        public ActionResult Index()
            ListExamples listExamples = new ListExamples();

            var duplicatePets = listExamples.ReturnListOfPets()
                                .GroupBy(x => x.StringValue)
                                .Where(y => y.Count() > 1)
                                .Select(z => z.Key).ToList();

            var model = new ExampleOfListViewModel
                ListOfPets           = listExamples.ReturnListOfPets(),
                ListOfInts           = listExamples.ReturnListOfInts(),
                ListOfStrings        = listExamples.ReturnListOfStrings(),
                ListOfIntsJoined     = listExamples.ReturnListOfIntsJoin(),
                ListOfPetsDuplicates = duplicatePets,
                ListOfIntsSorted     = listExamples.SortReturnListOfInts()

            return(View("~/Views/Home/ListExamples.cshtml", model));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //// Operators Example
            //Operators op = new Operators();
            //op.arithmeticOperations(100, 20);
            //op.logicalOperations(100, 20);
            //op.relationalOperations(100, 20);
            //op.bitwiseOperations(100, 20);
            //op.assignmentOperations(100, 20);
            ////Branching Control statements Examples
            //BranchingControlStatements branch = new BranchingControlStatements();
            //branch.checkLargestOfThreeNumbers(10, 20, 30);
            ////Looping control statements Examples
            //LoopingStatements loopings = new LoopingStatements();

            //bool status = loopings.checkPrime(1);
            //if (status)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Given number is prime number");
            //    Console.WriteLine("Given number is Not a prime number");
            //// Date Formatters Example
            //StringFormatters stringFormatters = new StringFormatters();
            //// String Formatters
            //// Decimal Formatters
            //MethodsExamples methods = new MethodsExamples();
            //int a = 10;
            //int b = 20;
            //int result;
            //methods.example1(a, b);
            //result = methods.example3();
            //Console.WriteLine("The value of result {0}", result);
            //result = methods.example4(a, b);
            //Console.WriteLine("The value of result {0}", result);
            //methods.example5(ref a, ref b);
            //Console.WriteLine("Changed values of a is {0} and b value is {1}", a, b);
            //methods.example6(out a, out b);
            //Console.WriteLine("Changed values of a is {0} and b value is {1}", a, b);
            //methods.example7(in a, in b);
            //Console.WriteLine("ReadOnly values of a is {0} b value is {1}", a, b);
            //methods.findBiggest(10, 5, 45, 54, 65, 12);
            //Console.WriteLine("------------------------Array Examples------------------------");
            //ArrayExamples array = new ArrayExamples();

            ListExamples list = new ListExamples();


            //Structure Examples