public ActionResult SlackCallback(string code) { var siteSettings = _settingsService.GetSiteSettings(); var slackService = new SlackService(siteSettings.SlackSettings); var oauthToken = slackService.ExchangeCodeForToken(code); var slackExists = _linkedAccountRepository.GetBy(l => l.AccountType == LinkedAccountType.Slack && l.UserId == WebUser.Id); if (slackExists != null) { slackExists.AccessToken = oauthToken.access_token; slackExists.Scope = oauthToken.scope; _linkedAccountRepository.Update(slackExists); _unitOfWork.Commit(); } else { var linkedAccount = new LinkedAccount { AccountType = LinkedAccountType.Slack, UserId = WebUser.Id, AccessToken = oauthToken.access_token, Scope = oauthToken.scope }; _linkedAccountRepository.Create(linkedAccount); _unitOfWork.Commit(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
protected override void ProcessHTML() { if (HtmlDoc != null && HtmlDoc.HasData) { string firstItem = string.Empty; List <LinkedAccount> items = new List <LinkedAccount>(); List <ParseDataItem> components = null; IEnumerable <ParseDataItem> htmlItems = HtmlDoc.Items.Where(x => !x.Header.ToUpper().Contains("DEFINITION")); IEnumerable <ParseDataItem> toSearch = htmlItems.Count() > 1 ? htmlItems : htmlItems.ElementAt(0).Children; //IEnumerable<ParseDataItem> toSearch = HtmlDoc.Items.Count() > 1 ? HtmlDoc.Items : HtmlDoc.Items.ElementAt(0).Children; if (toSearch != null && toSearch.Any()) { if (toSearch != null && toSearch.Any()) { foreach (ParseDataItem item in toSearch) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstItem)) { firstItem = item.Header; } if (item.Header.Equals(firstItem) && components != null && components.Any()) { LinkedAccount newItem = new LinkedAccount(Logger, DisplaySectionName, components); if (newItem.HasData) { items.Add(newItem); } components = null; } if (components == null) { components = new List <ParseDataItem>(); } components.Add(item); } if (components != null && components.Any()) { LinkedAccount newItem = new LinkedAccount(Logger, DisplaySectionName, components); if (newItem.HasData) { items.Add(newItem); } } } if (items.Count == 0) { throw new SectionEmptyException(DisplaySectionName); } Items = items; } } if (!HasData) { throw new SectionEmptyException(DisplaySectionName); } }
public ActionResult LinkedInCallback(string code, string state) { var linkedInService = new LinkedInService("81ed9a1o1frnfw", "1LhWRlz3ZCWxSjyF"); var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(ControllerContext.RequestContext); var callbackUrl = urlHelper.Action("LinkedInCallback", "Profile", null, "http"); state = Session["linkedin_state"].ToString(); var oauthToken = linkedInService.ExchangeCodeForToken(code, state, callbackUrl); var linkedInExists = _linkedAccountRepository.GetBy(l => l.AccountType == LinkedAccountType.LinkedIn && l.UserId == WebUser.Id); if (linkedInExists != null) { linkedInExists.AccessToken = oauthToken.access_token; linkedInExists.Scope = oauthToken.scope; _linkedAccountRepository.Update(linkedInExists); _unitOfWork.Commit(); } else { var linkedAccount = new LinkedAccount { AccountType = LinkedAccountType.LinkedIn, UserId = WebUser.Id, AccessToken = oauthToken.access_token, Scope = oauthToken.scope }; _linkedAccountRepository.Create(linkedAccount); _unitOfWork.Commit(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> RunAsync( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "disconnect")] HttpRequest request, [Table("LinkedAccounts")] CloudTable table, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { (ClaimsPrincipal user, SecurityToken _) = await _auth0Authenticator.AuthenticateAsync(request, logger, cancellationToken); string userId = _auth0Authenticator.GetUserId(user); logger.LogInformation($"User authenticated, user id='{userId}'"); try { LinkedAccount linkedAccount = await _linkedAccountService.GetLinkedAccountAsync(userId, table, logger); // De-authorize Strava account await DeauthorizeAsync(linkedAccount, logger, cancellationToken); // Delete linked account from table storage TableOperation operation = TableOperation.Delete(linkedAccount); await table.ExecuteAsync(operation); // todo: delete workout files from blob storage return(new OkResult()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Error occurred while trying to unlink Strava account"); return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError)); } }
public static void Evaluate(LinkedAccount account) { if (account.Directory.Account.Mail != account.Directory.Account.PrincipalName) { account.Actions.Add(new PrincipalNameMustEqualMail()); account.Directory.FlagWarning(); account.OK = false; } }
protected override void RemoveLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { var removed = this.LinkedAccountsCollection.SingleOrDefault( x => x.ProviderAccountID == item.ProviderAccountID && x.ProviderName == item.ProviderName && x.LastLogin == item.LastLogin); this.LinkedAccountsCollection.Remove(removed); }
