public static void run()
            var listing = new Listing("");
            var pages   = listing.GetListing(new ListingOptions())
                          .ToArray();      // to better viewing
            var tree = Listing.BuildTree(pages);

            // to see the structure, put a breakpoint [here]
            tree = tree; // put break point here

            foreach (var d in tree.GetAllDescendantsAndSelf())
                Console.WriteLine($"[D] {d.Entity.Uri}");
                foreach (var files in d.Files)
                    Console.WriteLine($" > {files.FileName}");
        private static async Task PostFromRedditAsync(RedditSubscriptionModel subscription)
                var            reddit    = new Reddit();
                Subreddit      subreddit = reddit.GetSubreddit(subscription.Subreddit);
                Listing <Post> listings  = subreddit.Hot;
                Program.Client.DebugLogger.Info("Checking Posts from subreddit: " + subscription.Subreddit);
                foreach (Post post in listings.GetListing(15))
                    // See if one out of the ten posts are unique, if not, nothing will post
                    string urlToPost = post.Url.ToString();
                    if (!subscription.PostedLinks.Contains(urlToPost))
                        Program.Client.DebugLogger.Info("Posting URL: " + urlToPost);

                        // Get the guild and channel to then post the message
                        DiscordGuild guildToPostIn = await Program.Client.GetGuildAsync(subscription.DiscordGuildId);

                        await guildToPostIn.GetChannel(subscription.ChannelId).SendMessageAsync(string.Format(redditPostFormat, post.Title, subscription.Subreddit, post.Permalink.ToString(), urlToPost));

                        //Notify users if keyword is triggered
                        foreach (PersonalRedditNotification notification in RedditSubscriptionsFile.Instance.PersonalRedditSubscriptions)
                            if (post.Title.ToLower().Contains(notification.SubscribedKeyword.ToLower()))
                                await guildToPostIn.GetChannel(subscription.ChannelId).SendMessageAsync($"Keyword `{notification.SubscribedKeyword}` was triggered for {notification.UserMentionString}");

                        // add the post to the list so no repeats and save
            catch (Exception ex)