public void TestListOfStringObjects() { var stringList = new ListCollection <string> { "string1", "string2" }; stringList.Add("string3"); stringList.Add("1"); var numerator = stringList.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { numerator.MoveNext(); } var current = numerator.Current; Assert.Equal("1", current); Assert.Equal("string1", stringList[0]); Assert.Equal("string2", stringList[1]); Assert.Equal("string3", stringList[2]); Assert.Equal("1", stringList[3]); Assert.Equal(4, stringList.Count); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Route route = new Route("istanbul", "çanakkale", 500); BusExpedition bExpedition = new BusExpedition(route, new DateTime(2019, 5, 15)); bExpedition.AddDriver(new Driver("özkan", "koç", LicenseType.HighLicense, new DateTime(1993, 5, 15))); ListCollection <string> myList = new ListCollection <string>(); myList.Add("merhaba"); myList.Add("özkan"); myList.Add("nasılsın"); var builder = new StringBuilder();; foreach (var item in myList) { builder.Append($"{item} "); } var strArr = new string[] { "erdem", "merve", "cevat" }; myList.CopyTo(strArr); var myIntList = new ListCollection <int>() { 1, 2, 3 }; var intArr = new int[3]; myIntList.CopyTo(intArr); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="queryAction"></param> /// <param name="ignorePropertyDescriptors"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DbQueryPropertyDescriptors GetDescriptors(DbQueryActions queryAction, IgnoreChildPropertyDescriptors ignorePropertyDescriptors) { var _filteredProperties = GetDescriptorsByQueryAction(queryAction); if (!ignorePropertyDescriptors.IsEmpty) { var _propertyCollection = new ListCollection <DbQueryPropertyDescriptor>(); foreach (var _filteredProperty in _filteredProperties) { var _ignoreDescriptor = ignorePropertyDescriptors.GetDescriptor(_filteredProperty); if (null != _ignoreDescriptor) { if (!_filteredProperty.PropertyDirection.Equals(DbQueryPropertyDirections.None)) { var _propertyDirection = _filteredProperty.PropertyDirection & ~_ignoreDescriptor.PropertyDirection; if (!((int)_propertyDirection).Equals(0)) { _propertyCollection.Add(new DbQueryPropertyDescriptor(_filteredProperty, _propertyDirection)); } } continue; } _propertyCollection.Add(_filteredProperty); } return(new DbQueryPropertyDescriptors(_propertyCollection, _declaringDescriptor)); } return(_filteredProperties); }
public void ListClearing() { var col = new ListCollection <int, int>(); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { col.Add(1, 1000 + i); } for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { col.Add(2, 2200 + i); } var l1 = col.Get(1); var l2 = col.Get(2); Assert.Equal(new int[] { 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 }, l1.ToArray()); Assert.Equal(new int[] { 2200, 2201, 2202, 2203, 2204 }, l2.ToArray()); col.Clear(1); var l3 = col.Get(1); var l4 = col.Get(2); Assert.Equal(new int[] { }, l3.ToArray()); Assert.Equal(new int[] { 2200, 2201, 2202, 2203, 2204 }, l4.ToArray()); col.Clear(2); var l5 = col.Get(1); var l6 = col.Get(2); Assert.Equal(new int[] { }, l5.ToArray()); Assert.Equal(new int[] { }, l6.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="attributeType"></param> /// <param name="inherit"></param> /// <returns></returns> public TCollection GetDescriptorsByAttributeType(Type attributeType, bool inherit = false) { var _dummy = new ListCollection <TDescriptor>(); foreach (var _descriptor in this) { foreach (var _attribute in _descriptor.AttributeDescriptors) { var _originType = _attribute.Member.GetType(); if (!inherit) { if (attributeType.Equals(_originType)) { _dummy.Add(_descriptor); break; } } else { if (attributeType.IsAssignableFrom(_originType)) { _dummy.Add(_descriptor); break; } } } } return(ReadOnlyListCollection <TDescriptor> .Initializer.Initialize <TCollection>(_dummy)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TAttribute"></typeparam> /// <param name="selector"></param> /// <returns></returns> public TCollection GetDescriptorsByAttribute <TAttribute>(Expression <Func <TAttribute, bool> > selector, bool inherit = false) where TAttribute : Attribute { var _type = typeof(TAttribute); var _dummy = new ListCollection <TDescriptor>(); var _selector = selector.Compile(); foreach (var _descriptor in this) { foreach (var _attribute in _descriptor.AttributeDescriptors) { var _origin = _attribute.Member; var _originType = _origin.GetType(); if (!inherit) { if (_type.Equals(_originType) && _selector((TAttribute)_origin)) { _dummy.Add(_descriptor); } } else { if (_type.IsAssignableFrom(_originType) && _selector((TAttribute)_origin)) { _dummy.Add(_descriptor); } } } } return(ReadOnlyListCollection <TDescriptor> .Initializer.Initialize <TCollection>(_dummy)); }
