public void Testing() { var hashTable = new LinearProbingHashTable <string, int>(); hashTable.Insert("S", 0); hashTable.Insert("E", 1); hashTable.Insert("A", 2); hashTable.Insert("R", 3); hashTable.Insert("C", 4); hashTable.Insert("H", 5); hashTable.Insert("E", 6); hashTable.Insert("X", 7); hashTable.Insert("A", 8); hashTable.Insert("M", 9); hashTable.Insert("P", 10); hashTable.Insert("L", 11); hashTable.Insert("E", 12); var result = hashTable.Search("X"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { FirstNonRepeatingChar obj = new FirstNonRepeatingChar(); string ch = obj.FindFirstNonRepeatingChar("a green apple"); Console.WriteLine(obj.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("First Non-Repeating character is " + ch); FirstRepeatedCharacter rep = new FirstRepeatedCharacter(); char repCh = rep.FindFirstRepeatedCharacter("a green apple"); Console.WriteLine("First Repeated character is " + repCh); MyHashTable hashtbl = new MyHashTable(); //hashtbl.remove(6); hashtbl.put(6, "A"); hashtbl.put(8, "B"); hashtbl.put(11, "C"); hashtbl.put(6, "D"); Console.WriteLine("Value of key 11 is " + hashtbl.get(11)); Console.WriteLine("Value of key 10 is " + hashtbl.get(10)); //hashtbl.remove(6); //hashtbl.remove(7); //================ Most frequently repeated item in array ==============// HashTableExercise ex = new HashTableExercise(); var mostRepeated = ex.GetMostFrequent(new int[12] { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 }); Console.WriteLine("Most Repeated element in array is :" + mostRepeated); var uniquePairs = ex.countPairsWithDiff(new int[7] { 1, 7, 5, 9, 2, 12, 3 }, 2); Console.WriteLine("Count of numbers of unique pairs with difference of 2 :" + uniquePairs); var indices = ex.twoSum(new int[4] { 2, 7, 11, 15 }, 9); //================== Linear Probing Hash Table ========================// LinearProbingHashTable linearProbing = new LinearProbingHashTable(); linearProbing.put(1, 2); linearProbing.put(11, 3); linearProbing.put(17, 5); linearProbing.put(3, 4); linearProbing.put(2, 10); //linearProbing.put(22, 11); linearProbing.remove(17); Console.WriteLine("Size of array is :" + linearProbing.size()); Console.WriteLine("Value of key 11 is :" + linearProbing.getValue(11)); Console.ReadLine(); }