protected override void AddLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { var linkedAccount = new NhLinkedAccount(); linkedAccount.GetType().GetProperty("LastLogin").SetValue(linkedAccount, item.LastLogin); linkedAccount.GetType().GetProperty("ProviderAccountID").SetValue(linkedAccount, item.ProviderAccountID); linkedAccount.GetType().GetProperty("ProviderName").SetValue(linkedAccount, item.ProviderName); linkedAccount.GetType().GetProperty("Account").SetValue(linkedAccount, this); this.LinkedAccountsCollection.Add(linkedAccount); }
public static void Evaluate(LinkedAccount account) { if (!account.Smartschool.Account.BirthPlace.Equals(account.Wisa.Account.PlaceOfBirth, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { account.Smartschool.FlagWarning(); account.Actions.Add(new ModifySmartschoolBirthPlace()); account.OK = false; } }
public async override Task Apply(LinkedAccount account, DateTime deletionDate) { bool connected = await State.App.Instance.AD.Connect().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!connected) { return; } account.Directory.Account.PrincipalName = account.Directory.Account.Mail; }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { int loggedUser = (int)Session["id"]; id = db.LinkedAccounts.Where(x => ((x.Account1ID == id && x.Account2ID == loggedUser) || (x.Account1ID == loggedUser && x.Account2ID == id))).Select(x => x.ID).First(); LinkedAccount linkedAccount = db.LinkedAccounts.Find(id); db.LinkedAccounts.Remove(linkedAccount); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Details2", "Users", new { id = (int)Session["id"] })); }
private async Task <string> GetValidStravaAccessTokenAsync(LinkedAccount linkedAccount, CloudTable table, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (linkedAccount.ExpiresAt > DateTime.Now) { return(linkedAccount.AccessToken); } try { logger.LogInformation($"Access token expired at '{linkedAccount.ExpiresAt}', trying to refresh..."); RefreshTokenModel refreshTokenModel = new RefreshTokenModel() { ClientId = _configuration["Strava:ClientId"], ClientSecret = _configuration["Strava:ClientSecret"], RefreshToken = linkedAccount.RefreshToken }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(refreshTokenModel); HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(new Uri(""), new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"), cancellationToken); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); logger.LogInformation($"Received token response from Strava: '{responseBody}'"); AccessTokenModel accessTokenModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AccessTokenModel>(responseBody); logger.LogInformation($"Parsed Access token: '{accessTokenModel.AccessToken}', expires at '{accessTokenModel.ExpiresAt}'"); // Update tokens in the table storage logger.LogInformation($"Saving access token for user: '******' '{linkedAccount.IdpUserName}'. Strava user:'******' {linkedAccount.FirstName} {linkedAccount.LastName}"); linkedAccount.TokenType = accessTokenModel.TokenType; linkedAccount.AccessToken = accessTokenModel.AccessToken; linkedAccount.ExpiresAt = accessTokenModel.ExpiresAt; linkedAccount.RefreshToken = accessTokenModel.RefreshToken; TableOperation operation = TableOperation.Merge(linkedAccount); await table.ExecuteAsync(operation); return(accessTokenModel.AccessToken); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Error occurred while requesting athlete info from Strava"); return(null); } }
private async Task DeauthorizeAsync(LinkedAccount linkedAccount, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { logger.LogInformation($"Calling deauthorize endpoint for user: '******' '{linkedAccount.IdpUserName}'. Strava user:'******' {linkedAccount.FirstName} {linkedAccount.LastName}"); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, new Uri("")); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", linkedAccount.AccessToken); HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); logger.LogInformation($"Received token response from Strava: '{responseBody}'"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> RunAsync( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "connect")] [FromBody] Shared.Models.ConnectStravaApp connectStravaApp, HttpRequest request, [Table("LinkedAccounts")] CloudTable table, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { (ClaimsPrincipal user, SecurityToken _) = await _auth0Authenticator.AuthenticateAsync(request, logger, cancellationToken); string userId = _auth0Authenticator.GetUserId(user); logger.LogInformation($"User authenticated, user id='{userId}'"); // Hit the auth0 user_info API and see what we get back about this user var authorizationHeader = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(request.Headers["Authorization"]); Auth0UserInfo userInfo = await