public void AddValueAndResizeSortedArray() { var sut = new ListCollection <int>(); sut.Add(0); sut.Add(2); sut.Add(3); sut.Add(4); sut.Add(1); sut.Add(6); sut.Add(7); sut.Add(8); sut.Add(9); sut.Add(10); //- 0,2,3,4,1,6,7,8,9,10 sut.Insert(5, 5); //- 0,2,3,4,1,5,6,7,8,9,10 sut.RemoveAt(10); //- 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 sut.Remove(8); //- 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 Assert.Equal(2, sut[1]); Assert.Equal(5, sut[5]); Assert.Equal(7, sut[7]); Assert.Equal(9, sut[8]); Assert.True(sut.Contains(5)); Assert.False(sut.Contains(8)); Assert.Equal(2, sut.IndexOf(3)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="exception"></param> public void HandleThrownException(Exception exception) { if (!(exception is WebRequestException)) { _innerErrorRepository.Add(new WebRequestException(exception)); return; } _innerErrorRepository.Add(exception); }
public void CountWhenAnyElementShouldReturnNumberOfElementsThatMatchesPredicate() { ListCollection <int> testList = new ListCollection <int>(); testList.Add(1); testList.Add(2); testList.Add(3); testList.Add(4); Assert.Equal(2, testList.Count(x => x % 2 == 0)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> public void Add(TEntry item) { _innerRepository.Add(item); //RaisePropertyChanged("Count"); //RaisePropertyChanged("Item[]"); //RaiseCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, item, _innerRepository.Count); SetDirty(); }
public void LastWhenNoElementMatchesShouldThrowException() { ListCollection <string> testList = new ListCollection <string>(); testList.Add("red"); testList.Add("blue"); string resultString; Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => resultString = testList.Last(x => x.Length == 5)); }
public void LinqSingleWhenOnlyOneMatchingElementShouldReturnElement() { ListCollection <string> testList = new ListCollection <string>(); testList.Add("red"); testList.Add("green"); testList.Add("blue"); string resultString = testList.LinqSingle(x => x.Length == 5); Assert.Equal("green", resultString); }
public void TestContainsListOfIntegers() { var intList = new ListCollection <int>(); intList.Add(123); intList.Add(int.MaxValue); intList.Add(int.MinValue); Assert.True(intList.Contains(123)); Assert.True(intList.Contains(int.MinValue)); Assert.Equal(3, intList.Count); }
public void LinqSingleWhenMoreThanOneElementMatchShouldThrowException() { ListCollection <string> testList = new ListCollection <string>(); testList.Add("red"); testList.Add("green"); testList.Add("blue"); testList.Add("black"); string resultString; Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => resultString = testList.LinqSingle(x => x.Length == 5)); }
public void ConcatWhenNullSecondShouldThrowException() { ListCollection <string> firstTestList = new ListCollection <string>(); firstTestList.Add("red"); firstTestList.Add("green"); ListCollection <string> secondTestList = null; IEnumerable <string> resultList; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => resultList = firstTestList.Concat(secondTestList)); }
public void LastWhenMatchingElementsShouldReturnLastMatchingElement() { ListCollection <string> testList = new ListCollection <string>(); testList.Add("red"); testList.Add("green"); testList.Add("blue"); testList.Add("black"); string resultString = testList.Last(x => x.Length == 5); Assert.Equal("black", resultString); }
public void CountWhenPredicateIsNullShouldThrowException() { ListCollection <int> testList = new ListCollection <int>(); testList.Add(1); testList.Add(2); testList.Add(3); testList.Add(4); Func <int, bool> predicate = null; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => testList.Count(predicate)); }
public void LastWhenPredicateIsNullShouldThrowException() { ListCollection <string> testList = new ListCollection <string>(); testList.Add("red"); testList.Add("green"); testList.Add("blue"); Func <string, bool> predicate = null; string resultString; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => resultString = testList.Last(predicate)); }
public void ConcatWhenSecondEmptySequenceShouldReturnFirstSequence() { ListCollection <string> firstTestList = new ListCollection <string>(); firstTestList.Add("red"); firstTestList.Add("green"); ListCollection <string> secondTestList = new ListCollection <string>(); IEnumerable <string> resultList = firstTestList.Concat(secondTestList); Assert.Collection(resultList, item => Assert.Equal("red", item), item => Assert.Equal("green", item)); }
public static void QueueWebChatMessage(WebChatMessage message) { lock (SyncRoot) { Messages.Add(message); } }
