public void LinkButtonCreate(string action, string controller, string text, string name, string value, object param)
            LinkButtonCreation buttonCreation = new LinkButtonCreation();
            var attributes = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(param);
            var    button     = buttonCreation.LinkButtonCreate(action, controller, text, name, value, param);
            string htmlOutput = "";

            using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                button.WriteTo(writer, System.Text.Encodings.Web.HtmlEncoder.Default);
                htmlOutput = writer.ToString();

            Assert.StartsWith("<a", htmlOutput);
            Assert.Contains($"href=\"/{controller}/{action}?{name}={value}\"".Trim().ToLower(), htmlOutput.Trim().ToLower());
            Assert.Contains($"id=\"{action}_{name}_{value}\"".Trim().ToLower(), htmlOutput.Trim().ToLower());
            foreach (var atr in attributes)
                Assert.Contains($"{atr.Key}=\"{atr.Value}\"".Trim().ToLower(), htmlOutput.Trim().ToLower());
            Assert.EndsWith($">{text}</a>".Trim().ToLower(), htmlOutput.Trim().ToLower());
        //This is work in progress. Apply SOLID and DRY because it is too long and complex
        //Future modifications:
        //1. Done (Send the buttons as modiffiers, so they can be attached only when needed)
        //2. Done (Image modifier to wrap a specific column, just as NationalFlag one)
        //3. Done (String formatter to separate camel-case in different words)
        //4. Icons on buttons
        //5. Exception handling here and in the related classes
        public static IHtmlContent AutomaticTableTypedWithActions <TModel, TResult>(this IHtmlHelper htmlHelper,
                                                                                    Expression <Func <TModel, TResult> > idProperty, IEnumerable <TModel> data,
                                                                                    object tableHtmlAttributes,
                                                                                    string detailLinkTargetAction, string detailLinkTargetController,
                                                                                    string editLinkText, string editTargetAction, string editTargetController,
                                                                                    object editHtmlAttributes,
                                                                                    string deleteLinkText, string deleteTargetAction, string deleteTargetController,
                                                                                    object deleteHtmlAttributes, Expression <Func <TModel, TResult> > imageProperty)
            where TModel : class, new()
            //Starting the table and adding attributes to it
            var table = new TagBuilder("table");


            //Create a new row for the header
            var headerRow = TableParts.CreateTableHeaderRowWithActions <TModel>(new string[] { editLinkText, deleteLinkText });


            //Getting the name and value of the expression received to identify which one is the ID
            var bodyId         = idProperty.Body  as MemberExpression;
            var idPropertyName = bodyId.Member.Name;

            //Getting the name and value of the expression received to identify which one is the ID
            var bodyImg         = imageProperty.Body as MemberExpression;
            var imgPropertyName = bodyImg.Member.Name;

            bool         firstTime       = true;
            Type         dType           = null;
            PropertyInfo modelIdPropety  = null;
            PropertyInfo modelImgPropety = null;

            foreach (var d in data)
                //Getting the value of model's ID property that belongs to the object "d"
                if (firstTime)
                    //avoiding the use of reflection all the time
                    dType           = d.GetType();
                    modelIdPropety  = dType.GetProperty(idPropertyName);
                    modelImgPropety = dType.GetProperty(imgPropertyName);
                    firstTime       = false;
                //Getting the values of the desired properties
                object modelIdPropertyValue  = modelIdPropety.GetValue(d);
                object modelImgPropertyValue = modelImgPropety.GetValue(d);

                //Making a new row for the table
                var dataRow = TableParts.CreateTableRowWithDetailAndImage(idPropertyName, modelIdPropertyValue, d, dType,
                                                                          detailLinkTargetAction, detailLinkTargetController,
                                                                          imgPropertyName, modelImgPropertyValue);

                //Creating a link button for the Edit action
                LinkButtonCreation buttons = new LinkButtonCreation();
                var editButton             = buttons.LinkButtonCreate(editTargetAction, editTargetController, editLinkText,
                                                                      idPropertyName.ToLower(), modelIdPropertyValue.ToString(),
                //Creating a link button for the Delete action
                var deleteButton = buttons.LinkButtonCreate(deleteTargetAction, deleteTargetController, deleteLinkText,
                                                            idPropertyName.ToLower(), modelIdPropertyValue.ToString(),
                //Appending buttons to row
                RowModificator.AppendCustomCellToRow(ref dataRow, editButton);
                RowModificator.AppendCustomCellToRow(ref dataRow, deleteButton);