GetAuth0UserinfoAsync(authorizationHeader, logger, cancellationToken); logger.LogInformation($"Got user info from auth0: '{userInfo}'"); AccessTokenModel stravaAccessToken = await PerformCodeExchangeAsync(connectStravaApp.AuthorizationCode, userInfo, logger, cancellationToken); // Save token in the table storage LinkedAccount linkedAccount = new LinkedAccount() { IdpUserId = userInfo.UserId, IdpUserName = userInfo.Name, StravaAccountId = stravaAccessToken.Athlete.Id, FirstName = stravaAccessToken.Athlete.FirstName, LastName = stravaAccessToken.Athlete.LastName, Profile = stravaAccessToken.Athlete.Profile, TokenType = stravaAccessToken.TokenType, AccessToken = stravaAccessToken.AccessToken, ExpiresAt = stravaAccessToken.ExpiresAt, RefreshToken = stravaAccessToken.RefreshToken, }; logger.LogInformation($"Saving access token for user: '******' '{linkedAccount.IdpUserName}'. Strava user:'******' {linkedAccount.FirstName} {linkedAccount.LastName}"); linkedAccount.PartitionKey = Constants.LinkedAccountPartitionKey; linkedAccount.RowKey = linkedAccount.IdpUserId; linkedAccount.ETag = "*"; TableOperation operation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(linkedAccount); await table.ExecuteAsync(operation); return(new OkResult()); }
public override FlowDocument GetDetails(LinkedAccount account) { var result = new FlowTableCreator(true); result.SetHeaders(new string[] { "Active Directory", "Smartschool" }); result.AddRow(new List <string>() { "Email", account.Directory.Account.PrincipalName, account.Smartschool.Account.Mail }); FlowDocument document = new FlowDocument(); document.Blocks.Add(result.Create()); return(document); }
public async Task <LinkedAccount> GetLinkedAccountAsync(string userId, CloudTable table, ILogger logger) { try { TableOperation retrieveOperation = TableOperation.Retrieve <LinkedAccount>(Constants.LinkedAccountPartitionKey, userId); TableResult result = await table.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOperation); LinkedAccount linkedAccount = result.Result as LinkedAccount; return(linkedAccount); } catch (StorageException ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Cannot read linked account from the table storage"); return(null); } }
// GET: LinkedAccounts/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } int loggedUser = (int)Session["id"]; id = db.LinkedAccounts.Where(x => ((x.Account1ID == id && x.Account2ID == loggedUser) || (x.Account1ID == loggedUser && x.Account2ID == id))).Select(x => x.ID).First(); LinkedAccount linkedAccount = db.LinkedAccounts.Find(id); if (linkedAccount == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(linkedAccount)); }
public async Task LinkAccount(string linkedService, string link) { if (supportedLinks.Any(x => x.Equals(linkedService, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { LinkedAccount acc = new LinkedAccount { User = await _database.UserData.FirstOrDefaultAsync(usr => usr.UserId == Context.User.Id), LinkedServiceLink = link, Type = linkedService }; } else { await ReplyAsync("This service is not supported for linking"); return; } }
public ActionResult LinkAccount(User model) { /* * This will check if the username is in the database while also retrieving the password asociated with the user. * If the user isn't in the database, then the query returns null which is handled by the ??. If a result is null * The the var password is assigned whatever is put on the right side of ?? */ string password = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username == model.Username.ToString()).Select(x => x.Password).FirstOrDefault() ?? "NoUser"; if (password != model.Password.ToString() || password == "NoUser") { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Incorrect user name or password"); return(View(model)); } else { int userId = (int)(from x in db.Users where x.Username == model.Username.ToString() select x.ID).SingleOrDefault(); User user = db.Users.Find(userId); //Check if trying to link to yourself int loggedInId = (int)Session["id"]; if (user.ID == loggedInId) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Cannot link to yourself"); return(View(model)); } //Check if this other account is already linked to be sure if (db.LinkedAccounts.Where(x => x.Account1ID == user.ID || x.Account2ID == user.ID).Count() == 0) { LinkedAccount newLink = new LinkedAccount(); newLink.Account1ID = (int)Session["id"]; newLink.Account2ID = userId; db.LinkedAccounts.Add(newLink); db.SaveChanges(); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "That Account is already linked"); return(View(model)); } return(RedirectToAction("Details2", "Users", new { id = (int)Session["id"] })); } }
public override FlowDocument GetDetails(LinkedAccount account) { var result = new FlowTableCreator(false); result.SetHeaders(new string[] { "Veld", "Waarde" }); result.AddRow(new List <string>() { "Mail", account.Directory.Account.Mail }); result.AddRow(new List <string>() { "UserPrincipalName", account.Directory.Account.PrincipalName }); FlowDocument document = new FlowDocument(); document.Blocks.Add(result.Create()); return(document); }