public void ListDocument() { //ExStart //ExFor:ListCollection.Document //ExFor:ListCollection.Count //ExFor:ListCollection.Item(Int32) //ExFor:ListCollection.GetListByListId //ExFor:List.Document //ExFor:List.ListId //ExSummary:Illustrates the owner document properties of lists. Document doc = new Document(); ListCollection lists = doc.Lists; // All of these should be equal. Console.WriteLine("ListCollection document is doc: " + (doc == lists.Document)); Console.WriteLine("Starting list count: " + lists.Count); Aspose.Words.Lists.List list = lists.Add(ListTemplate.BulletDefault); Console.WriteLine("List document is doc: " + (list.Document == doc)); Console.WriteLine("List count after adding list: " + lists.Count); Console.WriteLine("Is the first document list: " + (lists[0] == list)); Console.WriteLine("ListId: " + list.ListId); Console.WriteLine("List is the same by ListId: " + (lists.GetListByListId(1) == list)); //ExEnd // Verify these properties Assert.AreEqual(doc, lists.Document); Assert.AreEqual(doc, list.Document); Assert.AreEqual(1, lists.Count); Assert.AreEqual(list, lists[0]); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.ListId); Assert.AreEqual(list, lists.GetListByListId(1)); }
public void ListDocument() { //ExStart //ExFor:ListCollection.Document //ExFor:ListCollection.Count //ExFor:ListCollection.Item(Int32) //ExFor:ListCollection.GetListByListId //ExFor:List.Document //ExFor:List.ListId //ExSummary:Shows how to verify owner document properties of lists. Document doc = new Document(); ListCollection lists = doc.Lists; Assert.AreEqual(doc, lists.Document); List list = lists.Add(ListTemplate.BulletDefault); Assert.AreEqual(doc, list.Document); Console.WriteLine("Current list count: " + lists.Count); Console.WriteLine("Is the first document list: " + (lists[0].Equals(list))); Console.WriteLine("ListId: " + list.ListId); Console.WriteLine("List is the same by ListId: " + (lists.GetListByListId(1).Equals(list))); //ExEnd doc = DocumentHelper.SaveOpen(doc); lists = doc.Lists; Assert.AreEqual(doc, lists.Document); Assert.AreEqual(1, lists.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, lists[0].ListId); Assert.AreEqual(lists[0], lists.GetListByListId(1)); }
public Uri BuildAppSite(string siteName) { try { // Load RootSite e.g. JusticeLeague Web rootSite = SharePointContext.Web; SharePointContext.Load(rootSite); //build new project site WebCreationInformation subsiteToCreationInfo = new WebCreationInformation() { Url = siteName.Replace(" ", ""), Title = siteName, Description = "For Justice!" }; Web newSubsite = SharePointContext.Web.Webs.Add(subsiteToCreationInfo); SharePointContext.Load(newSubsite, site => site.Lists); ListCollection lists = newSubsite.Lists; ListCreationInformation listCreationInfo = new ListCreationInformation() { Title = TASK_LIST_TITLE, TemplateType = 107, // ListTemplateType.Tasks, Description = "Complete these quests to save the city!" }; lists.Add(listCreationInfo); SharePointContext.ExecuteQuery(); return(new Uri(ConstructFullUrl(siteName.Replace(" ", "")))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new Uri(ConstructFullUrl(siteName.Replace(" ", "")))); //Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); //throw ex; } }
//This method adds a list with the specified title. private void AddList(string accessToken, string newListName) { if (IsPostBack) { sharepointUrl = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPHostUrl"]); } //Execute a request to add a list that has the user-supplied name. ClientContext clientContext = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithAccessToken(sharepointUrl.ToString(), accessToken); Web web = clientContext.Web; ListCollection lists = web.Lists; ListCreationInformation listCreationInfo = new ListCreationInformation(); listCreationInfo.Title = newListName; listCreationInfo.TemplateType = (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList; lists.Add(listCreationInfo); clientContext.Load <ListCollection>(lists); try { clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { AddListNameBox.Text = e.Message; } RetrieveLists(accessToken); }
public void AddControlledItems(IEnumerable <ControlledItem> items) { foreach (var item in items) { ListCollection.Add(item); } }
public void SkipWhileWhenNoEmptyShouldReturnElementsFromFalsePredicateToTheEnd() { ListCollection <int> testList = new ListCollection <int>(); testList.Add(95); testList.Add(82); testList.Add(70); testList.Add(89); IEnumerable <int> resultList = testList.SkipWhile(grade => grade >= 80); Assert.Collection(resultList, item => Assert.Equal(70, item), item => Assert.Equal(89, item)); }
public void SkipWhileWhenNullPredicateShouldThrowException() { ListCollection <int> testList = new ListCollection <int>(); testList.Add(95); testList.Add(82); testList.Add(70); testList.Add(89); IEnumerable <int> resultList; Func <int, bool> predicate = null; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => resultList = testList.SkipWhile(predicate)); }
