 // Operation: Get User Conversation List
 // Http Get /restapi/v1.0/glip/conversations
 public async Task <RingCentral.GlipConversationsList> List(ListGlipConversationsParameters queryParams = null)
     return(await rc.Get <RingCentral.GlipConversationsList>(this.Path(false), queryParams));
 /// <summary>
 ///     Returns the list of conversations where the user is a member. All records in response are sorted by creation time
 ///     of a conversation in ascending order. Conversation is a chat of the *Group* type.
 ///     HTTP Method: get
 ///     Endpoint: /restapi/{apiVersion}/glip/conversations
 ///     Rate Limit Group: Medium
 ///     App Permission: Glip
 ///     User Permission: Glip
 /// </summary>
 public async Task <GlipConversationsList> List(ListGlipConversationsParameters queryParams = null,
                                                RestRequestConfig restRequestConfig         = null)
     return(await rc.Get <GlipConversationsList>(Path(false), queryParams, restRequestConfig));