private async Task <AthleteModel> GetAthleteAsync(string token, LinkedAccount linkedAccount, CloudTable table, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, new Uri("")); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token); HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); logger.LogInformation($"Received response from Strava: '{responseBody}'"); AthleteModel athleteModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AthleteModel>(responseBody); // Update linked account in the table storage if the user profile changed if (linkedAccount.StravaAccountId != athleteModel.Id || linkedAccount.FirstName != athleteModel.FirstName || linkedAccount.LastName != athleteModel.LastName) { logger.LogInformation($"Updating Strava account for user: '******' '{linkedAccount.IdpUserName}'. Strava user:'******' {linkedAccount.FirstName} {linkedAccount.LastName}"); linkedAccount.StravaAccountId = athleteModel.Id; linkedAccount.FirstName = athleteModel.FirstName; linkedAccount.LastName = athleteModel.LastName; TableOperation operation = TableOperation.Merge(linkedAccount); await table.ExecuteAsync(operation); } return(athleteModel); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Error occurred while requesting athlete info from Strava"); return(null); } }
protected override OpResult _Store(LinkedAccount _obj) { if (_obj == null) { return(OpResult.NotifyStoreAction(OpResult.ResultStatus.ObjectIsNull, _obj, "LinkedAccount object cannot be created as it is null")); } if (Exists(_obj)) { ExecuteNonQuery(GetQuery_UpdateQuery(_obj)); return(OpResult.NotifyStoreAction(OpResult.ResultStatus.Updated, _obj)); } ExecuteNonQuery(GetQuery_InsertQuery(_obj)); if (_obj.LinkedAccountID == null) { _obj.LinkedAccountID = DbMgr.GetLastInsertID(); } _obj.FromDb = true; return(OpResult.NotifyStoreAction(OpResult.ResultStatus.Created, _obj)); }
private async Task <AthleteStatsModel> GetAthleteStatsAsync(string token, LinkedAccount linkedAccount, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, new Uri("https://" + $"{linkedAccount.StravaAccountId}/stats")); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token); HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); logger.LogInformation($"Received response from Strava: '{responseBody}'"); AthleteStatsModel statsModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AthleteStatsModel>(responseBody); return(statsModel); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Error occurred while requesting athlete info from Strava"); return(null); } }
protected internal override void RemoveLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { LinkedAccountCollection.Remove((TLinkedAccount)item); }
protected internal override void AddLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { LinkedAccountCollection.Add(item); }
protected internal override void AddLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { LinkedAccountCollection.Add(new TLinkedAccount { ParentKey = this.Key, ProviderName = item.ProviderName, ProviderAccountID = item.ProviderAccountID, LastLogin = item.LastLogin }); }
public async override Task Apply(LinkedAccount linkedAccount, DateTime deletionDate) { linkedAccount.Smartschool.Account.BirthPlace = linkedAccount.Wisa.Account.PlaceOfBirth; await AccountApi.Smartschool.AccountManager.Save(linkedAccount.Smartschool.Account, "").ConfigureAwait(false); }
protected internal override void AddLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { LinkedAccountCollection.Add(new RelationalLinkedAccount { UserAccountID = this.ID, ProviderName = item.ProviderName, ProviderAccountID = item.ProviderAccountID, LastLogin = item.LastLogin }); }
// GET: Users/Details/5 public ActionResult Details2(int?id, string sortOrder, string currentFilter, int?page, string postAndOrUsername) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } UserAndPosts user = new UserAndPosts(); user.user = db.Users.Find(id); user.posts = (from x in db.UserPosts where x.User_ID == id select x).ToList(); /* * There are several situations when it comes to being able to follow * and see if you are already following. We also have to consider whether * a user is viewing their own page in which case the option to follow * or unfollow shouldn't appear as a user can't follow themseves */ //No one is logged in or user is viewing themselves if (Session["username"] == null || Session["username"].ToString() == user.user.Username) { user.following = "invalid"; if (Session["username"] == null || Session["username"].ToString() == user.user.Username) { if (db.LinkedAccounts.Where(x => x.Account1ID == id || x.Account2ID == id).Count() > 0) { LinkedAccount link = db.LinkedAccounts.Where(x => x.Account1ID == id || x.Account2ID == id).Single(); if (link.Account1ID == id) { user.otherAccount = db.Users.Find(link.Account2ID); } else { user.otherAccount = db.Users.Find(link.Account1ID); } } } } //User is viewing another profile and is logged in else { int sessionID = (int)Session["id"]; //int followingint = db.FollowLists.Where(x => (x.FolloweeID == id) && (x.FollowerID == sessionID)).Select(x => x.ID); if ((db.FollowLists.Where(x => (x.FolloweeID == id) && (x.FollowerID == sessionID)).Select(x => x.ID)).FirstOrDefault() != 0) { //There is a following between current user and profile of the user they are on, //meaning they should get the option to unfollow user.following = "Unfollow"; } else { //They are not following the user profile they are currently on. //meaning they should get the option to follow user.following = "Follow"; } user.otherAccount = null; } //Sorting the Table ViewBag.CurrentSort = sortOrder; List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add("Post Title"); list.Add("Username"); list.Add("Both"); ViewBag.PostAndOrUsername = new SelectList(list); ViewBag.SelectedPostAndOrUsername = postAndOrUsername; ViewBag.DateSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "date_asc" : ""; ViewBag.TitleSortParm = sortOrder == "Title" ? "title_desc" : "Title"; ViewBag.LikesSortParm = sortOrder == "Likes" ? "likes_desc" : "Likes"; ViewBag.DislikesSortParm = sortOrder == "Dislikes" ? "dislikes_desc" : "Dislikes"; ViewBag.UserNameSortParm = sortOrder == "UserName" ? "userName_desc" : "UserName"; page = 1; switch (sortOrder) { case "date_asc": user.posts = user.posts.OrderBy(p => p.Date_Posted); break; case "title_desc": user.posts = user.posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.Title); break; case "Title": user.posts = user.posts.OrderBy(p => p.Title); break; case "likes_desc": user.posts = user.posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.Likes); break; case "Likes": user.posts = user.posts.OrderBy(p => p.Likes); break; case "dislikes_desc": user.posts = user.posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.Dislikes); break; case "Dislikes": user.posts = user.posts.OrderBy(p => p.Dislikes); break; default: user.posts = user.posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.Date_Posted); break; } //End of sorting the Table /* USE FOR PAGING THE TABLE * int pageSize = 3; * int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); */ return(View(user)); }
private DbUpdateStatement GetQuery_UpdateQuery(LinkedAccount _obj) { return(DbMgr.CreateUpdateClause("LinkedAccounts", GetFields(_obj), "LinkedAccountID", _obj.LinkedAccountID)); }
protected internal override void RemoveLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { LinkedAccountCollection.Remove((RelationalLinkedAccountInt)item); }
public async Task <IActionResult> RunAsync( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = "userinfo")] HttpRequest request, [Table("LinkedAccounts")] CloudTable table, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { // The "user" returned here is an actual ClaimsPrincipal with the claims that were in the access_token. // The "token" is a SecurityToken that can be used to invoke services on the part of the user. E.g., create a Google Calendar event on the user's calendar. (ClaimsPrincipal user, SecurityToken token) = await _auth0Authenticator.AuthenticateAsync(request, logger, cancellationToken); string userId = _auth0Authenticator.GetUserId(user); logger.LogInformation($"User authenticated, user id='{userId}'"); UserInfoModel userInfo = new UserInfoModel(); LinkedAccount linkedAccount = await _linkedAccountService.GetLinkedAccountAsync(userId, table, logger); if (linkedAccount != null) { // validate that the access token has not expired and renew if needed string accessToken = await GetValidStravaAccessTokenAsync(linkedAccount, table, logger, cancellationToken); if (accessToken != null) { AthleteModel athlete = await GetAthleteAsync(accessToken, linkedAccount, table, logger, cancellationToken); if (athlete != null) { logger.LogInformation($"Got athlete info from Strava: '{athlete}'"); userInfo.FirstName = athlete.FirstName; userInfo.LastName = athlete.LastName; userInfo.Country = athlete.Country; userInfo.City = athlete.City; userInfo.PictureUrl = athlete.Profile; userInfo.IsStravaAccountLinked = true; } AthleteStatsModel stats = await GetAthleteStatsAsync(accessToken, linkedAccount, logger, cancellationToken); if (stats != null) { logger.LogInformation($"Got athlete stats from Strava: '{stats}'"); userInfo.Runs = stats.AllRunsTotals.Count; userInfo.Swims = stats.AllSwimsTotals.Count; userInfo.Rides = stats.AllRidesTotals.Count; } } } return(new OkObjectResult(userInfo)); } catch (AuthException) { return(new UnauthorizedResult()); } }
protected internal override void RemoveLinkedAccount(LinkedAccount item) { LinkedAccountCollection.Remove(item); }