public ListCollection <ArenaPlayer> FindArenaPlayers(String token) { token = token.ToLower(); ListCollection <ArenaPlayer> playerList = new ListCollection <ArenaPlayer>(); for (Int32 i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ArenaPlayer arenaPlayer = this[i]; if (arenaPlayer == null) { continue; } if (token == arenaPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Name.ToLower() || (token == "@chaos" && arenaPlayer.ActiveTeam == Team.Chaos) || (token == "@balance" && arenaPlayer.ActiveTeam == Team.Balance) || (token == "@order" && arenaPlayer.ActiveTeam == Team.Order) || (token == "@neutral" && arenaPlayer.ActiveTeam == Team.Neutral && arenaPlayer.ActiveCharacter.OpLevel == 0) || (token == "@all" && arenaPlayer.ActiveCharacter.OpLevel == 0)) { playerList.Add(arenaPlayer); } } return(playerList); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a list to a site /// </summary> /// <param name="properties">Site to operate on</param> /// <param name="listType">Type of the list</param> /// <param name="featureID">Feature guid that brings this list type</param> /// <param name="listName">Name of the list</param> /// <param name="enableVersioning">Enable versioning on the list</param> public bool AddList(int listType, Guid featureID, string listName, bool enableVersioning) { bool created = false; UsingContext(ctx => { Site site = ctx.Site; Web web = site.RootWeb; ListCollection listCollection = web.Lists; ctx.Load(listCollection, lists => lists.Include(list => list.Title).Where(list => list.Title == listName)); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); if (listCollection.Count == 0) { ListCollection listCol = web.Lists; ListCreationInformation lci = new ListCreationInformation(); lci.Title = listName; lci.TemplateFeatureId = featureID; lci.TemplateType = listType; List newList = listCol.Add(lci); if (enableVersioning) { newList.EnableVersioning = true; newList.EnableMinorVersions = true; } newList.Update(); ctx.Load(listCol); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); created = true; } }); return(created); }
private void CreateListInternal(Web web, ListTemplateType listType, string listName, bool enableVersioning, bool updateAndExecuteQuery = true, string urlPath = "") { ListCollection listCol = web.Lists; ListCreationInformation lci = new ListCreationInformation(); lci.Title = listName; lci.TemplateType = (int)listType; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlPath)) { lci.Url = urlPath; } List newList = listCol.Add(lci); if (enableVersioning) { newList.EnableVersioning = true; newList.EnableMinorVersions = true; } if (updateAndExecuteQuery) { newList.Update(); web.Context.Load(listCol); web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); } }
public void TestAdd() { var rand = new Random(3); ListCollection<string> list1 = new ListCollection<string>(); Collection<string> list2 = new Collection<string>(); //Check Add for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { var str = x.ToString(); list1.Add(str); list2.Add(str); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } //Check Remove for (int x = 100; x < 200; x++) { var str = x.ToString(); var removeItem = list1[rand.Next(list1.Count)]; list1.Remove(removeItem); list2.Remove(removeItem); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); list1.Add(str); list2.Add(str); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } //Check RemoveAt for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { int index = rand.Next(list1.Count); list1.RemoveAt(index); list2.RemoveAt(index); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } //Check Insert for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { int index = rand.Next(list1.Count); list1.Insert(index, x.ToString()); list2.Insert(index, x.ToString()); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } //Check set for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { int index = rand.Next(list1.Count); list1[index] = x.ToString(); list2[index] = x.ToString(); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } list1.Clear(); list2.Clear(); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); //Check Add for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { var str = x.ToString(); list1.Add(str); list2.Add(str); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } //Check indexOf for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { int index = rand.Next(list1.Count * 2); if (list1.IndexOf(index.ToString()) != list2.IndexOf(index.ToString())) throw new Exception(); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } string[] lst1 = new string[list1.Count]; string[] lst2 = new string[list2.Count]; list1.CopyTo(lst1, 0); list2.CopyTo(lst2, 0); CheckEquals3(list1, list2); for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { int index = rand.Next(list1.Count * 2); if (list1.Contains(index.ToString()) != list2.Contains(index.ToString())) throw new Exception(); CheckEquals1(list1, list2); } }