typeparam>
        /// <param name="id">id on the website</param>
        /// <param name="jobType">type of scrapping</param>
        /// <returns>returns back casted generic object</returns>
        public async Task <T> ScrapGenericObject <T>(int id, string jobType)
            LoadedJockey jockey = new LoadedJockey();
            LoadedHorse  horse  = new LoadedHorse();
            RaceDetails  race   = new RaceDetails();

            Dictionary <string, string> nodeDictionary      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            List <HtmlDocument>         raceHtmlAgilityList = new List <HtmlDocument>();

            string linkBase = "";

            if (jobType.Contains("JockeysPl"))
                linkBase       = "https://koniewyscigowe.pl/dzokej?d=";
                nodeDictionary = _dictionaryService.GetJockeyPlNodeDictionary();
            else if (jobType.Contains("JockeysCz"))
                linkBase       = "http://dostihyjc.cz/jezdec.php?IDTR=";
                nodeDictionary = _dictionaryService.GetJockeyCzNodeDictionary();
            else if (jobType.Contains("HistoricPl"))
                linkBase       = "https://koniewyscigowe.pl/wyscig?w=";
                nodeDictionary = _dictionaryService.GetRacePlNodeDictionary();
            else if (jobType.Contains("HorsesPl"))
                linkBase       = "https://koniewyscigowe.pl/horse/";
                nodeDictionary = _dictionaryService.GetHorsePlNodeDictionary();
            else if (jobType.Contains("HorsesCz"))
                linkBase       = "http://dostihyjc.cz/kun.php?ID=";
                nodeDictionary = _dictionaryService.GetHorseCzNodeDictionary();

            string link = GetLink(linkBase, id);

            string html = await GetHtmlDocumentAsync(link);

            HtmlDocument htmlAgility = GetHtmlAgility(html);

            string nodeString = htmlAgility.DocumentNode.OuterHtml.ToString();

            bool nodeConditions = _parseService.VerifyNodeCondition(nodeString, null, jobType);

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(LoadedJockey))
                if (nodeConditions)
                    string name = _parseService.SplitName(jobType, nodeString, typeof(T), null);

                    raceHtmlAgilityList = await GetRaceHtmlAgilityListAsync(jobType, link);

                    jockey          = _parseService.ParseJockeyData(link, name);
                    jockey.AllRaces = GetGenericList <RaceDetails>(raceHtmlAgilityList, nameof(jockey.AllRaces), nodeDictionary, jobType, _dateToday);
                    jockey = null;

                return((T)Convert.ChangeType(jockey, typeof(T)));
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(RaceDetails))
                if (nodeConditions)
                    string horsesNode = nodeDictionary[nameof(race.HorseList)];

                    raceHtmlAgilityList = await GetRaceHtmlAgilityListAsync(jobType, link);

                    race                 = _parseService.SplitRaceNodeString(jobType, nodeString, null);
                    race.RaceLink        = link;
                    race.HorseList       = GetGenericList <HorseDataWrapper>(raceHtmlAgilityList, nameof(race.HorseList), nodeDictionary, jobType, race.RaceDate);
                    race.RaceCompetition = race.HorseList.Count;
                    race = null;

                return((T)Convert.ChangeType(race, typeof(T)));
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(LoadedHorse))
                if (nodeConditions)
                    HorseDataWrapper wrapper = new HorseDataWrapper();

                    raceHtmlAgilityList = await GetRaceHtmlAgilityListAsync(jobType, link);

                    string name  = _parseService.SplitName(jobType, nodeString, typeof(T), null);
                    string age   = _parseService.SplitAge(jobType, nodeString, _dateToday, nameof(horse.Age));
                    string racer = "";

                    wrapper = _parseService.ParseHorseData(_dateToday, name, age, link, racer, jobType);

                    horse.Link        = link;
                    horse.Name        = wrapper.HorseName;
                    horse.Age         = wrapper.Age;
                    horse.Father      = GetFather(jobType, htmlAgility, nameof(horse.Father), nodeDictionary);
                    horse.FatherLink  = GetFather(jobType, htmlAgility, nameof(horse.FatherLink), nodeDictionary);
                    horse.AllRaces    = GetGenericList <RaceDetails>(raceHtmlAgilityList, nameof(horse.AllRaces), nodeDictionary, jobType, _dateToday);
                    horse.AllChildren = GetGenericList <HorseChildDetails>(raceHtmlAgilityList, nameof(horse.AllChildren), nodeDictionary, jobType, _dateToday);
                    horse = null;

                return((T)Convert.ChangeType(horse, typeof(T)));
                throw new ArgumentException();
 public HorseDataWrapper()
     _horse  = new LoadedHorse();
     _jockey = new LoadedJockey();
        /// <summary>
        /// calculated WI factor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="horseFromList">horse data</param>
        /// <param name="date">day of the race</param>
        /// <returns>returns WI</returns>
        public double ComputeWinIndex(LoadedHorse horseFromList,
                                      DateTime date, LoadedJockey jockeyFromList,
                                      RaceModel raceModelProvider,
                                      Dictionary <string, int> raceCategoryDictionary)
            Dictionary <string, int> raceDictionary = raceCategoryDictionary;


            if (horseFromList.AllRaces.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < horseFromList.AllRaces.Count; i++)

                    //get races only before race date, sort by race date from biggest to smallest
                    horseFromList.AllRaces = horseFromList.AllRaces.Where(l => l.RaceDate < date).OrderByDescending(l => l.RaceDate).ToList();

                    if (horseFromList.AllRaces.Count == 0)

                    if (horseFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace < 3 && horseFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace > 0 && horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceDate < date)
                        if (horseFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace == 1)
                            PlaceFactor = 1;
                        if (horseFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace == 2)
                            PlaceFactor = 0.7;

                        if (jockeyFromList != null)
                            //bonus if was the same jockey as in current race
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jockeyFromList.Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RacersName))
                                if (horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RacersName.Contains(jockeyFromList.Name))
                                    PlaceFactor = PlaceFactor * 1.5;

                        //bonus for place factor if won race in last 3 races
                        if (i < 3)
                            PlaceFactor = PlaceFactor * 1.5;

                        //increase factor for races over 12 horses and place between 1-4
                        if (horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceCompetition > 12 && horseFromList.AllRaces[i].WonPlace < 5)
                            PlaceFactor = PlaceFactor * 1.5;

                        bool foundKey = raceDictionary.Keys.Any(k => k.Equals(horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceCategory,

                        if (foundKey)
                            DictValue = raceDictionary[horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceCategory];
                            DictValue = 5;

                        DistanceFactor = (double)(horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceDistance - int.Parse(raceModelProvider.Distance)) / 10000 * DictValue;
                        DistanceFactor = Math.Abs(DistanceFactor);

                        DistanceRaceIndex = PlaceFactor * horseFromList.AllRaces[i].RaceCompetition * DictValue / 10;

                        WinResult = WinResult + DistanceRaceIndex - DistanceFactor;

                FinalWinResult = WinResult / horseFromList.AllRaces.Count;
